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DAN. PEMBERDAYAAN ANAK JALANAN. Author : Karnaji-1, Sutinah-2, Sudarso-3. Abstract :.
DAN PEMBERDAYAAN ANAK JALANAN Author : Karnaji-1, Sutinah-2, Sudarso-3 Abstract : The aims of this research are (1) giving a clear picture of social and economical characteristics of street children in Surabaya; (2) giving a view about the kind of social impact occurred and undergone by the children as a consequence of their involvement in the street; (3) giving a description of how big is the street children’s role in supporting their family economy; (4) giving a description and suggestion on efforts to give protection and social facilities that can be accessed by the street children during their time in the street; and (5) constructing education and empowerment model for street children based on the characteristics and needs as well as fulfillment of their rights.

The numbers of sample being interviewed are 100 respondents. It is chosen based on accidental sampling technique. The data was collected by: doing direct interview to the chosen respondent, collecting secondary data from related institutions and direct observation in street children’s area. Investigation in the field result in some finding, i.e.: The street children do many activities such as being a street singer, street vendor, trash recyclers, beggar, traditional market porter or just wandering around. They spend their time in the street for the whole day long, from morning, afternoon, evening till even night. In terms of education, most of them haven’t entered school or doesn’t even go to school. Their family background shows that most of street children in Surabaya still live with their family. The social impact is obvious from their reluctance to go back to school. One of the factors that motivate them to go to the street is because of their family’s poor economy. The street children are also sensitive to exploitation physically as well as economically. Besides, they, in fact, haven’t received the access to social facilities and even protection. (end)

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