Strategic Models for Business Intelligence Lei Jiang1, Daniele Barone1, Daniel Amyot2, John Mylopoulos1,3 Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada 2 EECS, University of Ottawa, Canada 3 DISI, University of Trento, Italy {leijiang, barone},
[email protected],
[email protected] 1
Abstract. Business Intelligence (BI) promises a range of technologies for using information to ensure compliance to strategic and tactical objectives, as well as government laws and regulations. These technologies can be used in conjunction with conceptual models of business objectives, processes and situations (aka business schemas) to drive strategic decision-making about opportunities and threats. This paper focuses on three key concepts for strategic business models – situation, influence and indicator – and how they are used, in the context of goal modeling, to build and analyze business schemas based on goal and probabilistic reasoning techniques. Keywords: Business Intelligence, Goal, Situation, Indicator, Influence Diagram.
Business Intelligence (BI) promises a range of technologies for using information within organizations to ensure compliance to strategic and tactical objectives, as well as government laws and regulations. As a research field, BI encompasses data and knowledge management, modeling of processes and policies, data quality, data privacy and security, data integration, data exchange, data cleaning, inconsistency management, information retrieval, data mining, analytics, and decision support. The past decade has seen unprecedented interest in BI technologies and services, and a corresponding growth of the BI market. By now, most competitive organizations have a significant investment in BI, much of it technology-related, based on software tools and artifacts. But business people – be they executives, consultants, or analysts – are in general agreement that what helps them the most is not new gadgets producing a dizzying array of statistics. Instead, they are interested in having their business data analyzed in their terms, which are strategic objectives, business models and strategies, business processes, markets, trends and risks. This gap between the worlds of business and data remains today the greatest barrier to the adoption of BI technologies, as well as the greatest cost factor in their application to specific projects. We propose to bridge this gap by extending the notion of conceptual schema to include concepts beyond entities and relationships. In particular, we are working on the design of a business modeling language (the Business Intelligence Model, or simply BIM) [25] as a business-level counterpart to the Entity-Relationship Model, so that strategic objectives, business processes, risks and trends can all be represented in a business schema, for purposes of analysis and monitoring. Users can query a business schema, much like conventional database schemas, but in terms of business
terms. Such queries are to be translated through schema mappings into queries defined over databases and data warehouses, and the answers are to be translated back into business-level concepts [26]. This paper focuses on three key concepts in BIM, those of situation, influence and indicator, and how they are used, in the context of goal modeling, to build and analyze business schemas based on goal and probabilistic reasoning techniques. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces BIM concepts and our view on instantiating a business schema. Sections 3 present various ways to analyze a business schema, using a running example built from real-world analysis reports. We discuss related work in Section 4, and conclude and point out to future work in Section 5.
Strategic Business Models
This section introduces the three key concepts (situation, influence and indicator) for building business schemas. In this paper, we present these concepts informally with intuitive examples. These concepts have been formalized using the DOLCE+ [1] upper ontology. We refer interested readers to [25] for a detailed discussion on this formalization. The concepts to be introduced in this section are intended to be used in the context of goal modeling. Given its wide popularity in Requirements Engineering, we only give a brief introduction to the notion of goal here. A goal represents an objective of a business, defined during strategic planning, and pursued during subsequent business operation. The basic characteristics of a goal include: (i) it may be (AND/OR) refined into subgoals so that its satisfaction depends on that of its subgoals; (ii) a goal may be satisfied in more than one way if it or its subgoals are OR-refined, in which case a choice needs to be made among alternatives; and (iii) a goal’s satisfaction may be affected by that of goals other than its subgoals. Goal analysis produces a goal model consisting of an AND/OR refinement tree with additional positive/negative contributions. The satisfaction of a goal can be inferred from that of others in the same goal model using a label propagation algorithm [7-8]. In addition to goals, we also model domain assumptions that assume properties of the domain in pursuing satisfaction of a goal. For example, the goal “to schedule meeting” may be AND-refined into subgoals “to collect timetables” and “to choose timeslots” assuming “there are meeting rooms available”. A domain assumption may, in fact, be false (broken), in which case goal fulfillment is not possible. 2.1
During strategic planning, SWOT (Strengths (internal, favorable), Weaknesses (internal, unfavorable), Opportunities (external, favorable), and Threats (external, unfavorable)) analysis [2] is often used to identify internal and external factors that may influence the fulfillment, favorable or unfavorable, of strategic goals. We propose to model these in terms of the notion of situation. Intuitively, a situation defines a partial state of the world in terms of things that exist in that state, their properties, and interrelations among them [22]. For example, the partnership between a company and a research network would be an external, unfavorable situation for the company’s competitor with respect to maintaining its technological superiority.
Since we are interested in strategic business models, we focus on organizational situations. The organization in question is the viewpoint of the situation. Note that the same situation may be favorable from one viewpoint, but unfavorable from others. In particular, we say an organizational situation is internal (analogously external) to its viewpoint if all (analogously none of) its components are related to the viewpoint through parthood relations. 2.2
To reason about goal fulfillment under the influence of situations, we extend the contribution relation from goals to situations. Traditionally in goal modeling, one goal is said to contribute to the other one if its satisfaction/denial implies (partial) satisfaction/denial of the other. Such relations also hold between situations and goals. We call this type logical influence. To support probabilistic reasoning, we also support probabilistic influences among situations, goals and domain assumptions. In this case, situations and domain assumptions are represented by random variables whose values are their possible states; each state is assigned a probability of that situation or domain assumption being. In Section 3.4, we show how this type of influence is used to support decisiontheoretic analysis. Following [20], a logical influence is characterized along the following dimensions: (i) direction: a positive (resp. negative) influence exists from a situation to a goal if it (when being true) increases (resp. decreases) the chance of the goal being satisfied; and (ii) degree: an influence is full if it is a casual relation (i.e., 100% chance); otherwise, it is partial. We say an organizational situation is favorable for an organization for achieving a goal if has a positive logical influence on that goal; It is unfavorable if it has a negative one. 2.3
A successful business depends both on its initial strategic planning and subsequent business operations. Performance measures play an important role in helping businesses align their daily activities with the strategic objectives. Generally speaking, performance measures quantify various aspects of business activities, including their input, execution and output, for monitoring, control and improvement purposes [21]. We model performance measures in terms of indicators. Performance measures employed in a business environment often form an aggregation hierarchy -- a higher-level measure is defined in terms of lower-level ones. Top level measures (e.g., satisfaction of service, quality of care) usually give a clear picture whether a business is moving towards fulfilling its strategic objectives, while leaf level measures (e.g., patient length of stay, emergency room wait time) are usually tied to specific actions and responsibilities. More specifically, we say an indicator is composite if it refers to other indicators in its definition; otherwise, it is an atomic indicator. An atomic indicator that inheres directly to a single individual. For example, “admission wait time” is a temporal indicator inheres to the “admission service” whose participants include a particular person and a hospital. A composite indicator may inhere indirectly to (possibly more than) one individual through its parts. For example, “wait time” is a composite
indicator that defined in terms of “admission wait time”, “test wait time”, “procedure wait time”, etc., which inhere to different hospital services. 2.4
Instantiation of Business Schemas
As with any other modeling framework, it is necessary to distinguish between instances (particulars) of a concept (goal, situation, etc.) in the application domain and the concept itself (universal). For example, “to reduce wait time” is a goal class (universal) that describes many instances to reduce wait time pursued by particular hospitals at specific times. Our models consist of concepts and we call such models business schemas. A long term objective of our work is to connect a business schema to data sources that store (partial) information about its instances, and use it as an interface to query the underlying data. A business schema is instantiated by instantiating its elements. A goal instance is created whenever an organization decides to pursue it (i.e., to make it at least partially satisfied). Of course, an organization may pursue a goal many times (e.g., “to sell a type of a product”). A goal instance is initiated upon creation, and maybe be satisfied, denied or abandoned. It may also be inactive (suspended) if it is not being pursued currently. Finally, an indicator instance is created whenever a value is obtained (measured / calculated) for that indicator at a particular time point. Thus, indicator instances represent concrete measurements. Notice that by definition, an indicator instance must inhere to some other entity (e.g., a goal instance). The inherence link therefore represents a measurement relation.
Reasoning with Business Schemas
A business schema, once constructed, can be analyzed in various ways. Strategic planning [6] usually starts with the definition of an organization's mission, followed by the specification of the goals toward the mission and the strategies to achieve these goals. For a given goal, it is not uncommon that alternative strategies exist. Therefore, analyzing those alternative strategies is an important element in any strategic planning process. In this section, we discuss a number of ways to analyze alternative strategies, using goal reasoning techniques [5]. In addition, during strategic planning, a strategy is normally produced by making decisions at a number of decision points. At each point, one decision option is chosen from a pool of available ones. We show how this decision-making process can be supported using probabilistic decision analysis. 3.1
Running Example
We use a running example (see Figure 1) to help elaborate different reasoning techniques. This example is built from real-world analysis reports, published by DataMonitor1, a company that specializes in industry analysis for a number of industry sectors. When building strategic business models, all modeling concepts are relative to (business) goals. Accordingly, we build a business schema by starting with a goal modeling phase, based on the Tropos methodology [20]. In our example, we have two 1
root goals: “to main revenue growth” and “to reduce risks”. To achieve the first one, we need achieve both “to increase sales” and “to maintain competitive advantage”. Lateral influences are also identified among sub-goals. For example, one alternative way to maintain competitive advantage is to “acquire technology through partnership”. This alternative helps to reduce financial risk, but increases the dependence on external partners. A goal can be decomposed into both sub-goals and domain assumptions. For example, in addition to achieving the goals “to increase sales volume” and “to main gross margin”, the domain assumption “high demand” (for our products/services) need to be true, in order fulfill the goal “to increase sales” (in dollar amount). After goal modeling, we identify the internal and external factors that may influence fulfillment of the goals identified previously. Specifically, we start with domain assumptions in the schema, and ask the question: what observable evidence could potentially support or challenge these assumptions. In our example, “high R&D expenditure” (strength) positively contributes to the domain assumption “strong R&D capability”, while “healthy balance sheet” (strength) suggests high degree of certainty that there are “sufficient funds” available to make strategic investment. Situations may also influence goals directly. For example, the fact “increased competition” (threat) may hinder the fulfillment of the goal “to open new sales channels”. Influences may also occur among situations. For example, “low cost financing” (opportunity), caused by “economic slowdown”, positively contributes to “high R&D expenditure” and “healthy balance sheet”. Modeling indicator (especially composite ones) is a highly domain-specific process, and is dealt with in a companion paper [23]. In our example, we assume that a set of indicators is already in place (which is true in practice in many organizations); so the task of the modeler is to associate them with the elements in the schema. In our example, some indicators are associated with the goals under “to increase sales”. Note that these indicators are composite indicators, and may be further decomposed in practice. For example, “sales volume” may be broken by the types of products/services, fiscal periods, or geographical locations. Also notice that although not shown, “total sales” (in dollar amount) can be mathematically determined by “sales volume” and “gross margin”, entailing a hierarchical relation among these indicators. 3.2
Exploration of Possible Strategies
Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering [19] has long studied the problem of systematic exploration of alternative plans for achieving specified goals. Given a goal model and an assignment of desired satisfaction values (either qualitative or quantitative) to its root goals, a top-down/backward reasoning algorithm [7] find all possible assignments (or strategies) to others goals that leads to the assigned satisfaction values of those root goals. In our example, two root goals are “to maintain revenue growth” and “to reduce risks”. Let us assume the input assignment is fully satisfied (FS) for the first goal and partially satisfied (PS) for the second one. A top-down goal reasoning (supported by tools such as the Goal Reasoning Tool2) generates all possible strategies that make the 2
input assignment true, including the one depicted in Figure 1. The root goals with input assignment are shaded; other goals in the model are annotated with fully satisfied (FS), partially satisfied (PS), partially denied (PD) or fully denied (FD). In this strategy, for example, goal “to establish strategic partnership” is preferred to “to invest in new technologies”, while the goal “to offer promotion” is preferred to “to open new sales channels”. Also note that, although not shown in Figure 1, a goal being satisfied means that its processes are carried out successfully and its domain assumptions are true. To reduce PS risks
To maintainFS revenue growth
Total sales
To reduce PS patent FS To reduce financial risk infringement lawsuit risk +
To reduce PD external dependence
To maintain FS competitive advantage
Sales volume
To increase sales
To invest in new technologies
To increaseFs To maintainFS High sales volume gross margin demand -
To establish strategic FS partnership
To develop new technology in-house
To open new sales channels
Gross Average Unit margin price
To acquire technology through acquisition
To offer promotions
High R&D d expenditure [S]
Sufficient funds
Healthy balance sheet [S] +
To reduce Fs costs
Acquire a competitor
Develop a technology
Strong R & D capability
Increased competition [T] Low cost financing [O]
Economic Slowdown [T]
Figure 1: Top-down reasoning. 3.3
Evaluation of Specific Strategies
In some cases, a manager is not interested in all possible strategies for fulfilling given goals. Rather, she has specific strategies and she wants to compare them relative to given root goals (in order to eventually select one). A bottom-up/forward reasoning algorithm [8] starts with an assignment of satisfaction values to some goals in a goal model. Such an assignment corresponds to a particular strategy to fulfill root goals. It then forward propagates these input values to the root goals, according to a set of predefined propagation rules. In our example, evaluation of a specific strategy amounts to answering the question: if we pursue it, will the two root goals “to maintain revenue growth” and “to reduce risks” be satisfied at desire levels? Consider the input assignment depicted in Figure 2, where we choose “to maintain competitive advantage” by partially fulfilling the goal “to develop new technology in-house”; we also assume that we fully satisfy
the goal “to increase sales”. As before, goals with input assignment are shaded. A bottom-up reasoning (supported by tools such as jUCMNav tool3) propagates these input labels up the goal hierarchy all the way to the two root goals. As we can observe from the result (also shown in Figure 2), this strategy leads to “to maintain revenue growth” being partially satisfied, while “to reduce risks” being partially denied. To reduce PD risks
To maintainPS revenue growth
Total sales
To reduce PD PD To reduce PS To reduce patent external financial risk infringement dependence lawsuit risk + +
To invest in new technologies
To increase sales
Sales volume
To increase sales volume
To maintain gross margin
High demand
To establish strategic partnership
To maintain competitive advantage
To offer promotions
To open new sales channels
Gross Average Unit margin price
To acquire technology through acquisition
To develop new technology in-house
High R&D d expenditure [S]
Sufficient funds
To reduce costs
Acquire a competitor
Develop a technology
Healthy balance sheet [S] +
Strong R & D capability
Increased competition [T] Low cost financing [O]
Economic Slowdown [T]
Figure 2: Bottom-up goal reasoning. 3.4
Probabilistic Evaluation of Strategies
Decision analysis techniques rest on an empirically verified assumption that humans are capable of framing a decision problem, listing possible decision options, and quantifying uncertainty, but are rather weak in combining information into a rational decision. An influence diagram [4] is decision model that supports decision-making by computing the expected utility value of each decision option; the option with the highest utility value is optimal and should be chosen by the decision maker. To carry out decision analysis, a goal model needs to be projected into an influence diagram. Such projections are automated using a set of translation rules. We omit their details in this paper. In our example, we focus on a subset of the goal model, namely the one rooted at the goal “to increase sales”, as shown in Figure 3. The nodes directly involved in the decision analysis (supported by tools such as GeNIe4) is shaded. In particular, to 3 4
pursue the goal “to increase sales volume”, two decision options are available (according to the OR decomposition in the original goal model): either by pursuing the goal “to open new sales channels” or “to offer promotions”. Notice that the goal “to maintain gross margin” and the domain assumption “high demand” are also involved here through influence links. A decision analysis amounts to answer the question: which of these two sub-goals should be pursued in order to maximize expected gain for the indicators “sales volume” and “gross margin” (which could then be combined into “total sales”). To reason with an influence diagram, we need to estimate conditional probabilities of various events, such as high demand for a certain product given economic slowdown, or high sales volume given we open new sales channel vs. we offer promotion; these events directly or directly affect the outcome of a decision. These probabilities are represented by a conditional probability tables (CPTs) for each event; the one for the event “high demand” given its parent event “economic slowdown” is shown the Figure 3. The resulting utility function for “sales volume” is also shown here. As we can see, the option “to open new sales channels” is preferable over “to offer promotions” as far as “sales volume” is concerned. To maintain revenue growth
To reduce risks To maintain competitive advantage
Total sales
To increase sales volume
…... CPT Economic slowdown High Median Low
High Demand True Partially True 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.4
To open new sales channels
To increase sales
Sales volume
To maintain gross margin
High demand
To offer promotions
False 0.4 0.4 0.2
Utility Function for “Sales Volume” Decision Option Utility to open new sales 11100 to offer promotion 3700
To reduce costs
Gross margin
…... Economic Slowdown [T]
Figure 3: Decision analysis.
Related Work
The use of business-level concepts, such as business objects, rules and processes, has been researched extensively for more than a decade [9-11]. These efforts have more recently resulted in standards, such as the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) [12]. These proposals focus on modeling business objects and processes, with little attention paid to business objectives. One exception is the Business
Motivation Model (BMM) [8], which proposes an extensive vocabulary for modeling business objectives (among other things). What differentiate our work from BMM is that we give formal semantics to our modeling concepts by aligning them to the upper ontology DOLCE+, while concepts in BMM are only defined informally. For example, BMM includes several intentional concepts, such as vision, goal and objective; in our case, all these are modeled as goals. Modeling of goals has a long tradition within Requirements Engineering [14, 1618]. However, these models lack primitive constructs for situation, influence and indicator which are important to Business Intelligence applications. A recent proposal has extended URN [18] to include indicators [15], but our concept of indicator is more general than that defined in URN: it covers both atomic and composite indicators, and pays special attention to the definition of composite indicators and the construction of indicator hierarchies. Modeling of situations, especially unfavorable ones (e.g., weaknesses or threats), has received much attention in Security Engineering under the topic of vulnerability. For example, [24] proposed a vulnerability-centric modeling ontology. More specifically, it identified the basic concepts for modeling and analyzing vulnerabilities, and proposed criteria to compare and evaluate security frameworks based on vulnerabilities. Inspired by SWOT analysis, our proposal supports a more comprehensive classification of situations, covering both favorable and unfavorable ones, also internal or external to an organization.
As a first step towards bridging the gap between the worlds of business and data in the adoption of BI technologies, we are working on the design of a business modeling language as a business-level counterpart to the Entity-Relationship Model. In this paper, we have introduced three key concepts for building business schemas, which are intended to capture the internal and external factors that affect the strategic goals of an organization, as well as the performance measures on their fulfillment. We have shown how they are used, in the context of goal modeling, to build and analyze business schemas based using existing formal analysis techniques supported by offthe-shelf tools. As for our future work, on one direction, we are planning to carry out a real-world case study to evaluate the proposed concepts. The plan is to use our concepts during the requirements elicitation and analysis phase in a Business Intelligence project of a local Toronto hospital, in parallel to its actual development effort. Our objective is to evaluate our proposal by modeling and analyzing the project requirements in terms of the concepts and tools we have presented here. On another direction, we intend to develop tools to connect business schema to underlying data sources. Part of this work is being carried within the context of the Strategic Network for Business Intelligence 5.
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