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Page 1 of 6. “Building a Community of Future Trustees”. A community-based school offering a range of supports, oppor
A community-based school offering a range of supports, opportunities, and services that provide students and families the tools they need to learn and live in a safe, supportive, and stable environment.


The Bronx Math Prep School- A Community School 456 White Plains Road (4th Floor) Bronx, New York, 10473

“Building a Community of Future Trustees”

Important Note: The information contained in this student handbook clarifies the day-to- day expectations and operations at The Bronx Mathematics Preparatory School. All of our district policies and procedures are also adhered to at Bronx Math. For specific information related to district policies, procedures, forms, etc. all families should read and become familiar with the information contained in the District Code of Conduct and Discipline Policy. This document can be found on the district web page under Discipline Code – then 6-12 version.

BRONX MATH CORE VALUES WELCOME TO BRONX MATH- a community-based school where academic success and character development go hand-in-hand! You are a part of a school family that is focused on the core beliefs of creating a rigorous, respectful, collaborative, trusting, and nurturing learning environment where parent involvement is important and encouraged. We believe in Trust! Teamwork! and Success! ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS -Formula for success- Participation+Positive Attitude+Cooperation+Effort= Success! -Use of daily planner is required to keep track of assignments, due dates, and deadlines. Homework is to be completed on a regular and daily basis and major projects and presentations will be assigned in all classes. Students are responsible for completing all assigned class work and will be engaged in bell-to-bell learning. -Grades will be based on class & homework, participation, tests/quizzes & projects. -Students will be active learners and class participation is required in all classes. -Students are expected to arrive to every class on time and be prepared and ready to work in every class, every day. -Students should ask for additional help. Students, parents, and teachers must work together in order to ensure academic success. ATTENDANCE The NYS Education Department requires that all students attend school daily and report on time according to his/her schedule. Regular attendance by all students is essential for academic success. School Day Schedule Breakfast- 8:00am daily Monday- 8:20am- 2:40pm Tuesday-Friday- 8:20am- 3:55pm


“Building a Community of Future Trustees”

If a student cannot attend school, a parent/guardian must call and inform the school. The school number is: 718-542-5236. After an absence, a student must bring a note explaining the absence. The following information is needed on the note: date of absence, explanation of absence, parent/guardian signature, and medical documentation in the event of an emergency. Lateness Students who arrive late to school MUST get a pass from the main office to attend their class. *Excessive absences and/or lateness will lead the inability to participate in school activities.

DRESS CODE The Bronx Math Prep School is a uniform school. Students are expected to be dressed in the school uniform every day. If you come to school dressed inappropriately, your parent/guardian will be called to come and bring appropriate clothing or pick you up. BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS Students are expected to behave appropriately at all times. They should demonstrate selfcontrol and self-respect and understand that they represent themselves, their families, and their school. School Conduct All students at The Bronx Math Prep School are expected to show the highest standard of behavior in school. When in the hallway or stairwell, students will transition between classes quickly and will be quiet and respectful at all times. Also, remember, you are a representative of our school at all times, even when you are outside of the school building. Passes and Bathroom Policy Students must be in their classrooms at all times unless they leave the classroom with a staff member or are given a pass to go elsewhere in the school building. Students may only use the bathroom/water fountains during Periods 2-6. Food and Candy Students must eat a nourishing breakfast prior to coming to school or arrive to school at 8am to have breakfast in the cafeteria. There is zero tolerance for food, candy, or beverages of any kind in the classroom or hallways. Water is allowed to keep the students hydrated. Contraband

“Building a Community of Future Trustees”

Contraband articles are items that jeopardize the safety of our students and staff or otherwise have been forbidden by the Chancellor’s Office. Contraband items include, but are NOT limited to: Weapons of any kind, Water Pistols, Fireworks, Smoke Bombs (sulfur vials), Knives/Razor Blades, and Laser Pens.

Portable Electronic Devices Portable electronic devices including cell phones, game systems, and ipods/mp3 players are only allowed for use during lunch. Phones are not allowed to be used in class and must be turned off and put away. If students are seen with any electronic device during class or in the hallway it will be taken away and given to an administrator. The student’s parent/guardian will be required to come to the school to pick up the item(s) and/or meet with the principal. *If your guardian needs to contact you during the school day they MUST call the school office at: 718-542-5236. If you need to contact your guardian you MUST use the phone in the main office.

PRINCIPAL’S HONOR ROLL Middle school students who excel have the opportunity to become part of the Principal’s Honor Roll. Principal’s Honor Roll criteria are: -Maintain a minimum of a 90 average for the four major subjects with NO grade below an 85 in any subject including Art and Physical Education. -Cannot have any conduct grade other than “Satisfactory.” -Cannot be absent more than 3 times or late more than 5 times during a marking period. CONSEQUENCES FOR INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR -Staff members give verbal warning(s) or reminder(s). -Conference with student. -Parent/guardian or family member is contacted. -Student is given lunch detention. -Conference with the student, teacher, and a school counselor and/or assistant principal/ school dean. -Student is removed from the classroom if necessary. -Meeting with parent/guardian and a school counselor. -Meeting with parent/guardian and an assistant principal. -Meeting with Principal, which could lead to a Principal’s suspension. -Superintendent’s suspension. SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL LEARNING AND SUPPORT Bronx Math is fortunate to have many adults on staff who can support the

“Building a Community of Future Trustees”

personal, social, and emotional needs of students. Counselors and social workers help to support the whole student, academically and socially, so they can pursue their fullest potential. An essential part of our work at the school is helping students cope with and overcome obstacles to learning they may face at school and/or at home. Roger Crawford- School Social Worker, [email protected] Kathy Critharis- School Guidance Counselor, [email protected] Cleo Williams- Community Schools Director, [email protected]

BRONX MATH MIDDLE SCHOOL MOTTO I am Worth It! I am Valuable! I am a Rising Star! I am Pure Potential! I am a Youth @ Promise! I am a Giant Thinker! I am Important! I am Significant! I Matter! I CAN! I WILL! I MUST! Who I am Does Make a Difference!

Dear Bronx Math Family: Welcome to The Bronx Math Community-Based Middle School! We are excited to partner with you and provide your child with a safe and nurturing environment where they will receive a high quality educational experience that will prepare them for high school and beyond. Our core values of Trust and Teamwork will enable your child to achieve social-emotional and academic Success! Thank you for collaborating with Bronx Math staff and investing in your child’s education and future. We look forward to having an awesome school year filled with learning and fun! Please review The Bronx Math Student/Family Handbook and sign and return this acknowledgement sheet to your child’s homeroom teacher tomorrow. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact the school at (718) 542-5236. Thank you. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I have received, read, and understand the academic and behavioral expectations of Bronx Math. I agree to follow the procedures and policies outlined in the Bronx Math Prep Community Middle School Student/Family Handbook.

“Building a Community of Future Trustees”

Student Name: ______________________________________________ Student Signature:____________________________________________ Student Cell Number:__________________________________________ Student E-mail:_______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name:________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Cell Number:___________________________________ Parent/Guardian E-mail:________________________________________

“Building a Community of Future Trustees”