Strategic direction 1. Empowering and engaging people

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Co-produced. Endowed with rights and responsibilities. Equitable. Continuous. Shared accountability. Comprehensive. Ethi
The WHO Framework on integrated people-centred health services Geneva Health Forum 19-21 April 2016, Geneva

The changing global context: challenges and opportunities



Climate change


Rising costs


Citizen voice


Source: WHO Global Health Observatory Data Repository, 2015

Health system challenges EMERGING DEMANDS Double-burden of disease and multimorbidity

Unhealthy behaviours & lifestyle choices

SYSTEM CONSTRAINTS Lack of community empowerment and engagement Insufficient and misaligned financing Sub-optimal health workforce

Unequal access Greater citizens expectations

PoorHEALTH quality/safety

SYSTEM Deficient participation Low satisfaction

Increased need to self-manage care Need for cost efficiency and accountability

Limited intersectoral action

Service fragmentation and inappropriate service delivery model

People-centred and integrated health services in the NUKA health system, Alaska, USA

Case management in Torbay, UK

Promoting HIV/AIDS literacy in Angola

Integrated health care networks in Brazil

Integrated health care networks in Chile

Social participation in Tupiza, Bolivia

Shared accountability contract for population health outcomes, Kinzigtal, Germany

Promoting service coordination in Lithuania

Integrated care in South Karelia, Finland

What are the experiences to date?

Integrating HIV/AIDS and TB in Mali

Mobilizing communities to reduce maternal and neonatal deaths in Malawi

Family medicine in Thailand as part of UHC

Balanced scorecard to promote accountability, Afghanistan

Integrating traditional and complementary medicine in Asia

Communityowned primary care networks in Mali

Improved access to care for marginalized groups

Reduced unplanned hospitalizations

Increased ability to selfmanage

Shared decision-making

Shift in the balance of care, allocating resources closer to needs

What outcomes have been achieved?

Increased access to care

Greater community influence & better relationships with care providers that build awareness and trust

Improved health literacy

Workforce role enhancement

Reduced perinatal and neonatal mortality

Reduced costs

Increased health coverage

Greater community engagement & participatory representation

Better coordination of care

Greater quality of care


Lessons from implementation: challenges to achieve sustainability and scale



t3 Time (years)

Project’s duration Source: Adapted from Amelung et al. 2014, Transform Proposal


Project failure


Slow death


Struggling projects


Sustainable projects


Scaling up


System transformation

The vision “All people have equal access to quality health services that are co-produced in a way that meets their life course needs, are coordinated across the continuum of care and are comprehensive, safe, effective, timely, efficient and acceptable; and all carers are motivated, skilled and operate in a supportive environment”

Defining integrated people-centred health services delivery Shared accountability


Led by wholesystems thinking



Goal oriented



Integrated peoplecentred services delivery



Co-produced Continuous Comprehensive Sustainable Endowed with rights and responsibilities

Source: Adapted from National Voices (2013)



A model for integrated people-centred health services delivery

© World Health Organization 2015

The way forward: five strategies

© World Health Organization 2015

The way forward: five strategies

© World Health Organization 2015

Stategy1. Empowering & engaging people Examples of interventions

Improving health literacy

Fostering community participation

Sharing decision making between people & health professionals

Boosting community awareness

Giving people access to personal health records

Enhancing community delivered care

Supporting self-management

Harnessing patient and user groups

Promoting personal care

Addressing structural factors that marginalize at-risk communities

Parallel processes in the development and implementation of the Framework Parallel processes in the Framework consultation development and implementation Implementation support Interim report consultation of2015thePublic Framework Consultation with WHO Regional Offices Executive Board

2016 World Health Assembly

Call for action for IPCHS

Piloting and development of demonstration sites

Assessment and implementation toolkits Monitoring and evaluation Exchanging knowledge and facilitating change

Supporting the implementation of the Framework: aims and objective

Fostering partnerships

Developing a web platform

© World Health Organization 2015

Exchanging knowledge and facilitating change

Supporting demonstration sites

Developing a web platform Integratedcare4people

CONTACT INFORMATION Services Delivery and Safety Department World Health Organization Avenue Appia 20 CH-1211, Geneva 27 Switzerland For more information on health services delivery visit