Studio Contract 2012-2013

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This contract is in effect for the fall session Starting Tuesday September 9th, 2012 ... ____ Dancers and parents should be respectful of the teachers and staff.
Studio Contract 2012-2013

ELITE DANCE STUDIO Contract 2012-2013

This contract is in effect for the fall session Starting Tuesday September 9th, 2012 through May 31st, 2013. It must be read and fully signed and initialed for each account before enrollment of any student into the EDS dance program. Please read and initial each item. Please go over this with your dancer. ____

We accept checks and cash. Tuition is due BEFORE the 10th of each month. Payments returned for non-sufficient funds will result in a $20 charge and turned over to a check collection company.


Payments received after the 10th will have a $10 late fee.


Dancers currently not paying tuition, will be asked to sit and watch class.


When paying by cash, please get a receipt.


Refunds for overpayment of tuition and or fees will only be given for approved medical withdrawals. All other open balances will be applied to tuition and or fees for the balance of the calendar year.


The studio must be notified by the parent/guardian by telephone of any student absences. Make-up classes may be available for students with medical absences and all require pre-scheduling through the studio. Make-up classes are not available for all programs, and are subject to change after recital preparation has begun.


Class changes must be submitted in writing to the studio.


It is parents responsibility to keep up to date of student schedule changes, events, and notices through reading the monthly newsletter that is emailed, on the website, or posted in the studio.


I do hereby grant or deny permission to EDS to use the image of my child_____________as marked by my selection below. Such includes the display, distribution, publication, transmission, or otherwise use of photographs, images, and or video taken of my child for use in material that include, but may not be limited to, printed materials such as brochures, and newsletters, videos, and digital images on the EDS website. ___Deny permission ___Grant Permission


Parents/guardians who are 15 minutes late picking up students at the end of the operation day will be charged a $5.00 late pick up fee. The late pick up fee goes to the faculty member who was detained.


Dancers who are more than 10 minutes late to class, must sit and watch class to prevent injury as they have missed the warm-up.


Dancers not in proper dance clothes, will not be permitted to dance.


Dancers not attending required classes to be in another required class, may be moved down.


If you need to talk to your teacher, please make arrangements and don’t bother them before or after classes so they can stay on schedule.


Dancers need to bring a bag to class to keep items from being lost. Please store your belongings in your assigned lockers if you have them or in the storage cubbies; not on the floors or benches.


Dancers should write their name on all their belongings so they may be returned when lost. Items

that are left in the studio with no name may be given to the D.I. ____

Dancers and parents should be respectful of the teachers and staff.


Students should arrive for their classes no more than 10 minutes before their scheduled class; the studio may not be used as child care before or after the students classes.


Due to space restraints, parents are invited to watch the first class of each month ONLY; no cell phones or small children allowed.


I have read the studio ledger to make sure I am clear on payment due dates.

Dress Code

Ballet: Pink tights with feet and solid color leotard. Pink canvas or leather split sole ballet shoes are required. Hair is to be in a bun. Items can be purchased at GROOVE Dancewear SLC Inc.

Jazz/Clog: Any colored leotard and dance pants/bikers are required. (items can be purchased at GROOVE Dancewear SLC Inc). Foot Undeez and Clogging shoes are required for classes and performing. Shoes can be ordered through the studio. Hair must be pulled off the face.

Hip Hop/Cheer/Tumbling: Workout clothes of any kind are permitted; these must be form fitting and not loose. Tennis shoes are required for hip hop and cheer class. Required cheer and hip hop shoes will be ordered for performers. Hair must be pulled off the face.

Ballroom Dance: Absolutely no street clothes will be permitted; no jeans or shorts. Ladies are asked to wear a skirt but it is not required. Tennis shoes may be worn if passed off by the instructor. Ballroom heals and/or practice shoes may be required for advanced students. *Please see the instructor if interested in ordering shoes.

DANCE APPAREL is available at GROOVE Dancewear SLC Inc. Company classes are by audition only. Any student who feels qualified to be in these groups can attend our try-outs in the spring or talk to your instructor. Company members are required to attend more practices and performances and have more costumes than the average studio student. Companies are fast paced, training dancers to reach their highest potential in all areas of performance. ____

I have read the above clause regarding the Elite Dance Studio's Dress Code

Performing with ELITE DANCE STUDIO ____

Recital fees [$50.00 - due February 1st with February tuition] are non refundable. No exceptions.


Costume payments [Due November 2nd with November tuition] are also non-refundable.


Travel Suits [$60.00] are required for those performing. Dancers under 5 years of age are not required to buy the travel suit.


I understand that costumes may not be available if paid after November 1st.


I understand the performing dates [Performance Schedule TBA] and rehearsals are mandatory and will set aside these dates on my schedule.


Successful recital preparation requires consistent attendance by all students; my student may be removed from his/her recital piece if repeatedly absent or not prepared due to lack of rehearsal.


I have read the studio ledger for due dates and understand late fees will be assessed.


All performers must perform at Lagoon and the recital. No exceptions.


Costumes, required apparel, and performing payments will incur a $10.00 late fee if not paid on time.

____ Students attendance will be crucial as we get ready for the recital choreography in each class. ____ Soloists will audition to perform in the studio recital.

ELITE DANCE STUDIO Contract 2012-2013

I have read and understand everything listed in this contract. If I have any questions, I will contact the studio directly. Not only do I, as a parent, understand but my student/dancers understands.

DANCERS SIGNATURE ________________________________________________________________ PARENT OR GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _____________________________________________________ DATE SIGNED ________________________________________________________________________