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Boundary County School District 101 7188 Oak Street Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805 Phone: 208-267-3146 – Fax: 208-267-7217 April 17, 2017 Call For Bids - Structural Specifications – BCMS Music Room Connection Hallway Project General - All construction shall conform to the 2012 edition of the International Building Code (IBC) as well as the 2012 edition of the National Design Specifications for Wood Construction (NDS) and all applicable state and local codes. In the event of a code conflict the more restrictive code shall apply. The proposed building has been designed as a stable structure to resist the design loads listed below. The contractor is responsible for such measures as are necessary to temporarily support partial and incomplete portions of the work until such time that the entire structure is complete. All structural members shall be continuous unless specifically detailed and/or approved by the engineer. Contractor to verify existing and proposed building dimensions prior to construction and shall notify the engineer of any discrepancies. Contractor may propose alternate connection designs to the engineer for review and approval. This design covers the structural stability of the proposed building. Any item not specifically addressed or detailed within these plans shall be designed by others. Architectural layout and features are to be designed by others. James a. Sewell & assoc. Is not responsible for compliance with non-structural requirements of the building code (layout, ingress, egress, insulation, waterproofing, etc). Design loads Floor dead load Floor live load Roof dead load Roof snow load Wind load 115 mph, exposure c Maximum soil bearing pressure
= = = =
50 psf (slab on grade) 100 psf (slab on grade) 15 psf 60 psf
1,500 psf
Maximum soil bearing pressure is based on silty loam soil. If soils of lessor quality are found, the engineer shall be consulted for possible foundation modification. Concrete - Minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3,000 psi for building footings and foundation stem walls, and 4,000 psi for slabs on grade. Concrete slabs shall be reinforced with propex fibermesh 300 at 1.5 lbs per cubic yard or approved equal. Cast in place concrete shall conform to the requirements of aci318-11r. Reinforcement - concrete and masonry reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A615, grade 60. Minimum cover shall be 3" for concrete cast against soil and permanently exposed to earth and 2" elsewhere. Reinforcement shall be placed in accordance with the CSRI manual of standard practice. Reinforcement shall conform to ACI 318-11R, chapter 7.
Masonry - All CMU units shall conform to ASTM C90 and have a nominal dimension of 8 x 8 x 8 or 8 x 16 x 8. Masonry shall have a minimum compressive strength of 1,500 psi. Grout shall have a minimum compressive strength of 2,500 psi at 28 days. Bolts - all bolts shall be A325 bolts. All bolts shall be equipped with a nut and washer. Bolt holes shall be 1/16" larger that bolt diameter. All anchor bolts in contact with concrete shall be galvanized. Welds - all welds shall be E70XX welds with a minimum size of 1/4". Welds shall be full length or perimeter of connected members. Wood members - all wood members shall be of the size and grade specified in the plans or DF-L No. 2 if not specified. Maximum moisture content shall be 19% by weight. All wood in contact with concrete or soil shall be pressure treated. Treated wood shall conform to the requirements of AWPB lb-22. All posts shall be pressure treated in areas in direct contact with soil or concrete. Mechanical connectors - all mechanical connectors specified in the plans shall be Simpson® or approved equal and shall be installed according to the manufacturers specifications. Fasteners - all nails used for the attachment of structural members shall be 16d nails. Nail spacing and edge distances shall conform to section 11.5 of the NDS. Nailing shall conform to table 2304.9.1 of the 2015 international building code (IBC). Manufactured Trusses - the roof structure shall consist of pre-manufactured trusses that shall be designed by the manufacturer. Trusses shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer recommendations and braced in accordance with manufacturer recommendations and the requirements of the building component safety information manual on the guide to good practice for handling, installing, restraining & bracing of metal plate connected wood trusses. Ada Ramps and Handrails - all ramps and handrails shall conform to the applicable requirements of the IBC. Contractor shall be responsible for verifying requirements with the building officials during installation. Soil compaction - soil beneath all footings, slabs, stairs and ramps shall be native undisturbed soil or imported sand/structural fill compacted to 95% of maximum density as determined by ASTM 1557 (modified proctor). Electrical - all electrical installation shall be per applicable code requirements and designed by others. An electrical permit will be required from the Idaho Department of Building Safety. Existing building electrical voltage is 220v. Insulation and HVAC - building shall be insulated per applicable building code requirements and the HVAC system shall be designed by others. Painting - exterior and interior of building walls shall be painted and finished to match the existing buildings. Doors - all doors shall be ADA accessible and equipped with ADA handles on the outside and panic hardware on the inside. All glass panels shall be bullet resistant.