Some Common Themes in the New Paradigm. Some Common Themes in .... advanced computer technologies. -Internet and Intrane
Strategic Strategic Planning Planning for for Training Training & & Development Development
-Strategic -Strategic Alignment Alignment of of Learning Learning SystemsSystems-
Guy W. W. Wallace, Wallace, CPT CPT Guy Can be be reached reached currently currently at: at: Can
SWI Since 1978
Strategic Planning for Training & Development -Strategic Alignment of Learning Systems-
and Original version presented at the
1996 ISPI Conference April 18, 1996 Guy W. Wallace, SWI Partner
© 1996 • SWI • 1733 Park St., Suite 201 Naperville, IL 60563 • 708.416.3323
Foreword Foreword to to the the Presentation Presentation The topic topic covered covered in in this this presentation presentation is is inherently inherently complex complex •• The Businesses have have unique unique challenges challenges and and opportunities, opportunities, --Businesses and the the systems systems to to address address those those are are never never simple simple and
SWI has has developed developed aa rigorous, rigorous, but but flexible flexible process process to to deal deal •• SWI with this this complexity complexity with
Addressing this this complexity complexity will will allow allow you you to to •• Addressing Understand the the totality totality of of your your business, business, its its challenges, challenges, --Understand
and its its human human asset asset development development needs needs and Translate your your understanding understanding into into T&D T&D issues issues --Translate Create aa T&D T&D system system strategically strategically aligned aligned with with the the priority priority --Create needs of of the the business business needs
About About SWI SWI Since 1978, 1978, SWI SWI has has partnered partnered with with clients clients to to improve improve return return on on •• Since investment (ROI) (ROI) and and economic economic value value added added (EVA) (EVA) and and achieve achieve investment their strategic strategic intent intent through through the the application application of of Human Human their Performance Technology Technology Performance
SWI’s focus focus is is on on processes processes and and systems systems for for Human Human Asset Asset •• SWI’s Management, specifically specifically Management,
Organizational Architecture Architecture --Organizational Staffing --Staffing T&D --T&D Assessment -- Assessment Rewards & & Recognition Recognition --Rewards
SWI works works primarily primarily with with Fortune Fortune 100 100 companies companies •• SWI
Aligning Human Human Talent Talent and and Energy Energy Aligning Alpha
Guy Guy Wallace Wallace Partner in in SWI SWI since since 1982 1982 •• Partner Former training training project project supervisor supervisor with with MTEC—forerunner MTEC—forerunner •• Former
to Motorola Motorola University, University, course course developer developer at at Wickes Wickes Lumber, Lumber, to and journalist journalist for for U.S. U.S. Navy Navy and
Applies Total Total Quality Quality Management, Management, Human Human Performance Performance •• Applies
Technology, Instructional Instructional Technology, Technology, and and project project planning planning Technology, and management management principles principles to to T&D T&D efforts efforts and
Expertise in in Human Human Performance Performance Analysis Analysis and and Curriculum Curriculum •• Expertise Architecture Design Design and and Development Development Architecture
SWI SWI Books Books THE
How to Get Your Company on the Quality Track — And Keep It There Business Drivers
Business Processes and Metrics
Resource Infrastructure Exe
Ray Svenson
dle M
A s s e s s
D e s i g n
D e p l o y
Wor king anag Lev eme el nt
Karen Wallace with Bruce Wexler
I n t e g r a t e
Guy Wallace
WINNER! WINNER! ISPI Award Award for for Outstanding Outstanding ISPI Instructional Instructional Communication Communication Alpha
Strategic Strategic Planning Planning for for Training Training & & Development Development Projects Projects • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Abbott Laboratories ALCOA Allstate Insurance Amoco AT&T Bandag, Inc. Baxter Healthcare CCH, Inc. Commonwealth Edison Contel Data General Corporation Digital Equipment Corporation Discover Card Services, Inc. Dow Chemical E. I. Du Pont Eli Lilly and Company Exxon Ford Design Institute General Dynamics General Motors Corporation GPU Nuclear Hoechst Celanese Corporation
1993 1984, 1985, 1986, 1991 1991, 1992 1992, 1993 1981, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1992 1995 1983, 1986 1993 1981, 1983 1989 1993 1987, 1992 1992 1986 1991 1996 1981, 1982 1993 1990 1984, 1986, 1990 1986 1992
Strategic Strategic Planning Planning for for Training Training & & Development Development Projects Projects (continued) (continued) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Illinois Bell Intel International Harvester Johnson & Johnson Maryland State Department of Education Mobil NASA NCR Northern Telecom Northern Trust Bank Novacor Chemical, Ltd. Occidental Chemical Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Salt River Project Shell Oil Square D Tenneco Texaco Canada The World Bank United Airlines Westinghouse Whirlpool
1986, 1987, 1988 1990 1980 1988 1990 1990 1993 1990 1983, 1984 1987 1993, 1994 1989 1978 1988 1982 1990 1983 1988 1992 1995 1982 1986 8
Session Session Objectives Objectives After this this session, session, you you will will be be able able to to After Assess your your current current T&D T&D system system against against the the characteristics characteristics •• Assess of aa world-class world-class system system of
Determine whether whether or or not not aa Strategic Strategic Plan Plan for for Training Training & & •• Determine Development would would have have value value in in your your organization organization Development
Plan aa Strategic Strategic Plan Plan for for Training Training & & Development Development project project •• Plan Position or or sell sell aa Strategic Strategic Plan Plan for for Training Training & & Development Development •• Position project to to senior senior management management project
Session Session Agenda Agenda 1. Session Session open open 1. 2. The The business business need need and and rationale rationale for for Strategic Strategic Planning Planning for for 2. Training & & Development Development Training 3. T&D T&D system system assessment assessment handout handout 3. 4. SWI’s SWI’s business business and and T&D T&D systems systems models models 4. 5. SWI’s SWI’s four-phase four-phase Strategic Strategic Planning Planning for for Training Training & & 5. Development process process Development 6. Planning Planning aa Strategic Strategic Planning Planning for for Training Training & & Development Development 6. project project 7. Selling Selling aa Strategic Strategic Planning Planning for for Training Training & & Development Development 7. project project 8. Session Session summary summary 8. A-1
Section Section 22 The Business Need and Rationale for Strategic Planning Planning Strategic for Training & Development SPT&D --- SPT&D
T&D T&D .. .. .. A A Means Means to to an an End End
Highperforming Organization
T&D T&D .. .. .. A A Means Means to to an an End End
Learning Culture
Highperforming Organization
T&D T&D .. .. .. A A Means Means to to an an End End
T&D System
Learning Culture
Highperforming Organization
Changing Changing Forces Forces in in the the Business Business Environment Environment TQM TQM
Globalization Globalization
Re-engineering Re-engineering Technology Technology
Supplier/Customer Supplier/Customer Partnerships Partnerships
Price, Price, Quality, Quality, Time Time Competition Competition
Workforce Workforce Diversity Diversity
Major Major Paradigm Paradigm Shift Shift
Economic Economic Emphasis Emphasis
Craft Craft Production Production (Agricultural (Agricultural Economy) Economy)
1776 1776
Craft Craft Production Production (Agricultural (Agricultural Economy) Economy)
Mass Production Production Mass (Industrial Capital Capital (Industrial Economy) Economy)
1900 1900
Mass Mass Production Production (Industrial (Industrial Capital Economy) Economy) Capital
1950 1950
Lean Lean Production Production (Information (Information Economy) Economy)
2000 2000
2100 2100
Lean Lean Production Production (Information (Information Economy) Economy)
Some Some Common Common Themes Themes in in the the New New Paradigm Paradigm Teams and and teamwork teamwork Teams
Quantitative decision-making decision-making Quantitative Elimination of of waste waste Elimination
The learning learning organization organization The
Customer focus focus Customer
Process control control Process
1/2 the time
Delayering Delayering
1/10 the defects
Central service service groups groups Central
2/3 the cost
Cycle-time reduction reduction Cycle-time
Bureaucracy busting busting Bureaucracy Empowerment Empowerment
Information technology technology Information Continuous improvement improvement Continuous Networked organizations organizations Networked Supply-chain partnerships partnerships Supply-chain
Disappearance of of standard standard jobs jobs Disappearance
Decentralizing decisions decisions Decentralizing B-1
Workforce Workforce Implications Implications •• •• ••
Disappearance of of unskilled unskilled work work Disappearance
•• ••
Constantly changing changing role role assignments assignments Constantly
All workers workers become become problem problem solvers solvers All Decompartmentalization of of professionals professionals Decompartmentalization and managers managers and
Redefinition of of management management Redefinition
*New skills skills *New *Continuous learning learning *Continuous B-1
T&D T&D Implications Implications Peak performance performance requires requires full full skills skills development development •• Peak Multidimensional change change multiplies multiplies the the new new skills skills to to be be learned learned •• Multidimensional Management of of the the skills skills inventory inventory (human (human assets) assets) becomes becomes an an executive executive •• Management priority priority
T&D are are managed managed as as an an investment investment •• T&D Training response response times times must must be be much much shorter shorter •• Training Training must must be be more more customized customized to to individual individual and and team team needs needs and and local local •• Training conditions conditions
Training can can take take advantage advantage of of the the different different tools tools and and technologies technologies emerging emerging •• Training in the the new new business business environment environment in
Learning becomes becomes aa part part of of everyday everyday work work versus versus training training as as aa single single event event •• Learning Trainers often often replaced replaced by by on-the-job on-the-job coaches coaches •• Trainers B-1
The The Shifting Shifting Organizational Organizational Learning Learning Culture Culture Traditional Learning Learning Culture Culture Traditional No clear clear focus focus on on strategic strategic ••No knowledge knowledge Low management management priority priority for for ••Low training and and education education training Lack of of linkage linkage between between ••Lack learning and and organizational organizational learning goals goals Unmanaged ••Unmanaged Left to to the the training training department department ••Left and the the individual individual and B-1
Learning Culture Culture for for Today’s Today’s Learning Environment Environment Competence (human (human assets) assets) ••Competence treated as as the the new new capital capital and and treated managed as as such such managed Training (learning) (learning) ••Training systematically focused focused to to systematically support business business goals goals support Everyone has has an an important important ••Everyone role within within the the learning learning system system role Training department department partners partners ••Training with managers managers and and employees employees with in making making training training decisions decisions in 20
What is is this this worth worth to to the the business? business? What
Financial Financial Analysis Analysis of of Training Training Opportunities Opportunities Cost of of Cost Conformance Conformance
All of of the the costs costs required required to to All train the the workforce workforce to to aa level level train of competence competence and and to to define, define, of develop, and and deliver deliver the the develop, needed training training needed
e.g., e.g., Analysis •• Analysis Design •• Design Development •• Development Delivery •• Delivery Administration •• Administration Travel/living •• Travel/living Etc. •• Etc. By itself, itself, the the cost cost of of conformance conformance (COC) (COC) may may be be large large By enough to to scare scare off off your your executives executives enough B-1
Financial Financial Analysis Analysis of of Training Training Opportunities Opportunities (continued) (continued) Cost of of Cost Nonconformance Nonconformance
All of of the the costs costs for for less less than than All perfect performance performance perfect
e.g., e.g., Cost of of underperforming underperforming technology/capital technology/capital •• Cost assets assets Cost of of lost lost sales sales •• Cost Low productivity/yields productivity/yields •• Low Longer work work cycle cycle times times •• Longer Rework and and scrap scrap due due to to errors errors •• Rework Etc. •• Etc. Relative to to the the cost cost of of conformance conformance (COC), (COC), the the cost cost of of Relative nonconformance (CONC) (CONC) is is probably probably far far greater greater and and far far nonconformance more scary scary more B-1
The The Return Return on on Investment Investment Calculation Calculation
Return -- Investment Investment CONC CONC -- COC COC Return ROI == == ROI Investment COC Investment COC
CONC == Cost Cost of of Nonconformance Nonconformance CONC COC == Cost Cost of of Conformance Conformance COC
Training’s Training’s Impact Impact on on ROI ROI Situation Situation A major major semiconductor semiconductor manufacturer manufacturer has has an an automated automated A production process process where where unscheduled unscheduled downtime downtime is is worth worth production $10,000/hour. Maintenance Maintenance technicians technicians have have not not received received $10,000/hour. training on on new new process process control control computers. computers. In In the the first first six six training months, downtime downtime has has equaled equaled 30 30 percent, percent, of of which which oneonemonths, quarter can can be be attributed attributed to to training. training. quarter
Training’s Training’s Impact Impact on on ROI ROI (continued) (continued)
Value 30 X 80 X % Downtime Hours/week 576 Hours
0.25 % Training
24 Weeks
576 hours of downtime
$10,000 Downtime Cost
$1,440,000 value
$40,000 Student
Cost $150,000 Development
+ $150,000 + Instructor and Facilities
ROI $1,400,000 - $340,000 =
Training’s Training’s Impact Impact on on ROI ROI (continued) (continued)
Situation Situation A telephone telephone company company has has installed installed new new workstations workstations and and A software for for 250 250 service service representatives. representatives. Training Training was was software informal, and and the the measured measured productivity productivity of of the the CSRs CSRs has has informal, reached only only 50 50 percent percent of of capacity capacity after after four four months. months. reached
Training’s Training’s Impact Impact on on ROI ROI (continued) (continued)
Value $40,000 Loaded annual salary
100% X % of job using the workstation
250 CSRs
0.50 = $5 million annual Productivity (plus irate customers, % overtime, etc.)
Cost $300,000 Development
$140,000 Deliver 3 days to 250 CSRs
= $440,000 - $0.5 million
ROI 5 - 0.5 =
Section Section 33 T&D System Assessment Assessment plus handout handout --- plus
Attributes -Class T&D Attributes of of aa World World-Class T&D System System 1. Organizational Organizational cultural cultural values values support support full full competency competency 1. development and and lifelong lifelong learning learning development 2. Everyone Everyone participates participates in in the the T&D T&D system system and and processes processes 2. 3. The The T&D T&D system system is is driven driven by by business business performance performance goals goals and and is is 3. performance-based performance-based 4. There There are are tight tight linkages linkages between between T&D T&D departments departments and and the the users users 4. of their their services services of 5. There There is is strong strong executive executive leadership leadership and and participation participation 5. 6. T&D T&D resources resources are are matched matched to to need need and and objectives objectives 6. 7. T&D T&D staffs staffs are are competent competent and and include include aa balanced balanced mix mix of of expertise expertise 7.
Attributes -Class Attributes of of aa World World-Class T&D (continued) T&D System System (continued) 8. A A balanced balanced array array of of T&D T&D strategies strategies is is employed employed 8.
Beyond traditional traditional T&D T&D deployment deployment modes, modes, including including the the use use of of ••Beyond advanced computer computer technologies technologies advanced Internet and and Intranet Intranet --Internet Structured/coached OJT OJT --Structured/coached Etc. --Etc.
9. There There is is strong strong administrative administrative coordination coordination of of all all T&D T&D 9. efforts efforts 10. Internal Internal T&D T&D resources resources are are leveraged leveraged through through appropriate appropriate 10. use of of outside outside resources resources use
Trends Trends in in T&D T&D Decentralizing the the learning learning site site •• Decentralizing Action learning learning •• Action Using the the information information network network and and personal personal computer/workstation computer/workstation •• Using Embedded performance performance support support systems systems •• Embedded Structured, on-the-job on-the-job training training (SOJT) (SOJT) •• Structured, Team learning learning •• Team Skills management management interfaces interfaces •• Skills Multimedia technology technology •• Multimedia Distance learning learning •• Distance Outsourcing •• Outsourcing C-1
Section Section 44 SWI’s Business Business and T&D Systems Models
SWI’s SWI’s Business Business Model Model Context Context for for T&D T&D Business Architecture Architecture Business Process/Perform Process/Perform ance ance Requirements Requirements
Organization Architecture
Business Drivers
Business Metrics
Business Processes
Human Performance Models
Human Asset Asset Human Management System System Management
Infrastructure Infrastructure Requirements Requirements
Training & Development
Human Assets Infrastructure Assessment
Environmental Assets Infrastructure
Rewards and Recognition SWI020.95.ppt
Assets and Competencies of Training
Business Environment
Government $
Executive Management Customers
Employees Suppliers Community
Training Processes
Financial Perf. Index
Customer Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction
lu es
ut es At tri b
n ue eq ns ms Co yste S
io at m
al ic ys ts Ph sse A
r fo In
Process/Performa nce Requirements
K an now d le Sk d ill ge s
Human Assets Infrastructure
Training Infrastructure
Training Metrics
tio za ni r e ga tu Or truc S
Training Stakeholders
Training Processes and Metrics
Business Drivers
The The Business Business Architecture Architecture of of T&D T&D
Environmental Assets Infrastructure 35
Example: Example: T&D T&D Business Business Drivers Drivers Assets and and Competencies Competencies Assets Assets Assets Available courseware courseware •• Available •• Production Production capability capability Delivery infrastructure infrastructure •• Delivery -Facilities -Facilities -Networks (CBT (CBT and and -Networks other) other) •• Analysis Analysis data data Training staff staff •• Training Competencies Competencies Front-end analysis analysis of of •• Front-end performance performance Curriculum Architecture Architecture •• Curriculum Design (CAD) (CAD) Design •• Instructional Instructional design/development design/development Just-in-time delivery delivery •• Just-in-time Developing customer customer •• Developing solutions solutions
Stakeholders Stakeholders Business leadership leadership •• Business -General management -General management -Process owners owners -Process -Professional/technical -Professional/technical discipline leaders leaders discipline -Initiative leaders -Initiative leaders •• Employees Employees (end (end consumers of of training) training) consumers Customers of of the the •• Customers company company -Users of of products products and and -Users service who who need need service training training Suppliers of of the the company company •• Suppliers -May need training on -May need training on interfacing, TQM, TQM, etc. etc. interfacing, Training department department •• Training employees and and suppliers suppliers employees
Business Environment Environment Business Rate of of change change •• Rate impacting training impacting training customers customers Rate of of hiring hiring and and job job •• Rate movement movement •• Competitive Competitive or or alternative sources sources of of alternative training training Best practices practices •• Best Customer/user •• Customer/user perceptions about about perceptions training training Technologies •• Technologies
Example: Example: T&D T&D Performance Performance Metrics Metrics Business Business Benefit Benefit
User User Satisfaction Satisfaction Performance Performance Index Index
Training Department Department Training Employee Satisfaction Satisfaction Employee Training Department Department Training Supplier Satisfaction Satisfaction Supplier
Quality Index Index Quality
Example Example T&D T&D Performance Performance Metrics Metrics (continued) (continued)
+ –
Cost of of Training Training Cost Needs Not Not Met Met Needs
Cost of of Cost Unnecessary Unnecessary Training Training
Business Business Benefit Benefit
Business Benefit Benefit of of Business Training Needs Needs Met Met Training
T&D Processes Leadership Overall System Design/Improvement
Planning and Budgeting • Strategic planning
• Work management
• Financial results
• Process design/redesign
• Operational planning -Workload -Staffing strategy
Operations Management
Results Measurement
• Job/team design/redesign
• Program coordinator
• Customer satisfaction
• Process support materials
• External linkages
• Employee satisfaction
• Internal linkages
• Training results
• Budgeting
Core Process Needs/Performance Analysis
Curriculum Architecture Design
Design, Develop, Procure
• Preliminary Analysis Report
• Curriculum Analysis Report
• Course Design Document
• Delivery plan
• Evaluation design
• Curriculum Design Document
• Instructional Materials
• Evaluation documents
• Maintenance plan
• Implementation Planning Report
• Instructor Training Plan
• Trained employees
• Analysis Report
• Evaluation reports
• Courses updated
• Pilot results
Project Management • Project Plan
• Team organization
• Project status reports
• Final project report
Support Training Technology Surveillance
Training Administration
• Environmental resource management
• Recruiting and selection
• Registration and scheduling • Training materials inventory
Training Information Management
Training Marketing and Communication
• Information system in place
• Training marketing tools
• Training and development • Performance management • Career management
• Training attendance tracking
T&D T&D Infrastructure Infrastructure Requirements Requirements Human Assets Assets Infrastructure Infrastructure Human Analysis Analysis
Subject Matter Matter Expertise Expertise Subject
Measurement Expertise Expertise Measurement
Design Design
Desktop Publishing Publishing Desktop
Planning Planning
Development Development
Graphics Graphics
Marketing and and Sales Sales Marketing
Instruction Instruction
Technology Expertise Expertise Technology
Finance/Accounting Finance/Accounting
Facilitation Facilitation
Project Management Management Project
Administration Administration
Environmental Assets Assets Infrastructure Infrastructure Environmental Organization and and Team Team Organization Structure Structure
Training Facilities Facilities Training and Equipment and Equipment
Analysis Data Data Analysis
Client Boards/Councils Boards/Councils Client
Materials and and Materials Materials System Materials System
User Data Data User
Budget/Financial Resources Resources Budget/Financial
Communications Networks Networks Communications
Results Data Data Results
Suppliers Suppliers
Tools/Workstations Tools/Workstations
Financial Data Data Financial
Information Systems Systems Information C-1
Example Example Infrastructure Infrastructure Elements Elements
Training Training Organization Organization Structure Structure
Governing Governing Structure Structure
Workplace Workplace Learning Learning System System
Delivery Delivery Systems Systems
Example: Example: T&D T&D Organization Organization Structure Structure Office of of the the Executive Executive Office
UMC UMC Vice President President Vice Education and Training Training Education and
Assistant Assistant Vice President Vice President Corporate Education Corporate Education Executive •• Executive development development Management •• Management development development Technology •• Technology institute institute -R&D -R&D -Manufacturing -Manufacturing Marketing, sales, sales, •• Marketing, and service service and institutes institutes Distribution and and •• Distribution materials institute institute materials
Business Unit Unit Business Vice President President Vice (4) (4)
Credit Corporation Corporation Credit President President
Director, Director, Training Staff Staff Training Quality education education •• Quality • MIS training • MIS training Instructional •• Instructional methods, methods, procedures, and and procedures, standards standards Planning and and •• Planning results results Facilities and and •• Facilities administration administration
Credit Corporation Corporation Credit Training Director Director Training Director, Director, Business Unit Business Unit Training Department Training Department Marketing, sales, sales, •• Marketing, and service service training training and Business unit unit •• Business technical training training technical Needs analysis, analysis, •• Needs planning, and and planning, evaluation evaluation
Plant Plant Manager Manager
Plant Plant Training Manager Training Manager Production training training •• Production Maintenance training training •• Maintenance • Supervisory training • Supervisory training Clerical and and •• Clerical administrative administrative support training training support
Contracts training training •• Contracts • Accounts receivable • Accounts receivable training training • Portfolio management management • Portfolio training training Dealer and and customer customer •• Dealer service training training service Supervisory training training •• Supervisory • Clerical and • Clerical and administrative administrative support training training support
Example: Example: T&D T&D Governing Governing Structure Structure Executive Executive Education Education Board Board
Discipline Discipline Curriculum Curriculum Councils Councils
Business Unit Unit Business Training Training Councils Councils
Training Training Administration Administration Council Council
Local Local Training Training Committees Committees C-1
Example: Example: Workplace Workplace Learning Learning System System
Training Council Council Training Trainers Trainers Individual, Team, Team, Individual, and Location Location and Learning Plans Plans Learning
? Embedded Embedded Learning Support Support Learning Systems Systems
Learning Center Center Learning
Telecommunications Telecommunications Network to to the the World World Network C-1
Training Budget Budget Training
OJT Coaches Coaches OJT 44
Example: Example: Learning Learning Center Center Classroom Classroom
Administrator Administrator
Simulators/ Simulators/ Lab Lab
Information Information Centers Centers
Resource Resource Library Library
Results/ Results/ Measures Measures
Learning Learning Terminals Terminals
Delivery Delivery Systems Systems by by Instructional Instructional Mode Mode Group-paced (instructor-driven) Lecture/discussion •• Lecture/discussion Case group group •• Case Action learning learning •• Action Laboratory •• Laboratory Video •• Video
Self-paced Conventional paper paper and and •• Conventional
pencil media media pencil CBT/multimedia •• CBT/multimedia Simulator/lab •• Simulator/lab Video •• Video Expert systems systems •• Expert Embedded (computerized (computerized •• Embedded Help screens) screens) Help Tutorials •• Tutorials Structured/unstructured OJT OJT •• Structured/unstructured and work work assignments assignments and Internet and and Intranet Intranet •• Internet 46
What What Can Can We We Do Do to to Implement Implement Business -driven T&D? Business-driven T&D? Develop aa Strategic Strategic Plan Plan for for Training Training & & Development Development •• Develop Implement/improve the the T&D T&D systems, systems, making making targeted, targeted, •• Implement/improve
sufficient investments investments to to achieve achieve the the required required business business sufficient results results
Note: Just Just because because trainers trainers are are skilled skilled at at uncovering uncovering Note: training requirements requirements does does not not in in and and of of itself itself warrant warrant training meeting those those requirements requirements meeting
Definition Definition A Strategic Strategic Plan Plan for for Training Training & & Development Development A Is aa cumulative cumulative composition composition of of several several outputs outputs from from each each •• Is phase within within our our four-phase four-phase process process model; model; itit phase
Defines the the high-priority high-priority business business challenges challenges and and goals goals --Defines Defines the the T&D T&D products products needed needed to to achieve achieve the the highhigh--Defines
priority business business goals goals and and defines defines the the T&D T&D systems systems priority needed to to acquire/develop, acquire/develop, deploy, deploy, and and administer administer the the needed overall T&D T&D product product line line overall
Provides aa comprehensive comprehensive business business plan plan for for meeting meeting •• Provides these needs needs according according to to business business priorities priorities these
Questions Questions Answered Answered by by the the Plan Plan
Questions Questions Answered Answered by by the the Plan Plan 1. What What are are our our business business challenges, challenges, goals, goals, and and strategies? strategies? 1. 2. What What knowledge/skills knowledge/skills are are needed needed to to reach reach our our goals? goals? 2. 3. How How can can we we make make sure sure our our employees, employees, customers, customers, and and 3. suppliers have have know-how know-how ;; what what is is training’s training’s role? role? suppliers 4. How How adequate adequate is is the the present present learning learning system? system? 4. 5. What What should should our our system system look look like like in in three three to to five five years? years? 5. 6. What What are are our our strategic strategic learning learning goals? goals? 6. 7. What What strategies strategies will will we we adopt adopt to to reach reach our our goals? goals? 7. 8. What What workload workload do do we we estimate estimate to to execute execute our our strategies? strategies? 8. 9. How How many many resources resources do do we we need need to to commit; commit; what what ROI? ROI? 9. 10. What What organizational organizational and and management management systems systems do do we we need? need? 10. 11. How How shall shall we we implement implement the the plan? plan? 11. C-1
Section Section 55 SWI’s SWI’s Four-Phase, Gated Gated Process Process Four-Phase, for for
Strategic Planning Planning Strategic for Training & Development
SWI’s -Phase, Gated SWI’s Four Four-Phase, Gated Process Process for for SPT&D SPT&D Phase Phase 11 Strategic Strategic Vision Vision and and Goals Goals
Phase Phase 22
Phase Phase 33
Phase Phase 44
Training Training Business Business Architecture Architecture Design Design
Implementation Implementation Plan Plan
Investment Investment Plan Plan
Phase 11 Phase
Strategic Vision Vision and and Goals Goals Strategic
Phase 22 Phase
Investment Plan Plan Investment
Phase 33 Phase
Training Business Business Architecture Architecture Design Design Training
Phase 44 Phase
Implementation Plan Plan Implementation 52
Phase Phase 11 Phase 11 Phase Strategic Strategic Vision and and Vision Goals Goals
Phase 22 Phase Investment Investment Plan Plan
Phase 33 Phase Training Training Business Business Architecture Architecture Design Design
Phase 44 Phase Implementation Implementation Plan Plan
Phase 11 Phase
Strategic Vision and Goals
Phase Phase 11 Outputs Outputs Training implications implications of of business business challenges challenges and and plans plans •• Training Assessment of of the the existing existing T&D T&D system system •• Assessment Mission, philosophy, philosophy, and and roles roles for for T&D T&D •• Mission, Strategic vision vision and and goals goals for for T&D T&D •• Strategic
Phase Phase 11 Flow Flow Chart Chart Data Collection Personnel Forecasts
Project Plan Refinement
Kick-off Meeting with Working Team
Data Collection System Development
Business Plans Executive Interviews Existing Learning System
Develop Mission, Vision, Guiding Principles, Goals, Strategy, and System Architecture Alternatives
Best Practices
Preliminary Investment Analysis
Recommendations to Executives
Interviewing Interviewing Executives Executives 1. What What are are the the most most significant significant challenges challenges facing facing the the 1. business and/or and/or your your part part of of the the business? business? business Markets ••Markets Competition ••Competition Technology ••Technology Products and and services services ••Products Supplier/customer relationships relationships ••Supplier/customer External regulations regulations ••External Management and and workforce workforce issues issues ••Management 2. What What strategies strategies and and goals goals have have been been established established to to 2. address these these challenges? challenges? address 3. What What groups groups of of people people will will need need new new knowledge knowledge or or skills skills 3. for these these goals goals to to be be achieved? achieved? for
Interviewing Interviewing Executives Executives (continued) (continued)
4. What What is is the the downside downside business business risk risk ifif we we do do not not have have or or 4. develop people people with with the the new new knowledge knowledge and and skills? skills? (be (be as as develop quantitative as as possible) possible) quantitative 5. Are Are you you willing willing to to provide provide support support in in the the form form of of 5. training budget budget to to meet meet these these needs? needs? ••AA training Your time time and and the the time time of of your your organization organization to to help help ••Your establish priorities priorities and and provide provide overall overall guidance? guidance? establish
Phase Phase 11 Executive Executive Review Review Point: Point: Strategic Strategic Direction Direction Decision Decision Point Point Purpose Purpose Gain commitment commitment of of executives executives to to training training vision vision and and Gain direction prior prior to to detailed detailed cost cost analysis/planning analysis/planning direction Criteria Criteria Key business business challenges, challenges, •• Key
•• •• •• ••
strategies, and and goals goals are are strategies, identified identified Training implications implications are are Training believable believable Assessment of of strengths strengths and and Assessment weaknesses of of present present training training weaknesses system is is valid valid system Mission, roles, roles, philosophy, philosophy, and and Mission, vision are are acceptable/strong acceptable/strong vision Executive commitment commitment to to Executive direction and and goals goals is is obtained obtained direction
Tips Tips Heavy executive executive input input upfront upfront •• Heavy Mission/vision, etc. etc. “socialized” “socialized” •• Mission/vision, before presenting presenting for for approval approval before
Phase Phase 22 Phase Phase 11
Phase Phase 22
Phase Phase 33
Strategic Strategic Vision and and Vision Goals Goals
Investment Investment Plan Plan
Training Training Business Business Architecture Architecture Design Design
Phase Phase 44 Implementation Implementation Plan Plan
Phase 22 Phase
Investment Plan
Phase Phase 22 Outputs Outputs Quantitative needs needs forecast forecast •• Quantitative Alternative strategies strategies for for meeting meeting the the needs needs •• Alternative Resource requirements requirements for for alternative alternative scenarios scenarios •• Resource Strategic approach(es) approach(es) •• Strategic Three- to to five-year five-year investment investment plan plan •• Three-
Phase Phase 22 Flow Flow Chart Chart Prepare/ Obtain Three- to Five-Year Personnel Forecast
Prepare Delivery Requirements Forecast
Identify Identify Development, Development, Delivery, Delivery, Staffing, Staffing, Outsourcing, Outsourcing, andFacility Facility and Strategy Strategy Alternatives Alternatives Evaluate Needs Analysis and Curriculum Architecture Data
Develop Unit Cost Tables for Each of the Strategies
Calculate Resource Requirements for Various Strategy and Load Scenarios
Prepare and Present Recommended Investment Plan
Prepare Courseware Development and Maintenance Requirements Forecast
Phase 22 Executive Executive Review Review Point: Point: Phase Major Financial Financial Decision Decision Point Point Major Purpose Purpose Gain commitment commitment for for resourcing resourcing the the threethree- to to five-year five-year plan plan prior prior to to Gain investing in in the the design design of of the the necessary necessary organizational organizational support support investing systems systems Criteria Criteria Alternatives are are clear clear with with •• Alternatives
varying levels levels of of resource resource varying requirements requirements Business needs needs are are •• Business addressed to to varying varying levels levels addressed Tradeoffs and and risks risks •• Tradeoffs associated with with alternatives alternatives associated are clear clear and and realistic realistic are
Tips Tips Let the the executives executives make make the the •• Let decision—provide decision—provide alternatives alternatives The resource resource requirements requirements •• The are likely likely to to be be greater greater than than are current levels levels current
Phase 11 Phase
Phase 22 Phase
Strategic Strategic Vision and and Vision Goals Goals
Investment Investment Plan Plan
Phase 33 Phase Training Training Business Business Architecture Architecture Design Design
Phase 44 Phase Implementation Implementation Plan Plan
Phase 33 Phase
Training Business Architecture Design
Phase Phase 33 Outputs Outputs Results measurement measurement plan plan •• Results Process Maps Maps and and measures measures •• Process Organization structure structure evolution evolution plan plan •• Organization Governing/advisory structure structure •• Governing/advisory Staffing strategy strategy •• Staffing Technology and and information information systems systems strategy strategy •• Technology Facilities strategy strategy •• Facilities Financial strategy strategy •• Financial Supervisor or or manager manager support support system system •• Supervisor F-1
Phase Phase 33 Flow Flow Chart Chart Develop the Develop the Financial Financial Strategy Strategy
Develop the Develop the Technology and Technology and Information Systems Information Systems Strategy Strategy
Specify Specify Additional Additional Administrative Administrative Systems Systems
Design the Design the Results Results Measurement Measurement System System
Develop Develop Detailed Detailed Process Process Maps Maps
Develop Develop the Organization the Organization Structure Structure and Job Designs and Job Designs
Document the Document the T&D T&D Architecture for Architecture for Approval Approval
Develop the Develop the Facilities Facilities Strategy Strategy
Design the Design the Advisory Advisory Structure Structure
Design Design Supervisor/ Supervisor/ Manager Manager Support System Support System
Establish Establish the the Staffing Staffing Strategy Strategy
Phase 33 Executive Executive Review Review Point*: Point*: Phase Training Business Business Architecture Architecture Training Purpose Purpose Approve plans plans before before implementation implementation Approve Criteria Criteria Decisions require require executive executive •• Decisions input input Alternatives and and details details •• Alternatives available where where needed needed available
*Optional: *Optional:
Tips Tips Minimize use use of of executive executive •• Minimize
time time Keep decisions decisions at at aa high high •• Keep level where where possible—avoid possible—avoid level getting bogged bogged down down in in getting details of of decision decision details
This step step may may be be omitted, omitted, except except for for those those few few This decisions that that require require heavy heavy investment investment or or high-level high-level decisions policy review review policy 66
Results Results Measurement Measurement Plan Plan Elements Elements Hierarchy of of measures measures to to be be used used ••Hierarchy Strategy for for collecting collecting and and storing storing the the data data ••Strategy Plan for for aa system system of of regular regular reports reports to to stakeholders stakeholders ••Plan Plan for for developing developing and and implementing implementing the the system system ••Plan
Process Process Maps Maps and and Measures Measures Elements Elements Macroprocess Map Map identifying identifying all all T&D T&D processes processes •• Macroprocess Process Maps Maps for for each each individual individual training training process process (e.g., (e.g., •• Process courseware development) development) courseware
Performance measures measures for for each each process process (e.g., (e.g., cost, cost, cycle cycle •• Performance time, and and quality) quality) time,
Organization Organization Structure Structure Evolution Evolution Plan Plan Elements Elements How many many training training departments departments will will you you have? have? •• How What are are their their missions, missions, roles, roles, and and scope scope of of responsibility? responsibility? •• What How will will they they coordinate coordinate to to achieve achieve the the overall overall investment investment •• How plan? plan?
How will will they they be be structured structured internally? internally? •• How How will will you you evolve evolve to to this this new new structure structure from from what what you you •• How have today? today? have
Governing/Advisory Governing/Advisory Structure Structure Elements Elements An overall overall governing governing system system •• An Mission, roles, roles, and and membership membership rules rules for for each each advisory advisory •• Mission, group group
plan for for linkage linkage to to the the training training departments departments •• AA plan plan for for creating creating or or evolving evolving the the structure structure •• AA plan
Staffing Staffing Strategy Strategy Elements Elements definition of of the the needed needed mix mix of of talents talents to to staff staff the the jobs jobs in in •• AA definition the organization organization structure structure the
Sources for for these these talents talents (line (line organizations, organizations, consultants, consultants, •• Sources college hires, hires, etc.) etc.) college
Policies for for recruiting, recruiting, selection, selection, retention, retention, and and career career •• Policies management management
Technology Technology and and Information Information Systems Systems Strategy Strategy Elements Elements High-level specifications specifications for for technologies technologies to to be be acquired acquired •• High-level and/or deployed deployed (e.g., (e.g., distance/learning distance/learning technology) technology) and/or
Deployment strategy strategy •• Deployment T&D information information system system architecture, architecture, including including integration integration •• T&D with other other information information systems systems with
High-level specifications specifications for for information information system system •• High-level
Facilities Facilities Strategy Strategy Elements Elements Kinds of of training training facilities facilities needed needed •• Kinds Location of of training training facilities facilities •• Location Capacity requirements requirements over over aa fivefive- to to ten-year ten-year forecast forecast •• Capacity period period
Cost •• Cost Risk of of obsolescence obsolescence with with changing changing training training technologies technologies •• Risk
Financial Financial Strategy Strategy Elements Elements Financial strategy strategy for for •• Financial Development budget budget --Development Operations budget budget --Operations Capital budget budget --Capital system for for data data collection collection and and financial financial control control •• AA system policy on on financial financial accountability accountability to to whom whom and and for for what what •• AA policy plan to to develop develop and and implement implement the the system system •• AA plan
Supervisor Supervisor or or Manager Manager Support Support System System Elements Elements Information systems systems and and communication communication channels channels •• Information Job aids aids and and procedures procedures •• Job Training for for supervisors supervisors and and managers managers •• Training Training coordinator coordinator •• Training
Phase Phase 44 Phase 11 Phase Strategic Strategic Vision and and Vision Goals Goals
Phase 22 Phase Investment Investment Plan Plan
Phase 33 Phase Training Training Business Business Architecture Architecture Design Design
Phase 44 Phase Implementation Implementation Plan Plan
Phase 44 Phase
Implementation Plan
Phase Phase 44 Outputs Outputs Detailed implementation implementation plan plan •• Detailed Implementation activities activities lists lists --Implementation Milestones to to monitor monitor progress progress --Milestones Assignments of of accountability accountability --Assignments Resource allocations allocations for for implementation implementation tasks tasks --Resource Progress tracking tracking and and reporting reporting system system --Progress
Final documented documented Strategic Strategic Training Training Plan Plan •• Final
Phase Phase 44 Flow Flow Chart Chart
Establish Implementation Priorities
Develop Plan and Schedule
Establish Implementation Team
Phase Phase 44 Executive Executive Review Review Point: Point: Implementation -off Implementation Kick Kick-off Purpose Purpose Provide visibility visibility of of “next “next steps” steps” to to management management Provide Criteria Criteria Plan covers covers next next phase phase at at aa •• Plan
task level level task Milestones and and deliverables deliverables •• Milestones clearly defined defined clearly Individual accountabilities accountabilities •• Individual identified identified Time frames frames are are reasonable, reasonable, •• Time but within within management management but expectations expectations Resources adequate adequate to to •• Resources accomplish objectives objectives accomplish G-1
Tips Tips No surprises—people surprises—people listed listed •• No
in the the plan plan should should be be aware aware in of (and (and have have agreed agreed to) to) their their of roles roles no executive executive decisions decisions are are •• IfIf no required, this this review review can can be be aa required, briefing (or (or aa memo) memo) briefing “Socializing” the the plan plan upfront upfront •• “Socializing” will help help ensure ensure aa “Go” “Go” will decision decision
Barriers Barriers to to Overcome Overcome
Time/resources to to do do the the Time/resources implementation work work implementation Money Money Lack of of management management Lack attention attention
The key key to to success success in in implementation implementation is is aa solid solid accountability accountability The link between between the the implementing implementing project project teams teams and and management management link G-1
Ongoing Ongoing Executive Executive Status Status Reviews Reviews Purpose Purpose Review progress progress toward toward plan, plan, changes, changes, and and associated associated Review resource requirements, requirements, and and maintain maintain project project visibility visibility resource Tips Tips
Criteria Criteria Business issues issues arising arising since since •• Business
•• ••
initial plan plan are are addressed addressed initial Progress/status is is clear, clear, Progress/status deviations from from the the plan plan are are deviations explained explained Changes (and (and associated associated Changes resource requirements) requirements) are are resource documented documented
Get input input upfront upfront through through official official •• Get
•• ••
communication channels, channels, personal personal communication network, or or individual individual executive executive network, interviews prior prior to to status status meeting meeting interviews Have details details available, available, but but keep keep Have executives focused focused on on higher higher level level executives issues issues Use the the plan plan as as aa guide guide throughout throughout Use the project—otherwise, project—otherwise, the the effort effort the can get get “off “off track” track” and and become become can difficult to to show show status status difficult
For annual annual updates, updates, four four phases phases with with executive executive reviews reviews are are usually usually For unnecessary unnecessary G-1
Section Section 66 Planning a Strategic Plan Plan for for Strategic Training & Development Project
Before Before You You Even Even Start Start Phase Phase 11 Phase 0: 0: Project Project Planning Planning and and Management, Management, a.k.a. a.k.a. “Organizing “Organizing the the Phase Planning Project” Project” Planning
Purpose Purpose 1. Document Document scope, scope, roles, roles, and and 1. project activities activities for for the the team team and and project management management 2. Track Track and and communicate communicate progress progress 2. and changes changes with with respect respect to to and project tasks tasks for for team team and and project management management
Key activities activities Key Planning (establishing (establishing scope, scope, ••Planning goal, time time frame) frame) goal, Negotiating resources resources ••Negotiating
Purpose defined/approved Scope defined/approved Deliverables defined Activities and time line defined/approved (all four phases) Resources available Roles/responsibilities defined/approved Executive review points defined/approved Status current
This is is an an ongoing ongoing process process throughout throughout the the project project This H-1
Project Project Planning Planning and and Management Management A major major key key to to success success or or failure failure is is the the way way you you organize organize and and A manage the the Project Project Plan Plan manage
Risks of of Poor Poor Risks Project Project Planning and and Planning Management Management
• Fail to complete a quality plan
• Fail to obtain political support for the plan
• Stumble over organizational roadblocks to implement the plan H-1
Project Project Planning Planning and and Management Management Steps Steps Scope the the project project •• Scope Recruit an an executive executive sponsor sponsor •• Recruit Select the the Planning Planning Team Team •• Select Steering Team Team --Steering Working Team Team --Working Planning staff staff --Planning Select the the project project leader leader •• Select Draft the the Project Project Plan Plan •• Draft Review the the Project Project Plan Plan with with •• Review
and get get commitments commitments from from all all and members of of the the Planning Planning Team Team members
Project Project Planning Planning and and Management Management Steps Steps (continued) (continued) Obtain commitment commitment from from executive executive •• Obtain sponsor and and Steering Steering Team Team sponsor
Keep the the project project moving moving and and on on schedule schedule •• Keep Assign aa data data manager manager •• Assign Collect, manage, manage, and and disseminate disseminate •• Collect, data, information, information, and and knowledge knowledge data,
Utilize information information systems systems to to collect collect and and •• Utilize manage data data manage
Build consensus consensus •• Build Inform --Inform Negotiate --Negotiate Decide --Decide H-1
SPT&D SPT&D Project Project Planning Planning Template Template Schedule
Estimated Resources (Days) PROJECT TASKS
(see handout)
Key: ST = PM = WT = DST = IST =
Steering Team Project Manager Working Team Data Subteam Investment Subteam 87
Section Section 77 Selling the Strategic Plan Plan for for Strategic Training & Development Project
? ?
? ?
So, how do I sell a Strategic ? Plan for Training & Development? Development? ?
? ? I-1
? ?
? 89
SPIN SPIN Sales Sales Process Process Situation Situation Major initiatives initiatives ••Major Lots of of change change ••Lots Training not not seen seen as as aa value-added value-added business business partner partner ••Training Out-of-date training training methods methods and and technology technology ••Out-of-date No clear clear focus focus on on training training needs needs ••No Employee complaints complaints about about training training ••Employee Problems Problems Ineffective implementation implementation of of initiative initiative and and technologies technologies ••Ineffective Wasted money money on on ineffective ineffective or or unnecessary unnecessary training training ••Wasted Employee morale morale problems problems ••Employee Customer dissatisfaction dissatisfaction ••Customer
SPIN ® is a registered trademark of Huthwaite Corporation I-1
SPIN SPIN Sales Sales Process Process (continued) (continued) Implications Implications Loss of of competitive competitive advantage advantage ••Loss Lost customers customers ••Lost Lost revenues revenues ••Lost Unnecessary cost cost ••Unnecessary Overall loss loss of of business business performance performance ••Overall Need-Payoff Need-Payoff Develop aa Strategic Strategic Plan Plan to to realign realign T&D T&D with with business business ••Develop requirements requirements
Section Section 88
Session Session Summary
Benefits Benefits of of Developing Developing aa Strategic Strategic Training Training Plan Plan Puts top top management management in in control control of of its its investment investment in in human human •• Puts capital development development capital
Develops credibility credibility with with line line management management •• Develops Creates aa comprehensive comprehensive system system to to focus focus on on high-priority high-priority •• Creates business needs needs business
Realigns training training with with changing changing business business paradigm paradigm •• Realigns Training becomes becomes aa proactive proactive rather rather than than aa reactive reactive function function •• Training Eliminates wasted wasted time time and and money money spent spent on on training training in in lowlow•• Eliminates priority areas areas priority
Lessons Lessons Learned Learned Using aa large large Working Working Team Team drawn drawn from from across across the the organization organization •• Using
helps with with buy-in buy-in for for the the project project but but stretches stretches the the project project schedule schedule helps -Time required required for for team team learning learning -Time -Logistics of of scheduling scheduling meetings meetings -Logistics
Organizing best best practices practices visits, visits, including including both both the the executive executive •• Organizing groups and and the the Working Working Team Team groups -Has aa very very high high payoff payoff -Has -Is very very difficult difficult logistically logistically -Is
Performing external external benchmarking benchmarking requires requires aa great great deal deal of of •• Performing scheduling time time scheduling Preselling business business units, units, discipline, discipline, and and company-level company-level •• Preselling executives executives -Is essential essential to to gaining gaining commitment commitment -Is -Requires lots lots of of time time and and hard hard work work -Requires
Lessons Lessons Learned Learned (continued) (continued) Selling aa resource resource budget budget based based on on the the high-level high-level needs needs •• Selling
assessment where where the the company company has has no no experience experience with with some some of of assessment the new new services services is is difficult difficult the
Having executive executive sponsorship sponsorship throughout throughout the the project project really really pays pays •• Having
off; having having aa combination combination of of line line and and human human resources resources sponsors sponsors is is off; ideal ideal
Getting the the right right sponsor, sponsor, Steering Steering Team, Team, and and Working Working Team Team is is •• Getting critical critical
Obtaining executive executive committee committee approval approval at at key key milestones milestones is is •• Obtaining critical critical -Kick-off -Kick-off -Midpoint -Midpoint -Final approval approval -Final
Having aa linkage linkage to to business business strategies strategies is is essential essential •• Having Dedicating aa project project manager manager is is vital vital •• Dedicating J-1
Strategic Strategic Planning Planning for for Training Training & & Development Development Process Process Project Planning Planning and and Management Management Project
Phase 1 Strategic Vision and Goals
Phase 2 Investment Plan
• Training implications of business challenges and plans • Assessment of the existing learning system • Cost of training and return on investment • Mission, philosophy, and roles of T&D • Strategic vision and goals
• Quantitative needs forecasts • Alternative strategies for meeting the needs • Resource requirements for alternative scenarios • Strategic approach(es) • Three- to five-year investment plan
•• •• ••
Purpose Purpose Scope Scope Activities Activities and time time lines lines and
•• •• ••
Resource requirements requirements Resource Planning roles roles Planning Executive review points points Executive review
Phase 3 Training Business Architecture Design
• • • • • • • • •
Results measurement plan Process Maps and measures Organization structure Governing structure Staffing strategy Technology and information systems strategy Facilities strategy Financial strategy Supervisor support system
Phase 4 Implementation Plan • Implementation activities lists • Milestones to monitor progress • Assignments of accountability • Resource allocations • Progress tracking and reporting systems
(Annual Updates) = Executive review point J-2
Human Competence is The Competitive Edge
For For Further Further Information Information Contact Contact
Guy W. W. Wallace Wallace Guy SWI –– Svenson Svenson & & Wallace Wallace Inc. Inc. SWI 1733 Park Park Street, Street, Suite Suite 201 201 1733 Naperville, IL IL 60563 60563 Naperville, Voice: 708.416.3323 708.416.3323 Voice: Fax: 708.416.9770 708.416.9770 Fax: E-mail:
[email protected] [email protected] E-mail: World Wide Wide Web: Web: World
Aligning Human Human Talent Talent and and Energy Energy Aligning Omega