The Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) came together in April 2015 and now .... communication and social marketing campaigns; media events and launches and.
Strategic Leadership Team
Who’s Who 2015
The Strategic Leadership Team The Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) came together in April 2015 and now meets monthly, bringing together leaders from across North Lanarkshire’s Health and Social Care Partnership (H&SCP). The SLT has and will take a strategic role in planning and operationally managing health and social care. The team is made up of various sections. Led by Chief Accountable Officer Janice Hewitt (Page 2) these include: 1. The Programme Office: Set up to coordinate the Strategic Commissioning Plan, manage day-to-day governance of health and social care and support the two operational heads with performance management, inspections, enquiries, briefings and complaints etc. (Pages 2&3) 2. Operational Heads: Two senior leaders from health and social care who are leading the design and implementation of integrated locality management arrangements, ensuring services (advice, support and care) are delivered in the most efficient, effective, safe and person-centred way. (Page 4 ) 3. Support Advisors: Those in lead roles in the delivery of key H&SCP functions, including Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Finance, Communications and Human Resources. (Pages 4,5,6,7) 4. Professional Advisors: A cohort of senior professionals from across our partnership, providing advice and direction as we implement plans. (Pages 7,8,9,10) 5. Director connections: The respective Directors of Acute Services and Social Work providing strategic leadership as health and social care integrate. (Page 11) The following document details a Who’s Who in the respective components of the SLT.
Name: Janice Hewitt Title:
Chief Accountable Officer
Key responsibilities: • Janice is responsible for the strategic planning of Health and Social Care Integration. • She is also responsible for the operational management of the functions in health and social care. • Janice ensures the performance of the delegated measures of integration. • She is also responsible for the financial management of the Integrated Health and Social Care budget.
1. Programme Office Name: Ross McGuffie Title:
Interim Head of Planning and Performance, NHS Lanarkshire
Key responsibilities: • Ross has a lead role in planning services within North Lanarkshire H&SCP. • He is responsible for development of appropriate performance frameworks and supporting operational heads in monitoring performance and quality of services. • Ross has a lead role in the development of plans, financial framework and monitoring the Reshaping Care for Older People programme and Integrated Care Fund. • He is also responsible, with a lead role, in improvement programmes, such as the Delayed Discharge Programme Board.
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Programme Office continued:
Name: Christine Jack Title: Operational Manager, North Lanarkshire Partnership Key responsibilities: • Christine is responsible for corporate governance, North Lanarkshire Partnership. • Other responsibilities include: Programme manager (Health) - Multi-Agency Inspection of Adult & Older People’s Services. • Operational/performance support with lead responsibility for risk management, premises and staff governance. • Site manager at NHS Lanarkshire HQ, Kirklands.
Name: Julie Arthur Title:
PA to Janice Hewitt, Chief Accountable Officer
Key responsibilities: • Julie is part of the North H&SCP Programme Office providing administration management and PA support to the chief accountable officer. • She is the key liaison with the SLT as well as staff, partners and colleagues across the H&SCP.
Name: Max Brown Title: Independent Health and Social Care Consultant Key responsibilities: Max has been engaged to: • Support the development of the new governance arrangements. • Support the development of the Performance Management and Outcomes Framework. • Oversee the establishment of the Programme Office. • Draft the Strategic Plan. Page 3
2. Operational Heads Name: Stephen Kerr Title:
Interim Head of Health, NHS Lanarkshire
Key responsibilities: • To contribute to the corporate management and governance of the Joint Strategic Commissioning Plan and lead on elements of its operational delivery. • Stephen works with the head of community care to lead the design and implementation of integrated locality management arrangements ensuring services (advice, support and care) are delivered in the most efficient, effective, safe and person-centred way. • He is responsible for the support and development of staff to enable their contribution to delivery of the values and objectives of the H&SCP in delivering the National Outcomes. • Stephen is responsible for supporting an integrated approach to planning and delivery of services across North Lanarkshire. • Other responsibilities include: Developing the H&SCP’s contribution to community planning with continued focus on reducing health inequalities.
Name: Bobby Miller Title:
Head of Community Care, North Lanarkshire Council.
Key responsibilities: • Delegated permanent role of chief social work officer in respect of community care in North Lanarkshire Council. • Bobby has accountability for the statutory duties of the council, professional and practice standards of services. (These responsibilities relate to assessment and planning, Self-directed Support, mental health and adult protection and for services provided or purchased which are registered by The Care Inspectorate). • Bobby is the chief social work officer in the absence of the head of social work services, in relation to services for children and justice. • Bobby is accountable to the chief accountable officer for managing operational services for three of the six locality areas for integrated services.
3. Support Advisors Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Name: Robert Forman Title:
Service Manager - Business Process Change & Improvement, North Lanarkshire Council
Key responsibilities: • Robert leads on field force mobilisation – giving staff access to the information they need when and where they need it (anytime/anywhere). • He’s responsible for online services – allowing service users/tenants to transact online. The aim is to empower service users/tenants, putting them at the centre of everything the service does. • Robert coordinates the development of housing and social work systems. He also manages housing and social work’s relationship with IT providers, both internal and external.
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Support Advisors continued:
Name: Donald Wilson Title: General Manager eHealth/Information and Communication Technology (ICT) NHS Lanarkshire Key responsibilities: • Donald is responsible for leading NHS Lanarkshire’s eHealth programme (eHealth is enabling the provision of IT solutions to NHS Lanarkshire). • He also takes overall responsibility for NHS Lanarkshire’s information services, health records, applications and infrastructure. • As we integrate Donald will be responsible, alongside local authority colleagues, for integration of ICT services and the increase of information-sharing.
Support Advisors: Finance Name: Una Coleman Role: Manager, Finance and Administration, North Lanarkshire Council Key responsibilities: • Una is responsible to the executive director of housing and social work services for the management of financial resources across the Service Housing Revenue Account* (HRA) non HRA and social work. • Una is also responsible for operational management of the finance, administration, financial inclusion and information technology functions.
* Income and expenditure in relation to a local authority’s own direct provision of housing must be recorded separately within a Housing Revenue Account (HRA) as laid out in Section 203 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987. In general terms, a HRA in Scotland is a separate account within the General Fund of a local authority.
Name: Fiona Porter Title: Deputy Director of Finance, Primary Care, NHS Lanarkshire Key responsibilities: • Fiona is responsible for the financial aspects of all areas within primary care across both North and South localities. • She is also responsible for financial reports produced monthly detailing the actual position against set budgets. • Fiona provides financial advice and support to the management team including delivering savings programmes and advising on any corrective action as necessary. • She manages the Family Health Service budget in the context of the National Contracts and is involved in the negotiations of any local financial elements of the contracts. • Fiona manages a staff of 16 within the finance department. Page 5
Support Advisors: Communications Name: Calvin Brown Title: Communication Manager, NHS Lanarkshire Key responsibilities: • Calvin leads on internal and external communications for North and South Lanarkshire community health services. • This includes responsibility across these areas for: media enquiries; communications planning and strategy; councillor, MSP and MP correspondence; social media; communication and social marketing campaigns; media events and launches and communications in support of consultation and engagement on service change. • Calvin is also the lead communications manager for the public website, organisational communications strategy, infection control, winter planning, and integration. This includes line management of the integration communications officer.
Name: Euan Duguid Title: Communication Officer, North and South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnerships Key responsibilities: • Working with communication colleagues in health and local authority, Euan has played a lead role in developing and subsequently implementing the communication strategy thus far. • Euan leads on the proactive strategy, promoting (locally and nationally) the many services, projects and teams within the partnerships. • He also leads on internal communications, ranging from newsletters to briefings, and raising awareness of integration across the partnerships. • Euan plays a key role in supporting and optimising the engagement process around the Strategic Commissioning Plan.
Support Advisors: Human Resources Name: Ruth Hibbert Title:
Divisional HR Director, NHS Lanarkshire
Key responsibilities: • Ruth leads the HR team responsible for providing the HR (employee relations) service to NHS staff in both the North and South H&SCPs and NHS Lanarkshire corporate departments. She deals with employee relations issues such as later-stage grievances, disciplinary and sickness absence cases, dismissal hearings and appeals. • Ruth is HR (Health) lead for employment and organisational change issues associated with the integration agenda. • She is responsible for development and review of all NHS Lanarkshire HR policies. • Ruth chairs the NHS Lanarkshire redeployment panel. • She also represents NHS employers in Scotland on the UK-wide Working Longer steering group.
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Name: Margaret Wilson Title:
Human Resources Manager, Housing and Social Work Services, North Lanarkshire Council
Key responsibilities: • Margaret is accountable to the executive director of housing and social work services. She is responsible for four separate teams/functions within the service structure. These are: • Personnel. • Learning and organisational development. • Health, safety, wellbeing and resilience. • Supported employment.
4. Professional Advisors
Name: Morag Dendy Title:
Manager (Younger Adults) Housing and Social Work, North Lanarkshire Council
Key responsibilities: • Key functions of Morag’s post include promoting the personalisation of outcome-focused support arrangements for adults in North Lanarkshire with a disability, long-term condition, learning disability, mental health difficulty or addiction issue. • Morag is also required to promote partnership working across statutory and other partnership arrangements, contributing significantly to both the social work and integrated strategic agendas.
Name: Joe McElholm Role: Manager Older Adults’ Services, North Lanarkshire Council Key responsibilities: • Joe is responsible for oversight and leadership of services and supports to older people and their carers. • Joe’s remit includes the development of partnership relationships with service user and carer representatives and with colleagues across the third and independent sectors, the NHS, housing and more widely. This includes home support and care home provision, intermediate care and integrated day services and promotion of Selfdirected Support approaches. • The strategic vision of Older Adults is to ‘Support more older people to live as independently as possible as active citizens, engaged in social networks of their choice.’ Page 7
Professional Advisors continued:
Name: Gabe Docherty Title:
Head of Health Improvement/Public Health Specialist, NHS Lanarkshire
Key responsibilities: • Gabe leads the health improvement/anticipatory care effort. • Other responsibilities include: Leading the response to addressing inequalities. • Managing the health improvement function. • Leading other public health functions such as needs assessment. • Gabe provides the JIB with expert advice on actions to improve health and reduce inequalities and fulfills senior management duties for the HSCP.
Name: Anne Armstrong Title: Deputy Nurse Director, NHS Lanarkshire Key responsibilities: • Anne has strategic and operational responsibility for the leadership and provision of the full range of nursing services within primary and community services. • This includes community, mental health, learning disabilities nursing, children’s services and community hospitals. • A key responsibility is to ensure the delivery of exemplary patient care. • Anne’s responsibilities also include the development and implementation of nursing strategy, care governance, service, practice modernisation and integration to address health inequalities. The aim is to improve and meet the health needs of the people of Lanarkshire.
Name: Dr Gregor Smith Title:
Divisional Medical Director, NHS Lanarkshire
Key responsibilities: • Gregor oversees the professional governance for services provided by GPs, General Dental Practitioners, paediatrics, mental health and learning disabilities, palliative care and sexual health services. • He provides clinical leadership to over 500 doctors across these specialities. • A key aspect of Gregor’s role is to direct the clinical governance and the risk management framework associated with these services and to provide clinical leadership around prescribing and clinical pathways. • Gregor leads on contractual negotiations with the Local Medical Committee, oversees the contractual framework for other independent professionals in primary care and has responsibility for renewing the NHS Lanarkshire healthcare strategy for primary care.
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Professional Advisors continued:
Name: Dr Philip McMenemy Title:
Associate Medical Director, Primary Care, NHS Lanarkshire
Key responsibilities: • Philip is responsible for liaison with general practice including contractual issues. • He is the General Medical Services implementation group chair and member of the NHS Lanarkshire team in the local negotiating group with the Local Medical Committee. • He is a member of primary care group and involved in verification of payments to GP contractors. • Philip’s other responsibilities include: Clinical governance including professional performance issues. • Chair of NHS Lanarkshire Information Assurance Committee. • Medical advisor to North H&SCP management team including work on needs analysis. • Member of the e-Health clinical development group. • Member of primary care medical leadership group and Associate Medical Directors’ group. • As part of the clinical leadership team, Philip has responsibilities around prescribing and medicines safety.
Name: Dr Alastair Cook Title:
Associate Medical Director (Mental Health, Learning Disability and Paediatrics) Director of Medical Education, NHS Lanarkshire
Key responsibilities: • Alastair has medical leadership responsibilities for secondary care services within former CHPs (pan-Lanarkshire). • Other responsibilities include: Clinical governance lead for mental health and learning disability services. • Lead for medical education across Lanarkshire (acute and H&SCPs). • Alastair is also appraiser for secondary care doctors NHS Lanarkshire.
Name: Peter McCrossan Title: Director for Allied Health Services Key responsibilities: • Peter leads the strategic direction of Allied Health Professions (AHPs) services within NHS Lanarkshire ensuring that AHP services are effectively integrated, organised and developed. • He ensures that the local waiting times standard, HEAT targets and national treatment guarantees are adhered to by AHP Services. • As the AHP Director, Peter is the principle source of AHP professional advice to the NHS Lanarkshire Board, H&SCPs and the acute operating division. • Peter’s responsibilities also include influencing and developing AHP policy and strategy within the wider national strategic context, including the AHP National Delivery plan.
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Professional Advisors continued:
Name: Dennis O’ Donnell Title:
Manager, Planning & Quality Assurance, Social Work, North Lanarkshire Council
Key responsibilities: • Dennis is responsible for the implementation of social work’s contractual framework (commissioning, procurement, contracting, administration of contracts and contract compliance). • Dennis oversees in-house complaints and management of 2nd and 3rd stage complaints handling process. • He has lead responsibility for information governance (data protection, subject access requests). He is social work lead on the Corporate Information Governance Working Group. • He is the social work lead on the Corporate Procurement Working Group. • Dennis oversees the production of housing and social work risk register. • He also oversees social work communications: newsletter, reports, leaflets and publications. • Dennis is the social work lead link officer to The Care Inspectorate (lead social work officer for joint social work/health inspection) and Adult Protection Committee member.
Name: Kenny Moffat Title:
CEO, Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire (VANL)
Key responsibilities: • Kenny manages the senior management team at VANL and his role involves dealing with a range of partners at both strategic and operational levels in order to represent and inform the voluntary and community sector across North Lanarkshire. • Kenny represents VANL (and the wider third sector) on a number of strategic groups – including the SLT. • He endeavours to ensure that decisions taken reflect the needs, aspirations and expectations of the sector at large as well as feeding in how the third sector can support and play an integral role as we integrate health and social care.
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5. Director connections
Name: Heather Knox Title:
Director of Acute Services, NHS Lanarkshire
Key responsibilities: • Heather is responsible for acute services across NHS Lanarkshire delivered through three sites, Hairmyres Hospital, Monklands Hospital and Wishaw Hospital. • Each site is run by a ‘triumvirate team’ of a site director, chief of nursing services and chief of medical services. • Heather’s role places key emphasis on ensuring the delivery of high quality, safe, person-centred care. • Heather has a central role in the planning of NHS Lanarkshire’s Healthcare Strategy and the Health and Social Care Partnerships in North and South Lanarkshire.
Name: Duncan MacKay Title: Executive Director of Housing and Social Work Services, North Lanarkshire Council Key responsibilities: • Duncan is the chief social work officer for North Lanarkshire Council. • He is required to ensure the provision of appropriate professional advice in the discharge of the local authority’s statutory social work duties. • Duncan assists North Lanarkshire Council in understanding the complexity of social work delivery and the key role social work plays in contributing to the achievement of local and national outcomes. • Duncan is also responsible for providing a range of housing services including managing estates, offering housing and maintaining waiting lists, homelessness services, warden services, tenancy services and the maintenance of the site for gypsy travellers. • He is responsible for commissioning and contracting children and justice social work services. • Duncan is also responsible for joint/integrated working with health.
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