PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 224202 共2007兲
Structure and dynamics of bioactive phosphosilicate glasses and melts from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations Antonio Tilocca* Department of Chemistry, University College London, United Kingdom 共Received 16 July 2007; revised manuscript received 25 September 2007; published 27 December 2007兲 Ab initio 共Car-Parrinello兲 molecular dynamics simulations were carried out to investigate the melt precursor of a modified phosphosilicate glass with bioactive properties, and to quench the melt to the vitreous state. The properties of the 3000 K liquid were extensively compared with those of the final glass structure. The melt is characterized by a significant fraction of structural defects 共small rings, undercoordinated and overcoordinated ions兲, often combined together. The creation or removal of these coordinative defects in the liquid 共through Si-O bond formation or dissociation兲 reflects frequent exchanges within the silicate first coordination shell, which in turn dynamically modify the intertetrahedral connectivity of silicate groups. The observed dynamical variation in both the identity and the number of silicate groups linked to a tagged Si 共Qn speciation兲 are considered key processes in the viscous flow of silicate melts 关I. Farnan and J. F. Stebbins, Science 265, 1206 共1994兲兴. On the other hand, phosphate groups do not show an equally marked exchange activity in the coordination shell, but can still form links with Si. Once formed, these Si-O-P bridges are rather stable, and in fact they are retained in the glass phase obtained after cooling; their formation within the present full ab initio melt-and-quench approach strongly supports their presence in melt-derived phosphosilicate glasses with bioactive applications. On the other hand, the simulations show that the fraction of structural defects rapidly decreases during the cooling, and the glass is essentially free of miscoordinated ions and small rings. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.224202
PACS number共s兲: 61.20.Ja, 61.43.Fs, 66.10.⫺x, 71.15.Pd
Melt-derived phosphosilicate glasses containing sodium and calcium network modifiers are widely employed in restorative biomedical applications, in which their fast surface response upon contact with a physiological medium leads to an efficient integration of the biomaterial with the living tissues, such as bones or muscles.1,2 The success of such applications depends on the rate of formation of chemical bonds between the glass surface and the tissues: this rate is often taken as a measure of the glass bioactivity, and is dramatically affected by the composition.3 Despite the crucial importance of understanding composition-bioactivity relationships in order to enhance the effectiveness of bioglasses for specific applications, the investigation of these effects is generally based on trial-and-error approaches.4 A thorough understanding of the microscopic structure of these biomaterials, which would be the starting point of a more rational approach to optimize their properties, has not emerged yet. Some information on the medium-range structure has been provided by NMR and IR/Raman spectroscopy:5–7 these studies have revealed that the most bioactive composition of this class, 45S5 Bioglass®, is characterized by a very open silicate network, dominated by Q2 and Q3 species 共a Qn species is a network-forming ion bonded to n bridging oxygens兲, whereas phosphate groups are predominantly isolated. These data were recently complemented by our molecular dynamics simulations, in which we explored in higher detail the microscopic structure of these materials, highlighting several effects which can steer the bioactive behavior:8–11 for instance, the coordination environment of network formers and modifiers, the tendency to form cluster and inhomogeneities,8,10 and the occurrence of chain and ring nanostructures9 were discussed in relation to the bioactivity. 1098-0121/2007/76共22兲/224202共13兲
Moreover, ab initio molecular dynamics 共AIMD兲 simulations12 provided new insight into vibrational and electronic properties of these materials and allowed us to highlight the specific contributions of selected structural units.11 Because the initial structure of the glass was obtained from classical molecular dynamics 共MD兲 melt and quench, only the short-range environment was fully relaxed at the ab initio level, whereas the medium-range structure was determined by the classical potential used to generate the glass. Although our previous work seems to confirm the reliability of a shellmodel potential in this context,8,13 an important step would involve obtaining the glass structure using AIMD for the melt-and-quench stage as well, in order to produce a full ab initio glass structure, to be compared with the classical one. Another largely unexplored area, whose investigation could be beneficial for a deeper understanding of the properties of these glasses, is represented by their melt precursor. Investigating the structural and dynamical features of the melt precursor on the atomic scale is an important step towards a deeper understanding of bioactive glasses: because the glass structure is essentially frozen in a static “snapshot” of the liquid cooled below the glass transition temperature, the larger configurational space explored in the melt state contains a significant amount of information pertinent to the glass itself, but somewhat hidden and therefore hardly accessible. For instance, structural defects can be more easily detected and studied in the melt: these sites affect the mechanism of viscous flow,14–16 but they can also play a central role in the bioactive behavior of the glasses.17,18 Structural and dynamical data on the molten state are also relevant in the more general area of multicomponent amorphous silicate materials, which, despite their technological importance, have been investigated much less frequently than their binary counterparts, due to the additional technical
©2007 The American Physical Society
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 224202 共2007兲
difficulties related to their multicomponent nature. Due to the similarity of their short-range environments, multicomponent silicate melts and glasses share a number of structural and vibrational features;19 however, significant temperatureinduced structural changes16,20 still need to be investigated at an atomistic level, especially because even small structural changes can result in dramatic changes in the dynamics.21 Due to the nature of the high-temperature liquid state, characterized by large distortions around the equilibrium structure, with many bonds being frequently broken and formed, the AIMD approach, with its on-the-fly calculation of highly accurate interatomic forces based on explicit electronic structure calculations,12 appears as the most adequate to treat the rapidly changing atomic environments in the melt. A number of studies, using either the Car-Parrinello 共CP兲22 or the direct 共Born-Oppenheimer兲12 approach, have proven the effectiveness of AIMD simulations to probe the structural, dynamic, and electronic properties of silicate glasses and melts.23–32 In this work Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics 共CPMD兲 simulations are applied to investigate the structure and dynamics of a multicomponent silica composition corresponding to the 45S5 Bioglass, both in the liquid and in the amorphous state: we highlight structural differences between the liquid and the corresponding glass obtained upon cooling, and also focus on dynamical changes in these properties both in the melt and during the cooling to room temperature forming the glass. The results allow us to significantly extend our atomistic picture of bioglasses in two directions: 共i兲 the high-temperature range corresponding to the melt is thoroughly explored; 共ii兲 the full ab initio quench from the melt extends the first-principles accuracy of the model beyond the short range available in our previous study.11 II. SIMULATION METHODS
CPMD simulations22 were carried out using the CP code of the QUANTUM-ESPRESSO package.33 The electronic structure was treated within the generalized gradient approximation 共GGA兲 to density functional theory 共DFT兲, through the PBE exchange-correlation functional.34 For all atomic species, the core-valence electron interactions were represented using Vanderbilt ultrasoft pseudopotentials,35 explicitly including semicore shells for Na and Ca. Plane-wave basis set cutoffs were set to 30 and 200 Ry for the smooth part of the wave functions and the augmented charge, respectively; k sampling was restricted to the ⌫ point. The MD time step ␦t and fictitious electronic mass were 7 and 700 a.u., respectively. A cubic periodic supercell of 11.63 Å sides was employed, containing 116 atoms with composition 19SiO2 10Na2O 11CaO P2O5, corresponding to the standard 45S5 Bioglass® at the density of 2.66 g cm−3.36 This general computational setup was successfully used in recent CPMD simulations of modified silicate glasses incorporating different amounts of Na, Ca, and P.11,13,25 Moreover, previous ab initio simulations performed with methods and supercell sizes similar to the ones employed in the present work23,24,27–29,31,32 have proven the accuracy of this approach in determining structural and dynamical properties of silicate
melts and glasses. A common procedure in ab initio MD of glasses involves classical MD with an effective interatomic potential to model the melt and its subsequent cooling to the glassy state, before switching to ab initio MD for the room temperature simulation.11,28,30,31 This approach enables the local relaxation of the glass structure at the ab initio level, and is therefore useful to investigate short-range structural effects, as well as vibrational and electronic properties of the glass.11,28,31 Nevertheless, the glass structure beyond the short range is still completely determined by the classical potential: the switch to the ab initio dynamics only enables short-range relaxations, whereas the medium-range structure, such as the connectivity of the glass-forming sites, is “frozen” to the initial configuration obtained by classical MD.11,28 Although computationally much cheaper, this approach necessarily shows some limitations: for instance, it has been shown that a full-AIMD simulation considerably improves the agreement with experiment of the Qn distribution for lithium silicate glasses, compared to the distribution obtained by classical MD.32 Although we have recently shown that the inclusion of polarization effects using shellmodel terms can improve the Qn distribution of modified silicate glasses obtained by classical potentials,13 in this work ab initio MD is used to model the melt and its cooling to room temperature. This more computationally demanding approach is better suited to the focus of the present paper: indeed, a full ab initio description is more adequate in order to investigate the fast dynamic rearrangements which take place in the melt and during the cooling, where a large number of chemical bonds are being continuously formed and broken at the same time. Moreover, the final bioglass structure will be fully relaxed at the ab initio level, enabling an unbiased representation of structural features beyond the short range, such as the intertetrahedral connectivity. The initial configuration was created by randomly placing the atoms in the simulation box, taking care to avoid significant overlaps by means of appropriate distance cutoffs. This configuration was then left free to relax, and after an initial quench of all ion velocities, the system spontaneously 共i.e., without external thermostatting兲 heated up to around 2300 K. A CPMD trajectory was then started in the NVE ensemble, where the temperature T oscillated around 2300 K; despite a small drift in the fictitious kinetic energy, presumably related to the narrowing of the band gap at this temperature,23,32,37 no significant drift in the total energy, with fluctuations lower than 0.0005% were recorded. The trajectory was extended to 14 ps, which was enough for assuring adequate equilibration of the system, based on both the long-time slope of the logarithmic plot of the mean square displacements27 and on the actual value of the ionic displacements. In order to confirm that no significant deviations from the Born-Oppenheimer surface affected the calculation of ionic forces in the MD trajectories, structural 共coordination, radial, and angular distribution statistics兲 and dynamic 共mean square displacements兲 properties at 2000 K were compared with those obtained in a corresponding CPMD trajectory carried out with a separate Nosé thermostat coupled to the electronic degrees of freedom:38 no significant differences 共beyond statistical errors兲 were observed between the two trajectories.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 224202 共2007兲
TABLE I. Interatomic distances for 3000 K melt and glass at 300 K.
25 Si-O P-O Na-O Ca-O O-O Si-Si
15 10
Glass 共300 K兲 R 共Å兲 FWHM 共Å兲 Melt 共3000 K兲 R 共Å兲 FWHM 共Å兲
25 Si-O P-O Na-O Ca-O O-O Si-Si
20 15 10
5 0
r (Å)
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Radial distribution functions of the melt 共top兲 and of the glass 共bottom兲, calculated from the corresponding MD trajectories at 3000 and 300 K, respectively.
After having obtained a well-equilibrated melt, the cooling phase started: it consisted of a series of nine subsequent NVT 共constant number of particles, volume, and temperature兲 runs of 10 ps each, whose target temperature was set to 2000 K, 1800 K, 1600 K, . . ., 600 K, 300 K using a Nosé thermostat. This corresponds to a nominal cooling rate around 20 K / ps: although still higher than typical cooling rates easily accessible in classical MD simulations of glasses,8,39 to our knowledge no previous full-AIMD simulations of glasses using such a relatively low cooling rate have been performed. The final configuration was further equilibrated at 300 K for 10 ps, followed by a final NVE 共constant number of particles, volume, and total energy兲 run of 12 ps. Overall, the cumulative length of the CPMD trajectory was 126 ps, requiring about 40 000 CPU hours on the HPCx system located at the UK’s CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory. An additional NVT run of 14 ps at T = 3000 K was carried out starting from the melt equilibrated at 2300 K, in order to extend the range of sampled temperatures towards regions often explored in AIMD simulations of other silicate melts.27,29,32
1.63 0.12
1.55 0.08
2.30 0.37
2.32 0.27
3.01 0.26
2.68 0.26
1.63 0.26
1.55 0.23
2.25 0.94
2.25 0.71
3.05 0.63
2.69 0.69
with respect to the glass. The thermal broadening leads to full widths at half maximum 共FWHMs兲 2–3 times larger in the melt than in the glass, in agreement with previous CPMD simulations on silicate glasses and melts.23 This shows that the intratetrahedral arrangement is not significantly perturbed in the melt, apart from the much more marked thermal motion, whereas some structural rearrangements involve the modifier cations and the intertetrahedral connectivity. The bond angle distributions 共BAD兲 of network-forming atoms T 共T = Si or P兲 in Fig. 2 and the corresponding angles reported in Table II denote a small decrease 共1–2 degrees兲 in the intratetrahedral O-T-O angle at 3000 K, compared to the ideal tetrahedral geometry measured for the glass. As observed for the rdfs, the widths of the O-Si-O and Si-O-Si distributions are close to previous CPMD simulations on silicate glasses and melts.23,29 A significant change occurs for the intertetrahedral Si-O-Si angle in the melt, where the center of the distribution is shifted 8ⴰ to lower angles, and a shoulder around 90ⴰ, absent in the glass, is evident. Direct inspection of the high-temperature MD trajectory showed that Si-O-Si angles close to 90ⴰ involve fivefold coordinated Si atoms 共Si5c兲, which are frequently found in small 共twoand three-membered兲 rings. Indeed, in Fig. 3 the average Si-O bond distance and the mean Si-O coordination numbers of Si in O-Si-O and Si-O-Si groups are plotted as a function of the corresponding 0.03
melt glass
0.02 0.01
1. Radial and angle distributions
Several radial distribution functions 共rdfs兲 for the 3000 K melt and the glass at 300 K are compared in Fig. 1 and the corresponding peak distances are reported in Table I. The position of the main Si-O, P-O, and O-O peaks are essentially the same in the melt and the glass, whereas a small contraction of the Na-O and Ca-O distances, accompanied by an increase of the Si-Si distance is observed in the melt
0 0
θ (deg) FIG. 2. Angle distributions in the melt 共bold lines兲 and in the glass 共thin lines兲, calculated from the corresponding MD trajectories at 3000 and 300 K, respectively.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 224202 共2007兲
ANTONIO TILOCCA TABLE II. Intratetrahedral and intertetrahedral angles. O-Si-O
109.6± 7
109.7± 5
129± 13
125± 5
107.5± 16
108.6± 15
121± 25
124± 20
angle: moving away from the tetrahedral O-Si-O angle, both the Si-O distance and Si coordination number increase: small and large O-Si-O angles involve Si5c and Si-O distances up to 1.9 Å. Si-O-Si angles around 90° also involve Si5c and stretched Si-O bonds: typical Si-O distances in this region are around 1.85 Å; that is about 7% longer than the Si-O distance corresponding to the “regular” Si-O-Si groups. The angles formed by threefold, fourfold, and fivefold coordinated Si atoms are further examined in Fig. 4, where the f共兲 distributions of O-Si-O and Si-O-Si angles involving Si in specific coordinations are plotted separately: the characteristic O-Si-O angle increases with decreasing coordination number, from = 90, to 108, to ⬃120° for Si5c, Si4c, and Si3c, respectively, with a small secondary peak at 160° in the Si5c distribution. The bottom panel of the figure confirms that Si5c also favor Si-O-Si angles below 100°. Even though the smaller silica fraction makes the formation of rings less likely compared to liquid SiO2, small 共twoand three-membered兲 rings are frequently observed in the 45S5 melt: several instances are shown in Fig. 5. The picture highlights how small rings are often associated to overcoordinated Si atoms,29 such as fivefold- 关fragments 共a兲–共c兲兴 and even sixfold-coordinated Si 关fragment 共d兲兴. The formation of small rings represents another important difference between the melt and the glass, indicating that, even though they share the tetrahedral silicate units as an underlying structural motif, the connectivity of these units is not the same. High thermal distortions in the melt lead to the formation of unusual structural patterns which are not observed in the glass, such as two-membered rings, or coordinative defects 共see also Sec. III A 2兲.
Glass 共300 K兲 共deg兲 Melt 共3000 K兲 共deg兲
0 60
0 60
θ (deg) FIG. 4. Distributions of O-Si-O and Si-O-Si angles involving threefold-, fourfold- and fivefold-coordinated Si atoms.
The ring statistics of the high-temperature trajectory was determined using an efficient algorithm for primitive ring search;40 the average number of two-, three- and fourmembered rings per Si was 0.16, 0.10, and 0.03 rings/Si atom, respectively, whereas no such rings were observed in the glass structure: during the cooling, both coordinative and small ring defects are effectively healed. 2. Coordination
The coordination statistics of the 45S5 melt and glass are reported in Table III: the glass shows ideal fourfold coordination for all Si and P, whereas about 11% of Si atoms are miscoordinated in the melt. Overcoordinated Si occur with slightly higher probability than undercoordinated defects; a very small number of sixfold coordinated Si atoms are also
5 4.8
4.6 4.4
4.8 Si-O-Si
4.6 4.4
4.2 4
θ (deg)
FIG. 3. Average Si coordination number 共bold line, left vertical axis兲 and Si-O distance 共thin line, right vertical axis兲 in O-Si-O and Si-O-Si angles.
FIG. 5. The local structure of 2M and 3M rings formed during the high-temperature MD trajectory 共only the nearest atoms to the ring are included兲. Silicon, oxygen, and Na/ Ca atoms are shown as white, black, and gray spheres, respectively.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 224202 共2007兲
TABLE III. Coordination statistics for the glass and the melt, calculated using a 2.25 Å distance cutoff to define the coordination shell of Si and P. The corresponding values obtained using classical MD with a shell-model potential are reported in parentheses.
Melt 共3000 K兲
0 共0兲 4.3 共0.5兲 Q0
Glass 共300 K兲 Melt 共3000 K兲
Glass 共300 K兲 Melt 共3000 K兲
100 0 共100兲 共0兲 89.1 6.4 共97.2兲 共2.3兲 Si connectivity 共Qn distributions兲 Q1 Q2
5.3 10.5 共0.0兲 共18.4兲 3.3 21.6 共0.2兲 共26.2兲 P coordination P3c P4c
57.9 共52.6兲 45.8 共44.1兲
0 0.1 共0.1兲
100 99.8 共98.3兲
recorded during the high-temperature trajectory. As described before, these coordinative Si defects are generally found within small rings. Unlike silicon, phosphorus atoms essentially maintain an ideal tetrahedral coordination even at high temperature: the higher rigidity of the phosphate tetrahedra, evident in Figs. 1 and 2, seems to prevent the local distortion needed to accommodate or remove an oxygen atom in the nearest-neighbors coordination shell. Due to the very low P2O5 concentration in the 45S5 composition, the statistics on P in our sample is necessarily less accurate with respect to Si: therefore the occurrence of a small fraction of P defects cannot completely be excluded; however, the general trend seems to indicate that Si has a higher tendency to form coordinative defects. At the same time, only a small fraction of oxygen atoms bonded to three Si/ P atoms is formed at 3000 K. Therefore, miscoordinated Si atoms are the main structural feature of the 45S5 melt, which distinguishes it from the corresponding glass. Because of the higher density of the modeled liquid compared to the real liquid, it may be argued that the artificial compression can affect the properties of the melt: indeed, it is well established that high pressures lead to significant structural and dynamical changes in silicate glasses and liquids.41–44 The main assumption of the present and of previous MD studies, where NVT simulations of the liquid phase have been performed using the density of the corresponding amorphous,28–32,45–47 is that the density difference and the size of the above effect are small, and therefore this approximation is acceptable.48 In order to verify that this is actually the case for the present system, the trace of the stress tensor at 3000 K was calculated, yielding P around 0.6 GPa, at which no structural changes should be observed for silicate melts, with respect to the liquid at ambient pressure.41–44
0 共0兲 0.2 共0.0兲 Q3
Q5 0 共0兲 0.8 共0.0兲
26.3 0 共28.9兲 共0兲 22.8 5.7 共27.6兲 共1.9兲 O coordination O1c O2c
0 0.1 共1.7兲
68.7 68.1 共68.2兲
0 0.3 共0.1兲
31.3 31.5 共31.7兲
The coordination environment of each species is further investigated in Fig. 6, where the cumulative number of Si-O, P-O, Na-O, Ca-O, O-O, and Si-Si neighbors is plotted for the glass and the melt. The liquidlike character of the latter emerges from the more continuous trend of the n共r兲 curves, as opposed to the stepwise curves for the glass. While the oxygen coordination shells of Si and P in the melt are still well defined and not significantly different from the glass, the monotonic increase in the n共r兲’s for Na-O and Ca-O pairs marks a higher degree of disorder around modifier cations in O-O
Glass 共300 K兲
Si coordination Si4c Si5c
Si-Si 4
0 5
r (Å)
FIG. 6. Cumulative 共integrated兲 coordination numbers calculated for the glass 共full lines兲 and 3000 K melt 共dashed lines兲.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 224202 共2007兲
n n TABLE IV. Qm 共Si兲 distribution in the melt: Qm represents an m-coordinated Si atom bonded to n bridging oxygens. Both the total 共relative to all Si atoms in any coordination兲 and local 共in parentheses, relative only to the other m-coordinated Si atoms兲 distributions are shown. The last row reports the average number of BO bonded to each m-coordinated Si.
Si3c n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 n=5 n=6 具BO典
共19.1兲 共62.4兲 共17.3兲 共1.2兲 0 0 0 1.01
0.8 2.7 0.75 0.05
Si4c 共2.8兲 共21.1兲 共49.7兲 共23.4兲 共2.9兲 0 0 2.02
2.5 18.8 44.4 20.85 2.6
the melt. In the glass, Na and Ca ions are embedded in a pseudooctahedral shell of ⬃5.5 and 6 oxygen atoms, whereas the larger radius of the first coordination shell for the melt 共already evident in the broader peaks in the radial distribution functions in Fig. 1兲 incorporates almost seven oxygen neighbors, on average. Analogously, the Si-Si curve highlights a more disordered intertetrahedral arrangement for the melt, accommodating a broader range of connectivities between adjacent tetrahedra. Indeed, the stepwise nSi-Si共r兲 curve shows that in the glass most Si ions are linked 共through bridging oxygens兲 to two other Si tetrahedra, whereas in the melt Si atoms with a number of neighbors ⫽2 occur with a higher probability. The Si-Si connectivity can be discussed in further detail through the Qn distribution in Table III, where Qn denotes a Si ion bonded to n bridging oxygens. The glass structure is dominated by Q2 and Q3 species, in agreement with nuclear magnetic resonance 共NMR兲 and Raman spectroscopy data,5–7 denoting a highly disrupted network, dominated by chainlike fragments.9 In the melt, the fraction of both Q2 and Q3 species decreases, with a corresponding increase in Q1 and the appearance of Q4 and Q5 species, which are not formed in the glass. In other words, although the underlying network is still dominated by Q2/Q3 structural units, the high temperature can modify the relative balance between the Qn units. The local structure of Si atoms in different coordination in n distrithe melt can be further characterized through the Qm n bution, where Qm represents an m-coordinated Si atom bonded to n bridging oxygens 共Table IV兲. The table highlights that on average the coordination shell of threefoldcoordinated Si is made of one bridging oxygen 共BO兲 and two nonbridging oxygens 共NBOs兲, whereas the BO connectivity increases to 2 for Si4c, up to 3.6 for Si5c. Taking into account the different number of oxygen atoms bonded to each Si species, this seems to highlight a preferential association between BOs and Si5c, as well as between NBOs and Si3c, which could lead to rather different properties of Si3c-NBO and Si5c-BO centers, for instance, in relation to their activity as nucleation sites on the glass surface.17 The availability of accurate glass and melt structures obtained through a full ab initio approach enables a direct as-
0 0 0 0 0.05 共34.8兲 0.08 共48.5兲 0.03 共16.7兲 4.82
共0.6兲 共10.6兲 共30.0兲 共47.4兲 共11.4兲 0 3.58
0.05 0.68 1.9 3.0 0.7
sessment of the reliability of classical force fields, such as the shell-model potential used in Ref. 11, and in particular, of their ability to reproduce the main structural features of the bioactive glass and of its melt precursor. To this purpose, we have performed an additional melt-and-quench classical MD simulation, using the shell-model potential. In order to filter out their possible influence on the results, we have used exactly the same simulation settings 共system size, cooling rate, trajectory lengths兲 as in the CPMD run, even though the classical MD run would enable to probe much larger or longer space or time scales. The coordination statistics of the classical melt and glass are reported below the corresponding CPMD values in Table III. The main difference concerns the liquid phase, where a significantly larger amount of threefold- and fivefold-coordinated Si are created during the CPMD trajectory, whereas more than 97% of Si atoms keep ideal tetrahedral coordination in the classical melt; the Qn distribution also denotes that, despite similar Q2 fractions in the classical and CPMD melts, in the latter significantly higher fractions of Q0, Q4 and even Q5 species are formed. These differences highlight that the classical potential may be too rigidly biased towards regular geometries and does not easily favor the distorted or irregular environments which, as the CPMD run shows, can occur with significant probability at 3000 K. Although these defects can certainly affect the vitrification process, their occurrence in the melt is only partially reflected in the final glass structure, where both the CPMD and shell-model structures show no miscoordinated Si atoms, and a Qn distribution predominantly Q2/Q3, in agreement with the experiments.5–7 The CPMD glass does show Qn abundancies closer to the Raman spectroscopy estimates,7 especially for the Q0/Q1 species, but overall the bioglass structure predicted by the classical shell-model appears reasonable. 3. Phosphorous connectivity
Our previous models of the 45S5 glass,8,11 obtained by classical MD quench from the melt, contained a relevant fraction of Q1 phosphate groups forming one P-O-Si link with an adjacent silicate. The possibility that phosphorus can be linked to silicon and thus partially incorporated within the bioglass network is supported by some experiments as well
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 224202 共2007兲
0 60
300K 600K 800K 1000K 1200K 1400K 1600K 1800K 2000K 3000K
4 3 Si3c
2 1 0 3000
O3c 2400
T (K)
θSi-O-Si (deg) FIG. 7. Si-O-Si angle distributions calculated from the MD trajectories, gradually cooling the system from 3000 to 300 K.
as by classical MD simulations,7,8,49–51 whereas in some other studies only isolated orthophosphate groups were detected.5 The glass generated using the present full-AIMD quench also incorporates P-O-Si links: despite the limited statistics due the small system size, this does seem to confirm that these links are an important structural feature of bioactive silicate glasses, as their presence in the full ab initio structure rules out a possible bias on their occurrence due to the use of empirical potentials to generate the glass. Further details on the dynamical feature of these links follow in Sec. IV B. 4. Temperature dependence of structural features related to defects
By comparing the structure of the system equilibrated at 3000 K and 300 K, the most evident structural feature of the melt turned out to be the secondary peak at 90° in the Si-O-Si angle distribution, associated to coordinative defects and small rings. Using this peak to mark the presence of defects, Fig. 7 shows that it gradually disappears from the BAD during the cooling process, and the corresponding intensity is shifted to the main peak. Little residual intensity at 90° is still present at 1600 K, and only the main peak at 127° is apparent in the 1400 K BAD. This would seem to mark 1200– 1300 K as the temperature where the main structural difference between melt and glass disappears; in fact, Fig. 8 further confirms that only a very small fraction of fivefoldcoordinated Si is still present at this temperature, and no defects are detected below 1200 K.
FIG. 8. Average total fraction of threefold- and fivefoldcoordinated Si, and of threefold-coordinated O, from the MD trajectories cooling the system from 3000 to 300 K.
which these changes in the local environment occur cannot be obtained from static distributions. This kind of dynamic information can be directly extracted from the MD trajectories: Fig. 9 shows the instantaneous number of Si-O bonds for a representative Si and two of the oxygen atoms in its coordination shell, during the trajectory at 3000 K. Frequent changes in the coordination shell of Si, switching from threefold, to fourfold, to fivefold coordination, are observed, while the O atoms also switch back and forth between bridging and nonbridging, with rare excursions into threefold coordination. The lifetime of Si3c and Si5c coordination, averaged over all Si atoms, is 33 and 47 fs 共to be compared with 335 fs for the tetrahedral species兲, while the mean lifetime of threefold-coordinated O3c is 50 fs, much less than the more stable NBO 共750 fs兲 and BO 共400 fs兲 species. This analysis thus shows that Si3c and Si5c coordinative defects are shortlived complexes, and the more stable tetrahedral coordinaSi 5
O 3
IV. DYNAMICS A. Dynamics of intratetrahedral connectivity
In the previous section we have shown that the melt is characterized by a significant fraction of miscoordinated atoms, especially Si, and in general, by a larger degree of disorder in the coordination environment of both networkforming and network-modifier species. However, the structural analysis only provides a static picture of the melt: the presence of thermal fluctuations is evident from the spread of the calculated distributions, but the rate and mechanism at
0 0
time (ps)
FIG. 9. Time evolution 共at 3000 K兲 of the number of Si-O bonds formed by a selected Si 共top panel兲 and by two of the oxygen atoms initially in its coordination shell 共full and dashed lines in the bottom panel兲.
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Na 3
rSi-O (Å)
0 4
3 2 1
2 0 0
t (ps)
2 5
time (ps)
FIG. 10. 共Color online兲 Time evolution of the Si-O distances of the oxygen ions within a 4 Å radius from a selected Si ion in the melt; only the first 2 ps of the trajectory are shown in panel 共a兲, whereas panel 共b兲 shows the portion of the trajectory between 6.5 and 8.5 ps. The Si-O distances of O atoms involved in exchange processes are highlighted in bold 共colors兲; the arrows mark the exchange events discussed in the text.
tion is restored shortly after their formation; based on NMR measurements, these transient species were previously proposed as transition states in the viscous flow of silicate liquids.16,20 Figure 9 clearly reveals frequent Si-O bond breakings, but it does not clarify whether the identity of the Si neighbors in the coordination shell is also changing, or instead if the original shell is reformed when the tetrahedral coordination is restored. This question can be addressed by examining the trajectory of the distances of all O atoms from a tagged Si center 共Fig. 10兲. In Fig. 10共a兲, a typical exchange event involves the approach of an oxygen atom 共whose Si-O distance is indicated by an arrow around t = 1 ps兲 from an outer shell, with the creation of an additional Si-O bond in a transient fivefold-coordinated Si, followed by the breaking of a Si-O bond and the escape of a different O, restoring a fourfold 共but different from the original兲 coordination shell. The approach or separation of oxygen atoms can sometimes occur simultaneously, as at ⬃1.8 ps in Fig. 10共a兲, and therefore no transient Si5c is formed. Occasionally, the exchange sequence is reversed and starts with an Si-O bond breaking and formation of an intermediate Si3c complex, as in Fig. 10共b兲: the separation of the O atom is followed by the formation of two new Si-O bonds; the process is terminated by a further Si-O bond breaking, resulting in the overall exchange of two oxygens in the same event. This analysis highlights a rich dynamical behavior for Si atoms, with a high flexibility in their coordination environment; this is in contrast with the behavior of P-O distances for phosphorus 共not shown兲 which, as it might have been guessed from its coordination statistics in Table III, even at
FIG. 11. Time evolution of the instantaneous number of O atoms coordinated to two selected Na and Ca ions, extracted from the 3000 K trajectory.
3000 K tends to maintain the same four oxygen neighbors for the whole MD trajectory: no P-O bonds are broken or created. The different dynamical behavior of phosphate and silicate groups suggests that Si/ P substitution in bioactive compositions could significantly affect the ion migration mechanism and thus the overall bioactivity. The time evolution of the number of oxygen neighbors of selected Na and Ca atoms in the melt is plotted in Fig. 11: again, the local environment of modifier cations is continuously changing, even more frequently than for Si and O, as the number of oxygens surrounding Na/ Ca ions varies between 2 and 10. These changes occur in fast discrete jumps, each adding or removing a single O from the coordination shell of the modifier cation. This behavior reflects a significant mobility of the modifier cations, which presumably involves a different diffusive mechanism compared to the network-forming ions 共see below兲. B. Dynamics of intertetrahedral connectivity
The formation of Si-P linkages in the melt can be monitored through the time evolution of interatomic distances from a tagged P center, shown in Fig. 12: a Si-P link is formed or broken whenever the cutoff distance corresponding to the first minimum in the Si-P radial distribution function is crossed. In panel 共a兲, after the initial Si-P link is broken 共t ⬃ 2 ps兲, the newly formed Q0 orthophosphate remains isolated for the remaining part of the high-temperature trajectory; in panel 共b兲, a stable link is formed after 6 ps, and the resulting Q1 phosphate remains intact during the subsequent dynamics, and is actually found in the glass structure after cooling. Figure 13 shows that these changes to the P connectivity involve nearby Si defects: the breaking of the Si-P link 共1a–1c兲 generates an intermediate threefold-
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 224202 共2007兲
rP-Si (Å)
4 2
4 2
rSi-Si (Å)
8 6 4
0 0
(b) 2
time (ps)
coordinated Si 共1b兲, which is almost immediately healed; the formation of a new Si-P link occurs through the opening of a two-membered Si ring 共2a–2c兲. Thus the flexible coordination environment of Si turns out to play a central role in facilitating exchanges in the P environment as well. Although the dynamics shows that Si-O-P links can occasionally be broken and formed in the melt, the process is not as frequent as for Si-O-Si links. Indeed, Fig. 14 shows the distance of a set of tagged silicon atoms from the other Si atoms in the
4 Q4
FIG. 12. 共Color online兲 Time evolution of P-Si interatomic distances during the high-temperature MD trajectory. The trajectory of Si atoms which form links with P is highlighted in bold; the horizontal dashed line marks the Si-P distance cutoff: a Si-P pair closer than the cutoff is connected through a bridging oxygen.
2 Q 3
Q3 6
Q 2 Q3 2
time (ps)
Q2 8
FIG. 14. 共Color online兲 Time evolution of Si-Si interatomic distances during the high-temperature MD trajectory of several Si atoms. The trajectory of other Si atoms which form links with the tagged Si is highlighted in bold 共color兲; the horizontal dashed line marks the Si-Si distance cutoff: a Si-Si pair closer than the cutoff is connected through a bridging oxygen. The corresponding Qn exchange processes are also marked.
cell, during the trajectory at 3000 K; the average number of changes in the Si connectivity 共averaged over all Si ions in the cell兲 is 4.7± 1.5: Si shows a higher tendency to modify its connectivity than P. Qn species are frequently converted to Qn+1 or Qn−1, and the figure shows that this exchange involves the loss of a Si-Si⬘ connection 共more specifically, the breaking of a Si-O-Si⬘ bridge兲 and/or the formation of a new Si-Si⬙ one with a different tetrahedron. This again denotes a significant flexibility or variability in the medium-range environment of Si, at variance with the relative stability of phosphate groups. The dynamical evolution of the Si-Si connectivity is of high interest, since the exchange process between Qn共Si兲 groups in silicate liquids is closely related to the viscosity.20,52,53 1. Ionic diffusion
The time-dependent mean square displacement 共MSD兲 of the different species was calculated as N
FIG. 13. The mechanism of the two changes in P-Si connectivity observed in the liquid. The top panels describe the breaking of the P-Si link highlighted in Fig. 12共a兲, whereas the bottom panels illustrate the formation of a new P-Si link depicted in Fig. 12共b兲. For clarity, only the atoms involved in these exchanges are shown; Si, P, and O atoms are represented in white, gray, and black colors, respectively.
1 o l 具⌬R 共t兲典l = 兺 兺 兩Ri共t j兲 − Ri共t j + t兲兩2 , NoNl j=1 i=1 2
where Ri is the position vector of atom i, No and Nl are the number of time origins spaced by t and the number of atoms of species l, respectively. Figure 15 shows the MSD of each atomic species along the MD trajectories at 3000 K and 300 K. The flat MSD curve in the bottom panel denotes sol-
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 224202 共2007兲
300 K
t (ps)
idlike oscillatory motion at 300 K, whereas the linear trend of the MSD at 3000 K qualitatively shows that at this temperature all atoms are diffusing, although the transition to the diffusive regime is slower for the network-forming ions 共see below兲. In the melt, the diffusion of network-forming atoms Si, P, and O is slower than the network modifiers Na and Ca. Applying the Einstein equation ⌬R2共t兲 = 6Dt, diffusion coefficients D = 0.26, 0.20, 0.41, 0.59, and 1.34⫻ 10−8 m2 s−1 can be estimated from the slope of the MSD curves in the linear region, for Si, P, O, Ca, and Na atoms, respectively. The D共Si兲 / D共O兲 and D共P兲 / D共O兲 ratios reflect their mass ratios, following the correlation of their motion within the tetrahedra.23,32 On the other hand, the diffusion of Na and Ca is significantly faster as these species are not incorporated in the glass network and their interaction with oxygen is weaker than that of Si and P. The diffusive mechanism can be further investigated by plotting the MSDs on a log-log scale, as in Fig. 16; on a logarithmic scale, different dynamical regimes are characterized by a different slope.54 The initial slope is
100 2
t (ps)
1 o l cl共t兲 = 兺 兺 vi共t j兲 · vi共t j + t兲, NoNl j=1 i=1
Si P Na Ca O
close to 2, denoting free ballistic motion at a short time, as described by R2i 共t兲 ⬀ v2i t2: this occurs on the very short time scale separating two subsequent collisions of the atom with the “walls” of its coordination cage. This regime is followed by a transitional region where the atom rattles back and forth within the cage, before being able to escape and start the Einstein diffusive regime, characterized by unit slope in the logarithmic plot, where logR2i 共t兲 ⬀ log共t兲. Although the slope in each characteristic regime is now the same for the different species, the different mechanism controlling the motion of network formers and modifiers is evident: for both Na and Ca, the ballistic motion lasts until 0.03 ps, interrupted by the transitional regime, before the start of the Einsteinian diffusion after ⬃1 ps; on the other hand, the transition to the diffusive regime appears more complex for the network formers, as it begins already after 0.01 ps, and lasts significantly longer, with the log-log curves of Si, P, and O approaching unit slope after more than 4 ps. This is likely related to the combination of intratetrahedral motions, which are not present for Na and Ca: the tetrahedral cage embedding Si and P is much more rigid than the pseudooctahedral coordination shells of Na and Ca, which do not involve strong chemical bonds as the silicate or phosphate groups. Further insight into the short-time dynamics is provided by the velocity time autocorrelation functions 共VACFs兲, defined as
t (ps)
FIG. 17. 共Color online兲 Velocity autocorrelation functions 关Eq. 共2兲兴 of the different species, evaluated for the melt 共3000 K兲 and glass 共300 K兲 MD trajectories.
FIG. 15. 共Color online兲 Mean square displacement 关Eq. 共1兲兴 of the different species, evaluated for the melt 共3000 K兲 and glass 共300 K兲 MD trajectories.
∆R (t) (Å )
300 K
0 0
Si P Na Ca O
∆R (t) (Å )
3000 K
3000 K
Si P Na Ca O
FIG. 16. 共Color online兲 Logarithmic plot of the mean square displacement of the different species, evaluated for the melt 共3000 K兲 MD trajectory.
where vi is the velocity vector of atom i, and the other symbols are as in Eq. 共1兲. The VACFs for the glass and the melt are plotted in Fig. 17. The time t0 when the VACF first changes sign represents the average time when a change of direction occurs in the motion of an atom, and correlates with the end of the ballistic regime identified in the MSD plots: indeed, t0 = 0.01– 0.02 ps for P and Si, respectively, and ⬃0.04 ps for Na and Ca. The first minimum of the VACF represents the average time when the tagged particle
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 224202 共2007兲
Intensity (arb. units)
ences of the glass samples obtained here and in Ref. 11 do not affect their vibrational features.
glass melt glass, ref. 11
200 400
600 800 1000 1200 1400 -1
frequency (cm ) FIG. 18. Vibrational density of states 共VDOS兲, calculated as Fourier transform of the total velocity autocorrelation function, evaluated for the melt 共3000 K兲 and glass 共300 K兲. The VDOS obtained using the mixed classical-ab initio approach in Ref. 11 is also shown.
reverses its direction of motion:54 again, this happens earlier for the network formers, around 0.02 ps, than for the modifiers, which reverse their velocity after 0.08 共Ca兲 and 0.09 ps 共Na兲. The rigid intratetrahedral vibrations lead to a fast oscillatory trend for the VACFs of Si, P, and O, which are in phase and strongly correlated. On the other hand, Na and Ca ions show a much broader first minimum, which is not followed by a marked oscillatory behavior, because their interaction with the surrounding cage is weaker, as discussed before. In general, these features are found for both the 300 and 3000 K MD trajectories—the similarity of the shapes of the atomic VACFs of the glass and the melt shows that their short-time dynamical behavior is similar 共the same does not apply to the long-time behavior兲. The glass is characterized by larger amplitude vibrations and a slower decay to zero of the VACF 共corresponding to the loss of “memory” of the initial direction兲: Fig. 17 shows that directional memory is lost after 0.5 ps for the melt, whereas for the glass the oscillatory motion of the VACFs continues beyond the time scale of the figure. The emerging dynamical picture is that of two relatively independent subsystems, the phosphosilicate network, and the modifier cations; no signatures of the intratetrahedral vibrations are transferred to the VACF of the modifier cations, showing that the coupling between these systems is not particularly strong. The vibrational density of states 共VDOS, Fig. 18兲 was calculated as Fourier transform of the VACF. The VDOS of the melt shows two bands centered at 150 共modifier cation low-frequency oscillations about the NBOs兲 and 450 cm−1 共vibrational modes of the Si-O-Si linkages兲, and a broad band extending between 700 and 1100 cm−1 共vibrational modes of the different Qn silicate and phosphate structural units兲. These features generally reflect the vibrational features of the glass, discussed in detail in Ref. 11. The transferability of the vibrational frequencies between different phases denotes high localization of the vibrational modes.19 Indeed, the VDOS of the present glass is very similar to the VDOS calculated in Ref. 11 using a mixed classical or CPMD approach, showing that the small structural differ-
The present CPMD simulation results enabled the characterization of the 45S5 melt, and to highlight the most relevant structural and dynamical differences with respect to the corresponding bioglass. The CPMD quench from the melt also allowed us to fully relax the medium-range structure at the ab initio level, thus providing a very accurate reference structure of the glass, completely free of any possible bias which may affect previous models, due to the use of empirical potentials in the melt-and-quench procedure.11 As the network connectivity of the model is fully relaxed, related structural features can now be discussed with higher confidence: for instance, the presence of Si-O-P links in the melt and in the final glass structure strongly supports their occurrence in the bioactive glasses, which is a rather controversial issue, of high relevance in order to understand the properties of these materials. The 45S5 phosphosilicate melt is characterized by a relevant fraction of miscoordinated silicon atoms, which are typically associated with two- and three-membered rings; these structural defects, not present in the corresponding bulk glass, significantly affect the dynamical behavior of the melt. We have shown that Si-O bonds are frequently formed and broken at 3000 K, with the formation of transient undercoordinated or overcoordinated Si centers, which mediate the transfer of oxygen anions between adjacent silicate units. These exchanges in the Si coordination shell frequently involve rearrangements to the silicate network connectivity, where a new Si-Si link is created, removed, or replaced with a link with a different Si—these exchanges are known to be involved in the mechanism of viscous flow.53 Compared to Si, the coordination of phosphate groups appears less adaptable: a very small fraction of miscoordinated P atoms are formed even at high temperature. The phosphate tetrahedra show a higher tendency to retain the same bonded configuration, without exchanging O atoms; however, dynamical changes in the P-Si connectivity are still possible due to the higher flexibility of the silicate network. Si-O-P bridges are thus formed at high temperature and appear rather stable, as they are retained during the cooling and incorporated in the final glass structure. Despite a similar short-time dynamics, Si and P show a rather different behavior as far as the dynamical exchanges in their first and second coordination shells are concerned: the lower tendency of P to exchange neighbors and modify its connectivity might represent an additional important factor to take into account to fully understand the role of phosphorus in the bioactivity of silicate glasses, which is an active field of research.10,55 Very frequent changes in the coordination cage of modifier Na and Ca cations are recorded in the melt, reflecting the fast migration of Na and Ca. The analysis of displacement and velocity time correlations highlighted that both the shortand long-time motion of modifier ions follow a different mechanism than the network formers. The latter show a complex, correlated behavior due to their tetrahedral connectiv-
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 224202 共2007兲
ity, whereas the faster motion of the modifier ions is decoupled from the phosphosilicate network, consistent with a general picture of mobile ions diffusing in a relatively static framework of network formers.56 The ab initio dynamics leads to a higher fraction of miscoordinated atoms in the melt compared to a classical shellmodel potential. Even though the cooling phase removes these defects, it is possible that they play a role in the vitrification of the liquid and then slightly affect the properties of the amorphous. However, the similarity of the final glass structures and of the VDOS calculated using a full-CPMD and a mixed classical-CPMD approach justifies the validity
The U.K.’s Royal Society is gratefully acknowledged for financial support 共URF兲. Computer resources on the HPCx service were provided via the U.K.’s HPC Materials Chemistry Consortium and funded by EPSRC 共portfolio Grant No. EP/D504872兲.
[email protected];⬃uccaati 1 L.
of the latter to investigate bioactive silicate glasses; on the other hand, the CPMD approach appears more reliable to describe the highly distorted environments found in the liquid.
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