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Page 2 of 15. Rail Road Flat School. “The Little School that CAN! Parent/Student Handbook. Table of Contents. Rail Roa
Rail Road Flat School

Parent/Student Handbook

Home of the Tigers

Rail Road Flat School

“The Little School that CAN! Parent/Student Handbook 

Table of Contents    Rail Road Flat School Staff……………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 1  Daily Bell Schedule………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 2  Parent/Student Information………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 3  Calaveras Unified School District……………………………………………………………………………….Pages 4‐5  General Information & Policies………………………………………………………………………………...Pages 6‐8  Special Programs, Assemblies, Awards, and Organizations…………………………………………….Page 9  Standards of Behavior……………………………………………………………………………………..……Pages 10‐12  Terrific Tiger Page (sign and return bottom half to school)………………………………………..…Page 13 


Rail Road Flat School

Rail Road Flat School 298 Rail Road Flat Road P. O. Box 217 Rail Road Flat, CA 95248 Telephone (209)754-2275 FAX: (209)293-7709 This handbook has been prepared for each family of students at Rail Road Flat School. We believe education is a partnership between students, staff, parents and community. By working together we hope each student at Rail Road Flat School will have a productive year. Our goal is for each student to reach his or her fullest potential. This handbook has been designed with that in mind. We want to make the policies and expectations of our school and the District clear, and provide information that will help you take advantage of every opportunity for the education of your child.

Rail Road Flat School Staff Mr. Mark Campbell …………………………………………………….…..Principal Mrs. Debi Ruggaber……………………………………...………………...…………….Secretary Mrs. Tracey Terry…..………………………………………………...………….KN/First/Second Mr. Randall Youngblood…………………………………Lead-Teacher Third/Fourth/ Fifth/Sixth TBD…………………………………………………………………………………….Pre-School Ms. Patricia Sweet…………………………………………….…………………...…Paraeducator Ms. Emilie Houle/ Kelly Riley……….………………………………….…………...…Kids Place Mr. Ben King ………………………………..………………………………………….Custodian Mrs. Kelly Riley….…………………………………………………………...………Foodservice Ms. Christine Snow..……………………………………………………………………..Resource Mrs. Sara Peterson………………………………………………….Speech Language Pathologist Mr. Robert Wise………………………………………………………………………………Band

The office is open, on school days, between the hours of 7:30AM and 2:00PM.


Before 7:05AM and after 2:00PM Page 1 Rail Road Flat School

Daily Bell Schedule Please note that Fridays are always minimum days. On Fridays students are dismissed at 12:00pm. 7:30AM………………………………….Class Begins-All Grades 9:00-9:15AM……………………...………TK. K, 1, 2 Recess 10:00-10:15………………………………TK-6 Recess/Snack 11:15-11:55am………………………..… Lunch / Recess *12:00pm……………………………………....Early Dismissal* 2:00pm…………………………….……………..….Dismissal *Friday and Conference week only*

We are a free breakfast school and students will be served breakfast daily.

Please send a note with your student giving permission to go somewhere other than home after school. You can call the school and leave a Student Message before 11:30am Monday – Thursday and 10:00am on Friday. Emergency Student Messages are taken anytime and delivered as soon as possible after being received. Please do not have your students arrive on campus before 7:05 am as there is no supervision before that time.

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Parent/Student Information Calaveras Unified School District is standards-based. Our Board has adopted the Common core State Standards to guide student performance and the Standards for the Teaching Profession to guide the instructional process. All students are expected to master grade level standards and all teachers are expected to demonstrate the ability to implement the Standards of the Teaching Profession. Parent Conferences: Teachers will contact you approximately one week before conference week to schedule an appointment for you. Parents are urged to maintain contact with teachers throughout the year. If, at any time, you wish to have a conference with your child’s teacher, please call for an appointment. Student Records: Parents have a legal right to inspect and review any and all official school records and files that relate directly to their child. Please call the school office if you wish to make an appointment to see your child’s records. Report Cards: Report cards are sent out three times a year. The first one will be sent at the end of October. The second report card will be sent home with the students in beginning of March. The last report card will be sent home with the student on the last day of school. Co-Planning: Students make better progress when they are provided with a coordinated, wellplanned program. We have adjusted our schedule to provide extra instructional time for our students every Monday through Thursday. Adding time four days each week allows us to dismiss school at 12:00pm each Friday. Teachers use Friday afternoons to share ideas, coordinate efforts and to attend training sessions. School Programs and Events*: Back to School Night Picture Day Winter Vacation Frog Jump

Fall Vacation Thanksgiving Science Camp Week

Conference Week Winter Program Spring Vacation

*Please see your yearly and monthly school calendars for these and other important dates.

Remember, EVERY FRIDAY IS A MINIMUM DAY, School is out at 12:00 for ALL students K-6. Page 3 Rail Road Flat School

Calaveras Unified School District 3307B Highway 12 P. O. Box 788 San Andreas, CA 95249 (209)754-2300

Board of Trustees Sherri Reusche - Dist. I, Chairperson of the Board………….…………………….…………2016 Gregory Gustafson– Dist. III………….…...……...…………….…..………………………..2016 Karan Bowsher – Dist. V…..…………………………….………..………………………….2018 Kelly Smith – Dist. II…….……………………….……………..……………………………2018 Zerrall McDaniel – Dist. IV………………………….……………..…………………………2018

District Office Services Administration Mark Campbell………………………………...………..………………....District Superintendent Kath Griggs……………………………...….…………….……..Principal, Alternative Education Elizabeth Stanko…..………………………………Coordinator of Child Welfare and Attendance Joe Cruz…..……………………………………..………Maintenance and Operations Supervisor Ric Stiff……………………………………………………..………….Chief Technology Officier Jan Kendall…………………………………………………………………Director of Special Ed Alissa Bain…………….…...……………………………………………… Preschool Coordinator

Board Policies The Calaveras Unified School District Board of Trustees is committed to provide a healthy, safe and productive environment for its employees and students. Therefore, the Governing Board believes it is in the best interest of students, employees and the general public to prohibit smoking and the use of all tobacco products anywhere, anytime on property that is owned, leased or rented by the District and in District vehicles or private vehicles that are used to transport students. This ban includes all school buildings, school sites and school vehicles; and all persons, including employees, students, and visitors attending any activities, athletic events, or meetings. Legal Reference: Education Code 48901 – Smoking and Use of Tobacco Health and Safety Code 39002 – Control of Air Pollution from Non-Vehicular Sources PERB Ruling – CSEA #506 and Associated Teachers of Metropolitan Riverside Unified School District BP 5313.3 Tobacco Free Schools

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Rail Road Flat School

The Calaveras Unified School District Board of Trustees is committed to having drug free schools and wishes to send a clear message that drug use or trafficking will not be tolerated on or near any school campus. Sexual or Racial Harassment: The Governing Board prohibits unlawful sexual or racial harassment of or by any student by anyone in or from the District. Any student who engages in the sexual/racial harassment of anyone in or from the District may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Any student who feels that he/she is being harassed should immediately contact the Principal, or designee, or another District Administrator, in order to obtain a copy of AR1312.3 – Uniform Complaint Procedures and/or BP 5145.7 Ed Code 212.6 Sexual Harassment Policy. Complaints against Personnel: We all have times of concern. Step one is to talk directly to the person and tries to resolve the problem. When that is not possible, contact the Principal and put the concern in writing. If that does not resolve the problem, send the written concern to the District Superintendent for resolution. Ask for a copy of the complaint procedure BP 1312.1. Other Concerns: Contact the school Principal, or other staff, whenever you have a question, concern or compliment (we like those in writing, too!). Our doors are always open and we are pretty good listeners.

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General Information and Policies Volunteers/Visitors on Campus: ALL VOLUNTEERS/VISITORS to the school must register in the school office before visiting on the school campus or entering classrooms. Sign In/Out: A parent or other authorized adult must sign a student out at the office if there is a need to leave school early. The student will then be called to the office. If you wish to authorize an adult, other than yourself, to sign your student out of school, written consent must be on file in our school office. Students entering school late (after the bell rings) must sign in at the office before reporting to their teachers. Attendance: Students are expected to report promptly to school at the beginning of each day at 7:30AM and remain in the classroom until dismissed at 2:00pm Monday thru Thursday and 12:00pm on Fridays. Attendance Laws: If your child is absent, please send a note detailing the dates absent and the reason for the absence. Although no absences are considered excused by the State, we will still be monitoring attendance for the welfare of our students. Our school is funded on an Average Daily Attendance (ADA) basis. If your child misses school (for justified or unjustified reasons), not only does he/she miss an opportunity for learning, the absence also results in loss of approximately $40.00 per day for each absent student, in services to all of our students. Justified Absences:  Student’s illness  Student’s medical, dental or optometry appointment*  Attending the funeral of an immediate family member  Observance of a religious holiday Unjustified Absences:  Family vacations  Illness of family member other than student  Oversleeping or missing the bus *Please try to schedule medical and other appointment during non-school hours, and family vacations and trips for school breaks. If it is not possible please try to schedule appointments so your student will return to school after the appointment or leave from school for his/her appointment. This will allow the student to check with his/her teacher in regards to assignments and homework. The school receives full funding when a student checks in with his/her teacher or returns after their appointment. Unverified Absences: Unverified absences need to be cleared with the school office within 3 days of the absence or the absence will be automatically recorded as unexcused and cannot be changed. Unverified Absences may be cleared by either sending a note with you student when they return to school stating why they were absent or by calling the school @ 754-2275 and leaving a detailed message stating why your student is absent and when you expect them to return to school.

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General Information and Policies (continued)

Rail Road Flat School is a Smoke Free Zone Smoking is not allowed on campus at any time.

Rail Road Flat School is a Drug and Alcohol Free Zone Drug use or trafficking will not be tolerated on or near any school campus. Medication: The following regulations must be followed for any student requiring medication while in school: 1. Parents must furnish the school with Medication Permit Form, completed and signed by the physician, giving specific instructions for administering the medication. 2. The medication must be in the original container with the label giving specific instructions. 3. School personnel may not administer any form of medication, including aspirin or Tylenol, without parent permission and a doctor’s written directions. Emergency Cards must be kept current. This is a vital source of information. The school must be able to contact you or a designee in the event of an emergency. Lunch Program: Application forms for the free and reduced lunch program are available in the school office. Parents are encouraged to apply online when possible to expedite the approval process. You may reapply at any time during the school year if your situation or income changes. Homework: Homework is required at every grade level. Homework assignments are given to provide extra practice on skills already taught at school and to give parents the opportunity to be involved in their child’s educational program. Helping your child with homework assignments allows you to see progress and to be aware of the skills being taught in the classroom. Providing a quiet place to do homework and setting aside a regular block of time usually improves learning. Students in Kindergarten through Grade 3 should spend about 30 minutes each night doing activities that reinforce what is being taught in the classroom. Reading to Kindergarten and First Grade students increases academic success greatly. Upper grade students will usually have about one hour of homework each evening. Dress Standards: Students are expected to dress neatly and cleanly. Clothing considered inappropriate includes:  Strapless, halter or midriff tops, any top with straps less than 1” wide, or any top that exposes undergarments.  Short shorts or skirts. (When a student stands with shoulders squared and arms hanging at their side, the bottom of their fingers should not extend beyond the bottom of the skirt or the leg of the shorts.  Baggy pants that slip below the waist.  Exposed undergarments (including swimsuits).  Clothing of any type that has group insignia or words that degrade, embarrass or intimidate others. Page 7

Rail Road Flat School

General Information and Policies (continued)  Clothing which advertises tobacco, alcohol or drug products.  Any clothing that distracts other students in a way that disrupts learning.  Any shoes that do not have a back strap around the ankles (including flip-flops & sandals) this is a safety issue. Bus Privileges: Bus transportation is a privilege, not a right. Proper conduct on buses is necessary to insure the safety of all passengers. Each child must also obtain a bus pass to use district transportation from home to school. Buss pass applications are available in the school office, online, or at the transportation office. Text and Library Books: Textbooks and library books used at Rail Road Flat School are the property of the Calaveras Unified School District. All books must be kept clean and handled properly. Textbooks and books checked out from the library are the direct responsibility of the student to whom they were assigned. No report cards will be issued to students having overdue materials. Attendance Standards: It is important that students attend school. Many valuable learning experiences occur in the classroom that cannot be duplicated at home.  Students are expected to arrive at school on time.  Students are expected to attend school regularly.  In the event of excessive absences, the school may require a doctor’s verification of illness.  Unjustified absences and/or tardies may be referred to SARB (School Attendance Review Board) for review and possible action. General Behavior: Students are responsible for their behavior. They are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates maturity and mutual respect in their relationships. Student Messages: It is important that you send a note signed and dated with your student, in the morning, if your student is to go somewhere other than where they normally go after school. You can call and leave a Student Message Monday – Thursday before 11:00AM and Friday before 10:00am. Emergency Student Messages are taken anytime and delivered as soon as possible after being received.

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Rail Road Flat School

Special Programs, Assemblies, Awards and Organizations Assemblies: Rail Road Flat School conducts assemblies at the end of each trimester during which time students are recognized for positive behavior and achievements. Special assemblies are scheduled throughout the year featuring guest speakers and performers. Parents and guardians are always welcome to attend our assemblies and programs. Gifted and Talented Education (G.A.T.E.): The GATE program is a state-funded program. It is intended to provide special education and experiences to students who, after consideration of all pertinent data, show evidence of giftedness or talent. GATE students are generally identified after third grade. Title I Program: Title I is a federally funded program servicing students who score under the 50th percentile in the standardized tests given yearly. The Title I program provides remediation in math and reading. Resource Specialist Program (RSP): The Resource Specialist Program is a state-funded program for children with low academic achievement due to specific learning disabilities. The Resource Specialist teacher and/or aide work with these children to teach and reinforce skills. Children are identified for this program by the classroom teacher. Acceptance into the program is based on a series of tests administered by Resource personnel. Language, Speech and Hearing: The Language, Speech and Hearing (LHS) Specialist is responsible for the identification and remediation of communication disorders of children. Children are identified through classroom screening, observation and referral from school personnel, parents and outside sources. The Specialist works with children in articulation, language delay, fluency and expression. School Site Council: Rail Road Flat School includes parents, teachers, and other community members in planning and decision-making. The School Site Council, comprised of parents and staff members, make many decisions regarding the implementation of programs and budgetary outlay. Members of this year’s School Site Council are: Mark Campbell, Principal Shirley Teale, Community Member Terry Frank, Community Member

Randall Youngblood, Lead Teacher Tracey Terry, Teacher Colleen Sequeira, Community Member

School-Wide Plan: Rail Road Flat has an approved plan that allows us to combine categorical funding to improve our core program. Our School-Wide Plan increases local control of categorical money and allows our School Site Council to allocate funds in ways that improve the program for all students.

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Rail Road Flat School

Standards for Behavior All students have the right to learn. All members of the school community have the right to feel emotionally and physically safe. To assure this, and to help our students develop into responsible, educated citizens, Rail Road Flat School has developed well-defined expectations and standards for behavior. These standards will be discussed and reinforced in the classroom. It is the responsibility of the parents and students to further discuss these expectations with one another. If there are questions or concerns, please call and we will be happy to clarify anything that seems unclear.

General Rules of Conduct Students will demonstrate courtesy and respect for others.  Fighting will not be tolerated  Profanity, vulgarity or demeaning language will not be tolerated  Students will respectfully follow the direction of ALL school employees Principal, Teachers, Paraprofessionals, & Yard Duty when the employees are acting within the scope of their authority.  All visitors must be authorized by the office Rail Road Flat School is a closed campus. Students will remain on the school grounds from their arrival at school until they are dismissed at the end of the day. Visitors must sign the Visitors’ Log in the office. Students will demonstrate respect for personal and public property.  Damage or attempted damage of property will not be tolerated  Theft or attempted theft of property will not be tolerated Students will follow classroom rules.  Rules are posted in each classroom. These rules may vary slightly from classroom to classroom, depending on the needs of each individual class. The rules are discussed in the classroom and it is each student’s responsibility to be aware of, and understand these rules. Students will follow playground rules.   Running is permitted in play areas only.  Dirt, sticks, stones, or any objects other than balls or Frisbees will not be thrown.  Only footballs, soccer balls or other balls that are designed to be kicked, may be kicked.  Jumping from playground equipment is not allowed.  Climbing on fences, trees, benches or tables is not allowed.  Students will, at all times, respectfully follow the directions of the Playground Supervisors. Students will not chew gum or eat sunflower seeds on campus. Page 10

Rail Road Flat School

Standards for Behavior (continued) Discipline Policies We believe that every student can develop the skills, habits, and attitudes that are needed to be a happy and successful adult. Because we believe in our students’ ability to succeed, we maintain high standards for academic and behavioral performance. Completing assignments within a given time line is a habit that greatly improves your student’s opportunity to succeed as a student and as an adult. A “refocus” program will be used at all grade levels to redirect minor daily offenses/behaviors. Students will be asked to reflect on what they have done and what a better choice would have been. They will be asked to decide how they will handle the problem in the future. Should your child mention being “refocused”, this is a great opportunity to discuss more appropriate behavior, but not a time to punish. Teachers from second to sixth grade may require a signature on a refocus form to make parents aware of behaviors happening at school. Refocusing is a great way to change behavior in an easy, positive manner. When refocusing inappropriate school behaviors does not seem to be working, a parent-teacher conference may be called. Pink slips are issued for major offenses that need immediate attention and correction! The student is required to have a pink slip signed by a parent or guardian and returned to their teacher the following day. Should a signed pink slip not be returned, the student may lose recess/playtime until the slip is returned with a signature. A student may be suspended or expelled for the following reasons as per Section 48900 of the California Education Code. a)




e) f) g) h)

(1)Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person or, person; or (2)Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in self defense Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object unless, in the case of possession of any object of this type, the student had obtained written permission to possess the item from a certificated school employee, with the principal’s or designee’s concurrence. Unlawfully possessed, used, or sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of, any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind. Unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commending with section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic, or an intoxicant of any kind, and then either sold, delivered, or otherwise furnished to any person another liquid, substance, or material and represented the liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant. Committed or attempted to commit robbery to extortion. Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property Stole or attempted to steal school property or private property. Possessed or used tobacco, or any product containing tobacco or nicotine products Page 11 Rail Road Flat School

Standards for Behavior – Discipline Policies (continued) i) j)

Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity Unlawfully possessed or unlawfully offered, arranged or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia. k) Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties. l) Knowingly received stolen school property or private property. m) Possessed an imitation firearm n) Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault or committee sexual battery. o) Harassed, threatened or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness or witness in a school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of either preventing that pupil from being a witness or retaliating against that pupil for being a witness, or both. p) Made terrorist threats against school officials and/or school property. 48900.2 Committed sexual harassment NOTE: Pursuant to Education Code 48900.2 the conduct constitutes harassment if it would be considered by a reasonable person of the same gender as the victim to be sufficiently severe or pervasive to have a negative impact upon the victim’s academic performance or to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment. 48900.3 Caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of hate violence. NOTE: Education Code 33032.5 defines “hate violence” as any act punishable under Penal Code 422.6, 422.7, or 422.75. Such acts include injuring or intimidating another person, interfering with the exercise of a person’s civil rights, or damaging a person’s property because of the person’s race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender to sexual orientation. 48900.4 Engaged in harassment, threats or intimidation directed against a pupil or group of pupils. NOTE: Intentionally harassed, threatened or intimidated a student or group of students to the extent of having actual and reasonably expected effect of materially disrupting class work, creating substantial disorder, and invading students’ rights by creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment. A student may be suspended or expelled for any of the acts listed above if the act is related to school activity or school attendance occurring at any District school or within any other school district, including but not limited to the following circumstances: 1. While on school grounds. 2. While going to or coming from school 3. During the lunch period whether on or off the school campus. 4. During, going to, or coming from a school-sponsored activity. Alternatives to suspension or expulsion will be used with students who are truant, tardy or otherwise absent from assigned school activities. Page 12 Rail Road Flat School

Remember: Terrific Tigers Make Terrifically Good Choices!

T errific Tigers I nvolve parents & teacher G et to school on time E ducate themselves R espect others S tudy every day ------------------------------------------(CUT HERE)----------------------------------------My Terrific Tiger and I have read this handbook together. We talked about the rules, attendance, tardiest and consequences. We understand the expectations and agree to cooperate with all school personnel. We also agree to contact the school when we have questions. _________________________________ (Parent’s Signature)

_____________ (Date)

I received this slip on ___________ (Date)

______________________________________ (Student’s Signature)

__________________________ (Teacher’s Signature)

Rail Road Flat School