module is offered. MSc in Professional Accountancy Pathway 1 (Option Module) ... These issues and methodologies are conc
Module Specification Key Information Module title
Strategic Performance Management
Credit value
Lead College
UCL School of Management
Notional study hours
Module lead author/ Subject matter expert
Dr Alan Parkinson
Module co- author(s)
Lynsie Chew
Course(s) on which this module is offered
MSc in Professional Accountancy Pathway 1 (Option Module)
Prerequisites or specific entry requirements
ACCA Paper F5 or equivalent
Rationale for the Module This module is offered on the MSc in Professional Accountancy. This module is designed to build on professional accountancy papers to offer a route to a master’s-level qualification, incorporating accredited prior learning of professional papers benchmarked at level 7 master’s-equivalent. This module is recognised by ACCA as equivalent to an option paper at professional level for students who achieve a pass. This module provides students with an understanding of key issues and applied methodologies relating to strategic management accounting. These issues and methodologies are concerned with performance management, information management and evaluating financial risk. The framework for strategic management accounting is analysed in the context of providing managers in organisations with the information they need to be able to plan for and subsequently control performance. The emphasis is on making well-informed decisions and gaining insights into the blend of financial analysis and managerial judgment required to enable managers to make appropriate decisions. As such the content of this module provides the essentials a manager should have when faced with making hard-edged financial decisions in the context of a complex and ever-changing business environment.
Aims of the Module To enable finance professionals to exercise their professional judgment in conjunction with core knowledge and skills when designing, implementing and evaluating an organisation’s performance management system.
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Learning Outcomes A. Knowledge and understanding By the end of this module students should be able to: • understand the role of strategic planning and control, and associated strategic objectives in performance management, and the implications for strategic management accounting information, and attendant systems • identify, assess and analyse key external influences on organisational performance, particularly relating to key stakeholders and ethical issues • understand and apply strategic performance measurement techniques, both financial and non-financial, in the context of improving organisational performance • identify, apply, and evaluate strategic planning control tools and techniques • advise clients and senior management on strategic business performance evaluation and make appropriate recommendations • understand current developments and emerging issues in performance management. B. Cognitive skills By the end of this module students should be able to: • think critically and creatively in identifying, evaluating, and critically appraising alternative solutions to business problems • solve complex problems in relation to performance management systems • synthesise and use information and knowledge effectively • identify and evaluate options to in solving performance management problems • undertake research into a performance management related business problem and apply skills in the assembling and analysis of data collected. C. Practical and professional skills By the end of this module students should have acquired: • numeracy and quantitative skills applied to performance measurement and management • critical self-reflection applied to business practice and experience • effective communication of complex solutions to performance measurement and management-related decisions • effective use of information technology • self and time management • high personal effectiveness, applying critical self-awareness and personal resource management in the context of a diverse business environment.
Benchmark for Learning Outcomes The Learning Outcomes are benchmarked against the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) benchmark ‘Master’s degrees in business and management’ (2007) (where appropriate).
Key Content Topic 1: Making sense of performance management and measurement Topic 2: Understanding performance contexts for strategic management accounting Topic 3: Issues in strategic management accounting Topic 4: Taking account of the environment Topic 5: Understanding the nature of management control Topic 6: Making control work Topic 7: Managing budgets in new ways Topic 8: Using Information and IT as resources Topic 9: Assessing financial performance measurement Topic 10: Evaluating divisional performance and dealing with transfer pricing Topic 11: Applying non-financial performance indicators Topic 12: Evaluating performance in the not-for-profit sector Topic 13: Managing corporate failure scenarios Topic 14: Integrating Scenarios Topic 15: Measuring and managing process performance Topic 16: Managing costs for value and sustainability Topic 17: Managing quality Topic 18: Measuring customer relationships Topic 19: Understanding behaviour and performance Topic 20: Identifying emerging trends and assessing their consequences Each topic will contain learning activities equivalent to 10–12 student effort hours. QSG, June 2016
Learning & Teaching Strategy and Methods The core principles of the learning & teaching strategy and methods for this programme are outlined below. Students enrolled on the programme will have the option to register as either a: • Web-supported learner (incorporating online tuition), or an • Institution-supported learner. Each student will have access to online induction materials before the start of their session of study, including: • orientation of the virtual learning environment (VLE) • effective use of the discussion forums • the roles of student advisors and tutors • information literacy skills and effective use of e-resources. The learning resources for this module will be designed by a team supporting the module lead author with instructional design, learning technology and project management. All students will receive comprehensive learning materials in a variety of e-formats suitable for use on different electronic devices. Online learning activities and formative assessments are a key feature of this module and will be linked to the online materials, with a student progress log that illustrates the student’s level of progress against the syllabus and learning outcomes. Students will also be able to see their skills development through a ‘Skills Portfolio’, which will accumulate as the student completes formative and summative assessments. Learning materials will be divided into topics of around 10 hours of student effort to support students’ time management and motivation for study. The learning content will be a mixture of video, text, learning activities and formative assessments, with time allocated for preparation, revision and review of each item of summative assessment.
Assessment Strategy and Methods The module will be delivered within the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Framework of the University of London. Pass Mark The pass mark is 50% for each element of assessment. Compensation between elements of assessment is available on Option Modules for marginal fails between 45%–49%. Assessment Methods Assessment elements 1. Coursework (30% weighting) There are two items of coursework for this module. Each contributes to the final assessment mark for this module as follows: Coursework Item 1 15% (deadline – normally week 6 or 7 – see VLE for date) Coursework Item 2 15% (deadline – normally week 13 or 14 – see VLE for date) Each constitutes a piece of work of 3,000 words in length (maximum) and will normally comprise both written and quantitative elements. 2. Examination (70% weighting) The final piece of assessment will be through an unseen written examination of 3 hours duration. The examination will comprise three sections usually with a a mix of qualitative and quantitative questions. The deadlines and word-counts given here are indicative and subject to change. Confirmation will be given on the VLE.
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Learning Resources Learning materials Learning activities and formative assessments for this module are designed and developed by the Lead Author/Module Leader and incorporate the following: • Short videos • Learning activities • Formative assessments • Learning content. The learning content is drawn from an Essential reading or readings (see below). The materials is available to students in a variety of e-formats to enable access on a variety of devices. The content is divided into topics. e-resources All students will be given access to the University of London’s e-resources through the VLE and the University of London Online Library. These resources include a wide range of accounting, finance and economics journals. Students will be directed to particular journals within each topic of study and given other online resources to enhance their information literacy skills as part of the induction. Essential readings Extracts of the following texts are put together as a custom text for the module alongside the Module Leader’s narrative. Management Control Systems 3rd edition, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 17 Merchant and Van der Stede Published by: FT Prentice Hall 3rd Edition 2012 ISBN 978-0-273-73761-2 Managerial Accounting: Decision Making and Performance Management, 4th Edition, Chapters 16, 18 Proctor Published by: Pearson 2012 ISBN 978-0-273-76448-9 Management and Cost Accounting, Chapters 1, 12, 19, 20, 22 Bhimani, Horngren, Datar, Rajan Published by: Pearson 6th Edition 2015 ISBN 978-1-292-06348 eText Advanced Management Accounting, Chapters 10, 12 Groot and Selto Published by: Pearson 1st Edition 2013 eText ISBN 978-0-273-78070-0 Management Accounting, Chapters 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 Atkinson, Kaplan, Matsumura, Young Published by: Pearson 2012 ISBN 10: 0-273-76998-7 Advanced Management Accounting, Chapters 7, 12, 13 Kaplan and Atkinson Published by: Pearson 2014 ISBN 10: 0-292-02659-6 Financial Statement Analysis, Chapters 7, 11 Plenborg and Petersen Published by: Pearson 2012 ISBN 10: 0273752359 Essentials of Management, Chapters 3 and 8 Boddy Published by: Pearson 2012 ISBN 978-0-273-73928-9
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Management Accounting, Chapters 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,22 Burns, Quinn, Warren Published by: McGraw Hill 2013 ISBN 10: 0077121619 Management Accounting, Chapters 16, 17, 18 Seal, Garrison, Noreen Published by: McGraw Hill 2015 ISBN 10: 007712989X
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