Strathcona County's Voluntary Business Directory Questionnaire

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Strathcona County's Voluntary Business Directory Questionnaire. Strathcona County will use ... is confidential). Business name: ... Central and South America. □.
Strathcona County’s Voluntary Business Directory Questionnaire Strathcona County will use confidential information for statistical and economic growth purposes and connecting business opportunities. Public information is used as a resource at Strathcona County Library, Information and Volunteer Centre, Sherwood Park and District Chamber of Commerce, and published on Strathcona County Economic Development & Tourism’s Website. (* indicates this information is confidential)

Business name:_____________________________________________________________________________ Type: ___Service __Manufacturing __Retail __Wholesale ____ Homebased Description of business________________________________________________________________________ List products manufactured (if applicable) ________________________________________________________

Mailing address: Street City/Hamlet Postal Code

Civic address: (if different from mailing address) Street City/Hamlet Postal Code

Contact information: Owner of business__________________________ Manager__________________________________ Contact name______________________________ Phone number(780)__________________________ Cell number(780)____________________________ Toll free number____________________________ Website___________________________________ Email address______________________________

Company Information: * Full-time employees (including owner) ____________ * Part-time employees__________________________ * Future plans for expansion: yes____ no___ * Future plans for relocation: yes___ no___ * Square footage (not necessary for home-based)________

Check markets served:

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local, incl. Edmonton area Alberta Western Canada Eastern Canada Territories USA [specify state(s)]: Central and South America Western Europe Eastern Europe, incl. Russia Australia and New Zealand East Asia, excluding China, Japan Korea, and Taiwan China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan India Middle East Africa World wide

ISO Certified: yes ____ no _____ Year established in Strathcona County 19___ or 20___ Check markets sought:

               

local, incl. Edmonton area Alberta Western Canada Eastern Canada Territories USA [specify state(s)]: Central and South America Western Europe Eastern Europe, incl. Russia Pacific Rim, incl. Australia East Asia, excluding China, Japan Korea, and Taiwan China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan India Middle East Africa World wide