pottery was, our team carry on studies on an experimental scale in the Bardakçı ... Bounding coordinates (decimal degr
We are conducting studies on the reproduction of the Urartian Red Polished Pottery. To learn how the production chain of the Urartian pottery was, our team carry on studies on an experimental scale in the Bardakçı Village of Van (Eastern Turkey). In 2014, we began experiments about how the Urartian red polished pottery might have been made together with a potter, Osman Eşme, in the Bardakçı Village of Van, which is famous for pottery making. As our knowledge of the technology and production of this type of pottery was limited, we decided to carry out an experimental archaeology study. We suppose that the local clay beds from which we obtained clay were likely to have been used in the Urartian period as well. After we make the clay ready for treatment, we will try to shape it into the most common shapes of Urartu, such as trefoil jug, goblet, bowl, and plate, as in the ancient period. We will continue the studies on an experimental scale in the Bardakçı Village of Van into what the production chain of the Urartian pottery was like. This year we are concentrating on surface treatments such as slip and polish and on its firing. For the time being, we are performing firing in a mud and domed kiln which is similar to that used in the ancient period. These studies may be an important step in terms of further clarifying the production chain of the Urartian red polished pottery and we aim to carry out detailed studies, such as production techniques, methods, surface treatments, and firing of the type of pottery concerned by practical experiments. Our team consists of members of Osman Eşme’s core family Zeynep Eşme (12), Oğuzhan Eşme (10), Rabia Eşme (8), Nurullah Eşme (5), Yakup Eşme (4), Burak Eşme (2) and their mother Fatma Eşme. They have served a constant support in every stage this project. Studies are being undertaken independently. The value of this study within society will be only be possible if it can be supported. Our objective is to make the public aware of this pottery after we have produced it under ancient and modern conditions. As in Avanos, in the Cappadocia region, conveying pottery production techniques of Urartian culture, which existed some 2,700 years ago, to both the local people and the tourists who visit the region, and even encouraging them to participate in the process will be a crucial step for expanding awareness of Urartian culture, and also the region.
Atilla Batmaz, Ege University Faculty of Letters Deaprtment of Archaeology,
[email protected] Atilla Batmaz, Dr.
Keywords: Urartu, Pottery, Van, Bardakçı Village, Turkey, Eastern Anatolia, Van, Bardakçı Village Permanent URI: http://www.saa.org/CurrentResearch/pdf/saa_cro_242_Studies_on_Revealing_the_.pdf External Links: Bounding coordinates (decimal degrees):
West: 38.56 North: 43.3 East: 38.57 South: 43.27
Citation Example: Atilla Batmaz (2015) Studies on Revealing the Mystery of the Urartian Red Polished Pottery. SAA Current Research 242, http://www.saa.org/CurrentResearch/pdf/saa_cro_242_Studies_on_Revealing_the_.pdf, accessed (current date)
Current Research Online No: 242:1 Copyright ©2015 Society for American Archaeology
Pots and Kiln
Current Research Online No: 242:2 Copyright ©2015 Society for American Archaeology
Eşme Family
Current Research Online No: 242:3 Copyright ©2015 Society for American Archaeology
Atilla Batmaz
Current Research Online No: 242:4 Copyright ©2015 Society for American Archaeology
Osman Eşme and Atilla Batmaz
Current Research Online No: 242:5 Copyright ©2015 Society for American Archaeology
Pots in Kiln
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