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latex is freshly collected which is applied externally on boils. 23. Girardinia palmata (Forsk). Gaud. (Urticaceae)–Nep: Bhangre. Sishnu; Loc: Somada, Sungma,.
Natural Product Radiance, Vol. 8(5), 2009, pp.537-541

Explorer:Research Paper

Studies on ethnomedicinal plants used by traditional practitioners, Jhankri, Bijuwa and Phedangma in Darjeeling Himalaya Pranay Bantawa1* and Ritu Rai2 1

Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Horticulture, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya P.O. Pundibari, Cooch Behar-736 165, West Bengal, India 2 Department of Botany, Kurseong College, P.O. Kurseong-734 203, Darjeeling, West Bengal *Correspondent author, E-mail: [email protected] Received 5 September 2007; Accepted 24 April 2009

Abstract Biodiversity of eastern Himalayas including Sikkim and Darjeeling is well known. Many ethnic groups reside in this beautiful Himalayan region. Although the modern medicinal facilities are available in the urban areas of Darjeeling yet local population of far flung places still prefers to use traditional plant resources. An ethnobotanical study was conducted among the traditional practitioners: Jhankri, Bijuwa and Phedangma. Mostly they rely on locally available plant materials to cure many diseases and disorders. In this paper a total of 41 species of plants as used by traditional practitioners of this area are listed alphabetically by botanical names, followed by family (in parenthesis) and medicinal uses. Keywords: Ethnomedicinal plants, Jaributy, Jhankri, Bijuwa, Phedangma, Darjeeling Himalaya. IPC code; Int. cl.8—A61K 36/00, A61K 35/78

Introduction The district Darjeeling lie between 26º 27’ and 27º 13’N latitude and 87º 59’ and 88º 53’ E latitude and is one of the major part of the eastern Himalayas. The total area covered by this district is 3254.7 sq km, of which 2417 sq km area is occupied by the hills with an altitudinal variation between 130 m (at Sukana) to 3670 m (at Phalut). The region harbours a wide range of floristic diversity (Plate 1a). Amongst the diverse floristic elements, many plants are of religious, socio-cultural and medicinal values1-4. Many systems of herbal medicine are in practice in Darjeeling Himalayas including Bhutias system, Nepali system and Lepcha system. But, Lepcha system of Vol 8(5) September-October 2009

herbal medicine is predominant for long time4-5. Deeply seated in its antiquity but very thinly documented, the Nepali system of herbal survives today in the region as Jaributy or simply as Pahaday Dabai. Hence, the Jaributy system has to bring up the several disjointed systems together to get proper status6-8. The existence of traditional knowledge on medicinal plants and their uses are more common among the spiritual healers locally known as Jhakri, Bijuwa, Boongthing, Baidang and Phedangma. However, many research workers have documented many medicinal plants but very little work on the traditional uses of medicinal plants by these healers had been attempted. Thus, with the point of view to document the

ethnomedicinal plants used by Jhankri, Bijuwa and Phedangma, the present work was undertaken3, 5, 6, 9-18.

Materials and Methods For the present survey intensive field work has been done among Nepali tribal communities and for this present study fifteen different villages and tea gardens were selected. These areas were visited regularly for observations, development of understanding and relations with the local people, so that they feel free to divulge their long protected traditional knowledge. Herbal practitioners from these regions like Jhankri, Bijuwa and Phedangma were interviewed regularly and the plants of interest were recognized with their help and also with the help of other village folks (mainly of elderly people). Voucher specimens were properly collected, processed and mounted on the herbarium sheets19. The specimens were identified using available literature and matching the specimens with the specimens at herbarium in Sikkim Himalayan Circle (BSHC), Gangtok. Some published and unpublished literature were also consulted for relevant information. The enumeration of the collected specimens 537

Explorer:Research Paper has been arranged alphabetically by botanical name, family (in parenthesis), local names (where ever found), locality and their medicinal uses. Abbreviations used are: Nep: Nepali, Lep: Lepcha and Loc: Locality. 5.

Results Species enumeration 1. Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. (Ranunculaceae)–Nep: Bikhuma; Loc: Sukhia Pokhri*, Pokhria Bong*, Sonada*. (*= Collected from the market). Rhizome is taken orally against food 6. poisoning often called harital in local language. Dried rhizome is taken orally in small quantities against bodyache. 2. Adhatoda zeylanica Medic. syn. A. vasica Nees (Acanthaceae)–Nep: Asuru; Loc: Nagri. Young leaves and shoots are taken 7. orally against fever, headache and bodyache. 3. Anthogonium gracile Wall. ex Lindl. (Orchidaceae)–Nep: Bhui sunakhari; Loc: Pokhria Bong, Sukhia Pokhri, Maneybhanjyang, Sonada, Takdah, Tung. The paste is prepared from the rhizome and pseudobulb which is applied externally for curing bone fracture and dislocation. Bandage is applied on the affected part and is 8. retained for 3-5 weeks but dressing has to be changed in-between, at regular intervals of 5-7 days. Pseudobulbs are crushed to prepare paste which is used externally to cure boil. 4. Artemisia nilagirica (C.B. Clarke) Pamp. (Asteraceae)–Nep: 538

Titepathi; Loc: Pokhria Bong, Sungma, Nagri (Plate 1b). Shoots are consumed in case of mouth ulcer. Leaves are crushed and applied externally on forehead during dizziness and headache. Asparagus racemosus Willd. (Liliaceae) –Nep: Satamuli; Loc: Sungma. Crushed root extract is given orally in case of diabetes and tuberculosis. Paste prepared from roots is applied externally in case of bone fracture and joint dislocation. Astilbe rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don (Saxifragaceae)–Nep: Budokhati; Loc: Lebong, Pedong, Chamong. Rhizome is taken orally to get relief from bodyache. Rhizome is taken orally by women against irregular menstrual cycle. Belamcanda chinensis (Linn.)DC. (Iridaceae); Nep– Tarware Phool; Loc: Sungma. Freshly collected rhizome is administered orally in very small quantity (lesser than 1 mm long) in case of stomachache. Same quantity is given orally as antidote to food poisoning which is called harital in local language. Its oral administration causes diarrhoea, which eliminates the poisonous substances. Berberis angulosa Wall. (Berberidaceae)– Nep: Chutro; Loc: Maneybhanjyang, Lebong (Plate 1c). Mature stem is cut into small slices and boiled for 30-40 min and this juice is taken orally in blood dysentery. Same preparation is also taken orally in case of jaundice.

9. Centella asiatica (Linn.)Urban (Apiaceae)–Nep: Golpatta, Paise jhar, Athanne jhar; Loc: Sungma, Pokhria Bong, Maneybhanjyang, Singee, Takdah, Tung, Dhajay. Leaves and young shoots are taken orally in case of tonsillitis. 10. Clematis buchananiana DC. (Ranunculaceae)–Nep: Pinase Lahara; Loc: Sungma, Mirik, Achalal, Chamong, Sonada. Roots are crushed and wrapped in cotton cloth which produces pungent smell. This is inhaled through nose in case of sinuses. 11. Commelina paludosa Blume (Commelinaceae)–Nep: Bhaisen jhar; Loc: Sukhia, Chamong, Achalal, Tung. Paste is prepared from roots and is applied externally against boil. 12. Costus speciosus (Koenig) J.E. Smith (Costaceae)–Nep: Betlaure; Loc: Chamong, Mirik, Dhajay, Nagri, Maneybhanjyang. Juice of stem is orally taken in juvenile diabetes. 13. Curcuma longa Linn. (Zingiberaceae)–Nep: Hardi; Loc: Sungma, Dhajay, Nagri, Mirik. Paste is prepared from rhizome powder along with lime in 1:1 ratio and is applied on the fractured bones. Bandage is applied for 4-5 weeks but older paste is removed and new paste is applied at regular intervals of 4-5 days. 14. Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Rosc. (Zingiberaceae)–Nep: Kalo Haledo; Loc: Mirik, Dhajay. Rhizomes are cut into small pieces and administered orally as antidote to food poisoning (Harital). It is Natural Product Radiance

Explorer:Research Paper Roots are given orally against tonsillitis. 21. E u p a t o r i u m adenophorum Linn. (Asteraceae)– Nep: Kali Jhar, Banmara; Status: Abundant. Young leaves and shoots are given orally against dysentery. 22. Ficus clavata Wall. (Moraceae)–Nep: Lute Khaneu; Loc: Chamong, Sungma, Tung, Sonada. Stem is debarked and Plate 1: Natural habitat and medicinal plants of Darjeeling Himalaya: (a) Floristic diversity, (b) Artemisia nilagirica in latex is freshly full bloom, (c) Berberis angulosa in flowering condition, (d) Elsholtzia fruticosa, (e)Heracleum wallichii in fruiting stage, (f) Picrorhiza scrophulariaeflora in alpine pasture, (g) Rubia cordifolia collected which is applied externally on boils. 23. Girardinia palmata (Forsk) (Dioscoriaceae)–Nep: Rani also very effective against acute Gaud. (Urticaceae)–Nep: Bhangre Bhyagur; Loc: Sungma, Singee, stomach pain and loss of appetite. Sishnu; Loc: Somada, Sungma, Mirik, Taktah, Nagri, Dhajay. 15. Cynodon dactylon (Linn.) Pers. Pokhriabong, Dhajay, Nagri. Boiled rhizome is very fibrous thus (Poaceae)–Nep: Dobo; Loc: Nagri, Young shoots and inflorescence are used as anthelmintic and wormifuge Singee, Dhajay, Mirik, Achalal. consumed in case of hypertension. especially against tapeworm. Juice is prepared from the freshly collected root, which is administered 19. Drymaria cordata (Linn.) 24. Gnaphalium affine D. Don (Asteraceae)–Pahelo Bukey Willd. ex Roem. & Schult. orally in case of liver cirrhosis. Phool; Loc: Sungma, Maneybhanjyang, 16. Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D.Don) (Caryophyllaceae)–Nep: Abizal; Loc: Lebong, Sukhia Pokhri, Nagri. Sungma, Singee, Tung, Lebong, Soo (Orchidaceae)–Nep: Panch Whole plant is crushed and given Maneybhanjyang. Amle: Loc: Sukhia*, Sonada*. orally to infants suffering from Whole plants are crushed and Roots are crushed and paste is diarrhoea. wrapped in broad green leaves of prepared which is used externally on cuts and injuries. Roots are given other plants and it is roasted in fire 25. Heracleum wallichii DC. (Apiaceae)–Nep: Chimphing; Loc: for few minutes. This produces orally against bodyache. Tung, Pokhria Bong, Sukhia, Mirik 17. Datura stramonium Linn. pungent smell, which is inhaled (Plate 1e). strongly in case of sinuses. Same (Solanaceae)–Nep: Dhaturo; Loc: Seeds are given orally in fever. Seeds preparation is given in case of tonsillitis. Sungma, Chamong, Nagri. are crushed and paste is prepared with Seeds are given orally against rabies. 20. Elsholtzia fruticosa (D. Don) table salt and given orally in case of Rehder (Lamiaceae)–Loc: Sungma, Seeds are given orally against bodyache. nervousness, nausea and hysteria. Sukhia Pokhri, Maneybhanjyang 26. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn. (Plate 1d). 18. Dioscorea pentaphylla Linn. Vol 8(5) September-October 2009


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(Malvaceae)–Nep: Jawa Kusum; Loc: Dhajay, Mirik, Tung, Pokhriabong, Achalal, Chamong. Young unopened flowers are given orally against tonsillitis. Leaves and flowers are crushed and juice is prepared which is used against dandruff and hair problems. Kaempferia rotunda Linn. (Zingiberaceae)–Nep: Bhuin Champa: Status: Cultivated. A paste of rhizome is prepared along with the roots of Laportea terminalis Wight (Urticaceae) and aerial portion of Viscum album Linn. (Loranthaceae) and applied externally on bone fracture and joints dislocation. Affected portion is bandaged for 3-5 weeks depending upon the seriousness of the damage on bone. Bandage is changed regularly at the interval of 5 days. Macropanax undulatum Seem. (Araliaceae)–Nep: Chenday; Loc: Sungma, Nagri, Chamong. Bark is administered against diabetes. Mahonia acanthifolia D. Don (Berberidaceae) –Nep: Chutro, Keshari; Loc: Lebong, Chamong, Sukhia. Stem is cut into thin slices which are boiled and juice is given orally against blood dysentery, diarrhoea and jaundice. Mentha piperita Linn. (Lamiaceae) –Nep: Pudhina; Loc: Tung, Sonada, Sungma, Nagri, Dhajay, Achalal. Whole plant is made into paste and taken in case of bodyache. Nardostachys jatamansi DC. (Valerianaceae)–Nep: Jatamansi; Loc: Sukhia*, Sonada*. (*= Collected









from the market). Fruit is taken orally in case of tonsillitis. Picrorhiza scrophulariaeflora Pennell (Scrophulariaceae)–Nep: Kutki; Loc: Sukhia Pokhri*, Sonada*. (*=Collected from the market) (Plate 1f). Rhizome is taken in cold and fever; also used against snake bite. Rhododendron arboreum Smith (Ericaceae)–Nep: Lali Gurans; Loc: Sukhia Pokhri, Maneybhanjyang, Tung, Sonada. Flower is given orally to a person whose throat is struck with fish bone. Rubia cordifolia Linn. (Rubiaceae)–Nep: Majeto: Loc: Maneybhanjyang, Sonada, Tung, Sungma, Pokhria Bong. Paste is prepared from the crushed root which is applied externally over forehead during headache. Rubus ellipticus Smith (Rosaceae)–Nep: Aselu; Loc: Sungma, Pokhria Bong. Roots are administrated orally for abortion (Plate 1g). Salvia moorcroftiana Wall. ex Benth. (Lamiaceae)–Status: Cultivated. Whole plants including flowers are given against diabetes. Smilax aspericaulis Wall. (Smilacaceae)–Nep: Kukurdine: Loc; Sukhia Pokhri, Maneybhanjyang. Stem is used for brushing teeth which is effective against pyorrhoea and gingivitis. Streptolirion volubile Edgew. (Commelinaceae)–Loc: Lebong, Sukhia Pokhri. Crushed leaves are applied on wounds

of important organs like ear, nose and navel. 39. Thysanolaena latifolia (Roxb. ex Hornem) Honda (Poaceae)– Nep: Amliso; Lep: Pushok-Tim, Pachyor; Loc: Pokhria Bong, Sukhia Pokhri, Sungma, Achalal, Mirik. Paste prepared from the root stock is applied externally on boil. 40. Tupistra aurantiaca Wall. (Liliaceae) –Nep: Nakima; Loc: Sungma, Nagri, Mirik. Small pieces of root stock are given orally in case of food poisoning. 41. Urtica dioica Linn. (Urticaceae)– Nep: Sishnu; Loc: Sungma, Pokhria Bong, Chamong, Achalal, Tung, Sonada, Takdah. Young shoots and inflorescence are given orally after properly cooked in case of hyper tension.

Discussion The 41 plant species enumerated in present study belong to 26 families and 41 genera. These compiled species are a small portion of the flora of this region, if compared with the flora of Darjeeling20, 21. However, in this work, 41 new uses of the herbs to treat various diseases and disorders are recorded for the first time. Recently, enumeration of 281 species of medicinal plants from Darjeeling regions were also done, out of which, 164 species were newly reported one17. Species like A. heterophyllum, N. jatamansi and P. scrophulariaeflora have a great trade value in medicinal plants markets. U. dioica, M. piperita, H. wallichii, M. undulatum, C. longa and A. racemosa are consumed directly as food and vegetables, Natural Product Radiance

Explorer:Research Paper by AK Panday (Ed), BS Publishers condiments and spices. Besides, species and Distributors, New Delhi, India, 1995, like A. nilagirica and T. latifolia have pp. 118-127. great socio religious values. During the survey it was also 2. Bhujel RB, Studies on the Dicotyledonous Flora of Darjeeling District. Ph. D. Thesis learned that the traditional knowledge submitted to North Bengal University, regarding ethnomedicine is declining as 1996. there is no proper documentation. The 3. Rai SK and Bhujel RB, Ethnic use of some knowledge is passed down from monocotyledonous plants in Darjeeling generation to generation only by means Himalayan region, In: Perspectives of Plant of verbal communication. The traditional Diversity by AP Das (Ed), Bisen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India, 2002, practitioners believed that knowing these pp. 635-644. medicinal plants by many other common people may reduce the effectiveness of the 4. Basu PK and Gautam B, Investigation on ethnic use of Dioscorea spp. available in Darjeeling systems and thus they keep it secret among and Sikkim Himalaya and scientific evaluation themselves. of traditional practices, In: Perspectives of Plant Diversity by AP Das (Editor), Bisen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Publishers, Dehra Dun, India, 2002, pp. 697-711.

Conclusion Even though the people of Darjeeling region are well aware of modern system of medicine yet there are some places where traditional medicine is of prime importance. This may be true due to the fact that the tough hill terrain and other natural barriers forced them to depend on traditional medicine. However, in case of ethnomedicinal field further detailed investigations are needed. The study of ethnomedicine should be encouraged as to prepare basic data for economically important medicinal plants so that large scale cultivation techniques can be developed for the welfare of these tribes. Therefore, it is highly recommended to prepare data in case of ethnomedicinally important plant and carry out further studies including phytochemical and pharmacological analysis.

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