through service in: traditional school activities ... Home Telephone ... I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, th
Application Process The following process must be completed to receive full consideration:
Eleanor Roosevelt
> Complete the Alverno College application
for admission
Student Leadership
> Provide official high school transcript > Provide ACT or SAT score report > File the Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA)
Scholarship Program
> Complete the Roosevelt Scholarship
application > Submit a resume to include the following:
• Participation in extra-curricular programs at school: list dates of participation and any leadership positions held • Participation in community organizations such as non-profits, volunteer work: list dates of participation and any leadership positions held • Work history: list employer, job title, dates of employment, responsibilities > Submit two letters of recommendation to
address the following: • The applicant’s demonstrated leadership potential and qualities and how she has made a positive impact on her community and/or people around her
For additional information, contact the Admissions Office 414-382-6100 or 800-933-3401
Eleanor Roosevelt Student Leadership Scholarship The Roosevelt Scholarship Program recognizes a first-year student who has demonstrated excellence in leadership. The successful applicant will demonstrate leadership qualities and potential through service in: traditional school activities (other than athletics), work responsibilities, and/or community involvement. Results of her actions and accomplishments will have served as a model for others.
Eleanor Roosevelt Student Leadership Scholarship Application PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY Last Name_________________________________________________________________________________First Name_________________________________________________________________Middle Initial__________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Apt.______________________________ City__________________________________________________________________________________________State________________________________________________________________________Zip Code________________________ Home Telephone_________________________________________________________________________Cell Phone__________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth______________________________________________________________________________ U.S. Citizen _______Yes _______No
Permanent Residency in U.S. _______Yes _______No
How long?____________________________
High School:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ High School Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Roosevelt Scholar will receive a four-year, full-tuition scholarship to Alverno College. To be considered eligible, applicants must complete the attached application form and meet all of the following criteria: > Intend to enroll at Alverno College as a full-time student > Demonstrate leadership skills and character through past activities and show a commitment to further development as a leader > Commit to continuing involvement in service activity during the academic year > Commit to creating a positive impact on the community and inspiring action in others > Maintain good academic standing and status as a full-time student Submit application form and all required information by March 13, 2012, to: Eleanor Roosevelt Student Leadership Scholarship Program Alverno College Admissions Office 3400 South 43rd Street P.O. Box 343922 Milwaukee, WI 53234-3922
Date of High School Graduation or GED:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ College or University Attended:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Eleanor Roosevelt Student Leadership ScholarSHIP Statements Please address the following statements in your own words. Recommended length of each response should be one–two typed pages. 1. Eleanor Roosevelt brought great intellect, compassion and humanitarian conviction to her leadership roles. What characteristics do you think a strong leader must possess? Describe how you have demonstrated these leadership characteristics. 2. Eleanor Roosevelt said “We gain strength, courage and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” Describe a situation in which you accomplished something you or others did not think you could do. Why were you able to be successful?
FINANCIAL STATEMENT Financial need is not a criterion for the Eleanor Roosevelt Community Service Scholarship Program. However, because of the necessity for Alverno College to use its scholarship resources in the most judicious manner possible, applicants for the Eleanor Roosevelt Student Leadership Scholarship Program will be required to complete the financial aid application process. Other scholarships and/or entitlement grants received by Roosevelt Scholars will be considered as part of the tuition scholarship. Those who are selected as Roosevelt Scholars will be required to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in each year of their eligibility. Note to high school athletes: The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division III bylaws require that no financial aid can be awarded to a student athlete based on athletic ability, participation or performance. Therefore, please do not include any reference to your participation in, or involvement with, athletics in any form.
CERTIFICATION I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided is complete and accurate. I certify that all monies received from this award will be used solely for the tuition expenses I incur at Alverno College. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature
__________________________________________________ Date
APPLICATION DEADLINE IS MARCH 13, 2012. Please return this form and all required information to: Admissions Office, Alverno College, P.O. Box 343922, Milwaukee, WI 53234-3922.