Thomas Schnyder, Heinz Gross, Hanspeter Winkler, Hans M. Eppenberger, and Theo ... been shown in chicken brain and mammalian heart (Schlegel.
Structure of the Mitochondrial Creatine Kinase Octamer: High-Resolution Shadowing and Image Averaging of Single Molecules and Formation of Linear Filaments under Specific Staining Conditions T h o m a s Schnyder, H e i n z Gross, H a n s p e t e r Winkler, H a n s M. Eppenberger, a n d T h e o W a l l i m a n n Institute of Cell Biology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH-H6nggerberg, CH-8093 Ziirich, Switzerland
Abstract. The combination of high-resolution tantalum/tungsten (Ta/W) shadowing at very low specimen temperature (-250°C) under ultrahigh vacuum (