the last page to the office. STUDENT HANDBOOK. 2016-2017. Brasher Falls Central School District. St. Lawrence Central El
PARENTS: Please read Handbook, sign and return the last page to the office.
STUDENT HANDBOOK 2016-2017 Brasher Falls Central School District St. Lawrence Central Elementary School “Home of the Little Larries”
P.O. Box 307 34 George Street Brasher Falls, New York 13613 Phone (315) 389-5131 ext. 1300 Fax (315) 389-4651 Principal: Johnathan R. Hirschey
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STATEMENT OF PHILOSOPHY St. Lawrence Central School believes every child is entitled to an education in accordance with his or her individual potential and interest. We acknowledge that each student is an individual and that wide and complex differences exist among students and their abilities; therefore, we shall make every effort to provide an educational program that will meet the needs, abilities, aspirations, and interests of each child.
OBJECTIVES 1. Provide variety, challenge, and opportunity for choice in the school program and within each course. 2. Develop respect for the individual and an understanding of the individual’s place and responsibility in society. 3. Offer diversified experiences for students to acquire general learning skills as well as specific knowledge and skills. 4. Foster an understanding of local, national, and global issues and encourage active participation in society. 5. Create a curriculum that is intellectually challenging for each student. 6. Stimulate and encourage creative thinking and problem solving. 7. Develop an atmosphere of cooperation in the planning of school and community activities. 8. Encourage student participation in extracurricular activities which are designed to promote student interest, social development, leadership, and citizenship. 9. Teach the importance of good mental and physical health habits. ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS The classroom is a setting for learning; therefore, it is the student’s responsibility: 1. To use class and study time for learning. 2. To complete assigned work on time. 3. To prepare thoroughly for each class. 4. To respect the rights of other students. 5. To participate in class discussions and activities. 6. To follow classroom procedures as determined by the teacher. 7. To use textbooks, school technologies and other class materials appropriately and with care. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
STUDENT RIGHTS To attend school and receive an appropriate education. To attend school and school functions without fear of injury. To attend classes and study halls without distraction. To eat and interact in a safe area. To have the use of textbooks, library resources, and other materials provided by the school. To receive help relating to learning, health, and personal problems from school staff. To receive safe transportation to and from school.
ATTENDANCE The administration and staff of St. Lawrence Central Elementary School believe that regular attendance is an integral part of the classroom learning process and recognizes a significant relationship between academically engaged time and student achievement. It is the desire of this elementary school to establish and maintain effective programs for learning.
COMMISSIONER’S REGULATIONS A Board of Education may adopt a policy requiring a minimum amount of attendance for students to receive academic credit for courses in which they are enrolled. However, such attendance policy may not distinguish between excused and unexcused absences for purposes of imposing the academic sanction of the denial of course credit. In determining a student’s attendance grade, it is irrelevant whether a student’s absence on any particular day is excused or not because, in either case, the student has missed the opportunity for classroom participation. (Matter of Hansen [Commissioner’s Decision #13, 292] 11/28/95). (95-54) GENERAL PROCEDURES/DATA COLLECTION At the conclusion of each school day, all attendance information shall be compiled and approved by the appropriate individual(s) responsible for attendance. STUDENT ATTENDANCE Each morning the homeroom teachers will take attendance. If a student arrives after 9:05 a.m. they are considered tardy and a parent must sign them in at the office.. Students must deliver excuses for absence(s) to the nurse upon their return to school. All cases of sudden and severe out-of-school illnesses or injury should be reported to the school nurse when such information is available. In case of tardiness, students and parents are to report immediately to the main office upon arrival to school. EARLY DISMISSAL FROM SCHOOL If early dismissal is absolutely necessary, the student must be picked up at the school by his/her parent/guardian. This person should come to the Main Office and arrange for the student to be released from the classroom. It will be necessary for the parent/guardian to sign the student out at the time of leaving. Students may also be excused by bringing a note signed by the parent/guardian. This note must be turned in to the Main Office before homeroom on the day of the dismissal. In the case of early dismissals, it is the student’s responsibility to hand in completed assignments on time or make acceptable arrangements with teachers. EXCESSIVE ABSENCES, TARDIES, EARLY DISMISSALS The following steps will take place to monitor and improve student attendance. 1. A letter will be mailed home for 15 absences, excessive tardies or early dismissals. 2. At 25 absences or more, or continued tardies and early dismissals, parents will be requested to work with the administration to develop an attendance improvement plan for their child. 3. Chronic absenteeism may result in the school’s legal obligation to contact Child Protective Services. TUTORING In the event that a student is absent for 3 or more days due to medical reasons, parents have the option of providing a doctor’s note to the Principal’s office so that a tutor can be arranged. Tutoring will help the student to keep up with instruction missed at school. 4
SCHOOL LUNCH CHARGING MEALS The Board of Education expects all students to be treated with dignity and compassion. Students are expected to pay for meals with cash or check. Recognizing that individual students may occasionally come to school without breakfast or lunch money, the following guidelines have been established. All Students: a) Complete meals, breakfast or lunch, and milk are allowed as a charge. Snacks, ice cream, extra sandwiches, etc. may not be charged. b) c)
d) e)
There is a limit of 10 times the price of a paid lunch or breakfast per student; at that time, a sandwich lunch or cold cereal breakfast will be provided to the student and their account will be charged as a full meal. Our point-of-sale system will track all charge limits and payments.
The system used for collection of repayments is by correspondence to the Parents/Guardians with the assistance of our school district attorney.
Ongoing communication of the policy to parents and students: Charge limits will be stated in the school newsletter and in student handbooks. Students will be verbally notified by cashiers daily; notices will be mailed home to parents when students reach one-half of the charge limit; and then a call will be made to the parent prior to the ten (10) times the price of a paid lunch or breakfast limit is reached.
LUNCHES FROM HOME Please do not send in lunches that contain glass, cans or other metal packaging. Lunch bags should not be large enough to fit over a child’s head. COMPUTER USE POLICY
The Board of Education considers computers to be a valuable tool for education and encourages the use of computer-related-technology-in district classrooms.
Through software applications, online databases, bulletin boards, and electronic mail, computer use will significantly enhance educational experiences and provide statewide, national, and global communications opportunities for students and staff. The Superintendent shall establish rules and regulations governing the use and security of the district’s computer network. Failure to comply with district policy and regulations for use of the computers may result in disciplinary actions as well as suspension and/or revocation of computer access privileges.
The District prohibits the use of any computer hardware/software in any inappropriate, fraudulent or destructive manner including but not limited to:
Accessing inappropriate sites Sending of unauthorized messages Entering a code-protected file Plagiarism Altering a software program Vandalizing hardware or software components Using others username and/or password
1. I will be polite and use appropriate language. Abusive and/or vulgar messages are not allowed. 2. I will not reveal anyone else’s address, phone number, or personal information out over the Internet. 3. I will not use the network in any way that will disrupt others use of the network. 4. I will not access, alter, or destroy another user’s files. 5. I will not use another person’s password nor will I give my password to anyone. 6. I will treat the district computer equipment with care and not abuse it. 7. I will use the network with educational intent. I will not play or investigate games or use chat rooms. 8. I will credit all materials in my work in keeping with copyright laws. 9. I will not employ the network for commercial purposes. 10. I understand that a user’s files are not guaranteed to be private. System Operators may have access to all files. 11. I will not engage in illegal activities. Any evidence of or incidents relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to authorities. 12. I will not hold the District responsible for materials acquired on the network. 13. I will not download any programs, games or other inappropriate files from the Internet to the hard drive or to my network storage space. 14. I will not tamper with network system or computer desktop security passwords or programs. 15. I will report any misuse of the system according to these rules to the administration. SANCTIONS FOR VIOLATIONS(Are at the discretion of the Administration)
First Offense – loss of privileges for 30 school days Second Offense – loss of privileges for 60 school days Third Offense – loss of privileges for 90 school days, or the remainder of the school year
The Technology Coordinator may remove students from the network system for inappropriate use of the network/internet. Faculty/Staff will file a referral to report violations. Additional disciplinary action may be determined at the building level for infractions that may violate existing practices (i.e. inappropriate language). When applicable, law enforcement agencies may become involved. A student whose account has been suspended for a third offense must appear before the technology committee to discuss the infraction(s) prior to reinstatement. INTERNET SAFETY POLICY
The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) was signed into law on December 21, 2000. In compliance with the FCC regulations, Brasher Falls Central School has employed software and hardware technologies to ensure Internet safety for all computers in the district. This Internet Safety Policy protects against access, through computers with Internet access, to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or (in the case of use by minors) harmful to minors.
STUDENT HEADPHONE USE Effective the 2015-2016 academic year, students will be responsible for providing their headphones to be used in all uses of technology. Student headphones will be stored in the student’s classroom and brought with them to use of the computer lab. Any damaged items through student use will have the student’s family responsible for their replacement for further use.
SCHOOL & STUDENT TECHNOLOGIES St. Lawrence Central School is committed to providing you with the most complete and current technologies available. To this end, our district has invested substantial funds for the purchase and installation of advanced technologies. When you are using the school’s technology, you must show respect for this technology and use it only for the purpose that it is intended to be used. PHYSICAL EDUCATION
Regular Physical Education Classes: A. New York State Law and philosophy of the Board of Education make it clear that all students shall be enrolled in a physical education class unless excused or exempt because of a physical disability. B. Only the school physician or family doctor may excuse the student from physical education. The excuse must state the extent and length of non-participation. C. While participating in physical education classes, the student is required to wear sneakers. D. The student is not allowed in the gymnasium without DIRECT and PROPER supervision by a faculty member. E. The school is not responsible for lost articles. F. Locker rooms are out of bounds to all students during the school day except scheduled physical education classes. VISITORS TO THE SCHOOLS The Board encourages parents and other district citizens to visit the district’s schools and classrooms to observe the work of students, teachers and other staff. Since schools are a place of work and learning, however, certain limits must be set for such visits. The building principal or his or her designee is responsible for all persons in the building and on the grounds. For these reasons, the following rules apply to visitors to the schools:
1. Anyone who is not a regular staff member or student of the school will be considered a visitor. 2. All visitors to the school must report to the office of the principal upon arrival at the school. They will be required to sign the visitor’s register and will be issued a visitor’s identification badge, which must be worn at all times while in the school or on school grounds. The visitor must return the identification badge to the principal’s office before leaving the building. 3. Visitors attending school functions that are open to the public, such as parent-teacher organization meetings or public gatherings are not required to register. 4. Parents or citizens who wish to observe a classroom while school is in session are required to arrange such visits in advance with the classroom teacher(s), so that class disruption is kept to a minimum. 5. Teachers are not to take class time to discuss individual matters with visitors. 7
6. Any unauthorized person on school property will be reported to the principal or his or her designee. Unauthorized persons will be asked to leave. The police may be called if the situation warrants. 7. All visitors are expected to abide by the rules of public conduct on school property contained in the district code of conduct. 8. Student visitor passes must be obtained at least one school day in advance from the principal. All passes will be issued for a specified period of time. 9. The Administration reserves the right to refuse any person or visitor’s pass or to revoke a pass.
Our Three Rules: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe BE RESPECTFUL ● Voice level 0 ● Sit on your bo om
● Keep your hands and feet to yourself ● Remain seated ● Be an a entive listener ● Encourage each other
● ● ● ●
BE RESPECTFUL Voice level 0 or 1 Keep hands and feet to yourself Share your seat Use kind words
● Be kind to others
● Wait patiently ● Do not throw things
● ● ● ● ●
BE RESPECTFUL Voice level 0 or 1 Respect others’ food Use your table manners Follow adult directions Be kind to others
● Raise your hand for help ● Say please and thank you
Assembly Behavior
BE RESPONSIBLE ● Keep the floor clean ● Be patient in line
● Wait for your teacher’s signal to stand up ● Wait to be called upon to respond ● Respond immediately to the quiet signal
BE SAFE ● Use hands and feet ● Sit criss-cross applesauce with spoons in the bowl ● Remain seated until your teacher dismisses your class ● Enter/exit quietly and calmly in a single file line ● Wait for the driver to cross the road
Bus Behavior
BE RESPONSIBLE ● Keep the floor clean ● If you bring it on, bring it off ● Keep the aisles clear ● Keep your backpack packed and ready to go ● Be ready to exit
Cafeteria Behavior
● ● ● ● ●
BE RESPONSIBLE Keep the floor clean Be patient in line Eat your food Eat neatly Clean your tray neatly
● Problem solve with an adult
● ● ● ●
BE SAFE Use walking feet Remain seated Follow directions Stand off the road
● Wait for the driver to cross the road
BE SAFE ● Use walking feet ● Remain seated ● Follow directions ● Stand off the road ● Wait for the driver to cross the road
Our Three Rules: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe BE RESPECTFUL ● Voice level 0 ● Say “Hi” with your hand ● Look with your eyes, not your hands ● “If you see some trash, pick it up. All day long you’ll have good luck.” ● Follow the silver line
BE RESPECTFUL ● Voice level 1 or 2 ● Share with others ● Use kind words
● Use kind hands and feet ● Be kind to others
● Take turns ● Work together to play fairly
Hallway Behavior
BE RESPONSIBLE ● Keep the floor clean ● Be patient in line ● Be on time
BE SAFE ● Use walking feet ● Eyes up ● Follow directions
● Watch where you are walking ● Problem solve with an adult
● Use safe hands and feet ● Keep your items in your cubby or locker
● Go directly to your destination
Playground Behavior
BE RESPONSIBLE ● Keep the ground clean ● Be patient in line ● Watch for your teacher’s signal to line up ● Alert classmates when recess is done ● Teach younger students the rules and how to use the equipment
● Walk on the right side
BE SAFE ● Be aware of sings ● Use equipment appropriately ● Watch for students on the slide ● Use safe hands and feet ● Do not throw things
Consistent with the district’s commitment to keep students safe from harm and the obligation of school officials to report to child protective services when they have reasonable cause to suspect that a student has been abused or maltreated, the district will cooperate with local child protective service workers who wish to conduct interviews of students on school property relating to allegations of suspected child abuse, and/or neglect, or custody investigations.
All requests by child protective services to interview a student on school property shall be made directly to the building principal or his or her designee. The principal or his or her designee shall set the time and place of the interview. The principal or designee shall decide if it is necessary and appropriate for a school official to be present during the interview, depending on the age of the student being interviewed and the nature of the allegations. School personnel will be present when elementary students are involved. If the nature of the allegations is such that it may be necessary for the student to remove any of his or her clothing in order for the child protective services worker to verify the allegations, the school nurse or other district medical personnel must be present during that portion of the interview. No student may be required to remove his or her clothing in front of a child protective services worker or school district official of the opposite sex.
A child protective services worker may not remove a student from school property without a court order, unless the worker reasonably believes that the student would be subject to danger of abuse if he or she were not removed from school before a court order can reasonably be obtained. If the worker believes the student would be subject to danger of abuse, the worker may remove the student without a court order and without the parent’s consent.
(Please note: this is a “district” policy, as some of the topics may not be applicable to elementary students.)
(Note: The complete document may be viewed on our web page at or you may request a copy in the district office.) The purpose of the Brasher Falls Central School District, St. Lawrence Central High School Code of Conduct is to clearly define the behaviors expected on school grounds and extra-curricular events or activities. It provides an outline of the consequences for unacceptable behaviors. The Code serves to meet the requirements of Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) legislation (2001), the Gun-Free Schools Act and the Dignity For All Students Act (2012). STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The BFCSD is committed to safeguarding student rights under state and federal law. All students have the right to take part in district activities on an equal basis, the right to be heard and present their case of alleged misconduct, and act in a safe, responsible, and respectable manner.
ESSENTIAL PARTNERS Dignity Act legislation requires provisions for the roles of parents, teachers, school counselors, principals, the superintendent and board of education who are critical to maintaining a safe and orderly environment.
DRESS CODE BEHAVIOR Clothing or other elements of a student’s appearance that are unsafe and/or disruptive to the educational process will not be tolerated. Students will be expected to remove, cover or modify their appearance if such violations occur. Specific expected behaviors are as follows: 1. Must wear footwear at all times. 2. Hats/caps and bandanas are not allowed in classrooms, the auditorium or the cafeteria, except for medical or religious reasons. Hats/caps and bandanas are permitted in the hallways. 3. Hoods must come down in the building for safety reasons. 4. Items must not display illegal drugs and/or encourage illegal, violent, or sexual activity. 5. Clothing and accessories will not display words or pictures that go against our school Code of Conduct, for example: tobacco, alcohol, or swearing. 6. Undergarments must be covered at all times (i.e. boxers, bras). 7. Skirt hemlines should touch the fingertips of the arm’s length, down the side of the body, while standing. 8. Tops must have a neckline that covers a horizontal line from armpit to armpit. Any top that dips below this line will be considered plunging and is not permitted. 9. See-through clothing is not permitted. 10. Chains, sharp dog collars or bracelets, or anything that could cause injury are not permitted. 11. Sunglasses will not be worn in the building.
PROHIBITED STUDENT CONDUCT Students are expected to behave in a manner that that is civil and demonstrates proper regard for the welfare of themselves, others and the school facility. Students may be subject to disciplinary action if they engage in behavior that is disorderly, insubordinate, disruptive, violent, or in any way endangers the safety, moral, health, welfare or property of others. This includes academic misconduct, such as cheating and plagiarism, misconduct while on the school bus, and any criminal or illegal act. 12
Students involved in the use, possession, or sale of any tobacco product, alcohol, prescription or illegal drugs, including synthetic cannabinoids (marijuana) are in violation of school policy and the law. Students found to have used or to be using, in possession of, selling, or distributing alcohol, tobacco and/or other substances including but not limited to inhalants, prescription drugs, marijuana, synthetic cannabinoids, (i.e. incense, herbal mixtures, or potpourri, with brand names such as “Spice”, “K2”, “Mr. Nice Guy”, and “Gold Galaxy”), ecstasy, cocaine, LSD, PCP, amphetamines, heroin, steroids, and students possessing drug paraphernalia on school grounds or while attending school-sponsored activities will be subject to the following consequences: 1. The parent/guardian will be notified. 2. An appropriate law enforcement agency will be notified of any criminal activity, and school officials will cooperate fully. 3. The appropriate disciplinary consequences will be invoked per the school’s policy. 4. The student may be referred to one of the school counselors. 5. Students may be asked take a Breathalyzer test in order to enter a school dance and other optional school sponsored functions.
Swift disciplinary action to include a Superintendent’s Hearing, expulsion from school, and possible law enforcement involvement will be the consequence for those students who bring weapons or firearms by definition of the Gun Free Schools Act on school property or on school transportation vehicles or to their work site. Weapons are defined as, but not limited to any knife, cutting instrument or tool, Nunchakus, firearm, shotgun, rifle, tear gas, pepper gas or any other solution/spray which may cause physical harm, explosives such as fireworks, blasting caps, pipe bomb, M-80’s and smoke bombs, dangerous apparel including but not limited to: studded or spiked belts, wristbands, rings or chains, any other tool or device capable of inflicting serious bodily injury (Board Policy re: Weapons #7360). PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES Personal Electronic Devices- Students are prohibited from using or having on or in any operational mode any paging device, mobile telephone, cellular telephone, laser pointer or laser/electronic pen, laptop computers, video games, or any other type of electronic communications or imagining device (i.e., camera) during instructional time, except as permitted by the teacher for classroom instructional purposes. While students are permitted to possess such devices, they are prohibited from using them during school hours, from 8:45 AM until 3:25 PM in the elementary school. In the middle and high schools, while students are permitted to possess such devices, they are prohibited from using them in any manner which invades the privacy of students, employees, volunteers, or school visitors. Students are not permitted to use any form of information technology to intimidate or harass others. This is considered cyber-bullying/cyber-harassment. If personal electronics rules are violated, the student will be directed to bring the item to the office. For the 1 st offense, the student will receive a verbal warning, and he/she may pick the item up in the office at the end of the school day. After 1 warning has been given to students, a parent will be called, and the item may be held in the office until a parent comes to pick it up. If the student refuses to give the item to the faculty member, a discipline referral for insubordination will result. If a student chooses to bring a personal electronic device to school and it becomes lost, stolen or is damaged, it is the responsibility of the student and family, not the school district. DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT Discrimination and /or harassment against any student by employees or students on school property or at a school function, that creates a hostile environment by conduct, with or without physical contact and/or by verbal threats, intimidation or abuse, of such a severe nature that:
1. has or would have the effect of unreasonably and substantially interfering with a student's educational performance, opportunities or benefits, or mental, emotional or physical well-being; or 2. reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause a student to fear for his or her physical safety. Verbal, physical, or sexual harassment of students and staff WILL NOT be tolerated. Discrimination and harassment WILL NOT be tolerated. Such Incidents will be dealt with by the Principal and as necessary, the NY state police. The Dignity for all Students Act prohibits harassment, discrimination, and other intimidating behaviors by students and staff. See Recommended Process for Discrimination and Harassment below.
SEXUAL HARASSMENT Sexual harassment means unwanted and unsolicited, sexually suggestive touches, remarks, and/or gestures. Sexual harassment is unacceptable and prohibited. Students or staff who allege sexual harassment (by either another student or adult within the district) should follow the same steps as as written below. The victim or a witness should report the incident to the building principal. A statement of the problem with supporting evidence must be reported to the principal, who will then investigate the incident. If substantiated, he/she shall: (a) take the appropriate disciplinary action against the offender, or (b) report the incident to the Superintendent of Schools (if staff is involved) (Board Policy #7531). See Recommended Process for Discrimination and Harassment below.
CYBERBULLYING / CYBER - HARASSMENT Cyberbullying / Cyber – Harassment is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen, or teen using the Internet (i.e. Facebook), interactive and digital technologies or cell phones. It has to have a minor on both sides, or at least have been instigated by a minor against another minor. If cyber-bullying is impacting the educational process or jeopardizing the safety of the victim while at school, the school is obligated to intervene in a manner that is measured, balanced, and age-appropriate. Recommended Process for Discrimination and Harassment The following process is recommended if a person feels discriminated against or harassed as a result of cyber comments / posts. 1. The victim should inform his /her parents of the situation. 2. The victim should tell the harasser that he/she objects to the comment or action and wants the harasser to stop. 3. The victim should record the time(s), place(s), and witness(es) to the events. Keep the messages, texts, copy the page, etc. 4. The victim (or a witness) should report the incident promptly to someone with authority (staff member or administrator) and/or the police if threats of violence are involved.
REPORTING VIOLATIONS Violations should be reported to school personnel. Weapons, alcohol or illegal substances are to be reported immediately. Parents of the student involved will be notified, and disciplinary action will follow, which may include permanent suspension from school and/or a referral to civil prosecution. Law enforcement may be notified for violations that substantially affect school security and are criminal offenses.
DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES The primary goal of imposing consequences is to teach appropriate behavior. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, verbal warnings, written notification to parents, teacher detention, administrative detention, intervention meetings with parents and related school personnel, restitution, referral to outside agencies, community service, Supervised Alternative Setting (SAS), out of school suspension, removal from class, suspension from extra-curricular and/or athletic participation, referral to local law enforcement, referral to Person in Need of Supervision (PINS) family court petitions. Students are entitled to due process rights to explain their version of the facts prior to disciplinary penalties being imposed. The school principal has the authority to suspend a student for up to five days per incident. Teachers have the authority to remove a disruptive student from class. Long-term suspensions, in excess of five days, require a hearing. In all cases of suspension or removal students and their parents will be informed of their rights. Students have the right to appeal disciplinary action. ALTERNATIVE INSTRUCTION When a student of any age is removed from class by a teacher or a student of compulsory attendance age is suspended from school pursuant to Education Law, the district will take immediate steps to provide alternative means of instruction for the student. DISCIPLINE OF STUDENTS WITH DISABILITES Students with disabilities are provided additional procedural protections when discipline is imposed. This code of conduct affords students with disabilities subject to disciplinary action no greater or lesser rights than those afforded by applicable state and federal laws.
CORPORAL PUNISHMENT Any act of physical force upon a student for the purpose of punishing the student is prohibited. However, reasonable physical force may be used to protect a student or any other person from physical injury, protect property of the school or others, or remove a student who has refused to refrain from acts that interfere with the orderly exercise and performance of school district functions.
STUDENT SEARCHES AND INTERROGATIONS A student may be searched by a school official is the official has "reasonable suspicion" to believe that the search of the students will result in evidence that the student violated the law or a school rule. Students are not entitled to "Miranda" - type warning before being questioned by a school official, nor are the school officials required to contact the student's parent prior to questioning. School officials will inform students why they are being questioned. Searches will be limited to the extent necessary to locate evidence. If a search requires a student to remove any clothing other than an outer coat or jacket it will be authorized by the superintendent or school attorney. Prior approval is not required in an emergency situation where a delay in conducting a search would threaten the safety of the student or others. Parents will be notified before police may conduct a student search. VISITORS Visitors are encouraged to observe our educational programs. principal to schedule a time and day.
Please contact the building 15
PUBLIC CONDUCT ON SCHOOL PROPERTY All persons on school property or at a school function shall conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner. St. Lawrence Central High School is a tobacco- free school. Smoking and tobacco products are prohibited. Violators will be subject to ejection and exclusion from school grounds and school-sponsored activities. DISSEMINATION Students and Teachers will be provided with a copy of the Code of Conduct at the beginning of each school year. Parents will be provided a copy of the Code of Conduct at the beginning of each school year and will acknowledge that they have reviewed the document with their elementary student. Other community members will be provided with a copy of the Code of Conduct upon request and or may access the Code of Conduct of the District's web-site.
STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT St. Lawrence Central Elementary School believes strongly that students need to understand the importance of appropriate behavior. Teachers, counselors, and administrators will assist all students in understanding what appropriate behavior is at St. Lawrence Central Elementary School. This conduct plan is under continual review. We are trying to make the discipline more effective so that inappropriate behaviors do not reoccur. The classroom teacher has the most contact with students and discipline problems are most effective when handled by the teacher. The student will have a warning or warnings that a certain behavior is not appropriate. If this fails, teacher discipline will be given. Before referral to the principal or designee, the parents will be contacted. When the above methods fail, the student will be referred to the principal or designee with a written report of the incident. The student will then follow the procedure in the code.
In the case of a violation that takes place outside a teacher’s classroom, (bus, cafeteria) or one of a serious nature, a referral will be made immediately to the principal or designee. This will also be in writing. In the St. Lawrence Central Elementary School’s Student Conduct Plan, there are four levels of offenses. When a student enters the discipline code because of a violation, they will be placed on Step 1 in the level of the offense. Any further violations in that level may be at Step 2 and proceed from there at the principal’s discretion. Category 1 Offenses will be removed at the end of the first 20 weeks. A student will start the second 20 weeks with a clean slate.
Category 2, 3 and 4 Offenses will remain with the student for the entire school year. This is to help eliminate unacceptable behaviors so that our school can have a safe learning environment. Explanation of Detention: Afternoon detentions will be held from 3:30 – 4:30 Monday through Thursday. Students will be bused home after detention. Lunch detentions may be given at anytime in lieu of a stated detention. A Recess Detention is the time the class spends in recess after the lunch period. (usually 20 minutes) No early morning detentions will be given by the administration. Your child’s teacher may request an early morning detention for your child to make up work . Explanation of Behavior Workshops: Behavior Workshops will provide an opportunity to for your child to learn appropriate behaviors through explicit instruction. Workshops may take place before school, during recess, or after school. Explanation of Peer Mediation: Peer Mediation will provide an opportunity for your child to resolve conflicts through the help of his/her peers. Mediation may take place before school, during recess, or after school.
CATEGORY 1 OFFENSES 1. Class and/or hall misconduct (constituting an interference with school purposes, making excessive noise, or behaving in any manner, which disrupts the education process) 2. Not following directions 3. Fooling around, horseplay 4. Repeatedly unprepared for class 5. Disruptive cafeteria behavior 6. Swearing/Use of inappropriate language 7. Loitering – hanging around in the hallways 8. Skipping detention 9. Possession of paraphernalia unacceptable or distracting to educational process such as water guns, radios, walkmans, pagers, and cell phones. 10. Any other offense deemed CATEGORY 1 by the administration. NOTE: At 20-week mark (end of semester), all students’ CATEGORY 1 offenses are filed. All students will start over at Step 1 at the beginning of the second 20 weeks. CATEGORY 1 DISCIPLINE Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Verbal Warning (Grades K-2) 1 Recess Detention (Grades 3-4) (Grades K-4) Discipline Report mailed home 1 Recess Detention (Grades K-2) 1 After School Detention (Grades 3-4) (Grades K-4) Parent contact made and Discipline Report mailed home 2 Recess Detentions (Grades K-2) 2 After School Detentions (Grades 3-4) (Grades 3-4) Parent Conference, Behavior Plan, Suspension Warning 1 After School Detention (Grade K-2) 1 Day Supervised Alternative Setting or 1 day off the bus (Grades 3-4) (Grades K-2) Parent Conference, Behavior Plan, Suspension Warning 1 Day Supervised Alternative Setting or 1 day off the bus (Grades K-2) 1 Day Out of School Suspension or 2 days off the bus (Grades 3-4) Parent Conference (Grades K-4) to: Re-evaluate and Modify Behavior Plan Determine length of suspension for next offense A) 5 days B) 10 days C) long term Repeated offenses may lead to a long-term suspension from school and/or the bus. Behavior Workshops, Peer Mediation, and Natural Consequences applicable to the offense may be assigned as discipline at the discretion of administration.
CATEGORY 2 OFFENSES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Disobedient/defiant Disrespectful to staff Disruptive bus behavior Leaving class without permission Throwing of Objects (i.e. rocks, blocks, scissors, spitballs, paper, spitting) (Administrator’s discretion CATEGORY 2 or 3) 6. Any other offense deemed CATEGORY 2 by the administration. NOTE: CATEGORY 2 Offenses will remain with a student for the entire year. CATEGORY 2 DISCIPLINE Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 NOTE NOTE
Referral to Administration
2 Recess Detentions (Grades K-2) 4 Recess Detentions (Grades 3-4) (Grades K-4) Parent contact made and Discipline Report mailed home 4 Recess Detentions (Grades K-2) 2 Afternoon Detentions (Grades 3–4) (Grades K-4) Parent contact made and Discipline Report mailed home 2 Afternoon Detentions (Grades K–2) 2 Days Supervised Alternative Setting or bus suspensions (Grades 3-4) (Grades K-4) Parent Conference, Behavior Plan, Suspension Warning 2 Days Supervised Alternative Setting or bus suspensions (Grades K-2) 2 Days Out of School Suspension or bus suspensions(Grades 3-4) (Grades K-4) Parent Conference, Re-evaluate and Modify Behavior Plan Behavior Workshops, Peer Mediation, and Natural Consequences applicable to the offense may be assigned as discipline at the discretion of administration. Parent Conference is needed after an out of school suspension. A student may not return to school until the meeting is held. Repeated offenses may lead to a long-term suspension from school and/or the bus.
When a student is assigned a seat on the bus because of discipline problems and is out of his/her seat, the student will be suspended from the bus for two days. This is for your child’s safety!
CATEGORY 3 OFFENSES First 3 listed below are Violent & Disruptive Incident Report (VADIR) offenses 1. Minor physical contact, cyber bullying, bullying, harassment (spitting, kicking, pushing, fight to defend oneself only without provoking first)* no serious physical injury 2. Minor theft, larceny, vandalism 3. Verbal and physical harassment, intimidation (racial, sexual, religious, gender, threats of violence, etc.) 4. Viewing of explicit material using personal or school devices 5. Leaving school without permission 6. Possession/use of tobacco products 7. Disruptive Behavior at Extra Curricular Activities: Sporting events, assemblies, concerts, dances, etc. Suspension of privileges to attend these activities, may result. 8. Forgery, cheating and plagiarism 9. Any other offense deemed Level 3 by the administration. NOTE: CATEGORY 3 and 4 offenses remain with the students for the entire year. CATEGORY 3 DISCIPLINE Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
1 to 3 Nights of Administrative detention (Grades K-4) Suspension Warning, Parent Conference, Behavior Plan SKIP TO STEP 2 IF INCIDENT INVOLVING PHYSICAL CONTACT WITH A STAFF MEMBER
Student sent home and 1 day Out of School Suspension (Grades K-4) Parent Conference, Re-evaluate and Modify Behavior Plan Minimum 3 days Out of School Suspension Parent Conference (Grades K-4) to: Re-evaluate and Modify Behavior Plan Determine length of suspension for next offense A) 5 days B) 10 days C) long term
Repeated offenses may lead to a long-term suspension from school and/or bus. A Principal’s Hearing is needed after a five day out of school suspension. A student may not return to school until the hearing is held. Possible notification of law enforcement agency or other agencies
CATEGORY 4 OFFENSES First 10 listed below are Violent & Disruptive Incident Report (VADIR) offenses 1. Use, possession, or sale of drugs or controlled substances and/or drug paraphernalia 2. Use, possession or sale of alcohol 3. Assault/fighting with serious physical injury. (instigator may start at a higher step) 4. Assault/fighting with physical injury. (instigator may start at a higher step) 5. Sexual harassment (physical contact) – with force start with step 2 – no force step 1 6. Robbery – forcible stealing of property using threats or force. 7. Burglary – entering or remaining on school property with intent to commit crime. 8. Criminal mischief/major vandalism 9. Reckless endangerment (throwing objects, choking, threats with a weapon, unsafe driving on school property, etc.) 10. Arson 11. Flagrant Insubordination (Flagrant disrespect directed toward a staff member) 12. Any other offense deemed CATEGORY 4 by the Administration. CATEGORY 4 DISCIPLINE Step 1 NOTE
Student sent home and 1 to 5 days Out of School Suspension (Grades K-4) Parent Conference, Behavior Plan, Long Term Suspension Warning Repeated offenses may lead to a long-term suspension from school and/or bus. A Principal’s Hearing is needed after a five day out of school suspension. A student may not return to school until the hearing is held. Possible notification of law enforcement agency or other agencies.
Acknowledgement of Student Handbook I have read the 2016-2017 Student Handbook and understand the Rules and Regulations for St. Lawrence Central Elementary School. Photo Permission I give my permission to have my child’s picture taken by digital/photography or video for educational purposes. Pictures may be included in District Newsletters, Teacher’s WebPage, School Website and/or the local newspaper. yes
no School Field Trips
I give my permission for my child to go on school field trips during this year. Each field trip will have a separate permission slip provided by your child’s teacher. yes
______________________________________ Student’s Name
______________________________________ Parent Signature
___________________ Date
__________________ Date