Structures Congress 2012 -

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ISBN: 978-1-61839-996-0. Structures Congress 2012. Chicago, Illinois, USA. 29- 31 March 2012. Volume 1 of 3. Editors: John Carrato. Joseph G. Burns ...
Structures Congress 2012

Chicago, Illinois, USA 29-31 March 2012 Volume 1 of 3 Editors: John Carrato

ISBN: 978-1-61839-996-0

Joseph G. Burns

Printed from e-media with permission by: Curran Associates, Inc. 57 Morehouse Lane Red Hook, NY 12571

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Copyright© (2012) by the American Society of Civil Engineers All rights reserved. Printed by Curran Associates, Inc. (2012) For permission requests, please contact the American Society of Civil Engineers at the address below. American Society of Civil Engineers 1801 Alexander Bell Drive Reston, VA 20191

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Structures Table of Contents Blast New and Innovative Materials for Blast Protection Blast Analysis of Integrated Framing Assemblies at Openings in Insulated


Concrete Form Wall Construction Carrie E. Davis, Kirk A. Marchand, and Joe Keith Innovative Material for Protection of Reinforced Concrete Structures against


Close Range Detonation Yousef Alostaz, Philipp Hofmann, Peter Feenstra, and Jay Thomas Behavior of Concrete Panels Reinforced with Synthetic Fibers, Mild Steel, and


GFRP Composites Subjected to Blasts C. P. Pantelides, T. T. Garfield, W. D. Richins, T. K. Larson, and J. E. Blakeley Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) As Blast-Resistant Barriers


R. F. Oleck, A. C. Habel, and D. W. Herrit Blast Testing and Analytical Evaluation of Polymer Retrofits for Unreinforced


Masonry Walls J. S. Idriss and M. J. Lowak

Predicting Blast Loads Associated with Complex Threat Environments A Fast-Running Tool to Characterize Shock Damage on Enclosed Structures


Lee Glascoe, Stephanie Neuscamman, Kristin Lennox, William Elmer, Lewis Glenn, and Larry McMichael Blast Loads in and Urban Environment


Trish Bowles, David Stevens, and Mike Stanley Overview of Analytical Procedures to Predict Concrete Damage under


Impulsive Loads Ahmed Ibrahim, Hani Salim, and Ahmed Eisa An Evaluation of Engineering Methods for Predicting Close-In Air Blast


David D. Bogosian and Ashley N. Heidenreich

Blast Effects on Infrastructure Effects of Close-In Charges on Pipeline Components


David J. Stevens, John M. H. Puryear, Neil Smith, and Matthew H. Gomez SDOF Isn’t Dead—The Role of Single Degree of Freedom Analysis in the Design of Columns against Close-In Blast D. Cormie and M. Arkinstall


Collapse Resistance of Steel Frame Structures: Connection Behavior, Slab Effects, and Robustness Assessment An Energy-Based Partial Pushdown Analysis of Robustness Assessment of Building Structures


Guoqing Xu and Bruce R. Ellingwood Overview of AISC/NSF Structural Integrity Research and Preliminary Results


J. M. Weigand, J. E. Meissner, T. Francisco, J. W. Berman, L. A. Fahnestock, and J. Liu Performance of Steel Shear Connections under Combined Moment, Shear, and Tension


S. A. Oosterhof and R. G. Driver

The New ASCE/SEI Standard for Blast Resistant Design Blast Protection of Buildings—Structural Systems, Protected Spaces, Building Envelope, and Glazing


Robert Smilowitz and Lorraine Lin

Blast Resistant Structures in the Petrochemical Industry Blast and Impact Resistant Design of Overhead Protection Structures


Guzhao Li, Paul Summers, Keith Clutter, and David Bonaventure Vapor Cloud Explosion Prediction Methods—Comparison of TNO Multi-Energy 177 (ME) and Baker-Strehlow-Tang (BST) Models in Terms of Vulnerability of Structural Damage Caused by an Explosion Trey Turner and Ali Sari Design Aspects of Blast Resistant Electrical Buildings


Amol Ganpatye, Jason Turner, and William Bounds Load Shape Influence on Dynamic Structural Response


T. H. Anderson and J. L. Kostecki

Multi-Hazard Robustness Assessment Building Structural Systems Collapse Performance Evaluation of Steel Buildings after Loss of Columns


Brian I. Song, Halil Sezen, and Kevin A. Giriunas Role of Composite Action in Collapse Resistance of Steel Frame Buildings


Honghao Li and Sherif El-Tawil Fire Induced Progressive Collapse of Steel Building Structures


Anil Agarwal and Amit H. Varma Effects of Fire on a Tall Steel Building Designed to Resist Progressive Collapse Morgan C. Neal, Maria E. M. Garlock, Spencer E. Quiel, and Shalva Marjanishvili


Design Concepts for Progressive Collapse Mitigation A New Cable System to Prevent Progressive Collapse of Reinforced Concrete


Buildings Muhammad N. S. Hadi and Thaer M. Saeed Alrudaini Applicability of FRP Systems for Retrofitting Existing Buildings to Prevent


Progressive Collapse R. M. Galli, K. El-Domiaty, and E. Wolff Numerical Simulation of Demolition of Perna Seca Hospital Using the Applied


Element Method H. M. Helmy, A. K. Elfouly, and H. M. Salem Date and Modeling for the Performance of Pristine and Blast Damaged Connections


John E. Crawford, Kenneth B. Morrill, Douglas A. Sunshine, and Joseph M. Magallanes

Blast Resistant Curtainwall Development of a Validated Engineering Model of Laminated Glass under Blast Loading


L. M. Pascoe, D. C. Smith, P. del Linz, J. Dear, and D. Cormie Blast Performance of Cable-Supported Curtain Walls


C. J. Field, J. A. Godinho, and S. R. Wopschall Development of High Performance Concrete Panels for Curtain Wall Systems


L. K. Stewart, K. B. Morrill, and K. Natesaiyer Testing and FEA Analysis of a Cable Supported Polycarbonate Shield System


to Protect against Glazing Hazards Matthew Kraemer, Jerry Collinsworth, and Darrell Barker

Historic Structures: Balancing Blast Protection and Aesthetics Design, Detailing, and Architectural Impacts of Fiber Reinforced Polymers


(FRP) and Geotextile Fabrics in the Blast Mitigation of Unreinforced Masonry Walls in Historic Buildings P. Georgakopoulos and P. Koklanos Acceptance Criteria to Protect Historic Structures


Brian Katz and Sharon Gallant

Bridge Practice Transit Rail and Movable Bridges Use of I-Beam Grillages and Box Girders in High Speed Railway Projects Chiara Rosignoli and Marco Rosignoli


A Linkage-Based Movable Bridge Form: Design and Optimization


A. P. Thrall, S. Adriaenssens, I. Payá Zaforteza, and T. P. Zoli Dynamic Amplification Factor for Light Rail Vehicle Transiting Box-Girder


Bridge Peter Feenstra and Jeremy Isenberg Evaluation and Retrofit of the Austin Congress Avenue Bridge for LRV


N. R. Rubiano and L. C. Powell

Aesthetics and Special Criteria for Pedestrian Bridge Designs The Active Transportation Bridge


S. Rothwell Eaton’s Center: Design of a Pedestrian Glass Sky Bridge


Michal Krynski, David Wittenberg, and David DeLong

Pedestrian Bridge Vibration Performance-Based Vibration Design Methodology for Pedestrian Bridges


Evan Lapointe, Qi Ye, and Erich Baumgartner Retrofitting Steel Joist Supported Footbridges for Improved Vibration


Response Onur Avci Multi-Modal Control of Pedestrian Bridges Using Tuned-Mass-Dampers


Y. Daniel, O. Lavan, and R. Levy

International Bridges Integrated Modeling Systems for Bridge Asset Management—Case Study


S. DiBernardo

Cable Stayed Bridges Investigation and Repair Schemes of the Cracks in Steel Box Girders of a Cable Stayed Bridge


G. Alan Klevens, Paul Norton, and Jian Huang

Bridge Research and Implementation Seismic Effects Application of Negative Stiffness Devices for Seismic Protection of Bridge Structures


N. Attary, M. Symans, S. Nagarajaiah, A. M. Reinhorn, M. C. Constantinou, D. Taylor, A. A. Sarlis, and D. T. R. Pasala 516

Seismic Demand Evaluation for a Three-Span Curved Bridge Crossing Fault-Rupture Zones Osmar Rodriguez, Bing Qu, and Rakesh K. Goel Optimal Intensity Measures for Probabilistic Seismic Response Analysis of Bridges on Liquefiable and Non-Liquefiable Soils


Zhenghua Wang, Leonardo Dueñas-Osorio, and Jamie E. Padgett Unbonded Prestressed Columns for Earthquake Resistance


A. S. Larkin, D. H. Sanders, and M. S. Saiidi Dynamic Interaction Behavior of Pile-Supported Wharves and Container Cranes in Liquefiable Soil Embankments


A. Shafieezadeh, B. D. Kosbab, R. DesRoches, and R. T. Leon A Simplified Method of Analysis of Isolated Bridges with Yielding Substructures


Chunli Wei and Ian Buckle Modeling and Validation of RC Columns Seismically Retrofitted Using Shape


Memory Spiral Moochul Shin and Bassem Andrawes Concrete Filled Steel Tube Piles to Concrete Pile-Cap Connections


L. Kappes, M. Berry, J. Stephens, and L. McKittrick

Experimental Investigation of the Seismic Performance of Horizontally Curved Bridges Live Load Effects on Response of Bridges during Earthquakes


Hartanto Wibowo, Danielle M. Smith, Ian G. Buckle, and David H. Sanders Seismic Response of Full and Hybrid Isolated Curved Bridges


Eric V. Monzon, Chunli Wei, Ian G. Buckle, and Ahmad Itani A Methodology for the Experimental Evaluation of Seismic Pounding at SeatType Abutments of Horizontally Curved Bridges


Joseph Wieser, Arash E. Zaghi, Manos Maragakis, and Ian Buckle Impact of Rocking Foundations on Horizontally Curved Bridge Systems Subjected to Seismic Loading


Ahmad Saad, David H. Sanders, and Ian Buckle Seismic Response of Columns in Curved Bridges


Michael J. Levi, David H. Sanders, and Ian G. Buckle

Finite Element Analysis Techniques for Fatigue and Fracture Evaluation and Design Fatigue Testing and Finite Element Analysis of Bridge Welds Retrofitted by Peening under Load


K. Ghahremani and S. Walbridge Fatigue Testing and Finite Element Analysis of Bridge Welds Retrofitted by


Ultrasonic Impact Treatment R. Tehrani Yekta, J. Yeung, and S. Walbridge Using Finite Element Analysis to Evaluate the Performance of Cracked Bridge


Decks Fady Barsoum, Adel El Safty, and Lenny Phillip

IDOT Ongoing and Recently Completed Research, Development, and Implementation Efforts Radar Interferometric Monitoring of Vertical Ground Movements and


Imposed Building Deformations Caused by Tunneling S. Schindler, A. Krivenko, P. Mark, W. Niemeier, and E. Ziem

Design of Concrete Bridges with Innovative Materials Chloride Transport and Service Life in Internally Cured Concrete


C. Di Bella, C. Villani, N. Phares, E. Hausheer, and J. Weiss Reducing Cracking in Concrete Structures by Using Internal Curing with High Volumes of Fly Ash


T. J. Barrett, I. De la Varga, and W. J. Weiss Mitigating Seismic Bridge Damage through Shape Memory Alloy Enhanced


Modular Bridge Expansion Joints E. McCarthy, J. E. Padgett, R. DesRoches, and P. Bradford Ultra High Performance Concrete Bridge Decks Reinforced with High-Strength


Steel or Fiber Reinforced Polymers M. A. Saleem, A. Mirmiran, J. Xia, and K. Mackie

Implementation of Structural Health Monitoring in Management and Inspection of Bridges Advanced Visualization and Accessibility to SHM Results Involving Real-Time


and Historic Multi-Parameter Data and Camera Images B. Glisic, M. Yarnold, F. Moon, and A. E. Aktan Regression-Based Algorithms for Structural Damage Identification and


Localization Ruigen Yao, Michelle L. Tillotson, Shamim N. Pakzad, and Yuchen Pan A Comparison of Dynamic Testing Methods for Evaluating a Truss Bridge


E. V. Fernstrom, T. R. Wank, and K. A. Grimmelsman

Construction and Special Topics Congress Street Bascule Bridge Reconstruction Stan-lee C. Kaderbek, Joseph Quattrochi, Luis Benitez, Michael Haas, and David Sutfin


Erection Engineering Analysis for Curved and Skewed Girder Bridges


B. Chavel, A. Sanchez, D. White, D. Coletti, C. Ozgur, and J. Jimenez Overheight Collision Protection Measures for Bridges


H. Sharma and S. Hurlebaus

Buildings Wind Loads on Super-Tall Towers Interference and Influence of Nearby Buildings: A Discussion of the Design


Approach T. G. Mara, T. C. E. Ho, and N. Isyumov

Design and Construction Planning of Iconic Tall Buildings with Current Technologies and Global Perspective 1 Dubai—Engineering and Optimizing a Mega-Structure


John Viise, Robert Halvorson, Bujar Morava, Peter Weismantle, and Jeffrey Stafford Hangzhou CBD, Tower A: Structural Challenges in the Design of a Tall, Long, and Slender Tower


M. Sarkisian, N. Mathias, J. Gordon, and J. Zhang Using Offset External Bracing to Optimize Tall Building Performance


Mark Sarkisian, Neville Mathias, and Eric Long Testing As a Validation Tool for Tall, Non-Prescriptive Buildings in China


M. P. Sarkisian and N. J. Mathias Foundation Design Challenges at the 413 m Tall Al Hamra Tower


B. Johnson, L. Hu, N. Mathias, A. Mazeika, and M. Sarkisian

Floor Vibration Serviceability Investigation of the Accuracy of Vibration Response Prediction Methods for High Frequency Floors


Di Liu and Brad Davis Impedance Modeling: An Efficient Modeling Method for Prediction of Building


Floor Vibrations M. Sanayei, P. Maurya, N. Zhao, and J. A. Moore

Integrating Environmental and Seismic Performance Metrics Mapping a Structure’s Impact on the Environment


M. Sarkisian, L. Hu, and D. Shook 910 Environmental Impact Seismic Assessment: Application of PerformanceBased Earthquake Engineering Methodologies to Optimize Environmental Performance Matthew V. Comber, Chris Poland, and Mark Sinclair

Linking Next-Generation Performance-Based Seismic Design Criteria to Environmental Performance (ATC-86 and ATC-58)


A. Court, K. Simonen, M. Webster, W. Trusty, and P. Morris Quantification and Optimization of Structural Embodied Energy and Carbon


Wolfgang Werner and Joseph G. Burns

Achieving Design Build Success with Early Involvement of Specialty Contractors and a Collaborative, Model Driven Process BIM-Model Checking in Building Design


Nawari O. Nawari

Sustainability and Steel High Performance Modular Building: Cost Effective Solutions for Design and Construction of a Sustainable Commercial Building


Dean DiGiovanni, Bill Jeng, and Agnes Wan

2011 Tornado Season: Lessons in Building Design for Structural Engineers Dual Objective Design Philosophy for Tornado Engineering


John W. van de Lindt, Shiling Pei, David O. Prevatt, Thang Dao, William Coulbourne, Andrew J. Graettinger, and Rakesh Gupta Enhancing Tornado Performance of Critical Facilities: Findings and


Recommendations of FEMA’s Mitigation Assessment Team Thomas L. Smith, Manuel Perotin, and Erin Walsh Performance of School Buildings in the Joplin, MO, Tornado


William L. Coulbourne and John Miller Building Damage Observations and EF Classifications from the Tuscaloosa, AL, and Joplin, MO, Tornadoes


David O. Prevatt, David B. Roueche, John W. van de Lindt, Shiling Pei, Thang Dao, William Coulbourne, Andrew J. Graettinger, Rakesh Gupta, and David Grau

Preliminary Study of the Damage Caused by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Overview of 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Structural Damage


Masato Motosaka Damage of RC Building Structures Due to 2011 East Japan Earthquake


Masaki Maeda, Hamood Al-Washali, Kazuki Suzuki, and Kanako Takahashi Damage to Non-Structural Components in Large Rooms by the Japan Earthquake


Ken’ichi Kawaguchi Earthquake and Tsunami Damage to Steel Structures Mitsumasa Midorikawa and Taichiro Okazaki


Performance of Structures in the Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthquake Post-Earthquake Building Safety Assessments for the Canterbury


Earthquakes Justin D. Marshall, Jim C. Barnes, Nathan C. Gould, Kishor Jaiswal, Bret Lizundia, David B. Swanson, and Fred Turner Structural and Non-Structural Damage to Industrial Facilities during the February 2011 Christchurch, New Zealand, Earthquake


Nathan C. Gould and Justin D. Marshall Seismic Performance of Concrete Bridges during Canterbury Earthquakes


Alessandro Palermo, Liam Wotherspoon, Lucas Hogan, Mitchel Le Heux, Elena Camnasio, and Maria Brando Performance of Retrofitted Unreinforced Masonry Buildings during the


Christchurch Earthquake Sequence F. Turner, K. Elwood, M. Griffith, J. Ingham, and J. Marshall

Steel Connection Design Finite Element Study of Single-Angle Connection under Tensile Loading


W. M. Kim Roddis and Deborah Blass

Innovative Solutions to Challenging Stability Design Problems Stability Design of the Bow String Trusses of the Virginia Beach Convention Center


W. F. Baker and B. S. Young Stability Design for the Crane Columns of the Wind Technology Testing Center


E. M. Hines, R. A. Henige, and C. D. Blanchet

Business Trial Designs and Building Code Issues Masonry versus Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls—Should They Be Designed


Differently? Richard E. Klingner, David I. McLean, and P. Benson Shing

Demarcating the Profession: Where Should We Draw the Line? What Makes an Engineering Education an Engineering Education?


William M. Bulleit What Makes an Engineer an Engineer?


Erik Anders Nelson What Makes Engineering, Engineering?


Jon A. Schmidt

Nonbuilding Structures Wind Loads on Solar Collectors Systems and Rooftops Wind Loads on Solar Collectors: A Review


Ted Stathopoulos, Ioannis Zisis, and Eleni Xypnitou Numerical Simulation of Wind Loading on Photovoltaic Panels


C. M. Jubayer and H. Hangan

Advances in Analysis and Design of Wind Energy Structures Reliability Analysis of Wind Turbines Equipped with Tuned Liquid Column Dampers (TLCD)


Akwasi F. Mensah and Leonardo Dueñas-Osorio The Rapid Evolution of Wind Turbine Tower Structural Systems: A Historical and Technical Overview


Nestor A. Agbayani and Rolando E. Vega

Evaluation and Retrofit of Petrochemical Structures and Pipelines Structural Design for Replacing Elevated Drums


Xiapin Hua A Case Study on the Use of Advanced Fiber Wrap Composites for Reinforced Concrete Repair of an Industrial Coker Reinforced Concrete Frame


Tomás T. Jiménez and Dane Kost Repair and Retrofit of Open-Framed Steel Structures


Eric Wey, Ben Dees, and Dawar Naqvi Reliability-Based Framework for Determination of Fitness for Service of Corroding Metal Pipes


Naiyu Wang and Mehdi S. Zarghamee

Tunnel and Underground Structures: Second Avenue Subway Project, New York Second Avenue Subway Project, New York: Refurbishment of an Existing


Underground Station Eci Garavito-Bruhn, Alexander Napoli, and Neil Towell Second Avenue Subway Project, New York: Repair and Refurbishment of


Existing Structures Adjacent to Deep Excavations Michael Trabold, Brian Aksman, and Richard Giffen Second Avenue Subway Project, New York: Design of a New Elevator Only Entrance


Michael Voorwinde and Richard Giffen Second Avenue Subway Project, New York: Design of New Underground


Stations Brian Aksman, Renee Grigson, and Richard Giffen

Seismic Response of Nonstructural Systems in the NEES TIPS/NEESNonstructural/NIED Collaborative Tests at E-Defense Response of Exterior Precast Concrete Cladding Panels in NEES-TIPS/NEES-


GC/E-Defense Tests on a Full Scale 5-Story Building Kurt M. McMullin, Maggie Ortiz, Lokesh Patel, Siddaiah Yarra, Tatsuo Kishimoto, Caleb Stewart, and Bob Steed Seismic Response of Ceiling/Sprinkler Piping Nonstructural Systems in 1315 NEES TIPS/NEES Nonstructural/NIED Collaborative Tests on a Full Scale 5-Story Building Siavash Soroushian, Keri L. Ryan, Manos Maragakis, Eiji Sato, Tomohiro Sasaki, Taichiro Okazaki, Lee Tedesco, Arash E. Zaghi, Gilberto Mosqueda, and Dennis Alvarez

Design, Analysis, and Testing of Nonstructural Components Dynamic Characteristics of Switchboard Cabinets Subjected to Earthquakes 1327 Using Numerical Models: A Study of Evaluating Seismic Effects on Nonstructural Components Jieun Hur, Barry I. Goodno, and James I. Craig Testing Passive Fire-Resistance Systems for Fire Following Earthquakes


M. S. Hoehler, C. Lutz, and P. Schulze Design and Construction of a Full-Scale 5-Story Base Isolated Building 1349 Outfitted with Nonstructural Components for Earthquake Testing at the UCSD-NEES Facility M. Chen, E. Pantoli, X. Wang, E. Espino, S. Mintz, J. Conte, T. Hutchinson, C. Marin, B. Meacham, J. Restrepo, K. Walsh, R. Englekirk, M. Faghihi, and M. Hoehler

Seismic Testing, Analysis, Qualification, and Performance-Based Design for Raised-Access Floors and Equipment Seismic Spectra and Response Analysis for Raised Access Floor and Computer Equipment Systems Considering Vertical Ground Motions


E. J. Swanson, Z. Chen, and H. O. Sprague Seismic Protection of Data Centers Using Ball-N-Cone Base Isolation


A. M. Nacamuli Shake Table Testing and Numerical Simulation of Raised Access FloorComputer Rack Systems in a Full-Scale Five-Story Building


X. Wang and T. C. Hutchinson Seismic Testing and Analysis of Main Frame Computer Structure


Budy Notohardjono, Richard Ecker, Jiantao Zheng, and John Torok

Miscellaneous Topics on Nonbuilding Structures/Nonstructural Mitigation of Impacts on Petrochemical Projects in Areas of High Seismic


Risk Eric Wey and Dawar Naqvi Design, Certification, and Load Testing of Facade Access Equipment


J. E. Lewis, H. J. Hill, G. R. Searer, and T. F. Paret Wind Loads on Non-Building Structures Using ASCE 7-10


Silky Wong, Ankur Sepaha, Naga Swamy, Samuel D. Amoroso, and Dawar Naqvi Snow Loads on Non-Building Structures


Dawar Naqvi, Eric Wey, and Michael O’Rourke

Design of Unique and Unusual Nonbuilding Structures Tuned Mass Damper Control of Cross-Wind Excitation of a Solar Tower


P. J. Carrato and K. Santamont Seismic Design of Elevated Steel Tanks with Concentrically Braced Supporting Frames


E. Fagà, G. A. Rassati, and R. Nascimbene

Unique Structures Chicago Deep Tunnel Design and Construction


Carmen Scalise and Kevin Fitzpatrick

Seismic Seismic Design of Midrise Cold-Formed Steel Framing Systems Seismic Performance of an Innovative Light-Gauge Cold-Formed Steel Mid-


Rise Building Thang Nguyen Dao and John W. van de Lindt Seismic Design of Multi-Story Cold-Formed Steel Buildings: The CFS-NEES


Archetype Building N. Nakata, B. W. Schafer, and R. L. Madsen Cyclic Energy Dissipation of Cold-Formed Steel Studs Experiencing Euler


Buckling D. Padilla-Llano, M. Eatherton, C. D. Moen, T. Bruce, and L. MacAnallen

Seismic Design and Analysis: General Topics Comparison of Solid and Perforated Hybrid Precast Concrete Shear Walls for Seismic Regions


B. J. Smith, Y. C. Kurama, and M. J. McGinnis Structural and Non-Structural Seismic Demands on Controlled Rocking Steel


Braced Frame Buildings M. Pollino Nonlinear Seismic Response of Structural System with Gravity Bias


Tianyi Yi, Rafael Sabelli, and Viral Patel Calibration of a Reusable Nonlinear Beam-Column Connection for Use in an


Experimental Ground Motion Scaling Study A. P. O’Donnell, Y. C. Kurama, E. Kalkan, and A. A. Taflanidis

Innovative Seismic Solutions Practical Design Considerations for Steel Slit Panel Frames


Matt Hebdon, Jason Lloyd, and Judy Liu Experimental Investigation of Self-Centering Steel Plate Shear Walls


Patricia M. Clayton, Daniel M. Dowden, Tyler Winkley, Jeffrey W. Berman, Michel Bruneau, and Laura N. Lowes Linked Column Framing System Analyses toward Experimental Validation


Arlindo Lopes, Peter Dusicka, and Jeffrey Berman Quasi-Static and Dynamic Tests of a Smart Hybrid Brace


Chuang-Sheng Walter Yang, Reginald DesRoches, and Roberto T. Leon Seismic Retrofit of a Steel Moment Frame California Hospital Building Using


Exterior Viscous Damped Frames Christopher Mora, Omar Garza, and Ricardo Hernandez Centrifuge Testing of Systems with Combined Structural Hinging and


Rocking Foundations W. Liu, T. C. Hutchinson, M. Hakhamaneshi, and B. L. Kutter

Achieving Economy and Seismic Safety in Low-Ductility Steel Buildings Seismic Behavior of Steel HSS X-Bracing of the Conventional Construction Category


A. Gélinas, R. Tremblay, and A. Davaran

Seismic Base Isolation and Damping Condition Assessment of an In-Service Pendulum Tuned Mass Damper


Aaron J. Roffel, Sriram Narasimhan, and Trevor Haskett A Parametric Approach for the Optimization of Passive Friction Dampers Jon R. Haider and Uksun Kim


From Hazard to Design—A Case Study of the Benefit on Nonlinear Response History Analysis in Practice Implementation of Site-Specific Seismic Hazard Analysis and Ground Motion Selection and Modification for Use in Nonlinear Response History Analysis


Silvia Mazzoni, Kamalpreet Kalsi, Mark Sinclair, and Mahmoud Hachem Implementation of Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction in Nonlinear Response History Analysis—A Design Case Study


Silvia Mazzoni, Timothy Graf, and Mark Sinclair Use of the Extended Consecutive Modal Pushover Analysis Method to


Optimize the Design Process Timothy Graf, James Newell, and Mark Sinclair

Design Considerations for Timber Buildings Seismic Performance Variability of Wood-Frame Shear Walls Designed in


Accordance to the National Design Specification (NDS) S. M. H. Shirazi and W. Pang Gravity Design of Post-Tensioned Timber Frames for Multi-Storey Buildings


W. van Beerschoten, A. Palermo, and D. Carradine Experimental Investigations of Post-Tensioned Timber Frames with Advanced Seismic Damping Systems


Tobias Smith, David Carradine, Antonio Di Cesare, Felice Ponzo, Stefano Pampanin, Andy Buchanan, and Domenico Nigro

Reducing Seismic Risk for Soft-Story Woodframe Buildings Numerical Modeling of Soft-Story Woodframe Retrofit Techniques for Design


Pouria Bahmani and John W. van de Lindt Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Soft-Story Light-Frame Wood Buildings


W. Pang and E. Ziaei Collapse Limits for Wood Frame Shear Walls: An Experimental Investigation


S. Pei, J. W. van de Lindt, N. Wehbe, H. Liu, and J. Paul High-Performance Seismic Retrofit of Soft-Story Wood-Framed Buildings Using Energy Dissipation Systems


Jingjing Tian and Michael D. Symans Informing a Retrofit Ordinance: A Soft-Story Case Study Keith A. Porter and Kelly Cobeen


Special Topics How Digital Databases Are Changing the Ways in Which Engineers Do Research and Write Codes Databank of Concentric Punching Shear Tests of Two-Way Concrete Slabs


without Shear Reinforcement at Interior Supports Carlos E. Ospina, Gerd Birkle, and Widianto

Finite Element Analysis of Nuclear Structures Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Nuclear Containment Structures Subjected to Tri-Directional Shear Stresses


Moheb Labib, Yashar Moslehy, and Ashraf Ayoub Rapid Heating of Concrete: Is Spalling an Issue of Poromechanics?


Kaspar Willam, Yunping Xi, Keun K. Lee, and Ashraf Ayoub Underground Structure D-Wall-Soil Interactive Finite Element Analytical


Model for Huge TPS2 M. A. El-Nabarawy and E. S. Khalifa Analysis Recommendations for Steel-Composite (SC) Walls of SafetyRelated Nuclear Facilities


A. H. Varma, S. R. Malushte, K. C. Sener, and P. N. Booth Impact Analysis of Steel Plated Concrete Wall


T. R. S. Mullapudi, Paul Summers, and Il-Hwan Moon

Life-Cycle Performance of Structural Systems under Multiple Hazards Corrosion Related Bond Deterioration and Seismic Resistance of Reinforced


Concrete Structures A. Kivell, A. Palermo, and A. Scott Life-Cycle Performance of Concrete Bridges Exposed to Corrosion and


Seismic Hazard Fabio Biondini, Elena Camnasio, and Alessandro Palermo Probabilistic Assessment of Structural Performance of Bridges under Tsunami Hazard


M. Akiyama, Dan M. Frangopol, M. Arai, and S. Koshimura Examining the Integration of Sustainability and Natural Hazard Risk Mitigation into Life Cycle Analyses of Structures


Citlali Tapia and Jamie E. Padgett

Topics in Structural Engineering Education and Research Integrating the Science of Computing into Undergraduate Engineering Curricula


Ian F. C. Smith Robust Loop Shaping Force Feedback Controller for Effective Force Testing


Narutoshi Nakata 3-D Digital Image Correlation—An Underused Asset for Structural Testing


Michael J. McGinnis, Brian Smith, Michelle Holloman, Michael Lisk, Andrew O’Donnell, and Yahya C. Kurama

Design of Timber Buildings: General Considerations Failure of Wood Connections and the Evolution of Connection Design


Jaret Lynch and John Cocca LifeCycle Tower—High-Rise Buildings in Timber


Harald Professner and Christina Mathis

Retrofit of Concrete Load Testing and Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement of 1920s Vintage


Chicago Public School Building John F. Duntemann, Brian R. Greve, Adam Allan, and Scott Arnold Seismic Performance of RC Moment Resisting Frame with Steel, GFRP, and


SMA-FRP Reinforcement Adeel Zafar and Bassem Andrawes Effectiveness of Repair and Strengthening Methods for Reinforced Concrete Columns and Beam-Column Joints


H. Sezen

Sustainability Sustainable Structural Engineering—Gaining Greater Benefits to Communities in Developing Nations Sustainable Structural Engineering—Gaining Greater Benefits to Communities in Developing Nations


Hayley Gryc

Sustainability and the Structural Engineer: The First World Challenge— TEJH Synopsis Sustainability and the Structural Engineer: The First World Challenge


Tristram E. J. Hope

Posters Stress Concentrations in Elevated Steel Storage Tanks and Silos Hazim Sharhan


Detail LRFD Based Design of Bottomless Culverts


Ahilan Selladurai, Bob Fish, and Ahmad M. Abdel-Karim A Practical Approach to Optimum Biaxial Column Design and Detailing Using


Evolutionary Computing Yaqub Rafiq Various Approaches for Mitigating Progressive Collapse of Asymmetrical RC Building


Paresh V. Patel and Digesh D. Joshi Investigation of Time-Dependent Buckling of Steel Columns Exposed to Fire Temperatures


M. A. Morovat, M. D. Engelhardt, T. A. Helwig, and E. M. Taleff Seismic Design of Hybrid Masonry Type I Structural Systems


Maryam Eidini Effectiveness of Horizontal Ties Anchoring in Progressive Collapse Design of Floor Slabs


Nabil A. Rahman, Ayman M. Elfouly, and Charles Haynes Design Aids for Determining Deflection of Beams Reinforced along Part of Their Length


Robert Zofkie Structural Health Monitoring of Railroad Bridges—Research Needs and Preliminary Results


F. Moreu, J. LaFave, and B. Spencer Dynamic Behaviour and Performance Evaluation of Tuned Liquid Dampers (TLDs) Using Real-Time Hybrid Simulation


Ali Ashasi Sorkhabi, Hadi Malekghasemi, and Oya Mercan Hybrid Testing in NEESR Projects


Xiaoyun Shao and Chelsea Griffith Impedance Control As a Strategy for Alleviating Actuator-Structure Interaction in Dynamic Testing


Jochen Carl and Mettupalayam V. Sivaselvan Real-Time Substructure Shake Table Tests Incorporating Interface Boundary Force by an Inertial Mass


Narutoshi Nakata and Matthew Stehman Modeling and Fragility Analysis of Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete


Buildings in Low-to-Moderate Seismic Zones J. S. Jeon, R. DesRoches, I. Brilakis, and L. N. Lowes A Comparative Study of Seismic Retrofitting of a Steel Benchmark Structure Using Various Types of Passive Controllers


S. Dogruel and O. Lavan Performance Based Design Approach for RC Square Bridge Columns under


Combined Loadings Including Torsion Qian Li and Abdeldjelil Belarbi In Situ Dynamic Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Buildings


D. Gilles and G. McClure Sensitivity of the Seismic Response of a Deeply Embedded Structure with


Backfilled Construction Clearances L. M. Anderson and M. D. McHood Rheological and Mechanical Behavior of Concrete Mixtures with Recycled


Concrete Aggregates Adam M. Knaack and Yahya C. Kurama Structural Reliability and Sustainable Resilience


H. L. Bonstrom and R. B. Corotis Ambient Vibration Measurements of Dynamic Properties of School Buildings


in Montreal, Quebec H. Tischer, D. Mitchell, and G. McClure Progressive Collapse of Post-Tensioned Box Girder Bridges under Blast


Loads Using Applied Element Method Ahmed Ibarhim, Hani Salim, and Nabil A. Rahman Behavior of Reduced Beam Section Moment Connections under Fire Yasser Khodair and Ahmed Ibrahim