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Information Communication and Technology (ICT) is widely accepted as a ... Benchmarking process finds a gap between best practices schools and primary.
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ScienceDirect Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 174 (2015) 1026 – 1030

INTE 2014

Strategies of information communication and technology integration by benchmarking for primary school in Catholic (Layman) School Administration Club Bangkok Arch Diocese for students’ 21st century skill Chavalee Sakuliampaiboona*, Jaitip Na Songkhlab*, Siridej Sujivac a

Department of Education Technology and Communications, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand Department of Education Technology and Communications, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand c Department of Education Reseach and Psychology, Faculty of Education, Chulalongrkorn University,Bangkok 10330,Thailand


Abstract Information Communication and Technology (ICT) is widely accepted as a strategic advantage in raising school quality and standards for students in the 21st century. Indicators were systematically reviewed from major resources according to practices and ICT competencies standards. Six areas of strategic plan include management, infrastructure, teaching, learning process, environment and communities’ cooperation. Benchmarking process finds a gap between best practices schools and primary schools in Catholic (Layman) Schools Administration Club Bangkok Arch Diocese (C.L.S.A.). Finally a set of strategic plans and activities were proposed to a group of primary Catholic school administrators. © 2014The TheAuthors. Authors.Published Published Elsevier © 2015 by by Elsevier Ltd.Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license Peer-review under responsibility of the Sakarya University. ( Peer-review under responsibility of the Sakarya University Keywords: ICT integration; Benchmarking Process; Strategy; 21st century skill

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +6-683-199-3590 E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-0428 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Peer-review under responsibility of the Sakarya University doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.789

Chavalee Sakuliampaiboon et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 174 (2015) 1026 – 1030




Information Communication and Technology (ICT) is a critical tool to developing 21 st century skills for students. Twenty-first century skills are categorized into 3 core competencies. First, learning and innovation skills focus on communication and collaboration, creativity and innovation, and critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Second, information, media and technology skills, and third-life and career skills are the essential skills for students to learn in this era. The aim of this study is to provide educators and school stakeholders with ICT indicators and best practices in ICT integration to guide design ICT school policies and strategic plans. Much research proves that ICT integration helps improve student learning skills. Kang, Heo & Kim, 2011 discuss the benefits of using ICT for teaching and learning as follows: First, to enhance teaching and learning; second, to provide more productivity in administration work; and third, to expand students’ knowledge. Jeffrey R. Stowell, 2011 supports the use of technology in the classroom for encouraging teachers to use technologies to increase efficiency and reinforce new learning processes to students. In addition, ICT promotes the shift to a childcentered environment, and focuses on life-long learning when used appropriately. Joke Voogt and Natalie Roblin, 2010 present the conceptual framework of ICT integration in students’ learning. It shows that ICT plays a role in the way students learn, as well as in practices and outcomes. Thai Ministry of Education realizes the impact of globalization and technical advancement on Thai education. Therefore, the Thai Ministry of Education conducted new Basic Education Curriculum B.E.2551 (A.D.2008).This national core curriculum provides significant support for the use of technology in school. The goals are to enhance students’ knowledge and create a learning community, along with life-long learning skills, which are a part of 21st century skills. In addition, the key elements of Thailand’s 3rd ICT Master Plan for Education B.E 2554-2556 (A.D.2011-2013) are equality of access, use of ICT for lifelong learning, and ICT’s contribution to wisdom and a learning-focused society. Moreover, preparing students for the globalized world is one of the schools’ commitments. There is no doubt of ICT value in education, but questions arise about how to best utilize and maximize the potential of ICT to help prepare students in 21st century. The finding will help students successfully learn the skills that they need to have today. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop ICT integration standards in schools level for the 21st century skills, find the best practices of ICT integration, and develop strategies of ICT integration. Development of indicators for ICT integration in school level is the key to not only monitor and evaluate the success of ICT integration, but also be a direction of future policies.(W.J.Pelgrum,2001) Furthermore, it helps raise school standards. ICT indicators were developed by considering three sources: ICT standards, ICT competencies, and indicators for ICT integration at different levels. Benchmarking Process is used as a tool to measure the gap between best practices school and primary school in the Catholic (Layman) School Administration Club Bangkok Arch Diocese. The findings of the study will apply to development of a strategy to effectively support and promote ICT integration into the teaching and learning process. 2. Method This study is a descriptive research using survey studies to collect data. Documentary analysis and content analysis were applied to summarize and synthesize ICT indicators. Cooperative benchmarking is used to compare and exchange information with the best practice school and primary schools in Catholic (Layman) Schools Administration Club Bangkok Arch Diocese (C.L.S.A.). The results of the benchmarking process will help formulating ICT strategies. TOWS Matrix is an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization environment from the results of the SWOT Analysis. 2.1 Literature review Documents were systematically reviewed from 3 major themes accordingly, practices, ICT skills and competencies standards and ICT indicators from differences levels. 12 following references were selected to gather information about ICT indicators in worldwide perspective, which were conducted by both domestic and international organizations. 1. Evaluation report of ICT model school in ICT School in Thailand project. Bureau of Education Innovation Development under controls of Office of the Basic Education Commission of Thailand 2. Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Standard in Thai basic education level. Ministry of Education 3. Executive Summary of research and development of ICT in indicators education (Information and Communication Technology Center. Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, B.E 2556) .


Chavalee Sakuliampaiboon et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 174 (2015) 1026 – 1030

4. Guide to external assessment three (B.E 2554-2558), the basic education. Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (Public Organization) 5. Obstacles to the integration of ICT in education: results from a worldwide educational assessment (W.J. Pelgrum, 2001) 6. Proposed set of indicators for ICT in education (UNESCO Bangkok,2003) UNESCO (2003). Performance indicators for ICT in education. Bangkok: UNESCO 7. Core Indicators for monitoring and evaluation studies in ICTs for education (Robert B. Kozma and Daniel A. Wagner) 8. Pedagogy and ICT use in school around the world Chapter 4: School Practices and Conditions for Pedagogy and ICT (Willem Pelgrum, 2008) 9. Study on indicators of ICT in primary and secondary Education (IIPSE) Executive Summary, 2009 the European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture. 10. Core ICT indicators, 2010 by Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development 11. Projects for the use of information and communication technologies in education (Eugenio Severin C.,2010) 12. Propagation & level: Factors influencing in the ICT composite index at the school level, 2013 by Hiroyuki Aoki, JaMee Kim, WonGyu Lee Results of synthesis of the ICT indicators for primary school There are 4 domestic and 8 international documents. Only 4 domestic documents or 25% of the total number of literature review were selected because of the relevant issues to ICT integration and implementation in school levels. Table 1 Synthesis of ICT indicators Indicators Total finding Selected indicators School Management 1.1 Policy and Development Plan 25 5 1.2 the capital budget 32 6 1.3 the monitoring and evaluation 6 6 Indicators Total finding Selected indicators 1.4 Legal framework 4 3 1.5 ICT competencies standard for administrators 60 22 Infrastructure 2.1 ICT Infrastructure and equipment 38 10 2.2 Software and database systems 17 8 2.3 Network 42 9 2.4 maintenance 4 2 Instruction 3.1 curriculum 53 24 3.2 teaching support 7 11 3.3 Teacher development 32 6 3.4 ICT competencies standard for teacher 92 26 Learning process 4.1 ICT integration 80 43 4.2 ICT competencies standard for students 24 24 Learning Resource 5.1 School website 15 4 5.2 learning Resource Management and 13 6 6.Communities’ cooperation 19 9 TOTAL 563 224(40%) Note: Percentage involved rounding data The finding of 12 analysis references yielded to a total of 563 indicators which could be subsumed into 6 standards in 18 categories.

Chavalee Sakuliampaiboon et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 174 (2015) 1026 – 1030

Table 2 ICT integration indicators Standards School Management(5)

Infrastructure (4)


Learning process(2) Learning Resource(2)


Indicators 1.1 Policy and Development Plan 1.2 the capital budget 1.3 the monitoring and evaluation 1.4 Legal framework 1.5 ICT competencies standard for administrators 2.1 ICT Infrastructure and equipment 2.2 Software and database systems 2.3 Network 2.4 maintenance 3.1 curriculum 3.2 teaching support 3.3 Teacher development 3.4 ICT competencies standard for teacher 4.1 ICT integration 4.2 ICT competencies standard for students. 5.1 School website 5.2 learning Resource Management and

Communities’ cooperation 2.2 Benchmarking Process Benchmarking in education is used to improve the quality and standards of education. Many educators utilize it as a shortcut way for pushing education reform by learning and comparing with the best practices successful school reform of their experiences and key successful factors. (Jackson, 2000 and Kelly, 2001) The benchmarking in this study is following these steps: First, development of ICT integration indicators to measure and evaluate progress toward school achievement. Second, conducting gap analysis to identify differences between the best practice school and primary schools in Catholic (Layman) Schools Administration Club Bangkok Arch Diocese (C.L.S.A.). The results will be a guideline for ICT strategic formulation. 2.3 Strategic development TOWS Matrix is a tool to formulate strategies. TOWS Matrix simply stands for treats, opportunities weaknesses and strengths. (Wheelen and Hunger, 2004) TOWS Matrix will help to determine the scope and explanation of each strategy which includes school management, ICT infrastructure, instruction, learning process, ICT resources and communities’ cooperation. Strategic Result 3. Conclusion In the era which technology becomes a critical part of empower students learning process. It is a school’s commitment to ensure to utilize and maximize the potential of ICT for develops 21 st century skills to all students. ICT integration indicators and strategies plan, the result of this study will be a tool to monitor, evaluate and push the school reform in the quickly way. Furthermore, it will be a guideline for school administrators to set strategic plan in order to raise school quality and standard for students in the 21st century. References Aoki, H., Kim, J., & Lee, W. (2013). Propagation & level: Factors influencing in the ict composite index at the school level. Computers & Education, 60(1), 310-324. Retrieved from Directorate General Education and Culture. (2009). Study on indicators of ict in primary and secondary education (iipse) executive summary. Directorate General Education and Culture: European Commission. Dunn, D. S., & Stowell, J. R. (2011). Best practice for technology-enhance teaching and learning. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Inc. Jackson, N., & Lund, H. (2000). Benchmarking for Higher Education. Florence, KY: Taylor & Francis, Inc. Kang, M., Heo, H., & Kim, M. (2011). The impact of ICT use on new millennium learners' educational performance. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 8(1), 18-27. doi: 10.1108/17415651111125487 Kelly, A. (2001). Benchmarking for school improvement: A practical guide for comparing and improving effectiveness. New York, NY:


Chavalee Sakuliampaiboon et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 174 (2015) 1026 – 1030

RoutledgeFalmer. Kozma , B. R., & Wagner, A. D. (2005). Core indicators for monitoring and evaluation studies in icts for education . infoDev Ministry of Education (2008). Information communication and technology (ICT) standard in Thai basic education level. Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (Public Organization) (2011). Guide to external assessment three (B.E 25542558), the basic education. Office of the Basic Education Commission of Thailand (2006). Evaluation report of ICT model school in ICT School in Thailand project. Bureau of Education Innovation Development. Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education (2013). Executive Summary of research and development of ICT in indicators education., Information and Communication Technology Centre. Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development (2010). Core ict indicators. Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development Pelgrum, W. J. (2001). Obstacles to the integration of ict in education: results from a worldwide educational assessment. Computers & Education, (37), 163-178. Pelgrum, W. J. (2008). Pedagogy and ict use in school around the world chapter 4: School practices and conditions for pedagogy and ict . (pp. 67-120). Comparative Education Research Center Severin C., E. (2010). Projects for the use of information and communication technologies in education . (Vol. 6, pp. 5-28). IDB. UNESCO, (2003). Proposed set of indicators for ict in education Bangkok: UNESCO Voogt, J., & Roblin, N. P. (2010). 21st century skills: discussion paper. AE, Enschede: University of Twente. Wheelen, T., Hunger D.(2004). Strategic Management and Business Policy. Ninth Edition. New Jersey: Person