Storytown Grade 1-2 Lesson 8

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Learn to look for details in a story. Words to ... Genre: Nonfiction. 3. Get Started. Story. 1. Genre: Realistic Fiction. 2. 53 ... ...
Contents Get Started Story

“Thanks, Seth!” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 by Anne Mansk • illustrated by Linda Bronson

I will read this Get Started Story.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

Learn to look for details in a story.

Words to Know . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Learn to read and write new high-frequency words.

“Beth’s Job” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 by Carole Roberts • illustrated by Michael Garland

• Learn the features of realistic fiction. • Learn how to use graphic organizers.

“Flowers Grow” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Learn how a seed becomes a flower.

Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 • Compare texts. • Write a question and an answer. • Practice building words. • Reread for fluency.


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Stor y Get Star ted




Genr e: Re a lis t ic Fic t ion

Genr e: Non f ic t ion


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Get Started Story

Phonics Words with th

Words to Know Review

I do sees he the now

by Anne Mansk illustrated by Linda Bronson 54

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B en is not gla d. “ C a n I d o t h i s m a t h? ”


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S eth s e e s B en. “I c an help B en,” think s S eth. 56

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B en s e e s S eth. S eth tells B en he c an help. 57

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S eth help s B en w ith the ta s k. 58

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Now B en c an a dd fa s t. 59

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S eth and B en are gla d! B en did all the m a th. 60

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T h ank s, S eth! 61

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Details Details give sm all bits of inform a tion about s omething. Details help you picture the pers on, anim al, place, or thing in your mind.

Look a t the picture. It show s details of w ha t this child is ha v ing for lunch.


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Tell about this picture. What details do you see?

Try This Look a t the picture. Tell how the details help you understand w ha t is happening.


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High-Frequency Words

don’t s a ys water Mr. new line her


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“I don’t ha ve a job,” s a ys Beth. “You can water this plant,” Mr. Hall s a ys. Ma x ha s a new job, too. He help s Hop s. We get in line to pet her.


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Re a lis t ic Fic t ion

Genre Study

Realistic fiction stories are made up, but they could happen in real life. Beginning



Comprehension Strategy

Use Graphic Organizers A story map can help you understand and remember the beginning, middle, and ending of a story.


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Beth’s ob by Carole Rober ts illustrated by Michael Garland


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It’s the day for new jobs. 68

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“ What is my job?” asks Beth. 69

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“You can water the plant,” says Mr. Hall. 70

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“Oh, no,” thinks Beth. 71

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Max helps with Hops. Hops is the class pet. 72

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“I want that job,” thinks Beth. 73

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Eggss ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 21

Ann helps with the eggs. 74

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Beth wants that job. 75

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Jeff is first in line. 76

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Beth wants that job, too. 77

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Glen gets to hold the flag. 78

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“I want to hold the flag,” thinks Beth. 79

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“I don’t like this plant,” thinks Beth. 80

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“I want a new job.” 81

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“Look at this flower, Beth!” says Mr. Hall. 82

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“Oh, my!” says the class. 83

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“Oh, my!” says Beth. “How did that get there?” 84

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“This job is the best!” Beth likes her job at last! 85

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Think Critically 1

How does Beth feel about her job when the story begins? How does she feel at the end? Why? COMPARE AND CONTRAST


What is one thing Beth does to help the plant? DETAILS


Why do you think Beth wants to help with the eggs? MAKE INFERENCES


How does Beth’s job make the classroom a better place? DRAW CONCLUSIONS


WRITE Write about a job you enjoy doing. Tell why that job is important. PERSONAL RESPONSE


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Mee t the I llustrator

Michael Garland Michael Garland has written and illustrated many books for children. He spent his childhood in New York exploring the woods, playing sports, and drawing. Drawing was the thing he did best. When he would draw something in school, his teachers would often show it to the class and put it up on the bulletin board. This helped him to decide he wanted to become an artist.


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d ea





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Non f ic t ion

Flowers Grow A p l a n t n e e d s w a t e r, l i g h t , a i r, and s oil to grow. young plant seedling seed


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9/29/06 8:21:37 AM

flower bud

T he plant grow s. N o w t h e r e i s a f l o w e r. How nice!


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Comparing Texts How is the plant in “Beth’s Job” like the one in “Flowers Grow”? How is Beth’s classroom like your classroom? How is it different? Tell about a job you have had at school.

Writing Dra w three pictures to show how Beth feels a t the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Label e ach picture w ith a word or s entence.

Beth is sad because she doesn’t like her job.


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Make and re ad new words. Start w ith path. Take a w a y pa. Add in a fter th. Change i to a . Add k to the end.

Fluency Practice Re ad the story aloud w ith a sm all group. Look a t the end m ark s of the s entences a s you re ad. Us e your voice to show how Beth and her cla s sm a tes feel.

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