Strategic Goals: Performance Indicators

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Grades 10 – 12: AP/ACT/SAT/PLTW Participation and Performance; Career. Technical Education Attainment ... AP, PLTW, an
MACS Districtwide Shared Decision Team 1

Strategic Goals: A. Curriculum

We will promote student learning that is aligned with a relevant curriculum and is consistent with rigorous standards.

B. Instruction

We will use instructional techniques that encourage all students, regardless of initial perceived ability level or learning style, to take ownership in their own learning.

C. Culture

We will create and maintain a culture of learning where all participants – staff, students, and families – feel safe, supported, and respected as partners.

Pathway to Readiness:  Grade 1: Reading, Writing and Numeracy  Beginning Grade 3: At or above grade level Reading, Writing and Numeracy  NYS Grades 3 – 8: At or above grade level Reading, Writing and Numeracy  Grade 9: Integrated Algebra (80% or better), Writing and Literacy Mastery; on track for graduation with 6 credits  Grade 10: On track with credits and exams for graduation  Grade 11: ELA (75% or better), Algebra 2/Trig  Grades 10 – 12: AP/ACT/SAT/PLTW Participation and Performance; Career Technical Education Attainment  Graduation and beyond

Performance Indicators Mexico Academy and Central Schools have made steady progress in many areas (as indicated by increased aspirational performance measures and graduation rates); however, there are many opportunities for improvement. One challenge is ensuring that we assess student learning in meaningful ways so that strategic interventions can be designed and implemented. We are taking steps to implement programs and services in a manner that enables us to monitor and support student learning at continuous intervals (via STAR and benchmarks) to respond rapidly in order to prevent failure and sustain student progress.

MACS Districtwide Shared Decision Team 2

Current State (as of June 2014) • • • • • • • • • • •

xx% of grades 3-8 students were proficient on the NYS ELA assessments xx% of grades 3-8 students were proficient on the NYS Math assessments xx% of students earned an Integrated Algebra Regents credit by the end of grade 9 xx% of students earned six credits by the end of grade 9 xx% of students earned 12 credits by end of grade 10 xx% of students earned at least two Science Regents credits by the end of grade 10 xx% of students were proficient on the Algebra 2/Trig Regents exam by the end of grade 11 xx% of students graduated in four years xx% of students earned a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation Average combined SAT score was xxxx Annual non-completers rate was x%

Our Desired State INDICATORS


Reading on grade level end of grade 1

xx% of first-graders will be reading on grade level by the end of grade 1. xx% of third-graders will be reading on grade level at the beginning of grade 3.

STAR grade level measure % of students meeting or exceeding standards

100% of third-graders scale score will reflect a year’s growth.

% of students achieving a year’s growth

Achievement gap will be less than five percentage points. xx% of 3-8 graders will be on grade level.

% reduction in achievement gap

Annual increase for students scoring proficient at 5% per year.

NYS assessment results % of students meeting or exceeding standards

100% of students in grades 3-8 scale scores will reflect a year’s growth.

% of students achieving a year’s growth

Reading on grade level beginning of grade 3

ELA grades 3-8 Math grades 3-8

Integrated Algebra with score of 80% or better by the end of grade 9

Six credits by the end of grade 9


STAR grade level measure % of students meeting or exceeding standards

NYS assessment results % of students meeting or exceeding standards

Achievement gap will be less than five percentage points. xx% of students will earn an Integrated Algebra credit by the end of grade 9.

% reduction in achievement gap % of students earning Integrated Algebra credit

70% of students will achieve a minimum score of 80%.

% of students earning Integrated Algebra credit with 80% or better

Achievement gap will be less than five percentage points. 95% of students will earn six credits by the end of grade 9.

% reduction in achievement gap % of students earning six credits by the end of grade 9

MACS Districtwide Shared Decision Team 3 On track to graduate at the end of grade 10

95% of students will earn 12 credits by the end of grade 10.

% of students earning 12 credits by the end of grade 10

95% will have passed three required exams toward graduation. 95% of 10th-graders will have two science credits by the end of grade 10.

% of students passing three exams

Algebra 2/Trig by grade 11

80% of 11th-graders will be proficient in Algebra/Trig by the end of grade 11.

% of students proficient in Algebra/Trig by the end of grade 11

High school graduation

Annual non-completers rate of 2% or less.

Annual non-completer rate

95% four year graduation rate. Average combined SAT score of 1650 or better.

% four-year graduation rate # and % of students with combined SAT score of 1650 or better

100% of students took at least one college level course. (enrollments in AP, PLTW, and Dual Credit courses)

% of students successfully completing

Sciences by grade 10

Readiness Indicators

% of students earning two science credits by the end of grade 10

Student Engagement and Satisfaction

Favorable School Climate rating of 95%

WE Surveys (B. Daggett)

High Expectations for Students

Utilization rate of student-centered strategies to include: AVID, Visible Learning, Student-Engaged Assessment, and “The Leader in Me.” 90% participation rate on survey. Improvement over baseline.

WE Surveys (B. Daggett)

100% of schools will meet benchmarks for Family Friendly Schools.

Family Friendly Schools benchmark analysis tool

Teacher Attitudes and Beliefs Family Engagement

Code of Conduct/PBIS

MACS Graduate satisfaction Aligned Resources

Annual increase in % positive response on survey. 100% of schools will implement Code of Conduct and use PBIS to respond to discipline infractions. Annual increase in customer satisfaction. Spending directed at instruction.

WE Surveys (B. Daggett)

Harvard University Parent Survey Schoolwide information data tools State Education reports/trends Lifetrack Surveys % of spending directed at instruction