Students' Perceptions and Attitude to e-learning and ...

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computer network. (Dongsong. Zhang et ... What makes a learner successful in an online ... Online. Physiology courses were designed using free online (LMS).
Students’ Perceptions and Attitude to e-learning and Learning Management System (LMS) Rasha A. Eldeeb MBBCH,MSc.,MD.,PGDHE Assistant Professor Physiology Department Dubai Medical College (DMC)

What is e-Learning? e-learning can be defined as technology-based learning in which learning materials are delivered electronically to remote learners via a computer network. (Dongsong Zhang et al.,2004).

What Is LMS?  A learning management

system (LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of e-learning education courses or training programs (Ellis, Ryann K. 2009)

Introduction In an attempt to cope up with the recent trends in medical education, DMC and DPC intend to introduce a new online learning management system (LMS) in AY 20142015 which provided an opportunity to survey and assess the perception and attitude of DMC and DPC students towards different facilities offered by the LMS and e-learning.

 The primary objectives ; to

assess students’ perception and attitude towards LMS and elearning.  The secondary objectives ; to

identify areas of weakness and strength in LMS and e-learning to have an insight for a successful implementation of the LMS and e-learning in DMC and DPC.

What makes a successful online environment? What makes a learner successful in an online environment? What creates challenges to e-learning? Will e-learning replace classroom learning in undergraduate medical education?

Research Design  The study was conducted in

Dubai Medical College (DMC) and Dubai Pharmacy College (DPC) .

 Two

Online Physiology courses were designed using free online (LMS). o o

Course 1 addressed DPC first year students. Course 2 addressed DMC second year students .

Findings And Discussion  Most

of the participant students believe in elearning and have used it before.

 Most

of the participant students believe in practicing online test and had already used it before ; the majority of which were practicing USMLE test.

 Almost all the participants

used the online practice test offered in this course.

Students’ Perceptions to LMS and e-Learning  More

than 77% of the participant students found LMS and e-learning easy to use ; eased the access to the course material and made it available 24/7.

 More

than 75% of the participant students appreciated the announcements uploaded on LMS as it kept them on the track of any modifications, quizzes and assignments in the course.

 Most

of the participant students accessed the LMS without a problem and the difficulties faced by few of them were related to internet and Wi-Fi connection.

Students’ Perceptions to Online Tests  Most of the participant students believed that

the online test helped them to identify their knowledge gap, clarify the areas to focus on while studying , identify are of strength and weaknesses in their knowledge .  Most of the participant students believed that

the online test made them gain more knowledge , be more aware of the course’s learning objectives and increased their reediness to the summative assessment.  All most all the participant students believed

that online practice test should be implemented more in DMC and DPC courses.

Students’ Perception To Different Course Modalities

 More than 70% of the

participant students preferred the mixed blinded course rather than a fully dependent online course or tradition - face to face – class room course.

What Are The Strength Areas of LMS and e-Learning?  Availability Petrides (2002); Schrum (2002)

 Flexibility Chizmar and Walbert (1999)

 Self-control Petrides (2002); Schrum (2002)

 Convenience Poole (2000) Murphy and Collins (1997)

What Creates Challenges to e-learning?

 Technical Problem Hill (2002) , Liyan Song et al.,(2004)

 Organization Vrabel, (2004 ), Liyan Song et al.,( 2004)

 Compliance Lee and Weerakoon ,(2001)

What makes a successful online environment? What makes a learner successful in an online environment?

Limitations and Recommendations  Conducting

this study in single discipline and specific target group is considered as limitations of the study that could hinder generalization of the findings.

 Further

research involving multidisciplinary courses and associating students’ perceptions with their outcomes is recommended.

Conclusion  The current study not only assessed and reported

positive students’ perceptions and attitude toward e-leaning and LMS but also spotted the light on the availability, flexibility and convenience of e-learning as features and areas of strength.  It also diagnosed the technical problem as a major

challenge in e-learning and emphasized on the fact that a successful and enjoyable LMS and elearning experience should be accompanied by strategies to improve the access to the internet, computer and improve the broadband width.

Will e-learning replace classroom learning in undergraduate medical education?

References     

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