Phenomenaâproofing examples at Primary Level. Kinetographic example: Hopscotch. General discussion. Competencies again. Pilot project: Informatics at.
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Talk: HdkF – Workshop Phenomena
Lets get a suitcase
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics Why it is not sufficiant to get a Suitcase
Ludger Humbert
Talk: HdkF – Workshop Structure and Phenomena in Informatics, 17. November 2015
Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Source: http://ddi.uni- Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
Bergische Universität Wuppertal Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Competencies Phenomena
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase
Kompetenzen der informatischen Bildung erläutern
Zusammenhang zwischen prozessbezogenen und inhaltsbezogenen Kompetenzen benennen und verdeutlichen
Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Spiralcurriculare Ansätze begründen und an Beispielen konkretisieren
Didaktische Gestaltungsnotwendigkeiten an den Unterschieden zwischen der Fachsystematik und Curricula klären
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Outline of Chapter Phenomena
1 Lets get a suitcase 2 Understanding informatics phenomena:
the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena 3 Principles and Ideas in Informatics
Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again
4 General discussion
Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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A Suitcase—The Spy-Camp
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
Figure: Case with material for the spy-camp BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
4 of 27
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
. . . more and better material . . .
Lets get a suitcase
k attiik ma orrm nffo IIn Didak tik der
Info r Ma matik ter
Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68)
Inform atik
k mati InfoMraterial
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Principles and Ideas in Informatics
Datei henkette : Zeic l eZah dateiname : Ganz henkette ette groesse um : Zeic: Zeichenk swert erstelldatgsdatum : Wahrheit aenderun chuetzt swert schreibges: Wahrheit versteckt ... nameNeu) __init__( erkzeug) oeffnen(w en() ausschneid ) kopieren( () ) einfuegen) name loeschen(nen(datei umbenen ...
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Informatics Phenomena ...
... ...
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Do we need more and/or better material?
Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
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General discussion
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Competencies again
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Figure: Case with material regarding informatics
Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Phenomena regarding Informatics
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase
Three categories of phenomena 1
Phenomena that are directly related to informatics systems
Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Phenomena that are indirectly linked with informatics systems
Phenomena that are not connected to informatics systems but have an inherent informatical structure or suggest informatical reasoning
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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“Fundamental Ideas of Computer Science” – vgl. Schwill 1994
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase
The four criteria worked out by Schwill are worded as (and numbered): Criteria to proof an idea being fundamental in informatics
Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material?
horizontal criterion
criterion of time
vertical criterion
criterion of sense
If accepted, we have to take a closer look at the process of teaching (and learning) fundamental ideas and the next step to be done, which leads to the question How to teach fundamental ideas?
Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Guiding principals in teaching fundamental ideas
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase
Schwill names three guiding principals How to teach? Guiding principals
Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material?
1 2
Principle of extendibility—known as spiral principle Principle of prefiguration of notions—known as eis-principle(Humbert 2006, p.78) Principle of anticipated learning
Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Weiß: “Förderung informatischer Kompetenzen von Kindergartenkindern am Beispiel des Sortierens”
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase
Several examples were carried out by Weiß trying to find out how to express elements to children in kindergarten so they get some knowledge esp. in algorithmic thinking. Weiß shows us that we have to look very close to what children are able to understand and documents her findings in an acutal published Mastersthesis(Weiß 2015) titled “Förderung informatischer Kompetenzen von Kindergartenkindern am Beispiel des Sortierens”.
Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Brakensiek: “Anforderungen, Umsetzung und Evaluation eines Unterrichtsbeispiels für die informatische Bildung in der Primarstufe”
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68)
Brakensiek looked at competencies and carried out examples to be realized at primary schools. “Anforderungen, Umsetzung und Evaluation eines Unterrichtsbeispiels für die informatische Bildung in der Primarstufe” Mastersthesis(Brakensiek 2015)
Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Brakensiek— Playing field
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
Source: (Brakensiek 2015) Figure: Chart Playing field—tested at a primary school
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Siebrecht: “Einführung algorithmischer Elemente unter kinetographischen Aspekten” Hopscotch2 is a process worked out by children (esp. girls—I never saw males) which serves as a play. To play it successfully you have to deal with a recursive algorithm (cf. Siebrecht 2015, pp.76ff).
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
Figure: Playing field—hopscotch
“Besondere Schwere der Schuld” (ARD 1. Programm—52’ —for 3 seconds – 2015-11-07)
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
12 of 27 2 Hinkeln
or Hüpfekästchen in German
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase
• stay—auf der Stelle: platz(HR ∧HL ) • forward—vorwärts: vw(HR ∧HL ) • backward—rückwärts: rw(HR ∧HL ) • straight jump—Strecksprung: re(HR )∧li(HL )
Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Das “∧” symbolisiert hierbei eine parallele Ausführung, die zusammengenommen mit den “hoch”-Bewegungen und der Gravitationskraft für die Sprungbewegung sorgt.
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
Mit diesen Befehlen und einem N x 4-Hüpfekästchen (N>0) lässt sich nun die rekursive Prozedur huepfeVor realisieren, bei der bis zum Rekursionsanfang vorwärts, danach rückwärts gesprungen wird, solange bis die Ausgangsposition wieder erreicht wurde.
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Hopscotch—structure chart
Lets get a suitcase
huepfeVor( s ): ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... . . . . . . . . . ........... ... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... ........... . . . . . . . . . ........... .. ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... ........... . . . . . . . . . . ........... . ........... ........... ........... ........... ........................
s = 0?
re(HR )∧li(HL ) li(HR )∧re(HL )
vw(HR ∧HL ) huepfeVor(s-1) rw(HR ∧HL )
Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again
Figure: Kinetogramm—Hopscotch—structure chart
Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Hopscotch—kinetographic picture
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
Figure: Kinetogramm—Hopscotch—huepfeVor(0) BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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What is Informatics about?
“Informatics – The science of minimal systems with maximal complexity”, as Schwill points out(Schwill 2003). So informatics deals with structures at two levels—data structures and processes formulated in algorithms. To develop curricular elements in an eis-oriented level, you have to look at things children use when discoverering the world. “Computing presents us a form of description. This form is very useful for describing a great variety of phenomena of this world, but human thinking is not one of them, the reason being that human thinking basically is a matter of the plasticity of the elements of the nervous system, while computers—Turing machines—have no plastic elements. For describing human thinking one needs a very different, non-digital form . . . ” (Turing Award Lecture Naur 2007, p. 93)
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Informatics at primary schools (IaG) 1. Information and data
2. Algorithms 2. Reason and evaluate 3. Languages and automata 3. Structure and interrelate 4. Informatics systems 4. Communicate and cooperate 5. Informatics, man and society 5. Represent and interprete
Process standards
Content standards
Lets get a suitcase
1. Model and implement
Figure: Content/process standards (cf. Brinda, Puhlmann, and Schulte 2009, p. 289)
Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
The main goals of the “IaG” project • to form a concept of breaking down the CS principles
to describe competencies to be acquired by students of primary education, • to develop teaching materials and guidelines for the
prototypical lessons, and • to model further education for in-service primary
science teachers.
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
The main goals of the “IaG” project • to form a concept of breaking down the CS principles
to describe competencies to be acquired by students of primary education, • to develop teaching materials and guidelines for the
prototypical lessons, and • to model further education for in-service primary
science teachers.
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
Three modules for the project “IaG”
General discussion Competencies again
Digital World Aachen, Cryptology Wuppertal and
Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
Robotics Paderborn BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
18 of 27
Modules and main competences
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase
The main competences the students should achieve are combinations of content and process standards. Examples for acquired competences Modul Digital World The students describe in their own words a given procedure to locate a defective part in a message. Modul Cryptology The students characterize the term algorithm. Modul Robotics The students name and formulate action rules to control a roboter.
Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
19 of 27
oc ess
nd ard s i m Re p lem aso en t n& eva Str lua u ct te ure & Co int mm err un ela i c te ate Re pre & sen co o t& p er ate int erp ret
Competencies in Informatics at primary schools (IaG)
Content standards Information & data XM3 XM1,3 XM1,2 Algorithms XM2,3 XM2 XM1,2,3 Languages & automata XM3 Informatics systems XM1 XM1 Informatics, man & society XM2 XM2 Table: Content and processes assigned to modules
In all three modules students achieves competences in content standard algorithms, process standard model & implement, and/or represent & interpret.
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
20 of 27
Zeitplan “IaG” 2014 Vorbereitung Gespräch in Paderborn – hnf Handzettel »Informatik im Primarbereich« Informatik in die Grundschule Vorbereitung Artikel SchuleNRW Koordinationsgespräch (Unis) Projektskizze (pk) Koordinationsgespräch (Unis – pk) Koordinationsgespräch pk (Unis) Entwurfsfassung ( pk) Gespräch in Aachen – rwth
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Legende hnf Heinz-NixdorfMuseumsforum pk Projektskizze msw Ministerium für Schule und Weiterbildung a, b, c Module standortbezogen, Modulzuordnung, Modulauswahl
Lets get a suitcase Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material?
Vorplanung Module Feinplanung Gespräch in Düsseldorf – msw
Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics
Beauftragung fünf GS-Lehrkräfte Umsetzung Schule (A) Fortbildung (A) Modul (A)
Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level
Umsetzung Schule (B+C) Fortbildungen (B+C) Module (B+C)
Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion
Umsetzung Universität Veranstaltung (WS 15/16) Veranstaltung (SoSe 16) Veranstaltung (WS 16/17) Veranstaltung (SoSe 17)
Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
Wissenschaftliche Begleitung Teilnehmende Beobachtung Evaluation – erste Vorschläge Forschungsfragestellungen explizieren Hypothesen und Forschungsmethoden Detaillierung, -umsetzung
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
15th November 2015– Projektstand
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Bibliography I
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase
Aust, Anne-Katrin, Dorothee Müller, and Peter Gabriel (2011). “SpionCamp – Kryptographie als Stationenlernen”. In: Informatik mit Kopf, Herz und Hand – Praxisbeiträge zur 14. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (INFOS 2011). Ed. by Michael Weigend, Marco Thomas, and Frank Otte. Münster: ZfL-Verlag, pp. 235–244. isbn: 9783868770094. Brakensiek, Jakob (2015). “Anforderungen, Umsetzung und Evaluation eines Unterrichtsbeispiels für die informatische Bildung in der Primarstufe”. Masterthesis. Wuppertal: Fachgebiet Didaktik der Informatik – Bergische Universität. url: (visited on 02/16/2015).
Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Bibliography II
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase
Brinda, Torsten, Hermann Puhlmann, and Carsten Schulte (2009). “Bridging ICT and CS: Educational Standards for Computer Science in Lower Secondary Education”. In: Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. ITiCSE ’09. New York, NY, USA: ACM, pp. 288–292. isbn: 9781605583815. doi: 10.1145/1562877.1562965. url: Humbert, Ludger (2006). Didaktik der Informatik – mit praxiserprobtem Unterrichtsmaterial. 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Aufl. Leitfäden der Informatik. Wiesbaden: B.G. Teubner Verlag. isbn: 3835101129.
Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
23 of 27
Bibliography III
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase
Humbert, Ludger and Hermann Puhlmann (2004). “Essential Ingredients of Literacy in Informatics”. In: Informatics and Student Assessment. Concepts of Empirical Research and Standardisation of Measurement in the Area of Didactics of Informatics. Ed. by Johannes Magenheim and Sigrid Schubert. Vol. 1. GI-Edition – Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) – Seminars S-1. Dagstuhl-Seminar of the German Informatics Society (GI) 19.–24. September 2004. Bonn: Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, pp. 65–76. isbn: 3885794357. url: (visited on 10/01/2015).
Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Bibliography IV Kalbitz, Manuela, Hendrik Voss, and Carsten Schulte (2011). “Informatik begreifen – Zur Nutzung von Veranschaulichungen im Informatikunterricht”. In: Informatik und Schule – Informatik für Bildung und Beruf – INFOS 2011 – 14. GI-Fachtagung 12.–15. September 2011, Münster. Ed. by Marco Thomas. GI-Edition – Lecture Notes in Informatics – Proceedings P 189. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, Köllen Druck + Verlag GmbH, pp. 137–146. isbn: 9783885792833. url: (visited on 10/01/2015). Müller, Dorothee (2012). SpionCamp – Stationen. url: (visited on 10/03/2015). Naur, Peter (2007). “Computing versus human thinking”. In: Comm. ACM 50.1. Turing Award Lecture, pp. 85–94. url: (visited on 10/01/2015).
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Bibliography V Schwill, Andreas (1994). “Fundamental Ideas of Computer Science”. In: EATCS-Bulletin 53, pp. 274–295. url: (visited on 10/01/2015). – (2003). “Informatics – The science of minimal systems with maximal complexity”. In: Informatics and the Digital Society—Social, Ethical and Cognitive Issues. Ed. by Tom J. van Weert and Robert K. Munro. July 22-26, 2002, University of Dortmund, Germany. IFIP TC 3. Norwell, Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 17–28. isbn: 1402073631. url: (visited on 10/01/2015). Siebrecht, Daniel (2015). “Einführung algorithmischer Elemente unter kinetographischen Aspekten”. Masterthesis. Wuppertal: Fachgebiet Didaktik der Informatik – Bergische Universität. url: (visited on 10/01/2015).
Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Lets get a suitcase Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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Structure and Phenomena in Informatics
Bibliography VI Weiß, Sabrina (2015). “Förderung informatischer Kompetenzen von Kindergartenkindern am Beispiel des Sortierens”. Masterthesis. Wuppertal: Fachgebiet Didaktik der Informatik – Bergische Universität. url: (visited on 10/01/2015). Wing, Jeannette M. (2006). “Computational Thinking”. In: Communications of the ACM 49.3, pp. 33–35. url: Wing06.pdf (visited on 10/01/2015). ...............................................................
Lets get a suitcase Understanding informatics phenomena: the heart of literacy in informatics(Humbert and Puhlmann 2004, p.68) Do we need more and/or better material? Informatics Phenomena
Principles and Ideas in Informatics Informatics Phenomena—proofing examples at Primary Level Kinetographic example: Hopscotch
General discussion
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Competencies again Pilot project: Informatics at primary schools in NRW—“IaG”
References BUW – Fachgebiet DdI
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