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C) were collected using an HYDRA ac- quisition system and TCR values were calculated with the standard relationships. 3. Results and discussion. Fig.
J O U R N A L O F M A T E R I A L S S C I E N C E : M A T E R I A L S I N E L E C T R O N I C S 1 6 (2 0 0 5 ) 687 – 691

Structural and electrical properties of perovskite ruthenate-based lead-free thick film resistors on alumina and LTCC S. RANE 1,2 , M. PRUDENZIATI 2 , B. MORTEN 2 , L. GOLONKA 3 , A. DZIEDZIC 3 1 Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology, Panchawati, Off. Dr. Bhabha Road, Pune-411008 (India) E-mail: [email protected] 2 INFM-S3, Department of Physics, University of Modena, via G. Campi, 213/A, 41100, Modena (Italy) E-mail: [email protected] 3 Faculty of Microelectronics & Photonics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland CaRuO3 perovskite-based lead-free thick-film resistors (TFRs) were prepared on 96%-alumina and Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) substrates. The microstructure evolution, possible interactions, and electrical properties of resistors were investigated. The hot and cold TCR values of all the resistors were measured in the temperature range (+20 to +120 ◦ C) and (+20 to −120 ◦ C), respectively. TFRs with 25% by vol. of CaRuO3 on alumina exhibit a sheet resistance Rs = 5 k/sq. with hot and cold TCR of 225 and 470 ppm/◦ C respectively, whereas the same composition gives 1.2 k/sq., 16.5 k/sq. and 0.7 k/sq. for co-fired, post-fired resistors on LTCC and buried resistors, respectively. The hot (HTCR) and cold (CTCR) values were evaluated; HTCR = 190 ppm/◦ C and CTCR = 314 ppm/◦ C were found for co-fired structures; HTCR = 216 ppm/◦ C and CTCR = 205 ppm/◦ C for post-fired samples and HTCR = 520 ppm/◦ C and CTCR = 350 ppm/◦ C for buried in LTCC C 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. structures. 

1. Introduction Two main streams of research and development are currently pursued in the area of integrated hybrid technology. One aspect is directed to achieving increased integration of circuits and micro-systems by means of Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC) and the other is aimed at replacing traditional compositions of printable materials with new inks free from toxic elements such as lead, cadmium and nickel. The present work is a preliminary approach to address these two streams together. Actually, LTCC technology is increasingly used for integrated packages, with wide successful applications in the advanced wireless communication market. However, challenges accompanying new developments have emerged due to the close requirements of physical and chemical compatibility between the different materials, especially during the high temperature and long co-firing processes. On the other hand, thick film resistors and conductors with conventional composition presently common in IC technology should be replaced soon by new materials according to the current global trend aimed to eliminate the toxic elements from the electronic components and products. This is not a simple task and only partial positive results have been achieved till now [1–3] regarding lead-free thick film

resistors (TFRs) based on the usual conductive phases (ruthenium dioxide and pyrochlore ruthenates). Recently, we have prepared TFR samples based on the CaRuO3 perovskite conductive phase with a leadfree glass frit. Preliminary results on electrical properties for these TFRs on alumina are promising in terms of sheet resistance range and temperature coefficient of resistance [4]. However, further work is required to complement these results with studies on their microstructure and on interactions between the films and the substrates in analogy with the extensive work carried out for conventional RuO2 -based resistors with lead borosilicate glass on alumina [5–8] and the less comprehensive reports on resistors on LTCC substrates [9, 10]. In the present work, our aim was to evaluate the feasibility of perovsikte ruthenates-based lead-free TFRs with another lead free glass composition, which should be, in principle, adequate for both conventional thick film technology (TFRs on alumina substrates) and the Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC) technology. Here, we report a comparative study of microstructure and electrical properties of this new perovskitebased lead free TFRs prepared with various firing cycles on both alumina and LTCC substrates.

C 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. 0957–4522 


2. Materials and methods Perovskite CaRuO3 powder prepared by solid-state synthesis [4] from RuO2 and CaCO3 was used as a conducting phase for the resistor paste formulation. A resistive paste was prepared by mixing the CaRuO3 powder (25% by vol.), a glass frit of composition in the SiO2 -CaO-BaO-SrO-K2 O-B2 O3 system (average particle size 2 µm) together with an organic vehicle (178 M, Euroink, Arezzo, Italy). The conventional paste preparation method was adopted with the inorganic to organic vehicle ratio 70:30 by weight.

2.1. TFRs on alumina Thick film resistors on 96%-Al2 O3 consisted of 1 × 1 mm patterns screen-printed on pre-fired Pt/Au terminations. The dried patterns were fired in a belt furnace with a firing profile of 750 ◦ C peak temperature for 8 min and subsequently re-fired at 850 ◦ C for 8 min. Both firing cycles had a total duration of 60 min. This procedure (firing in two steps) was required to limit the formation of voids (see below) and achieve a better morphology of the resistors. The electrical properties reported later, will pertain mainly to resistors prepared with this process, referred to as “short firing cycle”. A further set of resistors were prepared following a firing cycle which mimics that used in the preparation of LTCC structures (see below). The fired film thickness, measured with a Talysurf profiler was approximately 20 ± 5 µm.

X-ray diffractometer in the Bragg-Brentano configuration, using the monochromatic Cu Kα, in the range from 20◦ to 60◦ in 2θ , with steps of 0.02. Observations with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and EDS analyses were carried out with a Philips XL 40 system equipped with a solid state detector for back-scattered electrons (BSE images) as well as a Si (Li) detector and EDS system (Oxford-Satw). Data of resistance versus temperature (in the range of −120 to +120 ◦ C) were collected using an HYDRA acquisition system and TCR values were calculated with the standard relationships.

3. Results and discussion Fig. 1 shows BSE-SEM images of resistors prepared on alumina, with a short and long firing cycle, respectively. Both images exhibit three main common features: black regions, small bright points dispersed in almost homogeneous background (gray background) and large bright particles residing on top of the film surface. EDS, secondary electron images and XRD help in the identification of these features: the black regions are void areas (cavities) in a reduced number, but not completely removed, by the longer firing cycle; the small bright dots are due to conductive grains almost homogeneously

2.2. Resistors on LTCC Conductive terminations (Du Pont 6146 conductor, Ag/Pd) and resistive pastes with the above composition were printed through 325 mesh (lines/inch) screens onto DP 951 A2 LTCC tape. Four layers of tape were laminated to achieve the stable support for handling the resistors. The lamination process was carried out in an isostatic press at 210 bar for 10 min by maintaining the chamber temperature at 70 ◦ C. The printed patterns were dried at 150 ◦ C for 10 min and then co-fired in a conventional LTCC firing process. In the first step, the firing was done at 475 ◦ C to remove/burnout the binder content and in the second step, the structures were fired at 850 ◦ C peak temperature with a dwell of 15 min. The total firing cycle was 210 min. In case of buried structures, the printed pattern consisted of resistors covered by a layer of LTCC green tape which was again laminated as above and then fired following the two steps previously described. The structure became stiff after sintering and ready to use. The fired film thickness of resistors was 20 ± 5µm. 2.3. Experimental methods The morphology, microstructure, and composition of fired resistors were studied with X-ray scanning electron microscopy (Philips, XL40), X-ray fluorescence (EDS), and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). For XRD analysis, samples (15 × 15 mm) without conductive terminations were prepared on 96%-Al2 O3 and fired according to the same procedure used for the resistors. The data were collected with a Philips PW 1710 688

Figure 1 Microstructure of TFR on Alumina (96%): (a) Fired with a 60 min cycle (short cycle) at 850 ◦ C (8 min dwell time) and (b) Fired with long firing cycle (similar to LTCC firing conditions) at 850 ◦ C (15 min dwell time).

Figure 4 Interfacial microstructure of Buried Resistor at cross-section.

Figure 2 X-ray diffraction pattern of TFR’s on 96%-Al2 O3 .

Figure 3 Microstructure of surface resistors on LTCC: (a) Co-fired structure and (b) Post fired structure (Magnifiaction as Fig. 1).

dispersed in the glassy matrix; the large bright grains, which, at larger magnification, exhibit sharp edges typical of crystals, are deprived of Ca, and can be labeled as RuO2 grains. XRD diffraction supports the presence of both perovskite CaRuO3 and tetragonal RuO2 phases in the fired films Fig. 2. Essentially, the same features are displayed by resistors on LTCC, but with a much larger number of both cavities and RuO2 grains on the cofired resistor Fig. 3(a) and less but larger RuO2 grains in post-fired resistors Fig. 3(b). It is apparent that longer firing cycles enhance the formation of RuO2 crystals on the film surface. The cross section of buried resistors is shown in Fig. 4. Large voids are present (black areas) and also the resistor glassy matrix near the substrate

edge shows small voids. On the basis of these results we argue that cavities are due to the evolution of air trapped in the powdered glass and decomposition of organic constituents of the vehicles (present in both LTCC tape and resistive paste) during the firing of resistors on alumina and post-fired films on LTCC; the decomposition of the binder present in LTCC tapes enhances the effect (voids) in co-fired films. In addition, the upper layer of the LTCC tape on buried resistors is warped with a curvature that follows the top of the buried layers. Energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis was performed near the resistor/alumina and resistor/LTCC interfaces looking for possible interactions, i.e. for exchange of elements, e.g. Ca, Ba, Sr, K from the resistor towards the substrate and Pb (which is present in minor amount in the LTCC tape) towards the resistor. The results did not suggest any notable inter-diffusion. Notwithstanding, the adhesion is very good on both types substrates. On the other hand, in case of buried resistors, the glassy matrix from the resistive material has been penetrated in the substrate, which is confirmed by EDS analysis, i.e. elements pertaining only to the composition of the glass are detected in the tape layers. Fig. 5 shows the temperature dependence of resistance of our resistors. The room temperature (20 ◦ C) sheet resistances of TFRs on alumina are substantially affected by the firing cycle. The values change from Rs = 5.2 k/sq to Rs = 24 k/sq by changing the firing process from the short to the longer cycle. Similarly, the sheet resistance values of resistors on LTCC increase from 1.2 k/sq to 16.5 k/sq in co-fired and post fired, respectively. On the contrary, the sheet resistance value is lower (0.7 k/sq) for buried resistors. In all the cases the resistance increases by increasing the measuring temperature with highly positive temperature coefficient of resistance. The data concerning the electrical properties of investigated samples are summarized in Table I. Higher values of cold TCR are observed in TFRs on alumina and buried LTCC resistors than the other two LTCC structures, i.e. co-fired and post-fired structures. The hot and cold TCR exhibits the same trend. According to the results on microstructure and resistor composition, the notable difference in the electrical properties (mainly the sheet resistance) of TFRs fired on alumina or cofired on LTCC with comparable 689

Figure 5 Temperature dependence of resistance for TFRs on alumina and LTCC structures

firing cycles can not be due to strong interactions between LTCC and resistive layers, but to other effects. We noted that the morphologies of these samples differ essentially in the amount of voids and density of RuO2 grains on top of the resistive layers, when prepared on LTCC. On this basis we can reasonably ascribe the origin of both voids and decomposition of the CaRuO3 , leading to the formation of the RuO2 , to the burnout of the organic vehicles; both organic materials in the resistive paste and LTCC release reducing gaseous byproducts during their burnout and give rise to reducing conditions for the glass and the CaRuO3 components of the resistors. The higher fraction of vehicle during the firing process when LTCC is present may explain the enhanced effects mentioned for this case (i.e. the lower sheet resistance of cofired LTCC resistors than that of TFR on alumina prepared with the short firing cycle). In this framework the composition of the organic vehicle and firing cycles appear to play a crucial role, much relevant in this samples than in the “traditional” TFR compositions, i.e. those bearing lead glasses and other ruthenium compounds. While this point requires further investigation, it may be interesting to note here that significant difference in the behaviour (devitrifiT A B L E I Sheet resistance, Cold (−120 ◦ C to +20 ◦ C) and Hot (+120 ◦ C to +20 ◦ C) TCR’s values for TFRs on alumina and LTCC.

Structure TFR (on 96% Al2 O3 ) ‘short cycle’ TFR (on 96% Al2 O3 ) ‘long cycle’ Co-fired LTCC Post fired LTCC Buried in LTCC


Sheet resistance (k/sq)

Cold TCR (ppm/◦ C)

Hot TCR (ppm/◦ C)




1.2 16.5 0.7

+190 +216 +350

+314 +205 +520


cation and morphology) of lead-free glass thick films has been observed [11]. Furthermore, the sinking of glass from the resistive layer in the LTCC substrate results in an effective enhancement of conductive phase fraction in the resistor, responsible for a decrease of its sheet resistance of cofired resistors on LTCC substrate. The increase in dwell time at the peak temperature, resulting in higher sheet resistance in both cases (on alumina and LTCC) might be related to decomposition of the perovskite ruthenate, even if other effects can not be excluded; further studies are required to clarify this point. Although there are some similarities in behavior of our resistors and different systems previously described, their origins seem to be different. Yadagiri et al. [12] observed a decrease in resistance values for buried resistors in LTCC layers and assumed that this result is related to segregation (higher concentration) of conductive grains (RuO2 ) toward the bottom of the resistive film. However, this effect seems not present in our resistors. Hrovat et al. [13] studied resistors based on RuO2 , ruthenate, and their mixture fired on alumina. In all cases the sheet resistance varies by changing the firing temperature in a complex way, i.e. it increases or decreases without any simple correlation with the concurrent phase transformations of the conductive phase (e.g. from pyrochlore to RuO2 ). Only in “overfired” resistors (950 ◦ C, 6 h) the resistance invariably decreases [13, 14] and the conductive phase segregates, but not on the bottom of the resistive film; in fact, contrary to the suggestion of Yadagiri et al. [12] the bottom of the resistor is mainly a glass sub-layer. Ting et al. [10] considered RuO2 -based resistors cofired with cordieriteglass LTCC substrates at two different peak temperatures (850 ◦ C and 900 ◦ C); they observed an increase of sheet resistance by increasing the firing time (up to 240 min) and suggested to explain this result in terms of

the penetration of an insulating material (plagioclase) in the resistor layer from the substrate site with consequent crystallization of the new formed glass at the resistor/substrate interface. In our case, however, no newly formed phases have been observed. It is noted that our resistor composition provides acceptable TCR values without any addition of TCR modifiers; this is a promising result for lead free resistors, especially those based on perovskite ruthenates since in earlier researches very high TCR (>500 ppm/◦ C) for pyrochlore-based lead-free resistors were measured [15]. In our case higher TCR values are noted in buried resistors. 4. Conclusion A new, lead-free perovskite-based thick film resistor composition with sheet resistances of a few k/sq. was developed successfully. The TCR (both hot and cold) is positive and reasonably low values (in the range of +200 to +500 ppm/◦ C) were achieved without addition of any TCR modifier. Our composition overcomes problems associated with devitrification and bleeding, which are important issues especially in lead-free resistors. Further experimentation is essential to optimise the firing process and the paste composition to achieve void-free, uniform surface morphology. Moreover, investigations of resistors on other LTCC tapes than DP 951 A2 (which contains a lead-bearing glass) will be adequate. A comparison between our lead-free and commercial lead bearing resistors might help in understanding the factors affecting the compatibility of the various systems. A clear evidence of our preliminary results is, however, that the organic vehicle in the resistive paste plays an important role in the resistor development. Acknowledgement One of the us (S. Rane) gratefully acknowledges Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of

Science & Technology, Govt. of India for the award of BOYSCAST Fellowship and C-MET, Pune (India) for granting one year study leave. The authors are also grateful to CIGS, University of Modena, Italy for SEM analysis.

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Received 9 June and accepted 6 July 2005