Strongly Recommended Practices for Safeguarding Company Issued Fleet Cards: ° PAPCO Universal Fleet Cards should be treated like any other Credit Card. ° Cards should be kept in a secure location to ensure only authorized personnel have access. ° Assign unique PIN numbers and do not allow users to share PIN numbers. ° Never write PIN numbers on fleet cards, as lost or stolen cards are open to fraud*. ° If a card is lost or stolen, please contact PAPCO or Voyager immediately to have card deactivated!
Note: Requests for new/replacement cards must be submitted by Authorized Personnel within your organization.
° If a card is damaged or cannot be read, the Fleet Card should be returned to your Authorized Representative to request a replacement card and proper disposal of the card.
° When an employee leaves your organization or vehicle is no longer in service, the Fleet Card should be returned to your Authorized Representative to be deactivated and disposed of properly.
° Review all fleet invoices and statements completely to ensure all charges are correct. If you notice any unusual activity, notify PAPCO or Voyager immediately. Note: Account Transaction Detail is available online through Fleet Commander.
° Set-up Purchase Limits and Usage Restrictions on your Account for all Fleet Cards.
PAPCO Universal Fleet Card Controls ° Set Purchase Limits: by state, zip code or merchant location ° Restrict Purchases by Type of Sale: pump only, in-store only or both
° Control Product Purchases: fuel only or all products ° Limit Number of Transactions: by day/week/month or time of day
° Set Dollar Limits: per transaction, day, month or individual card
Manage Your Fleet Account Online with Fleet Commander ° View Transaction Detail: driver, location, product, gallons, cost
° Monitor Fleet Purchases: by driver or vehicle ° Track History: by driver or vehicle For access to your Fleet Commander Account, contact PAPCO Customer Service.
To set-up Fleet Card Controls, call PAPCO Customer Service or email request to
[email protected].
PAPCO Customer Service 800-899-0747 ° 757-499-5977 (option 3) ° papco.com Voyager Customer Service 800-987-6591 PAPCO, Inc. is not liable or responsible for any fraud, abuse or misuse of fleet cards by the card holder, their employees or other card users. PAPCO Fleet Card Customers are responsible for managing their fleet cards appropriately. Set purchase limits and usage restrictions, review all invoices and statements thoroughly and notify PAPCO or Voyager immediately regarding unusual activity and lost or stolen cards. * Fraud as defined by Voyager and US Bank is unauthorized transactions by an unknown third party and/or obtaining services, credit or funds by misrepresentation of identity or information. Fraud is not abuse & misuse: such as use by a friend or family member; employee abuse; merchant error/ disputed transactions; or inability to pay. See PAPCO’s Terms and Conditions for complete definition of fraud.