This report is published as part of the Science, Technology, Research and Innovation for the Environment. (STRIVE) .....
Report Series No.123
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems STRIVE Environmental Protection Agency Programme
Comhshaol, Pobal agus Rialtas Áitiúil Environment, Community and Local Government
Environmental Protection Agency The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a statutory body responsible for protecting the environment in Ireland. We regulate and police activities that might otherwise cause pollution. We ensure there is solid information on environmental trends so that necessary actions are taken. Our priorities are protecting the Irish environment and ensuring that development is sustainable. The EPA is an independent public body established in July 1993 under the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992. Its sponsor in Government is the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government.
REGULATING IRELAND’S GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS n Quantifying Ireland’s emissions of greenhouse gases in the context of our Kyoto commitments n Implementing the Emissions Trading Directive, involving over 100 companies who are major generators of carbon dioxide in Ireland. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT n Co-ordinating research on environmental issues (including air and water quality, climate change, biodiversity, environmental technologies). STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT n Assessing the impact of plans and programmes on the Irish environment (such as waste management and development plans).
n Providing guidance to the public and to industry on various environmental topics (including licence applications, waste prevention and environmental regulations).
We license the following to ensure that their emissions do not endanger human health or harm the environment: n waste facilities (e.g., landfills, incinerators, waste transfer stations); n large scale industrial activities (e.g., pharmaceutical manufacturing, cement manufacturing, power plants); n intensive agriculture; n the contained use and controlled release of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs); n large petrol storage facilities; n waste water discharges; n dumping at sea. NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT n Conducting over 1200 audits and inspections of EPA licensed facilities every year. n Overseeing local authorities’ environmental protection responsibilities in the areas of - air, noise, waste, waste-water and water quality.
n Generating greater environmental awareness (through environmental television programmes and primary and secondary schools’ resource packs). PROACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT n Promoting waste prevention and minimisation projects through the co-ordination of the National Waste Prevention Programme, including input into the implementation of Producer Responsibility Initiatives. n Enforcing Regulations such as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) and substances that deplete the ozone layer. n Developing a National Hazardous Waste Management Plan to prevent and manage hazardous waste. MANAGEMENT AND STRUCTURE OF THE EPA The organisation is managed by a full time Board, consisting of a Director General and four Directors.
n Working with local authorities and the Gardaí to stamp out illegal waste activity by co-ordinating a national enforcement network, targeting offenders, conducting investigations and overseeing remediation.
The work of the EPA is carried out across four offices:
n Prosecuting those who flout environmental law and damage the environment as a result of their actions.
n Office of Environmental Assessment
MONITORING, ANALYSING AND REPORTING ON THE ENVIRONMENT n Monitoring air quality and the quality of rivers, lakes, tidal waters and ground waters; measuring water levels and river flows. n Independent reporting to inform decision making by national and local government.
n Office of Climate, Licensing and Resource Use n Office of Environmental Enforcement n Office of Communications and Corporate Services The EPA is assisted by an Advisory Committee of twelve members who meet several times a year to discuss issues of concern and offer advice to the Board.
EPA STRIVE Programme 2007-2013
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems (2012-W-DS-9) STRIVE Report
Prepared for the Environmental Protection Agency by Ryan Hanley Consulting Engineers
Authors: Michael F. Joyce and Dr. Kathryn Carney
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY An Ghníomhaireacht um Chaomhnú Comhshaoil PO Box 3000, Johnstown Castle, Co.Wexford, Ireland
Telephone: +353 53 916 0600 Fax: +353 53 916 0699 Email:
[email protected] Website:
© Environmental Protection Agency 2014
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report is published as part of the Science, Technology, Research and Innovation for the Environment (STRIVE) Programme 2007-2013. The programme is financed by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan 2007-2013. It is administered on behalf of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government by the Environmental Protection Agency which has the statutory function of co-ordinating and promoting environmental research. The authors would like to thank the project Working Group for their guidance throughout the course of the project. The authors would like to thank the National NIECE Working Group on Domestic Wastewater Sludges for their guidance throughout the course of the project: Leo Sweeney, Karen Creed, Brendan Kissane, Claire Byrne, Lisa Sheils (EPA); Donal Cronin, Pat Fenton (DECLG) and Noel O’Keeffe (on behalf of CCMA).
DISCLAIMER Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the material contained in this publication, complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Neither the Environmental Protection Agency nor the author(s) accept any responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage occasioned or claimed to have been occasioned, in part or in full, as a consequence of any person acting, or refraining from acting, as a result of a matter contained in this publication. All or part of this publication may be reproduced without further permission, provided the source is acknowledged. The EPA STRIVE Programme addresses the need for research in Ireland to inform policymakers and other stakeholders on a range of questions in relation to environmental protection. These reports are intended as contributions to the necessary debate on the protection of the environment.
EPA STRIVE PROGRAMME 2007-2013 Published by the Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
ISBN: 978-1-84095-536-1
Details of Project Partners Michael F. Joyce Ryan Hanley Consulting Engineers, Sherwood House, Sherwood Avenue, Taylor’s Hill, Galway Tel.: +353-91-587116 E-mail:
[email protected]
Dr. Kathryn Carney Ryan Hanley Consulting Engineers, Sherwood House, Sherwood Avenue, Taylor’s Hill, Galway Tel.: +353-91-587116 E-mail:
[email protected]
Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.................................................................................................................... i DISCLAIMER ........................................................................................................................................ i Details of Project Partners .................................................................................................................... ii Executive Summary 1.
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................1 1.1
Background ................................................................................................................................ 1
Report Scope .............................................................................................................................. 2
Legislation Review .......................................................................................................................... 4 2.1
Domestic Wastewater Treatment System Legislation ..................................................................4
DWWTS De-sludging, Sludge Collection and Transport ............................................................ 4
Sludge Reuse or Disposal Legislation ......................................................................................... 5
Sludge Disposal Legislation Concerning Food Crops ..................................................................7
EU Member States - Standards on Sludge Used in Agriculture ................................................... 7
Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems - Sludge Volume and Spatial Distribution ................ 9 3.1
Background ................................................................................................................................ 9
DWWTS Sludge Evacuation ......................................................................................................9
DWWTS Sludge Composition .................................................................................................. 11
DWWTS Sludge Volumes ........................................................................................................ 11
Review of Planned and Existing Sludge Infrastructure .............................................................. 13 4.1
Sludge Management Plans ........................................................................................................ 13
Existing Wastewater Treatment Plant Infrastructure ................................................................. 13
Sustainable Transport Distance using Suction Tanker for DWWTS De-sludging ...................... 16
Sustainable Transport Distance using Mobile Dewatering Equipment ....................................... 18
Upgrade of Sludge Facilities to Meet DWWTS Sludge Requirements....................................... 19
Future Management Options ..................................................................................................... 22
Sludge Treatment, Recycling and Disposal Routes ..................................................................... 23 5.1
Sludge Treatment ..................................................................................................................... 23
Sludge Recycling and Disposal Routes ..................................................................................... 25
Feasible future disposal routes for DWWTS sludges................................................................. 28
Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................................. 30 6.1
Conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 30
Recommendations .................................................................................................................... 35
References ..................................................................................................................................... 38 7.1
Glossary ................................................................................................................................... 39
Executive Summary There are an estimated 497,000 domestic wastewater
The Scottish Water utility company currently operates a
treatment systems (DWWTS) in Ireland. DWWTS which
good environmental practice model using mobile
are not properly maintained and operated may pose a
dewatering trucks to de-sludge DWWTS. It is envisaged
risk to human health and impact negatively on the
that such a model may extend the sustainable transport
environment. The periodic removal of sludge from a
distance up to 80 km - this distance will of course be
DWWTS is necessary, to ensure adequate treatment of the wastewater and the reduction of their impact on the environment. The adoption of new regulations relating to DWWTS maintenance and de-sludging (S.I. 220/2012 and S.I. 223/2012) will result in large annual volumes of sludge being evacuated, the majority of which will be
dictated by the market. Nonetheless, based on the GIS analysis and best practice in Scotland, consequently desludging DWWTS by means of these mobile dewatering trucks on a scheduled rota system has the potential to reduce: (i)
the number of necessary wastewater treatment
transported to existing wastewater treatment plants
(WWTPs) for screening, blending, dewatering treatment
sustainable transport distance, and
and reuse or disposal.
(ii) the maintenance cost of DWWTS de-sludging to the owner.
Assuming the reuse of untreated sludge on individual farms, in accordance with current legislation, the total
Existing wastewater treatment plant infrastructure in
annual volume of sludge to be evacuated from DWWTS
western and southern coastal regions of Ireland will
nationwide is estimated in Section 3 of the report at
require a large capital investment in order to adequately
473,381 m , at a de-sludging frequency of three years
manage the anticipated sludge volumes associated with
and based on an average DWWTS tank volume of
DWWTS regulations. In Section 4.5 of the report, a
3.5m3. The current spare available capacity of existing
sensitivity analysis of the required capital works
sludge reception facilities to receive DWWTS sludge is
provision of sludge reception facilities vis-à-vis differing
approximately 234,676m3, indicating a volume deficit for
sustainable transport distances from
receipt of 238,705m3 i.e. 50% of evacuated DWWTS
sludge generated annually. Analysis of existing wastewater infrastructural capacity
In the event of the transport/discharge of DWWTS
and operational practices indicates that the current lack
sludges to municipal plants, there will also be ongoing
of sludge screening facilities at WWTPs commonly
yearly operational costs to facilitate the transport,
results in the discharge of sludge tankers to the inlet of
wastewater treatment process, resulting in the shock
untreated DWWTS sludge, and reuse or disposal of
loading of the WWTP, disruption of the biological
treated sludge. Therefore, in order to facilitate the
process, higher energy costs and a reduction in the
provision of sustainable sludge collection, reception and
quality of final effluent discharged to receiving waters.
transport, and in recognition of Ireland’s status as an
A GIS analysis of the spatial distribution of DWWTS visà-vis existing sludge reception facilities with spare capacity in Section 4 indicates that: a) 85% of all DWWTS nationwide are >25 km away from existing sludge reception facilities with spare capacity. b) 23% of all DWWTS nationwide are located > 80 km from existing sludge reception facilities with spare capacity.
important food producer, it is recommended in Section 4.6 of the report that a single competent authority should be appointed to administer and implement sustainable management of DWWTS. It is also recommended that the competent authority should establish and maintain a database of registered DWWTS, which should include:
the location of each DWWTS on a GIS
the number of rooms/occupancy of the dwelling
the calculated de-sludging frequency as determined
spreading to land is becoming less of a disposal
by the regulatory authority (based on tank size and
the previous de-sludging record of each DWWTS,
to become a feasible sludge disposal route unless
including details of licenced transport haulier and
existing legislative restrictions are amended.
the destination for the evacuated sludge. Water Service Authorities (WSA) and private sector
permitting less extensive investment in sludge
treatment in Ireland, use five main methods of municipal stabilisation/treatment;
reception infrastructure.
anaerobic digestion, thermophilic aerobic digestion,
alkaline/lime stabilisation and composting, which are
such sludges to the sludge handling/treatment
Although the current disposal route for almost all treated land, it is likely that Ireland’s status as an agricultural
In respect of DWWTS de-sludged using mobile dewatering trucks, it may be possible to introduce
discussed in Section 5.1 of the report.
municipal sewage sludge is recycling to agricultural
Scheduled de-sludging rotas would enable the use of alternative methods, such as dewatering trucks,
companies, currently involved in municipal sludge sludge
Sewage sludge recycling to energy crops is unlikely
process. 7.
A cost-benefit analysis should be conducted to ascertain the optimum provision of sludge facilities
food producer may result in ongoing curtailment of
nationwide, taking into account the options of
landspreading as a sustainable disposal route. In Sections 5.2 and 5.3 of the report, it is suggested that
upgrading existing WWTP infrastructure and the
alternative recycling or disposal options, such as
development of existing facilities operated by the
incineration, recycling to energy crops, pyrolysis and
private sector.
other feasible disposal routes for treated biosolids may
need to be adopted on a significant scale, in order to
The recommended increase in sludge reception infrastructure
deal with the volumes of municipal and the additional
/treatment/dewatering capacity at each of the
DWWTS sludge produced nationally.
recommended sites will be site-specific and will
Section 6 sets out the conclusions of the report,
have to be determined by the competent regulatory
together with recommendations regarding the reception
and management of DWWTS sludges generated annually consequent to regulation. In addition to the main recommendations set out above, Section 6 further recommends that: 1.
A Quality Assurance System should be put in place for the treatment and disposal of sewage sludge, to guarantee that the required treatment process conditions to be achieved for the required bacterial
The current practice of discharging DWWTS
die-off in treated sludge, as set out in Appendix 3 of
sludges to the inlet works of a WWTP should be
the “Codes of Good Practice for the use of Biosolids
DWWTS sludge transported by suction tankers
promote/increase the use of this material as a
should only be discharged to plants which have
fertiliser in agriculture and establish best practice in
screened sludge reception facilities and sufficient
this regard.
available handling capacity.
It is clear from the foregoing that the regulation of
Alternative sludge recycling or disposal routes, such
DWWTS, and specifically the transport, treatment and
as incineration, recycling to energy crops, pyrolysis
reuse/disposal of DWWTS sludge in Ireland, will pose
or the export of dried biosolids, will need to be
major challenges to the Water Service Authorities
adopted on a significant scale nationally, as
1. Introduction 1.1
delivered in the present case to the date of full
compliance with the 2009 judgement. In Ireland, there are an estimated 497,000 domestic wastewater treatment systems (CSO, 2011) treating
In May 2013, the case was closed, by which time
wastewater from houses that are not connected to a
Ireland had paid €2,648,000 in fines.
public sewer system. To provide for the regulation of domestic wastewater Taking the view
not correctly
introduced the Water Services (Amendment) Act, 2012.
transposed into domestic legislation the provisions of the Directive on waste relating to the disposal of domestic wastewaters in the countryside through septic
While DWWTS have the potential to impact on ground
tanks and
and surface waters due to their location in vulnerable
systems, the Commission brought proceedings before
areas, the risk of impact to ground and surface waters is
the Court for failure to fulfil obligations in 2008. By
dependent on the level of treatment that the DWWTS
judgement of 29 October 2009, the Court found that
and its associated percolation area provides.
Ireland had failed to fulfil its obligations. DWWTS effluent contains high levels of nitrogen and As it was not satisfied with the measures adopted by
phosphorus. Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential for
Ireland to comply with that judgement, the Commission
plant growth, therefore leading to eutrophication and
brought a further action for failure to fulfil obligations
before the Court, in which it proposed that Ireland be
Phosphorus is generally the limiting nutrient for
ordered to pay a lump sum and daily fines. In its
eutrophication in freshwater ecosystems, while nitrogen
judgement, the Court found that Ireland has not yet
is the limiting nutrient in the marine environment.
adopted in full the measures necessary for the
Enhanced algae growth results in hypoxia in water
implementation of the 2009 judgement, so that it was
bodies, leading to deterioration in water quality and the
necessary to impose upon it the payment of a penalty
death of other organisms and fish. DWWTS effluent also
payment. In particular, the Court pointed out that the
contains microbial pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses,
Water Services (Amendment) Act, 2012 requires
fungi, yeast and protozoa, which can be harmful to
implementation, not all of which has yet been adopted
human health.
and that the national inspection plan for individual wastewater treatment systems had still to be developed.
Therefore, DWWTS which are not properly maintained
It also stated that a definitive deadline for the
pose a risk to human health and have the potential to
registration of these systems has not been set.
put the environment at risk through the escape of inadequately treated effluent to ground and surface
However, taking account of the efforts made by Ireland
waters. The periodic removal of sludge from a DWWTS
to comply with that judgement, and the fact that its
is necessary to ensure adequate treatment and to
ability to pay has been diminished as a result of the
maintain the liquid/settled sludge interface below the
economic crisis, the Court imposed on Ireland a penalty
outlet level of discharge to percolation areas.
payment of €12,000 for each day of delay in adopting measures
judgement, from the date on which judgement is
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems In accordance with Statutory Instrument S.I. 223/2012, a
wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) within their
DWWTS must be evacuated at intervals according to
function areas as Water Service Authority (WSA) under
the tank capacity, the number of persons resident in the
the Water Services Act, 2007. The study sought to
premises, or as recommended by the manufacturer. The
implementation of the regulations will potentially result in
infrastructure had been provided in the intervening
substantially greater annual volumes of sewage sludge
years since adoption of Sludge Management Plans and
being transported, stored, treated and dewatered, when
determine the capability or otherwise of existing
compared to current uncontrolled de-sludging and
wastewater treatment infrastructure to cater for the
disposal practices. The existing EPA Code of Good
anticipated additional sludge volumes under the new
Practice relating to the use of sewage sludge in
DWWTS regulations.
agriculture, recommends that such sludge should be subjected to one of a range of treatment processes prior
The objectives of the study were to assess the following:
to landspreading, whereby pathogen die-off is achieved
as a result of temperature elevation, pH elevation, or
collection, treatment and disposal of sludges
derived from DWWTS in Ireland.
In Ireland, current annual municipal sewage sludge
The locations of existing WWTPs with screened
accounts for approximately only 5% of the total organic
sludge facilities, suitable for the import of DWWTS
material landspread annually. The vast majority of
The spare capacity of the aforementioned existing
agricultural sources and is landspread untreated onto
sludge reception facilities to receive and blend
agricultural land without achievement of pathogen or
bacterial die-off (Fehily Timoney Report, 1994). With the
generated at the municipal WWTP facilities.
ambitious stocking rate targets for farm animals inherent
in ‘Harvest 2020’, it is likely that the cumulative sewage
The locations of and available spare capacity of WWTPs with dewatering facilities.
sludge from municipal and DWWTS sources will
continue to account for a small percentage of the total
The sludge treatment methods currently employed by the Water Service Authorities (WSA) and/or by
organic material generated annually into the future.
private sector sludge handlers, contracted by these
Report Scope
The aim of this report is to provide an overview of
The current recycling or disposal routes for treated sewage sludge, i.e. biosolids.
existing legislation relating to DWWTS maintenance, as
a precursor to determining volumes arising from the
The extent and spatial distribution of infrastructural deficits with regard to sludge reception, blending,
periodic de-sludging of DWWTS, and informing best
treatment and disposal.
practice regarding the collection, transport, treatment
and re-use/disposal of the additional predicted DWWTS
The potential for the establishment of alternative
sludge volumes associated with the implementation of
biosolids disposal routes which offer an alternative
the new DWWTS regulations.
to recycling to agricultural land.
The report assimilates information, obtained during the study from correspondence with the 34 Water Service Authorities (WSA), designed to ascertain the status of existing and planned sludge infrastructure at municipal
M. Joyce et al. (2012-W-DS-9)
The report evaluates the extent of deficits in existing
sustainable long-term recycling/disposal routes
WWTP sludge infrastructure and current regulation,
which need to be addressed in order to provide:
treated/dried biosolids, which takes account of
the residual fertiliser value of ‘treated’ biosolids
facilities, which allow for the spatial distribution
vis-à-vis the emerging reluctance of agricultural
food producers to accept treated sewage
recurring necessary de-sludging of DWWTS
sludge on land, as determined by quality
assurance schemes associated with grain,
dairy and beef production.
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems
2. Legislation Review 2.1
Domestic Wastewater System Legislation
as recommended by the manufacturer.
The current EPA Code of Practice: Wastewater The Water Services (Amendment) Act, 2012 (No. 2 of
Treatment Systems for Single Houses (PE 100 km
Table 4.2 DWWTS and associated distances from sludge reception facilities with enhanced capacity at 21 WWTPs. Distance to Reception Facilities
Number of DWWTS
< 25 km
25 - 50 km
50 - 100 km
> 100 km
89,310 (18%) DWWTS are located a distance greater than As the situation currently stands, only 76,577 (15%)
50 km from sludge reception facilities. These DWWTS are
DWWTS are located within a sustainable transport
predominantly located in the west and south coastal areas
distance of sludge reception facilities which currently
(Mayo, Galway, Clare, Kerry and West Cork), as illustrated in
has capacity to accept DWWTS sludge. 51% of all
Figure 4.4.
DWWTS nationwide are located over 50 km from available reception facilities, while 9% are located greater than 100 km from sludge reception facilities with spare capacity. Therefore, with 85% of all DWWTS in Ireland situated outside of a sustainable distance from reception facilities with spare capacity, it is clear that large infrastructural deficits exist with regard to the spatial distribution of existing infrastructure to accept the DWWTS sludge volumes associated with the new proposed DWWTS maintenance regulations.
Distance to sludge reception facilities assuming enhanced capacity at 21 WWTPs
Figure 4.4 indicates the distance from DWWTS to wastewater treatment plants with sludge reception facilities, subsequent to the implementation of a future decision to increase the capacity at 21 of these municipal WWTPs. Following the provision of reception facilities at these WWTPs, 47% of DWWTS would be within 25 km of sludge reception facilities (Table 4.2). A large infrastructural deficit remains; 261,434 DWWTS located greater than 25 km from sludge reception facilities. Figure 4.4
Thematic map indicating the distance
from DWWTS to sludge reception facilities assuming enhanced handling/treatment capacity at 21 WWTPs.
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems
It is suggested that following the scheduled collection of
Sustainable Transport Distance using Mobile Dewatering Equipment
multiple DWWTS, an 80 km or one-hour journey for the dewatering truck following a day’s work may be the
Existing best practice models for DWWTS
maximum feasible transport distance to facilitate an efficient
sludge collection
business model.
A sustainable model for DWWTS de-sludging will be based on the necessary regular de-sludging of
DWWTS and the disposal of such evacuated sludges in a suitable reception facility, where infrastructural
Distance to sludge reception facilities with spare capacity
If the sustainable sludge transport distance for de-sludged
facilities are capable of receiving, handling and treating
DWWTS by the use of mobile dewatering units is taken as
resultant sludges prior to their safe disposal/recycling.
80 km (i.e. approximately one-hour journey for dewatering
Commercially available dewatering trucks are capable
truck), 112,816 DWWTS (23%) are located greater than
of dewatering up to 15-20 DWWTS based on the
80 km from existing sludge reception facilities with spare
achievement of 6-8% dry solids in the truck.
A good environmental practice model for DWWTS sludge collection is currently operated by the Scottish Water utility, using mobile dewatering trucks, and is designed to provide an efficient and cost effective service to persons not served by sewage collection systems. This service model is based on three types of collection scenarios namely: a) A Scheduled Service based on a signed contract with the house owner to provide a regular desludging service at an agreed frequency (£164 per service de-sludging) b) An Unscheduled Service completed within five days when requested by the house owner (£238.30 per service de-sludging) c)
An Urgent Response Service completed within two days when requested by the house owner (£342.90 per service de-sludging or the actual cost, if more)
prior to the transport of dewatered sludges to infrastructural facilities run by or paid for by Scottish Water. An efficient business model for such a collection service would dictate that optimal collection would
Figure 4.5 Thematic map indicating the distance from DWWTS (mobile dewatered) to existing sludge reception facilities with spare capacity.
involve a ‘milk run’ type service within a defined area each day with minimal distance between successive de-sludgings task and a nominal final transport distance to feasible reception facilities.
M. Joyce et al. (2012-W-DS-9)
Consideration of Figure 4.5 shows that the majority of
Upgrade of Sludge Facilities to Meet DWWTS Sludge Requirements
the remaining DWWTS over 80 km from sludge reception facilities would be situated in Donegal, Mayo,
In order to assess the options to overcome the scale and
Galway and Kerry.
spatial distribution of the infrastructural deficits, with regard
to the sludge acceptance capacity and transport distance to
Distance to sludge reception facilities with enhanced capacity at 21 WWTPs
sludge reception facilities discussed in Sections 3.4, 4.3 and 4.4, a number of scenarios are examined:
Assuming the blending, thickening and dewatering
capacity to receive sludge is increased at the 21
The do-nothing scenario involving the continued use of suction tankers based on a sustainable transport
existing WWTPs with reception facilities, only 21,704
distance of 25 km.
(i.e. 4%) of all DWWTS, situated predominantly in the 2.
west of counties Mayo, Galway and Kerry, would be
A sensitivity analysis of scheduled evacuation of DWWTS
located greater than 80 km from reception facilities
using mobile dewatering trucks with a range of
(see Figure 4.6).
suggested sustainable transport distances of up to 80 km. In the Irish context, the above sensitivity analysis seeks to determine the optimal balance between the likely capital works provision to address the infrastructural deficit in sludge reception/treatment facilities and the different collected sludge transport distances up to 80 km.
Continued use of suction tankers
infrastructural provision would be required: a) 21 WWTPs, which currently have sludge reception facilities, would require an increase in capacity of the Picket Fence Thickener (PFT) or construction of a sludge blending tank. b) 13 WWTPs require the addition of screened sludge reception and blending facilities.
These 13 WWTPs are situated in close proximity to the concentration of DWWTS which currently are located greater than 25 km from existing reception facilities and were chosen based on the status of existing sludge handling facilities and the relative merits of known siting constraints. Figure 4.7 shows suggested locations for the 13 sludge plant upgrades Figure 4.6
Thematic map indicating the distance
at WWTPs required to manage the predicted additional
from DWWTS to sludge reception facilities assuming
DWWTS sludge volumes in a sustainable manner.
enhanced capacity at 21 WWTPs.
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems
. Figure 4.7
Figure 4.8
Suggested sludge plant upgrades,
Suggested locations of WWTP upgrades,
assuming a sustainable sludge transport distance of 40 km
assuming a sustainable sludge transport distance of 25 km.
4.5.3 4.5.2
Evacuation using mobile dewatering trucks (40 km transport distance)
Assuming a transport distance of 60 km, the following sludge infrastructural provision would be required in order to meet
Assuming the scheduled use of mobile dewatering
predicted sludge requirements:
trucks to de-sludge DWWTS and a transport distance
of 40 km, the following sludge infrastructural provision
sludge blending tank.
11 WWTPs, which currently have sludge
reception facilities, require an increase in capacity of
Seven WWTPs require the addition of screened
sludge reception and blending facilities.
the PFT or sludge blending tank. b)
Six WWTPs, which currently have sludge reception
facilities, require an increase in capacity of the PFT or
would be required: a)
Evacuation using mobile dewatering trucks (60 km transport distance)
10 WWTPs located in Mayo, Galway and
Kerry and Wicklow require the addition of screened sludge reception and blending facilities. Figure 4.8 indicates the suggested locations of capacity and plant upgrades required to manage predicted sludge volumes.
M. Joyce et al. (2012-W-DS-9)
Suggested locations of plant and capacity upgrades
Figure 4.10 indicates the suggested locations of capacity and
are shown in Figure 4.9.
plant upgrades required to receive, blend and dewater predicted DWWTS sludge volumes.
Figure 4.9
upgrades, assuming a sustainable sludge transport distance of 60 km. Figure 4.10
Evacuation using mobile dewatering trucks (80 km transport distance)
Suggested locations of WWTP upgrades,
assuming a sustainable sludge transport distance of 80 km.
Assuming a sustainable transport distance of 80 km by
Evacuation of DWWTS by means of mobile dewatering
mobile dewatering trucks to de-sludge DWWTS, the
trucks on a scheduled rota system has the potential to
following reduced sludge infrastructural provision would
reduce the number of necessary wastewater treatment plant
be required:
upgrades required, due to the larger sustainable transport distance.
a) Three WWTPs, which currently have sludge reception facilities, require an increase in capacity of the PFT or sludge blending tank. An increase in capacity may also be required at the seven WWTPs which currently have spare capacity in order to cater for predicted DWWTS sludge volumes. b)
Three WWTPs, located in Mayo, Galway and Kerry, require the addition of screened sludge reception and blending facilities.
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems
Future Management Options
In order to facilitate the provision of sustainable sludge
Existing wastewater treatment plant infrastructure is not
collection, reception and transport, and in recognition of
capable of receiving or managing the volume or spatial
Ireland’s status as an important food producer, it is
distribution of DWWTS sludge that will be generated
essential that a single competent authority should be
following the implementation of DWWTS legislation.
appointed to administer and implement sustainable Following receipt of such imported sludges, the Water
management of DWWTS.
The suggested function of the proposed competent
disposal/reuse of such sludges and for the planning and
body should include the maintenance of a database of
procurement of new sludge handling infrastructure to
registered DWWTS, which should include the location
increase the available capacity to receive and manage these
of each DWWTS on a GIS basis, the number of
expected additional annual DWWTS sludge volumes. In
rooms/occupancy of each dwelling, the calculated de-
addition to these necessary capital expenditure (CAPEX)
sludging frequency as determined by the regulatory
costs and yearly operational expenditure (OPEX) costs, it will
authority (based on tank size and occupancy), and the
be necessary to resource and fund the additional costs
previous maintenance record of each DWWTS.
The DWWTS maintenance record should include
thickening, dewatering, treatment and disposal/recycling of
details of previous tank de-sludging by a licenced
DWWTS sludge. Charging for DWWTS sludge acceptance
transport haulier and the destination for the evacuated
will be essential for the Water Service Authority/Authorities
sludge. The regulated scheduling of DWWTS de-
(WSA) to cover CAPEX and OPEX, using the polluter pays
sludging, driven by compliance with regulation, may
facilitate the development of a market for sludge transport/reception
If other sludge disposal options, not involving recycling of
alternative to the current reception of dilute evacuated
treated sludges (discussed in the following Chapter 5),
DWWTS sludges at municipal WWTPs.
become the dominant disposal route, the treatment element of sludge handling will not be required. If a sustainable
If municipal plants are the only feasible option for the
collection and transport model can be developed around
reception and treatment of this sludge, the de-sludging
scheduled DWWTS de-sludging (using dewatering trucks),
of DWWTS in Ireland will pose major challenges to
the transport of collected sludges directly to facilities,
existing Water Service Authorities (WSA) in the short-
necessary to prepare sludges for these alternative disposal
term, and to the emerging new water utility, Irish Water,
routes, may be feasible.
in the future.
M. Joyce et al. (2012-W-DS-9)
5. Sludge Treatment, Recycling and Disposal Routes 5.1
Sludge Treatment
Sewage sludge accounts for approximately 5% of total
The methane produced can be utilised as an energy
organic sludge produced in Europe (EC, 2008). The
source. Anaerobic digestion reduces the volume of the
“Code of Good Practice for the Use of Biosolids in
total sludge mass, therefore reducing costs associated
Agriculture” published by DECLG in 1996 states that
with transport, recycling or disposal of the digestate.
“Untreated wastewater sludge should not be landspread
Mesophilic anaerobic digestion (MAD) is digestion of
or injected into soil” and sets out process criteria to
sludge at a temperature of 35˚C ± 3˚C for a retention
time of at least 12 days, or digestion at a temperature of
Treatment substantially
eliminates in
25˚C ± 3˚C for a retention time of at least 20 days, in
Municipal sludge which has been treated to an
pasteurisation phase must also be achieved in which
approved standard is referred to as biosolids. By
sludge is retained at a temperature of ≥ 70˚C for one
comparison, the remaining 95%
hour or ≥ 55˚C for two hours.
total sludge
originates from agricultural sources and is spread
Aerobic digestion is the breakdown of organic matter in
untreated on agricultural land.
the presence of free oxygen. Thermophilic aerobic
In Ireland, the percentage of sludge recycled to
digestion is digestion of sludge over a period of seven
agriculture decreased from 70% in 2007 to 62% in 2009
days. A temperature of ≥ 55˚C must be maintained for at
[EC, 2008]. Other treatments such as composting and
least four hours. Thermophilic aerobic digestion (TAD) is
land remediation accounted for 38% of the sludge
carried out at a temperature of 50-55˚C and has an
disposal in 2009, an increase of 13% from that of 2007.
average retention time of 48-72 hours. The temperature
A significant reduction was noted in sludge going to
must be greater than 70˚C for at least one hour followed
landfill; decreasing from 17% in 2005 to 0.1% in 2009
by a temperature of ≥ 55˚C for at least two hours, or ≥
[EC, 2008].
50˚C for at least four hours to ensure adequate
pathogen reduction.
stabilisation/treatment are currently carried out in
There are currently nine MAD plants and one TAD plant
in Ireland, which were constructed for the treatment of
Mesophilic anaerobic digestion
municipal sewage sludge. High capital and operational
Thermophilic aerobic digestion
costs are associated with digestion of sludge, as well as
Alkaline/lime stabilisation
lengthy retention times. Consequent to correspondence with the 34 Water Service Authorities (WSA) by means of a questionnaire, it is evident that in many cases Water Service Authorities (WSA) have ceased the operation of these digestion processes in favour of
treatment options, such as alkaline stabilisation, due to
Anaerobic and aerobic digestion
the lower cost currently associated with the stabilisation
Anaerobic digestion of municipal sludge is a multistage
bacterial process carried out in the absence of free oxygen which reduces the organic content and the number of pathogens in the sludge and generates biogas containing methane, carbon dioxide and other trace gases.
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems
Alkaline stabilisation
Alkaline stabilisation is the addition of Ca(OH)2 (lime) to
A temperature of ≥ 55˚C must be maintained over five
dewatered municipal sludge in order to raise the pH and
turnings of the material.
Static pile composting requires a temperature of ≥ 55˚C
accordance with the “Code of Good Practice for the Use
to be maintained for at least three days.
of Biosolids in Agriculture”, the quantity of lime added Successful composting is dependent on a number of
must increase the pH to >12 and the temperature to
70˚C for 30 minutes, or to increase the pH above 12 for 72 hours and maintain a temperature of ≥ 52˚C for 12
Moisture content; 50-60%
hours or greater. The high temperature and pH inhibits
Carbon-nitrogen ratio; 25-35
biological action, therefore inactivating pathogens in the
Bulking agents; added,
treated biosolid product. Other alkaline material, such as
pH; optimum pH of 6.5-7.2.
cement kiln dust, can be added to stabilise municipal
The addition of cellulose material is used to increase
sludge. However, lime is the material commonly used in
C:N ratio but also adds cost to the process.
Ireland for municipal sludge stabilisation.
A number of private sector companies are currently
Capital costs associated with the alkaline stabilisation process
involved in composting of municipal sludge in Ireland,
but the relatively lower current cost of lime stabilisation
stabilisation results in an increase in sludge volume,
seems to be limiting the potential for further expansion
giving rise to additional costs associated with transport
of non-organic compost of dewatered sewage sludges.
and recycling of the lime stabilised sludge cake to land. Lime stabilisation plants are currently operated by Water
Service Authorities (WSA) as well as by a number of
Drying of municipal sludge produces an expensive but
private sector companies in Ireland. In many cases
stable ‘treated’ end product, due to the pathogen die-off
Water Service Authorities (WSA), when employing
achieved at high temperatures during the drying
private operators to collect and treat municipal sludges,
process. Drying produces a Class A biosolid which can
are opting for lime stabilisation over other treatment
be beneficially recycled to land as a fertiliser. The
processes due to the lower gate fees currently
treatment process significantly reduces the volume of
associated with the process.
biosolids to be recycled to land. Numerous different methods have been shown to be successful.
The drying treatment process can be categorised under
The composting process involves biological degradation and
two headings; direct drying and indirect drying.
thermophilic conditions, which produces a stable end
a) Direct drying
product which can be beneficially recycled to land as a
Hot air comes into contact with the wet sludge
soil conditioner. Compost improves the structure,
particles. The hot air increases the temperature of
workability and aeration of the soil.
the sludge resulting in the evaporation of water to produce a dried end product that contains ≤10% of
The two main composting methods are windrow
the initial moisture content.
composting or, alternatively, static pile or in-vessel composting. Windrow composting involves retaining the material
M. Joyce et al. (2012-W-DS-9)
b) Indirect drying
Use of Biosolids in Agriculture” and recycled in accordance with a Nutrient Management Plan, the
The sludge is dried through conduction of heat
recycling of biosolids to agricultural land is a beneficial
through a heat transfer surface. The wet sludge
pathway for re-use, in accordance with the Article 14 of
comes in contact with the heated surface, which
induces an increase in temperature of the sludge, methods
resulting in the evaporation of water. Non-thermal drying
However, Ireland’s status as an agricultural food
producer and the increasing importance of quality
successful, such as high pressure homogenisation.
assurance schemes, such as the Beef Assurance The most common drying process employed in Ireland
Scheme and the Irish Grain Assurance Scheme, are
is thermal drying. There are currently 13 thermal dryers
putting increasing pressures on the availability of land
treating municipal sludge in Ireland. Thermal drying is
for the recycling of biosolids (or untreated sludge), both
energy intensive and high operational and maintenance
costs are associated with the treatment process.
municipal wastewater treatment
plants and
domestic wastewater treatment systems. This trend is driven by a perception issue by the food
Sludge Recycling and Disposal Routes
production sector with the use of treated biosolids. This issue may be due in part to the lack of confidence that
Article 14 of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC)
best practice guidelines for sludge treatment are being
followed, which in turn is due to a lack of regulatory
wastewater treatment shall be re-used whenever
enforcement relating to the quality of biosolids end
appropriate. Disposal routes shall minimise the adverse
product being landspread. If the perception issue
effects on the environment”. The Directive also states
remains unchanged, it is apparent that alternative
that the authorities should ensure that the disposal of sludge
recycling or disposal options will need to be adopted on
a significant scale, in order to deal with the volumes of
(UWWTP) “is subject to general rules or registration or
sludge produced nationally, and additional yearly
volumes which will result from a regulated system for In the vast majority of cases, the ultimate disposal route
DWWTS requiring scheduled de-sludging.
for biosolids in Ireland is recycling to agricultural land. However, as there are increasing pressures on the availability of land banks for landspreading of biosolids, an examination of all alternative recycling and disposal routes is warranted.
Sludge recycling to agriculture
The primary method of biosolids recycling in Ireland is via landspreading on agricultural land. Treated biosolids are a rich source of nutrients which promote plant growth, thereby providing a low-cost alternative to conventional fertilisers. The organic matter present in the treated biosolids acts as a soil conditioner, which improves the quality of the soil properties. When treated in accordance with the “Codes of Good Practice for the
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems
Sludge recycling to energy crops
Energy crops are high-yield, low-maintenance crops
However, current regulatory procedures, relating to the
which are specifically cultivated in order to use their
use of land for energy crop production, serves as a
biomass as a source of energy for heat and electricity
disincentive to the development of this recycling route
production. In Ireland, a number of Bioenergy Schemes,
for sewage sludge. Energy crops are not included in the
co-funded by the EU under the Rural Development
Programme, were launched by the Department of
Management (Use of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture)
Agriculture, Marine and Natural Resources to build on
Regulations, 1998 (S.I. 148/1998), as these regulations
the progress made during the earlier pilot phase in
were published before the more recent growth of
interest in energy crop production. Consequent to these
regulations, a Waste Facility Permit is required for the
Under these Schemes, farmers were eligible to receive
recycling of sewage sludge to energy crops. The
a grant up to a maximum of €1,300 per hectare to cover
present status of the regulations is counterintuitive,
50% of establishment costs of the energy crop
favouring the recycling of sewage sludge to food and
plantation. However, to date, there are approximately
animal feed crops, while restricting the recycling of
1,500 acres of willow (salix alba) plantation, with only
sewage sludge to non-food crops such as willow.
2,500 hectares committed to miscanthus (miscanthus
Energy crops are included in the definition of agriculture
giganteus) production.
in a number of European documents, such as Ireland’s
In recent years, willow has become the favoured energy
National Nitrates Action Programme S.I. No. 378 of
crop in Ireland due the following:
The high biomass yield
Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations, 2006.
The value of the end product in wood chip
The recognition of energy crop production as agriculture
in the Waste Management (Use of Sewage Sludge in
Agriculture) Regulations would greatly rationalise and
The high chloride content of miscanthus forms
simplify the procedures around the recycling of sewage
clinker in boilers which can result in damage and
sludge to energy crops. The energy crop recycling route
problems in boilers burning miscanthus.
is likely to only cater for a small percentage of future
Willow plantations (known as short rotation coppice
municipal and DWWTS sludge volumes, unless the
(SRC)) have higher nutrient requirements and require
barriers to using this route are removed by inclusion of
three times more water uptake than miscanthus, therefore
energy crops in the definition of agriculture contained in
the Waste Management (Use of Sewage Sludge in
bioremediation. The application of sewage sludge or
Agriculture) Regulations.
biosolids to short rotation coppice (SRC) offers an alternative sustainable sludge recycling route, while also providing low cost fertiliser to facilitate biomass production. Numerous
correctly, willow
plantations successfully take up
nutrients with no liquid discharge following sludge recycling to land.
M. Joyce et al. (2012-W-DS-9)
Sludge incineration is a combustion reaction in which
The EU Landfill Directive 1999/31/EEC has impacted
dewatered sludge or biosolids are burned in a
the volume of sludge going to landfill, due to strict
combustion chamber in the presence of excess oxygen
standards contained therein relating to landfill of
to form carbon dioxide, water and ash. Heat generated
biodegradable municipal waste. The Directive set out
can be removed and used for process heat or to
targets to
generate electricity.
municipal waste that can go to landfill by 65% below
reduce the amount
1995 levels by 2016. Consequently, the quantity of
Three primary methods of sludge incineration are
sludge going to landfill in Ireland has decreased
employed in Europe:
significantly since the introduction of the 1999 EU a) Mono-incineration is incineration of the sludge
Landfill Directive (1999/31/EEC). Therefore, as disposal
to landfill is being phased out, this disposal route for
b) Incineration of sludge along with other wastes.
municipal and/or DWWTS sludge is not a sustainable
option for the future.
Co-incineration is incineration in which sludge is used as fuel in waste to energy facilities or following drying as fuel for material production, for
example, in the cement industry or coal-fired power stations.
Land reclamation
Recycling of sewage sludge to land restores derelict land, promotes the growth of vegetation and stabilises
Incineration of domestic waste and sewage sludge
soil to prevent soil erosion. Sewage sludge contains
results in the production of flue gas, ash, wastewater
and energy.
vegetation growth and therefore creates a growing Ireland's first municipal waste to energy incinerator at
medium for vegetation when mixed with material that
Duleek, County Meath is fully operational since 2011,
lacks nutrients.
with the capacity to accept up to 200,000 tonnes of Site suitability and risk assessments must be carried out
waste and produce 15 mW of electricity into the national
prior to land reclamation to assess elements, such as
the risk to ground and surface water, the existing soil, Challenges associated with incineration are the cleaning
and any public nuisance risks such as odour. Land
of flue gas emissions, and the disposal of fly ash.
reclamation enables beneficial non-food crops such as SRC to be planted (Section 5.2.2). As land area suitable
for land reclamation and SRC is limited, it is likely that
this recycling route to reclaim would only offer a solution
Landfilling is broken into two categories, mono-deposits
for a small percentage of the municipal and DWWTS
and mixed-deposits, relating to landfilling of sludge alone
sludge produced nationally.
respectively. It is not a sustainable disposal route for sludge disposal. Disadvantages associated with landfilling are emissions to the air through the release of greenhouse gases, such as methane and carbon dioxide, as well as releasing pollutants to soil and water courses, such as heavy metals and synthetic organic compounds.
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems
Pyrolysis and gasification
Feasible future disposal routes for DWWTS sludges
Other technologies such as pyrolysis and gasification are also used to a limited degree in Europe.
It is evident that a number of the more expensive
a) Pyrolysis is the decomposition of organic matter in
alternative recycling or disposal options outlined above
biosolids to form gas, bio-oil and char. The
will need to be adopted in order to meet the national
decomposition occurs under conditions of high
requirements for the recycling or disposal of sewage
pressure and temperature. Pyrolysis occurs at lower
sludge emanating from municipal plants and DWWTS.
temperatures than incineration or gasification.
The need to adopt and/or develop some of these alternative technologies will be particularly urgent if the
b) Gasification induces a chemical reaction between
current practice of recycling treated municipal biosolids
the carbon in the volatile organic fraction of the
biosolids with air, oxygen, carbon dioxide, steam or
DWWTS sludge to a farmer’s own land continues to
a mixture of the aforementioned gases. The
decline, in order to comply with producer and consumer
reaction occurs at a temperature of 260-760˚C.
quality assurance schemes.
Heat and synthetic gas (syngas) are formed following gasification. The reaction occurs under
The spread out spatial distribution of DWWTS in Ireland
limited oxygen conditions, i.e. there is just enough
means that the majority of these DWWTS are located
oxygen to generate heat to drive the chemical
dewatering and treatment facilities. The development of
Pyrolysis and gasification of sewage sludge are not
a sustainable transport model for scheduled DWWTS
currently used on a large scale in Ireland; therefore
de-sludging, as part of a regulated licenced system, is
significant infrastructure would need to be put in place
likely to dictate that a large percentage of primary
to deal with the volume of sludge produced nationally.
DWWTS sludge evacuated nationwide will end up mixed with municipal sludge in existing and augmented
Other alternative recycling/disposal routes
Dried sludge may be palletised, leading to ease of handling and lower transportation costs. Other possible
As an alternative, the adoption of mobile dewatering
alternative disposal routes for dried or composted
truck collection of DWWTS sludge (as discussed in
sludge are as follows:
Chapter 4), by increasing the sustainable transport
The use of new innovative processes for conversion
distance, may open the possibility of private industry
of sewage sludges to diesel fuel.
receiving DWWTS solids directly and developing a
The use of dried product as furnace fuel (i.e.
market for other disposal routes for dried or treated
cement factory) or fuel for power stations in Ireland
biosolids or for untreated sludge cake. However, the
or abroad.
sewage sludge treatment disposal market is likely to be
The development of a market for beneficial reuse of
dried sludge outside of the European Union in
treatment/recycling /disposal of the larger volume of
areas where organic fertiliser is not available in
mixed municipal and DWWTS sewage sludge.
significant amounts.
M. Joyce et al. (2012-W-DS-9)
Regulating the quality of the treated biosolids product
stakeholders undertaken during this project established
and assuring the achievement of the required pathogen
the need to regulate the quality of ‘treated’ biosolids
die-off, as set out in the above Code of Good Practice,
produced and landspread, in accordance with the
may help to establish the low risk of human pathogen
existing “Code of Good Practice for use of Biosolids in
transfer from properly treated biosolids into the food
Agriculture – Guide to Farmers” published by DECLG in
chain and facilitate Ireland’s retention of a sustainable
recycling route for a low-cost treated fertiliser to land,
based on a Nutrient Management Plan, thereby
obviating the need to import more expensive chemical
standards may help to address the perception issues
emerging with regard to the discontinuation of sewage sludge use on lands used for food production.
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems
6. Conclusions and Recommendations 6.1
Conclusions 3.
In Ireland, there are an estimated 497,000 domestic
The average domestic house occupancy ratio in
wastewater treatment systems (CSO, 2011) treating
Ireland is 2.8. For the purpose of estimating the
wastewater from houses that are not connected to a
total annual volume of sludge to be evacuated from
public sewer.
DWWTS, a de-sludging frequency of three years is
Services 4.
(Amendment) Act, 2012 to provide for the regulation of
The quantification of untreated primary sludge from
DWWTS. Based on a review of current legislation
DWWTS in Chapter 3 indicates that the total annual
relating to DWWTS, the estimation of likely sludge
volume of sludge to be evacuated nationwide from
volumes pertaining to the periodic evacuation of
all DWWTS at the aforementioned de-sludging
DWWTS, the spatial distribution of such volumes, the
frequency is estimated at 580,161 m3, based on the
status of existing infrastructure to receive, blend and
complete evacuation of the tank contents and an
treat DWWTS sludge, and an analysis of sludge
average volume of 3.5 m3 for historically-sized
treatment and reuse or disposal options, the following
septic tanks in Ireland. It is estimated that the
conclusions can be made:
expected dry solids contents of such suction
evacuated sludge could vary between 1% and 2% The Water Services (Amendment) Act, 2012 (No. 2
depending on the level of solids/supernatant
of 2012) legislates for the registration of DWWTS,
interface in the tank, which in turn would be a
the inspection of DWWTS and the remediation of
function of de-sludging frequency and house
those that pose a risk to human health or to the
environment. 2.
In accordance with the requirements of Statutory
The “Code of Practice for use of Biosolids in Agriculture – Guide to Farmers”, published by
Instrument S.I. 223/2012, a DWWTS must be
DECLG in 1996, states that “Untreated wastewater
evacuated at intervals according to the tank
sludge should not be landspread or injected into
capacity and the number of persons resident in the
soil”. However, under current legislation (S.I.
premises connected to it or as recommended by the
223/2012) farmers are permitted to evacuate their
manufacturer. Based on these criteria, the average
DWWTS and use its contents on their own land,
de-sludging frequency for DWWTS will vary from
provided it is not grazed for six months after
1.5-5 years. The adoption of such de-sludging
application (S.I. 223/2012). Assuming that the reuse
frequencies based on DWWTS type and household
of untreated sludges from farmhouses will occur in
occupancy rate will result in substantially increased
the majority of farms as part of the new DWWTS
annual volumes of sludge to be transported, stored,
registration system, the estimated annual sludge
treated and reused/disposed of, when compared to
volume from DWWTS to be transported off-site to
current uncontrolled de-sludging practices.
sludge reception facilities is estimated to reduce to 473,381 m3 at 1-2% dry solids.
M. Joyce et al. (2012-W-DS-9)
The current and poor practice of importing DWWTS
Chapter 4 indicates that, in the majority of cases,
sludge to a wastewater treatment plant via the inlet
the Sludge Management Plan recommendations
works upstream of the biological treatment process
have not been carried out. Investment in the
is widespread due to:
provision of the necessary additional infrastructure
the lack of screened sludge reception facilities
has not been realised at the majority of designated
in the majority of Irish wastewater treatment
WWTPs, since the adoption of these SMPs. The plants where infrastructural investment has been
realised since the mid 2000s, based on these the low dry solids contents of the combined
SMPs, are located in the east and south of the
sludge and liquid supernatant contents of septic
country, distant from the more rural areas where the
tanks evacuated using only suction plant.
concentration of DWWTS is greater.
This practice of discharging primary DWWTS 8.
sludge upstream of the biological treatment process
A study was undertaken to establish the status of existing wastewater treatment infrastructure in
of a WWTP, rather than blending them with waste-
activated sludge post biological treatment, is neither
on the
completion of
questionnaire and interaction with existing water
economical nor sustainable in that it takes up
service authorities. This study indicated that there
available spare biological capacity at the plant and
can lead to deterioration in the quality of the treated
effluent discharged to receiving waters. Depending
28 wastewater treatment plants with screened sludge reception facilities
on the current loading of municipal plants vis-à-vis
their designed capacity, the current practice of
seven wastewater treatment plants with spare
importing DWWTS sludge through the inlet works
can result in the shock loading of the WWTP,
acceptance of DWWTS sludge
leading to an imbalance in the mixed liquor suspended
dewatering facilities
microorganism ratio (F/M ratio) necessary to ensure optimum treatment efficiencies and the settleability
of the mixed liquor in the settlement stage of such
17 sludge hub-centres.
The use of mobile dewatering trucks to effect DWWTS evacuation and transport to sludge
activated sludge treatment processes. It is likely
reception facilities may offer a more sustainable
that this possibility of shock loading at the biological
alternative to the use of suction tanks. This
stage of WWTPs will increase, consequent to the
dewatering truck method of DWWTS evacuation
increased annual volumes of DWWTS sludge likely
can facilitate the following:
to be accepted following the implementation of a regulated DWWTS licencing system. 7.
Results from a review of the current Sludge
The at-source screening of the evacuated DWWTS contents and the application of
Management Plans (SMP) adopted by each Local
Authority within the last 10-12 years indicates
leading to a reduction in the amount of sludge
proposals for the provision of dewatering facilities at
to be transported by up to 70% and the
200 wastewater treatment plants, up to 113 sludge
satellite centres throughout the country containing
approximately 6-8%. The estimated annual
imported sludge reception facilities and 60 sludge
sludge volume to be transported to sludge
hub-centres for the treatment of sludge prior to disposal. Analysis of the existing infrastructure in
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems reception or treatment facilities by mobile
85% of DWWTS nationwide are greater than 25 km
dewatering trucks is 124,320 m .
away from a wastewater treatment plant with a
available sludge reception and blending capacity.
corresponding increase in the solids contents of
9% of all DWWTS are located over 100 km from
sludge to be accepted at municipal WWTPs or
one of these facilities. The transport of DWWTS
other privately-owned treatment facilities.
sludge using suction tankers for greater than 25 km
is considered unsustainable. It is envisaged that the The biological reseeding of the DWWTS by
use of dewatering trucks to effect screening,
returning the separated supernatant liquor to
thickening and volume reduction of evacuated
the DWWTS.
DWWTS sludge would extend the sustainable
The dewatered primary sludge may then be treated
transport distance to sludge reception facilities,
directly by a sludge treatment process, such as
whether in public or private ownership, to 80 km.
composting, or transported to a municipal WWTP
12. Assuming that the decision is made to increase the
for blending with waste-activated sludge, prior to thickening, existing
subsequent treatment
infrastructure and
capacity to accept DWWTS sludge at the remaining
using either
21 WWTPs which currently have sludge reception
facilities, only 47% of DWWTS will be located less
than 25 km from the nearest sludge reception
However, the use of such mobile dewatering
facilities. A large infrastructural deficit will still
equipment is likely to only be commercially viable
remain, with 261,434 (53%) DWWTS at a distance
when carried out based on a planned rota system
greater than 25 km from screened sludge reception
for DWWTS evacuation using a so-called ”milk run”
facilities. The majority of these are located in the
west and south coastal areas (Mayo, Galway,
10. The analysis of GIS plotted WWTP infrastructure
Clare, Kerry, West Cork) (Chapter 4, Figure 4.4). If
vis-à-vis DWWTS locations in Chapter 4 indicates
the sustainable transport distance is increased to
that there is a large deficit in existing infrastructure
80 km, 112,816 (23%) DWWTS are located greater
with regard to sludge reception, screening and
than 80 km from WWTPS, which currently have
blending facilities. The information gleaned from the
sludge reception facilities and spare capacity to
above interaction with local authorities indicates
accept DWWTS sludge. If the capacity to accept
that twenty-eight wastewater treatment plants have
DWWTS sludge at the remaining 21 plants, which
screened sludge reception and blending facilities.
Of these twenty-eight, only seven wastewater
increased, 21,704 (4%) DWWTS are located
treatment plants are stated as having available
greater than 80 km from sludge reception facilities.
spare capacity to accept sludge originating from
13. The process conditions to be achieved by the
DWWTS. The current spare available capacity of
following five main sludge treatments, used in
these existing seven sludge reception facilities to
Ireland, are set out and discussed in Chapter 5:
receive DWWTS sludges is approximately 234,676 m3, indicating a volume deficit for receipt of 238,705
Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion
m3 of evacuated sludge at 1-2% dry solids (i.e. 50%
Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion
of total generated nationally).
Lime Stabilisation
11. The spatial distribution of DWWTS vis-à-vis existing
sludge reception facilities with spare capacity is
Thermal Drying.
examined in Chapter 4. The analysis indicated that
M. Joyce et al. (2012-W-DS-9)
The cost of achieving the process temperatures
requirements of the Landfill Directive, 1999/31/EEC.
(and pH in the case of lime stabilisation), as
Dried sludge can be used as furnace fuel in cement
recommended by the “Code of Practice for use of
factories or as fuel for power stations. Sludge
Biosolids in Agriculture”, depends very much on the
incineration, pyrolysis or gasification disposal routes
moisture content of the sludge to be treated,
require significant infrastructure to be put in place to
thereby making the blending and thickening of
deal with the volume of sludge produced nationally.
necessary prerequisite to
Recycling routes such as land remediation and
treatment and the associated required pathogen
short rotation coppice are likely to only cater for a
die-off prior to reuse.
small volume of the sludge produced nationally due
sludge a
to limited suitable land area. Alternative disposal
14. Currently, Water Service Authorities (WSA) operate
routes, such as the conversion of dried sludge to
17 sludge hub-centres for the treatment of sewage
diesel fuel or the export and reuse of dried sludge,
sludge, using primarily lime stabilisation, mesophilic
in areas outside of the EU where organic fertiliser is
aerobic digestion and, in one case, thermophilic
not available in any significant amount may warrant
aerobic digestion.
consideration. The recycling route to energy crops 15. The private sector is also involved in septic tank
is not well developed in Ireland. The application of
evacuation, the transport of sewage sludge to and
sewage sludge to energy crops, such as willow,
from municipal WWTPs, and the treatment of both
offers an environmentally beneficial alternative
disposal route to spreading on agricultural land.
municipal sewage sludge, using a variety of
different technologies such as lime stabilisation,
associated with applications to develop such
composting and thermal drying
plantations act as a disincentive. Energy crops are
16. An examination of treatment and disposal options
not included in the current definition of agriculture in
for sewage sludge is carried out in Chapter 5. The
Waste Management (Use of Sewage Sludge in
current disposal route for almost all treated (and
Agriculture) Regulations, 1998 (S.I. 148/1998).
also untreated) municipal sewage sludge, following
Consequent to these regulations, a Waste Facility
treatment by both the Water Service Authorities
Permit is required for the recycling of sewage
(WSA) and the private sector, is landspreading or
sludge to energy crops. This serves as a
use as a soil conditioner. However, Ireland’s status
disincentive to the development of this recycling
as an agricultural food producer and the increasing
route for sewage sludge.
It is clear from the foregoing that the regulation of
promoted for beef and grain production in Ireland, is
DWWTS in Ireland will pose major challenges to Water
likely to reduce the on-going acceptability of using
the landspreading disposal route for treated sewage
legislation enacted in 2013, Irish Water will be
sludge, including DWWTS sludges.
designated the title of Water Service Authority (WSA) for
17. Due to the aforementioned increasing pressures on
the country (as defined in the Water Services Act,
the availability of landbanks for the recycling of
2007). While the existing water service authorities (i.e.
biosolids, it is evident that a number of the
local authorities) have been charged with the inspection
alternative recycling or disposal options, outlined in
of existing DWWTS in the interim, the new Water
Chapter 5, will need to be adopted in order to meet
Service Authority (Irish Water) will be, from January
the national requirements for the recycling or
2014, the owners of the municipal infrastructural assets
disposal of DWWTS sludge. Disposal to landfill will
to be used for the reception and treatment of sludge and
not be an option for the future, due to the
will be responsible for the following:
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems
The planning and procurement of the new sludge acceptance infrastructure and the augmentation of
the disposal routes for treated sewage sludge.
existing sludge handling and treatment capacity to
The new Water Service Authority (WSA) and the local
deal with the expected additional yearly volumes of
authorities working under Service Level Agreements will
DWWTS sludge accepted from householders not
need the capability to generate an adequate income
connected to public sewers.
The maintenance of sludge register with respect to
stream from the transport of DWWTS to municipal
The capital works to replace the spare available
treatment installation, to fund the borrowings associated
infrastructural capacity taken up by the additional
with the initial investment to provide a sustainable
yearly volume of DWWTS sludge.
sludge acceptance model at municipal plants, the
The yearly OPEX costs associated with the
capital cost for planned replacement of existing sludge
screening, thickening, treatment, dewatering and
capacity used and the ongoing OPEX costs associated
disposal of the additional DWWTS sludge.
with treating and disposing of DWWTS sludge.
M. Joyce et al. (2012-W-DS-9)
Based on the conclusions of this report, the following
21 wastewater treatment plants require an increase in capacity of the picket fence
recommendations can be made:
thickener (PFT) or the construction of a 1.
The current practice of discharging evacuated
sludge blending tank.
DWWTS sludge to municipal collection systems or
importing them through the inlet works of a WWTP
should be discontinued to preserve the biological
addition of screened sludge reception and
high cost
blending facilities. Tentative locations for
associated with the aeration of these evacuated
these 11 wastewater treatment plants, as
primary sludge, and prevent disruption to plant
shown in Chapter 4, Figure 4.7, were
operation and quality of final effluent discharged to
chosen based on their location relative to
receiving waters from the shock loading that can
the concentration of DWWTS (currently
ensue from uncontrolled deposition of such sludge
with long transport distances), the status of
siting constraints. b.
should only be discharged to plants which have
For scheduled evacuation of DWWTS using a
screened sludge reception facilities and sufficient
mobile dewatering tank with a sustainable
available handling capacity (thickening tanks and
transport distance of 80 km (as per GIS
blending tanks) to deal with the likely yearly volume
analysis – may change in practice):
to be transported to each plant.
10 wastewater treatment plants, which
In respect of sludges evacuated and thickened
currently have sludge reception facilities,
using mobile dewatering trucks prior to transport to
will require an increase in capacity of the
WWTPs, it may be possible to introduce such
PFT or sludge blending tank.
sludges to the sludge handling/treatment process of
WWTP at a location downstream of sludge
plants will require the addition of screened
screening and thickening, due to the absence of
sludge reception and blending facilities, as
detritus and the higher dry solids of the sludge. 4.
facilities and the relative merits of known
In order to protect plant and equipment in WWTPs, DWWTS sludge transported by suction tankers
11 wastewater treatment plants require the
shown in Chapter 4, Figure 4.8.
In order to overcome the scale and spatial 5.
distribution of the infrastructural deficits with regard
overwhelming majority of DWWTS that are not
to the transport distance to sludge reception
located on a farm will be delivered to existing
facilities, it is recommended that: a.
It is envisaged that evacuated sludge from the
WWTP sludge facilities. Existing facilities at For the existing ad hoc arrangement using
these plants will require a capital investment by
suction tanks with a sustainable transport
the Water Service Authority (WSA), who will
distance of 25 km (as per GIS analysis – may
also be required to bear ongoing yearly
change in practice):
operational costs to facilitate the transport, screening, handling, treatment of untreated DWWTS sludge and reuse or disposal of treated
implementing DWWTS registration require the
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems
householder to retain a record of DWWTS
the relative benefits of scheduled de-sludging
by a licenced haulier, it is recommended that
methodologies vis-à-vis the sustainability of ad-
hoc de-sludging, with regard to cost of
repeated evacuation of these DWWTS should
increased transport distances of pre-thickened
be designated to a competent regulatory
sludge and the benefit of reducing the required
number of reception sites and the capital
responsibility for planning the
The competent authority should establish and
investment in screening/thickening equipment
maintain a database of registered DWWTS, which
at these sites.
should include the location of each DWWTS on a
The “Code of Good Practice for the use of Biosolids
GIS basis, the number of rooms/occupancy of the
in Agriculture” state that “untreated wastewater
dwelling, the calculated de-sludging frequency as
sludge should not be landspread or injected into
determined by the regulatory authority (based on
soil”. However, legislation allows for this in practice.
tank size and occupancy) and the previous de-
It is recommended that the existing “Code of Good
sludging record of each DWWTS including details
Practice for the use of Biosolids in Agriculture” is
of licenced transport haulier and the destination for
implemented formally by legislation. Compliance
the evacuated sludge.
with food Quality Assurance Schemes is likely to
It is recommended that the optimal regulation and
phase out the spreading of untreated DWWTS
maintenance of DWWTS will be effected by their
sludge on land by farmers.
planned scheduled de-sludging. Such scheduled de-sludging
A cost-benefit analysis which would examine
maintenance and transport of sludge therefrom
rotas would
to become a feasible sludge disposal route unless
alternative methods such as dewatering trucks
existing legislation is amended. As a result of
permitting less extensive investment in sludge
recommended that
10. Sewage sludge recycling to energy crops is unlikely
requirements, the
legislation should
is be
distances by virtues of inherent screening and lower
amended to allow for sewage sludge to be used as
sludge volumes.
fertiliser for energy crops. In any revision of the
The recommended augmentation of reception
Council Directive 86/278/EEC of 12 June 1986 on
the protection of the environment, and in particular
handling/treatment/dewatering capacity at each of
of the soil, it is recommended that when sewage
the above recommended sites, referred to in (4)
sludge is used in agriculture, the outdated definition
above, will be site-specific and will have to be
of agriculture in the Directive be superseded by one
determined by the competent regulatory authority
of the more recent definitions such as that
subsequent to:
contained within SI 378 of 2006, i.e. EC (Good
Practice for protection of waters) which includes A survey of existing sludge assets at each
“the growing of crops (including forestry and
horticultural crops)”.
An analysis of the expected additional imported DWWTS sludge volume relative to the sludge volumes to be generated by existing and
The adoption of a definition of agriculture to include
designed population equivalent discharging to
the growth of energy crops would reduce existing
the WWTP’s collection system.
regulatory and procedural constraints which are currently an impediment in the development of
M. Joyce et al. (2012-W-DS-9)
additional cultivations of willow plantations, which
12. It is recommended that the provision of governance
represent a sustainable method of treated sludge
arrangements for the collection, treatment and
reuse/disposal of sludges evacuated from DWWTS will be necessary.
11. Based on the conclusions of Chapter 5, it is also recommended that a quality assurance system be
13. It is recommended that a cost-benefit analysis be
put in place for the treatment and disposal of
conducted to ascertain the optimum arrangement of
sewage sludge. This system would ensure that all
sludge facilities nationwide, taking into account the
sewage sludge is handled in a traceable manner
options of upgrading existing WWTP infrastructure
using standard procedures and guarantee that the
and the development of facilities by the private
conditions to
achieved for the required bacterial die-off in treated sludge, as set out in Appendix 3 of the “Codes of Good
Practice for
use of
Biosolids in
Agriculture”, are properly recorded by public and private
facilities. Such a system would promote the fair development of competition between the various treatment technologies in the private sector.
Management Options for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sludge Derived from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems
7. References 75/442/EEC Council Directive 75/442/EEC of 15 July
1995 on waste
Karagianides, A., Samaras, P. & Voukalli, I. European Union
86/278/EEC Council Directive 86/278/EEC of 12 June
legislation on sewage sludge management. Proceedings of
1986 on the protection of the environment, and in
the 3rd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference,
particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in
Skianthos, June 19-24, 2011, ISBN 978-960-6865-43-5
91/271/EEC Council Directive 91/271/EEC of 21 May
1991 concerning urban wastewater treatment
1999/31/EEC Council Directive 1999/31/EC of 26 April
1999 on the landfill of waste
S.I. 32/2010 Waste Management (Registration of Sewage
2000/60/EC Directive 2000/60/EC of the European
Sludge Facility) Regulations, 2010
Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000
S.I. 148/1998 Waste Management (Use of Sewage Sludge in
establishing a framework for Community action in the
Agriculture) Regulations, 1998
field of water policy
S.I. 220/2012 Water Services Acts, 2007 and 2012 Domestic
EPA (2010) EPA Code of Practice: Wastewater
Wastewater Treatment (Registration) Regulations, 2012
Treatment for Single Houses (PE