Student Planning Instructions.pdf - Google Drive

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Wait for your program data to load (could take 10-20 seconds). 3. Click on My Progress to select courses from the requir
Student Planning Instruction Guide Quick Steps for Students

Student Planning will show your major program of study. If the wrong program is displayed, you must first declare or update your major in Online Services. (See directions below.)

Log in to Student Planning Below are instructions to sign in to Student Planning. 1. Go to the Student Planning webpage at 2. Bookmark the link. 3. Enter your ACCeID and password. 4. Click Sign In.

Select course sections Follow any of the three options below to select course sections for the upcoming semester. OPTION A – Below are instructions to select sections for the upcoming semester. 1. Click on Student Planning. 2. Wait for your program data to load (could take 10-20 seconds). 3. Click on My Progress to select courses from the requirements tables. 4. Locate and select the course name needed to fulfill requirement. 5. Locate and select View Available Sections (orange bar) of the subject of interest. 6. Choose a section and click Add Section to Schedule. 7. Repeat for all requirements you intend to fulfill in that semester. 8. Click Plan & Schedule. 9. Click the arrow to the right to select the appropriate term. 10. Verify sections do not overlap and if they do, select a different section (gray box on the left side of the screen that reads, View Other Sections). OPTION B – Below are instructions to select sections using the course schedule. 1. Click on Student Planning after logging in. 2. Click on Course Schedule. 3. Locate and select the subject of interest. 4. Locate and click View Available Sections (orange bar) for the selected subject of interest. 5. Choose a section and click Add Section to Schedule.

6. 7. 8. 9.

Repeat for remaining classes/sections. Click Plan & Schedule. Click the arrow to the right to select the appropriate term. Verify sections do not overlap and if they do, select a different section (gray box on the left side of the screen that reads, View Other Sections).

OPTION C – Below are instructions to select sections using your student plan. 1. Click on Student Planning. 2. Wait for your program data to load (could take 10-20 seconds). 3. Click on My Progress to select courses from the requirements tables. 4. Locate and click on the course names listed on the planned courses portion of your course plan. 5. Locate and click on View Available Sections (orange bar) for the subject of interest. 6. Choose a section and click Add Section to Schedule. 7. Repeat for all requirements you intend to fulfill in that semester. 8. Click Plan & Schedule. 9. Click the arrow to the right to select the appropriate term. 10. Verify sections do not overlap and if they do, select a different section (gray box on the left side of the screen that reads, View Other Sections).

Register for course sections Below are the instructions to register on or after your eligibility date. 1. Sign in to Student Planning at 2. Click on Student Planning tab. 3. Wait for your program data to load. 4. Click on Plan & Schedule. 5. Click on Schedule. 6. Click the arrow to the right to select the appropriate term. 7. Click on Register Now.

Declare or update your major OPTIONAL STEP – Below are the instructions to change your major/program of study in Online Services before using Student Planning. 1. Sign in to Online Services at 2. Go to Student Data Change Requests. 3. Select Declare or Update your Major. 4. Click Submit. You will be directed to a screen titled Update Your Major. 5. Enter keywords or use the dropdown menu to identify your new major. 6. Confirm your major from the generated list or retry your search. Note the warning regarding possible consequences when changing your major. 7. Click Submit when finished. A confirmation screen will show your new major. 8. Click OK.