Straightforward Pre-intermediate Unit Test 6 Answer key
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UNIT TEST ANSWER KEY. 1. a. 10. d. 19. b. 28. e. 2. d. 11. e. 20. d. 29. e. 3. e. 12
. c. 21. c. 30. e. 4. c. 13. e. 22. a. 31. e. 5. a. 14. c. 23. d. 32. c. 6. a. 15. b. 24. e.
Straightforward Pre-intermediate Unit Test 7. Answer key. 1 personal details. 2
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Straightforward Pre-intermediate Unit Test 10. Answer key. 1 d. 2 c. 3 d. 4 d. 5 a.
6 a. 7 b. 8 a. 9 c. 10 b. 11c. 12 b. 13 c. 14 a. 15 a. 16 for. 17 since. 18 since.
Note: In communicative exercises where several answers are possible, this
answer key contains some ... 1. should be treated 2. should be provided 3.
should be.
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Straightforward Pre-intermediate Unit Test 6 Answer key
Straightforward Pre-intermediate Unit Test 6. Answer key. 1 peanut butter. 2 junk
food. 3 ice cream. 4 hot dog. 5 service charge. 6 set menu. 7 main course.
Straightforward Pre-intermediate Unit Test 6 Answer key 1 peanut butter 2 junk food 3 ice cream 4 hot dog 5 service charge 6 set menu 7 main course 8 French fries 9c 10 a 11 b 12 b 13 c 14 traditional 15 enjoyable 16 complicated 17 delicious 18 cheapest 19 further 20 bigger / more expensive 21 worst 22 prettier 23 more traditional 24 best 25 The VAT on the bill was extremely high. 26 There’s a really good restaurant not far from here. 27 That tomato looks a bit old. 28 Strawberry sorbet is the least expensive dessert. 29 Our laboratory is less modern than yours. 30 He was the friendliest teacher I ever had. 31 The wine was the most expensive we ever bought. 32 She was much kinder than her husband. 33 That’s the least modern laboratory I have ever seen! 34 She’s the best dancer in our class. 35 c 36 f 37 h 38 b 39 e 40 a 41 g 42 d 43–46 Students’ own answers. 2 marks each.
Straightforward Pre-intermediate Unit Test 6 Answer Key