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Apr 7, 2017 - follicle the gene expression was reported to be detected (*hair matrix, **dermal papilla, ***outer root sheath or ****inner root sheath), with.

British Journal of Dermatology


Study of gene expression alteration in male androgenetic alopecia: evidence of predominant molecular signalling pathways L. Michel iD ,1,2 P. Reygagne,3 P. Benech,4,5 F. Jean-Louis,1,2 S. Scalvino,6 S. Ly Ka So,1 Z. Hamidou,3 S. Bianovici,3 J. Pouch,7 B. Ducos,7,8 M. Bonnet,1 A. Bensussan,1,2 A. Patatian,5 E. Lati,5,6 J. Wdzieczak-Bakala,9 J-C. Choulot,10 E. Loing11 and M. Hocquaux11 1

Inserm UMR976, Skin Research Institute, F-75475 Paris, France University Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris-Cite, H^opital Saint-Louis, F-75475 Paris, France 3 Centre Sabouraud, F-75475 Paris, France 4 NICN UMR 7259 CNRS Faculte de Medecine, 13344 Marseille, France 5 GENEX, 91160 Longjumeau, France 6 Laboratoire BIO-EC, 91160 Longjumeau, France 7 Plateforme de qPCR a Haut Debit Genomic Paris Centre, IBENS, 75005 Paris, France 8 Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, Ecole Normale Superieure, PSL Research University, University Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris-Cite, CNRS, 75005 Paris, France 9 ICSN, 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette, France 10 Ales Groupe, 95871 Bezons, France 11 IEB-Lucas Meyer Cosmetics, 31520 Ramonville, France 2

Linked Comment: Chew. Br J Dermatol 2017; 177:1159–1160.

Summary Correspondence Laurence Michel; Pascal Reygagne. E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]

Accepted for publication 7 April 2017

Funding sources This study was financed by IEB-Lucas Meyer cosmetics and Laboratoire BIO-EC for the project entitled ALOCA (Consortium Cosmetic Valley – Ile-de-France). High-throughput reverse-transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis was carried out on the qPCR-HD-Genomic Paris Centre platform and was supported by grants from Region Ile-de-France and Fondation Pierre-Gilles de Gennes.

Conflicts of interest None declared. L.M., P.R. and P.B. contributed equally to this work. DOI 10.1111/bjd.15577

Background Male androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common form of hair loss in men. It is characterized by a distinct pattern of progressive hair loss starting from the frontal area and the vertex of the scalp. Although several genetic risk loci have been identified, relevant genes for AGA remain to be defined. Objectives To identify biomarkers associated with AGA. Methods Molecular biomarkers associated with premature AGA were identified through gene expression analysis using cDNA generated from scalp vertex biopsies of hairless or bald men with premature AGA, and healthy volunteers. Results This monocentric study reveals that genes encoding mast cell granule enzymes, inflammatory mediators and immunoglobulin-associated immune mediators were significantly overexpressed in AGA. In contrast, underexpressed genes appear to be associated with the Wnt/b-catenin and bone morphogenic protein/ transforming growth factor-b signalling pathways. Although involvement of these pathways in hair follicle regeneration is well described, functional interpretation of the transcriptomic data highlights different events that account for their inhibition. In particular, one of these events depends on the dysregulated expression of proopiomelanocortin, as confirmed by polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry. In addition, lower expression of CYP27B1 in patients with AGA supports the notion that changes in vitamin D metabolism contributes to hair loss. Conclusions This study provides compelling evidence for distinct molecular events contributing to alopecia that may pave the way for new therapeutic approaches.

What’s already known about this topic?

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Male androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common type of baldness, characterized by progressive patterned hair loss from the scalp. It is hereditary in > 80% of cases, although the inheritance of male AGA is not fully understood.

British Journal of Dermatology (2017) 177, pp1322–1336

© 2017 British Association of Dermatologists

Gene regulation in male androgenetic alopecia, L. Michel et al. 1323

The process is highly influenced by the androgens, with an inhibitory role of the metabolite 5-a-dihydrotestosterone, and a reciprocal relationship between activated Wnt/b-catenin and androgen receptor signalling within the hair follicles.

What does this study add?

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This study examines biomarkers associated with AGA through gene expression analysis of scalp biopsies from 14 young (age < 35 years) patients with AGA compared with young healthy male volunteers. Functions of the genes differentially expressed in the patients with AGA were depicted and integrated within functional molecular networks of known relevance in hair cycle regulation.

What is the translational message?

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Specific molecular pathways discriminate patients with AGA from controls. Distinct altered mechanisms converging to inhibit Wnt/b-catenin signalling account for AGA in young male patients. Reduced b-catenin activity might be linked to the decreased expression of proopiomelanocortin, bone morphogenic protein 2 and integrin b6, impacting negatively on the transcriptional activity of transforming growth factor-b. Altered vitamin D metabolism with reduced calcitriol production was shown, as well as evidence of B- and T-cell involvement, suggesting an underlying autoimmune-related mechanism.

Male pattern baldness, or male androgenetic alopecia (AGA), is the most common type of baldness, characterized by progressive patterned hair loss from the scalp, starting in the frontal area and the vertex, following a defined pattern.1,2 It is caused by shortening of the anagen phase of hair cycling and progressive miniaturization of the hair follicle (HF), which results in the formation of vellus hairs that eventually atrophy.3 Up to 80% of European men are affected by AGA during their life. Although the precise aetiology and pathogenesis of androgenetic alopecia are still unclear, genetic and androgenic factors play definite roles. Androgens, especially the metabolite 5-a-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), affect genetically susceptible cells of the dermal papilla, a specialized mesenchymal-derived part of the HF, causing progressive HF miniaturization and hair cycle abnormalities leading to male AGA.4 Polymorphism of the androgen receptor gene (AR) was first identified in association with AGA.5,6 The paradoxical role of androgens in HF biology remains poorly understood; indeed, androgens trigger hair development at puberty and inversely favour AGA in later life. Kretzschmar et al.7 explored the inhibitory role of androgens by defining a reciprocal relationship between activated Wnt/b-catenin and AR signalling within the HF. They pinpointed AR as a negative regulator of b-catenin signalling. However, identification of various new susceptibility genes, such as those on chromosomes 3q26 and 20p11,8,9 suggests that nonandrogen-dependent pathways are also involved, as reviewed by Heilmann-Heimbach et al.10 HFs contain a well-described stem cell niche in the bulge area of the hair, close to the sebaceous glands. After the © 2017 British Association of Dermatologists

anagen phase, the catagen phase is followed by migration of stem cells from the bulge to the bulb to regenerate a new hair. In alopecia, the anagen phase becomes shorter and the number of follicles in the anagen phase decreases. It has been suggested that the stem cell pool remains unaffected in patients with AGA, whereas progenitor cells arising from stem cells are much more numerous in the follicles of patients with AGA than in controls.11 Although genetic predisposition and the role of genes in AGA have been documented in several previous reports,12,13 inheritance of male AGA is not fully understood. Also, the full mechanism of hair growth impairment in this disorder remains to be elucidated. The aim of this study is to focus on biomarkers associated with AGA through transcriptomic analyses of scalp biopsies from patients with AGA.

Materials and methods Selection of individuals with androgenetic alopecia and controls This monocentric study was approved by the ethics committee of Saint-Louis Hospital, and the study described adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. Individuals with any systemic diseases were excluded from the study, and 28 male young white volunteers were selected for the study and allocated into the two following groups: group A, 14 hairless/bald participants (age 294  34 years) with premature British Journal of Dermatology (2017) 177, pp1322–1336

1324 Gene regulation in male androgenetic alopecia, L. Michel et al.

AGA, and stage V–VII according to the Hamilton classification as modified by Norwood; and group C: 14 control volunteers (age 261  36 years) with < 2% white hairs and stage I or II in the Hamilton classification as modified by Norwood. Gene analysis from cutaneous biopsies Two scalp biopsies (2-mm diameter each) were taken from the vertex, either at the edges of the alopecia area in the group A patients, or at a similar area for the control group. Biopsies were immediately frozen and kept for further RNA extraction or immunostaining. RNA was isolated using a standard RNA extraction protocol (Ambion Trizol Reagent; Life Technologies, Courtaboeuf, France). Extracted RNA samples were quality checked using the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer platform (Agilent Technologies, Les Ulis, France). Gene expression analysis of human skin biopsies was performed using Agilent Whole Human Genome Oligo Microarrays (One-Color, 8 9 60K, v2). Bioinformatic analysis of the microarray experiments was obtained from the single-colour hybridization of human cDNA samples to Agilent microarrays and was structured in four main parts: (i) data preprocessing that covers all necessary data transformations, as well as an assessment of variability between the samples and the detection of potential outliers by a global correlation analysis; (ii) discriminatory gene analyses (DGAs) of pairwise comparisons between the patient and control groups in order to characterize the differences between the various sample groups based on their gene expression profiles; (iii) functional annotation analysis; and (iv) annotation enrichment analysis of differentially expressed genes in order to provide an overview of the different biological processes and pathways that are regulated in the discriminatory analyses. Secondary analyses of the main metabolic pathways and their potential dysfunctions were performed using the Java/ Perl software PredictSearch (PS-V5).14 The gene expression value cut-off was 60 for all analyses. This text-mining-based software was used to search and retrieve correlations between modulated genes and biological processes to characterize pathways and functional networks. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis Validation of some potent genes depicted by DGA, functional annotation analysis and PredictSearch analysis of the identified genes using microarrays was subsequently assessed by analysis of 45 genes by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR)15 using aliquots of the RNA prepared for the microarrays (Appendix S1 and Tables S1 and S2; see Supporting Information). Furthermore, to improve our study, the isolated total RNAs were also subjected to reverse transcription (Fluidigm, Les Ulis, France) prior to high-throughput RTqPCR analysis using the same primers (Biomark-HD system, Fluidigm) (Appendix S1).16,17 British Journal of Dermatology (2017) 177, pp1322–1336

Histochemical analysis The frozen biopsies from the vertex were cut into 7-lm sections using a Leica CM 3050 cryostat (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany). Sections were then mounted on Superfrost Plus silanized glass slides (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, U.S.A.). The sections were blocked for 30 min in 10% goat serum and incubated with antiproopiomelanocortin (anti-POMC) (ab32893; Abcam, Paris, France) and antiagouti signalling protein (anti-ASIP)/PARD3 (ab64646, Abcam), before being visualized with Alexa Fluor 488 (A11078; Invitrogen, Saint Aubin, France) and propidium iodide (Sigma, L’Isle d’Abeau, France) for nuclear staining. The microscopic observations were realized using a Leica DMLB or Olympus BX43 microscope (Rungis, France). Pictures were digitized with a numeric DP72 Olympus camera with CellD storing software. Statistical analysis One-way ANOVA was performed followed by Tukey’s honest significant difference to perform pairwise comparisons. Statistical significance was assessed using the two-sided Student’s t-test and the Mann–Whitney statistical test for Fluidigm high-throughput qPCR analysis and PredictSearch analysis. Presented P-values are not corrected for multiple testing. Differences were considered significant at P < 005 and tendency to significance with P-values 005–01.

Results Patient cohorts and gene expression analysis Fourteen young volunteers with male AGA (alopecia, group A) with appearance of hair loss starting 1–18 years earlier (median 47) and 14 young control volunteers (control, group C) were enrolled. Scalp involvement ranged from 10% to 30% (median 14%) in volunteers with AGA. The patients did not present any other skin involvement or autoimmune disorders. Biopsies were carried out on the scalp as indicated in Figure 1. A single-colour hybridization of human cDNA samples to Agilent Whole Human Genome Oligo Microarrays was assessed with RNA extracted from the scalp biopsies derived from the healthy donors or from the patients with AGA. All probes significantly modulated between group A and C samples (fold change ≥ 15 with P < 005) were included in a cluster analysis, with hierarchically clustered heat maps (Euclidean distance, complete linkage) of reporters (whole-cluster analysis available on request). Genes differentially expressed in group A vs. group C (Gene Expression Omnibus deposit GSE90594) were detected using a bioinformatic analysis of the 28 microarrays. Briefly, the identification of differentially expressed genes was done by ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc tests, effect size and detectability. This returned 325 genes upregulated in the alopecia samples © 2017 British Association of Dermatologists

Gene regulation in male androgenetic alopecia, L. Michel et al. 1325

Fig 1. Photographs of two representative patients with androgenetic alopecia (group A) and two representative control volunteers (group C). The arrows indicate the sites where the scalp biopsies were carried out.

relative to the healthy controls and 390 genes with the opposite expression trend (Table 1). After Benjamini–Hochberg correction for multiple testing, the analysis evidenced in fine a final number of 184 significantly downregulated and 149 upregulated candidate gene sequences in group A vs. group C (Table 1, Fig. 2). A hierarchically clustered heat map representation is shown in Figure 3. An overview of the different biological processes and pathways significantly enriched among the differentially expressed genes was provided by the functional annotation analysis (Table 2; Fig. S1). Based on their fold change, a battery of genes was selected and analysed for mRNA transcript abundance by high-throughput RT-qPCR, confirming for most of them altered gene expression levels in the AGA cohort detected by transcriptomic analysis (Fig. 4). The DGA gene set was submitted to PredictSearch analysis for functional interpretation, and major over- or underexpressed genes were highlighted and associated by gene families (Tables 3–5). The present transcriptomic data show intense activation of immune and inflammatory responses in the AGA cohort, whereas they showed inhibition of the Wnt/b-catenin signalling pathway, the transforming growth factor (TGF)-b and bone morphogenic protein (BMP) signalling pathways, and vitamin D biosynthesis. Table 1 Number of candidate reporters returned by the discriminatory gene analyses (genes with P ≤ 005 and fold change ≥ 15) Expression trend

Gene numbers

Adjusted gene numbers

Patients > controls Patients < controls

325 390

149 184

© 2017 British Association of Dermatologists

Fig 2. Transcriptomic analysis of scalp biopsies from patients with androgenetic alopecia (AGA) (group A) and controls (group C). The histograms of differentially expressed genes between alopecia and control volunteers depict a quite similar number of significantly upregulated and downregulated genes. The legend shows three groups of decreasing fold change.

Activation of immune and inflammatory responses in patients with androgenetic alopecia Our data show strong upregulation of immune and inflammatory genes, as related to B- and T-lymphocyte recruitment and activation of mast cells, as well as some inflammatory factors related to the extracellular matrix, as depicted in Figure 4 and Table 3. Indeed, a significant increase of several chemokine genes, including CCL13, CCL18, CXCL10 and CXCL12, was detected in our patients with AGA (Fig. 3, Table 3, P < 001, 005, 005 and 0001, respectively). These chemokines play an important role in accumulation of leucocytes during inflammation through potent chemotactic activity, such as CCL13 for recruitment of monocytes, lymphocytes, basophils and eosinophils. British Journal of Dermatology (2017) 177, pp1322–1336

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Fig 3. Hierarchically clustered heat maps (Euclidean distance, complete linkage) of reporters with higher expression in the alopecia group (A) than in the healthy controls (C) (two-dimensional clustering)

Binding of CXCL10 to CXCR3 or CXCL12 to CXCR4 results in pleiotropic effects, including stimulation of monocytes, natural killer cell and T-cell migration, and modulation of adhesion molecule expression. Increased production of CXCL10 from the HF has been shown to induce preferential infiltrates of highly chemoattracted T helper 1 and Tc1 cells during the acute phase of alopecia areata (AA).18,19 In patients with AGA, its production, as well as that of CCL8, CCL13, CCL26 and interleukin-8 (which tended to be increased by RT-PCR), should favour inflammation maintenance. Regarding immune response, we also noticed significant upregulation of TNFRSF17 in the volunteers with AGA (P < 005) Also known as B-cell maturation antigen, and a member of the tumour necrosis factor receptor superfamily,20 this receptor is preferentially expressed in mature B lymphocytes, and may be important for B-cell development and autoimmune responses. Also, CD38, a multifunctional ectoenzyme widely expressed in leucocytes including B and T lymphocytes, was upregulated in the AGA cohort (P < 002). It has been shown that CD38 might function in cell adhesion, signal transduction and calcium signalling.21 British Journal of Dermatology (2017) 177, pp1322–1336

We observed overexpression of HLA-DPB1, as well as HLADQA1, HLA-DRB3 and HLA-DRB4, in the volunteers with AGA (Table 3; P < 0005, 001, 0001 and 0002, respectively). This is in line with previous reports showing that keratinocytes in the HF bulb from patients with AA express class II human leucocyte antigens (HLAs).22 This suggests that the mononuclear cell activation in AGA might be linked to the expression of class II HLA antigens on HF keratinocytes, thus triggering a putative autoimmune response. The DGA analysis also revealed upregulation of genes encoding B-lymphocyteproduced immunoglobulins, including IGHG1, IGHM and JCHAIN, in some volunteers with AGA. Possibly, lymphocytes attack the lower part of the anagen follicle, with ectopic expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II molecules on the epithelium of affected HFs, suggesting that B cells, T cells and cytokines play an important role in AGA, as depicted in AA where chemokines are regarded as key players that mediate autoimmune inflammation.19 Furthermore, we detected a slight upregulation of the MS4A2 gene, encoding the high-affinity IgE-receptor FceRI, in patients with AGA (P < 0001). This receptor is © 2017 British Association of Dermatologists

Gene regulation in male androgenetic alopecia, L. Michel et al. 1327 Table 2 Synopsis of up- or downregulated gene families in androgenetic alopecia (AGA). The most prominent findings of the functional annotation analysis, highlighted in beige, and of the annotation enrichment analysis, highlighted in blue

AGA upregulated vs. controls Innate immunity Extracellular matrix (some collagens) Receptor signalling Response to toxins B-cell immunity Cell differentiation Cell proliferation Inflammation T-cell immunity Cell migration Angiogenesis Development Cell adhesion Repressed by IL-7 pathway (only four genes) Induced by IL-1 pathway (only five genes) Immunoglobulins (antibody chains) Positive regulation of leucocyte/T-cell activation Some MHC II molecules with various associated categories Some cytokines/chemokines associated with various signalling pathways Cellular calcium ion homeostasis Interferon-c response Metalloproteinase activity

AGA downregulated vs. controls Cytoskeleton Cell adhesion Keratin-associated proteins Subset of keratins Connexins/cell communication TGF-b signalling pathway Endopeptidase inhibitor activity EGF-like protein domain Growth factor activity Platelet activation Spermatogenesis

EGF, epidermal growth factor; IL, interleukin; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; TGF, transforming growth factor.

found on the surface of mast cells and basophils and is involved in FceRI-dependent signalling. The relationship between mast cells and male pattern hair loss was supported by previous histological evidence showing that perifollicular fibrosis is associated with increase in mast cell numbers.23 Similarly, we noticed upregulated expression of several genes including COL1A1 (P < 001) and COL1A2 (P < 001) and genes of several metalloproteinases, especially MMP12 (P < 002), as observed during inflammatory wound healing (Fig. 4, Table 3).24 Of interest, our data bring evidence of an activation of mast cells in patients with AGA, as illustrated by the significant overexpression of mast cell markers including prostaglandin D2 synthase (PTGDS, P < 001), KIT/c-kit, tryptases (TPSAB1, P < 0001 and TPSD1, P < 0001), chymase (CMA1, P < 0005) and cathepsin G (CTSG, P < 0001) (Fig. 4, Table 3). Expression of KIT/c-kit has been shown to be positively controlled by GATA2 in a hair-cycle-dependent manner,25 and © 2017 British Association of Dermatologists

its significant upregulation in the patients with AGA (P < 0002) reinforces a functional role of mast cells and epithelial KIT/c-kit expression in hair growth control. We may suggest that prostaglandin D2 synthesized from prostaglandin H2 by PTGDS, and previously found to be highly expressed in AGA,26 could inhibit HF regeneration through binding to the Gpr44 receptor.27 Altogether, our results reinforce the involvement of mast cells in AGA. Inhibition of Wnt signalling in patients with androgenetic alopecia Among genes eliciting a differential expression pattern in patients with AGA and healthy volunteers, a significant number of genes were related to the Wnt/b-catenin signalling pathway, as described in Figure 4 and Table 4. This pathway plays an important and well-known role in HF development, hair stem cell maintenance, and HF lineage commitment,28 and is required for the induction of hair keratin genes in HF stem cells cocultured with dermal papilla cells.29 Moreover, several studies have reported the inhibition of this pathway in AGA.7,30,31 SFRP2 (secreted frizzled-related protein 2) and DKK1 (dickkopf Wnt signalling pathway inhibitor 1) are the main known inhibitors of Wnt signalling.32,33 DKK1-promoting HF regression was shown to be upregulated in follicular keratinocytes of late anagen in depilation-induced hair cycle progression.34 While DKK1 expression remained unchanged in our study, expression of SFRP2 was significantly increased in > 80% of our patients with AGA (P < 0002). SFRP2, expressed in the epithelial portion of HFs, has been shown to be involved in hair fibre differentiation,35 and in the catagen phase by inhibiting keratinocyte differentiation.36 In accordance with this report, we found that expression of SFRP2 and Wnt target genes such as LGR5 (P < 0001), ID3 (P < 005), MSX2 (P < 01), ALAD (P < 005) and BAMBI (P < 005) exhibited an inverse relationship (Table 4). LGR5 (encoding leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein-coupled receptor 5) is a major Wnt target gene in hair cell progenitors,37,38 and ID3 (encoding inhibitor of DNA binding 3) encodes a marker in dermal papillae at the middle anagen and telogen stages.39 It is noteworthy that BAMBI40 encodes the BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor, which is known to enhance Wnt/b-catenin signalling in various cell types.41 In line with reduced expression of these Wnt/b-catenin target genes, expression of LEF1 (lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1) and CTNNB1 (b-catenin 1), although to a lesser extent, is decreased in the patients with AGA (Table 4, P < 01 and 001, respectively). The products of these genes are known to interact with and, after nuclear translocation, to bind to promoter regions of Wnt target genes.42,43 LEF1 is considered the key transducer of the Wnt signalling pathway, and a potent regulator of hair development,44 while CTNNB1 is the major downstream effector of this pathway.45,46 Our data suggest that alteration of hair regeneration might result also from a dysregulation of POMC expression, which British Journal of Dermatology (2017) 177, pp1322–1336

1328 Gene regulation in male androgenetic alopecia, L. Michel et al.

Fig 4. Gene expression analysis of some key factors by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Selection of differentially expressed genes in volunteers with androgenetic alopecia compared with controls was obtained after discriminatory gene analysis and functional analysis, completed by PredictSearch. The results are presented as fold changes in mean gene expression (alopecia/control samples), with 14 samples for each group. † P < 01, *P < 005, **P < 001, ***P < 0001, ****P < 00001.

was reduced in 70% of the AGA cohort compared with controls (Fig. 4, P < 0001). POMC is the precursor of two hormones: adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), known as an activator of hair growth,47 and a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (a-MSH), which triggers eumelanin synthesis and can protect b-catenin 1 from degradation by ubiquitinylation through its inhibitory effect on glycogen synthase kinase-3b.48 Moreover, our data show that one of the highly repressed genes in the patients with AGA was VGF (P < 002), an inducible member of the nerve growth factor family that might also contribute to POMC downregulation. Indeed, deletion of this gene has been shown to lead to a strong alteration of POMC expression, as well as that of neuropeptide Y and agouti-related peptide, an antagonist of the a-MSH receptor.49 On the other hand, ASIP, encoding another antagonist of the a-MSH receptor, was found to be highly expressed in 86% of the patients with AGA (Fig. 4, Table 4, P < 0005). Thus it can be suggested that a low level of a-MSH, together with high levels of ASIP, contributes to impaired CTNNB1 stabilization. Of note, our data in AGA showed upregulation not British Journal of Dermatology (2017) 177, pp1322–1336

only of ASIP but also of its negative regulator CORIN, which encodes a transmembrane serine protease expressed specifically in the dermal papilla (Fig. 4, Table 4, P < 0001). However, it was reported in mice that b-catenin activity in the dermal papilla suppresses Asip expression and activates Corin while regulating melanocyte activity by a mechanism independent of both Asip and Corin.50 The opposite regulation of Asip and Corin by b-catenin in mice is not in line with their coexpression seen in nearly all patients with AGA, and such a discrepancy might illustrate distinct regulations among species. Alternatively, activities of the respective gene products may not follow gene expression. Besides RT-qPCR analysis of LEF1, POMC, ASIP and CORIN gene expression to strengthen bioinformatics analysis of transcriptomic data (Fig. 4), a histochemical analysis was performed to evaluate whether some of the gene modulations could be detected at protein levels. While both POMC and ASIP expression levels were strongly impaired in patients with AGA, as shown in Figure 5, with scoring intensity in Table 6, POMC was barely detectable in patients with AGA, in line © 2017 British Association of Dermatologists

Gene regulation in male androgenetic alopecia, L. Michel et al. 1329 Table 3 Differential gene expression between patients with androgenetic alopecia (AGA) and controls: immune and inflammatory, extracellular matrix and mast cell genes Average expression AGA


Immune and inflammatory genes CCL13 683 CXCL10 24 CXCL12 15 025 CCL8 21 CCL18 1842 CCL26 50 TNFRSF17 17 CD38 33 IRF4 43 HLA-DPB1 3666 HLA-DQA1 1216 HLA-DRB3 683 HLA-DRB4 3979 MS4A2 527 Extracellular matrix genes COL1A1 24 812 COL1A2 26 931 MMP12 46 Mast cell markers TPSAB1 2627 TPSD1 2154 CMA1 784 CTSG 43 PTGDS 9301

351 10 9940 12 595 27 4 11 26 2557 310 351 2086 352 11 937 15 195 13 1630 1308 511 26 5162


Mean fc in all patients

** * *** ** * * * * *** ** ** *** ** ***

31 42 15 24 200 30 87 97 21 18 114 20 25 18

** ** * *** *** ** *** **

Patients with AGA (n = 14) fc 15–2

fc > 2


1 0 8 3 0 4 1 0 4 5 1 7 1 7

12 12 1 8 13 9 13 14 7 6 12 5 10 4

13 12 9 11 13 13 14 14 11 11 13 12 11 11

29  09 21  05 123  89

2 3 0

11 8 13

13 11 13


3 4 4 1 3

9 7 7 12 11

12 11 11 13 14

21 23 22 23 27


10 25 02 09 147 15 54 47 05 04 80 05 08 02

04 08 06 04 07

The averages of gene expression values (arbitrary units) were obtained for selected genes from the bioinformatic analysis, with P-values established between patients with AGA and controls. The mean  SD fold change (fc) values in all patients were deduced from the mean of the ratios (value of AGA vs. control) for each patient. The number of patients eliciting modulated expression according to the selected threshold is indicated. *P < 005, **P < 001; ***P < 0001.

Table 4 Differential gene expression between patients with androgenetic alopecia (AGA) and controls: Wnt/b-catenin signalling-related genes Average expression Gene




Mean fc in all patients


70 1176 31 544 2114 863 504

125 1445 48 697 3695 1221 683

*** * 009 * * 010 **

05 07 04 07 04 06 08


828 334 422 96

407 202 229 59

** ** *** **

33 23 23 22



Patients with AGA (n = 14) fc 05–07

fc ≤ 05


02 01 02 01 02 02 01

2 7 0 7 2 4 6 fc 15–2

9 0 10 2 10 6 0 fc > 2

11 7 10 9 12 10 6 Total

11 06 03 07

2 5 3 2

12 8 11 8

14 13 14 10

fc, fold change. *P < 005, **P < 001, ***P < 0001.

© 2017 British Association of Dermatologists

British Journal of Dermatology (2017) 177, pp1322–1336

1330 Gene regulation in male androgenetic alopecia, L. Michel et al. Table 5 Differential gene expression between patients with androgenetic alopecia (AGA) and controls: TGF-b/BMP signalling and vitamin D3related genes Patients with AGA (n = 14)

Average expression Gene



TGFb/BMP signalling-related genes TGFB2 23 39 ITGB6 24 43 BMP2 31 48 DSG4 180 346 DLX3 401 653 KRT16 27 980 46 982 HOXC13 569 1066 Vitamin D3-related genes CYP27B1 107 176 TH 63 98

fc 05–07

fc ≤ 05


01 01 01 03 02 02 02

6 2 4 0 2 6 3

6 10 9 11 9 6 9

12 12 13 11 11 12 12

05  02 06  01

3 4

9 8

12 12


Mean fc in all patients

*** *** * * * *** **

05 05 04 06 05 06 04

* *


TGF, transforming growth factor; BMP, bone morphogenic protein; fc, fold change. *P < 005, **P < 001; ***P < 0001.

with the results from the transcriptomic data. In contrast, ASIP was more strongly expressed in all HF areas of controls (Fig. 5 and Table 6). Thus, a decrease of POMC at both the mRNA and protein levels should have a more drastic effect on b-catenin stabilization than the increased expression of ASIP. It is noteworthy that a smaller size of bulb was observed in patients with AGA compared with controls. Furthermore, we found that SRD5A2, encoding steroid 5areductase 2, was upregulated in AGA (Table 4, P < 001). This enzyme, known to suppress hair growth activity and to be highly active in balding HF,51 is involved in the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Interestingly, DHT was reported to activate the interaction between b-catenin and androgen receptor.52 Such an interaction leads to suppression of the transcriptional activity of b-catenin, in line with the inhibition of the Wnt signalling pathway by androgens in dermal papilla cells.30 Transforming growth factor-b and bone morphogenic protein signalling pathways in patients with androgenetic alopecia TGF-b stimulates HF regeneration through Wnt signalling activation, and this is achieved via the inhibitory effect of TGF-b on DKK1.53,54 Among the different members of the TGF-b family, only the expression of TGFB2 was found to be negatively modulated in our patients with AGA (Fig. 4, Table 5, P < 0001). Several reports have evidenced the role of TGF-b2 in hair physiology, and in particular in HF morphogenesis.55 TGF-b can be activated through its interaction with integrin b6 (ITGB6) whose gene, known to be upregulated in the outer root sheath during early hair regeneration,54 was underexpressed in AGA (Fig. 4, Table 5, P < 0001). Thus, the reduced expression of ITGB6 in AGA is in line with inhibition of the TGF-b2 signalling, which impacts negatively on folliculogenesis and maturation.56 Moreover, other related ITGB6 or British Journal of Dermatology (2017) 177, pp1322–1336

TGF-b2 genes were found to be underexpressed. Indeed, as with ITGB6, its complex associate psoriasin (encoded by S100A7)57 exhibited decreased expression in our patients with AGA, together with several other S100A proteins (Fig. 4, P < 005). The expression of these S100A proteins closely coincides with epithelial Ca2+ regulation, which governs cornified envelope formation in hair follicles.58 As previously reported in cultured dermal papilla cells from AGA,59 underexpression of BMP2 was observed in our patients (Table 5, P < 002). Together with TGF-b, this reduced expression might decrease the activation of SMAD4 and its target DLX3,60 as well as explaining the underexpression of DSG4 (desmoglein 4) that we observed in patients with AGA (Fig. 4, Table 5, P < 005 and P < 002, respectively). Indeed, ablation of SMAD4 was reported to inhibit the expression of DSG4, involved in HF integrity and hair shaft differentiation.61 Of interest, the Wnt, BMP and TGF-b signalling pathways are all potent transcriptional inducers of BAMBI.40 Conversely, inhibition of BAMBI expression, as well as that of DLX3 and KRT16, might be triggered by Mir-31, shown to be markedly increased during anagen and decreased during telogen and catagen.62 Accordingly, KRT16 was also downregulated in our patients with AGA (Table 5, P < 0001). Interestingly, DLX3 ablation has been reported to lead to alopecia through loss of BMP signalling, while DLX3 activates hair formation and differentiation, towards its ability to induce the expression of GATA3 and HOXC13.63 HOXC13, whose expression was also reduced in our patients with AGA (Table 5, P < 001), plays a role in the expression of keratin genes64 and HF differentiation.65 In addition to KRT16, some patients with AGA exhibited underexpression of a subset of genes encoding keratins (KRT19, KRT26, KRT39, KRT72, KRT81) and keratin-associated proteins that play a crucial role in hair shaft formation.66,67 We also observed downregulation of mesenchymal stem cell markers (Fig. 4) such as SOX9 (P < 001) and HHIP (P < 002), which is a potent © 2017 British Association of Dermatologists

Gene regulation in male androgenetic alopecia, L. Michel et al. 1331


Control Infundibulum + upper root sheath


Lower root sheath



Lower root sheath


Lower root sheath



Lower root sheath


100 µm


Infundibulum + upper root sheath


100 µm


Control Infundibulum + upper root sheath

100 µm


Infundibulum + upper root sheath

100 µm

Fig 5. Immunohistochemistry staining. (a) Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and (b) agouti signalling protein (ASIP)/PARD3 immunostaining in the main areas of the hair follicle as depicted in one representative control group volunteer and one representative AGA group volunteer. POMC and ASIP/PARD3 are visualized with Alexa Fluor 488 (green) and nuclear staining with propidium iodide (red). The colours and numbers as indicated by the ‘score of staining intensity’ (Table 6) represent the intensity of the immunolabelling found for POMC and ASIP according to their distribution along the hair follicle, ranging from 1 (lowest) to 8 (highest) staining intensity. Original magnification 9 63.

morphogen acting in a wide range of developmental processes, involved in Hedgehog signalling and epithelial-tomesenchymal transition.68 Vitamin D3 signalling in patients with AGA It has been shown that CTNNB1 and LEF1 can interact with vitamin D receptor (VDR) to form a complex,69 and the VDR © 2017 British Association of Dermatologists

gene was found to be differentially expressed between patients with AGA and controls (Fig. 4, P < 005). Interestingly, VDRnull mice elicit an alopecia phenotype due to a defect in epithelial–mesenchymal communication, which is required for normal hair cycling.70 However, this activity was shown to be independent of the binding of its ligand.71 On the other hand, calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D3, through binding to VDR, was reported to be responsible for the suppressed British Journal of Dermatology (2017) 177, pp1322–1336

1332 Gene regulation in male androgenetic alopecia, L. Michel et al. Table 6 Score of staining intensity of proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and agouti signalling protein (ASIP)/PARD3 according to their distribution along the hair follicle

ORS, outer root sheath; LRS, lower root sheath.

expression of Dkk1 and Sfrp2 in murine bone marrow stromal cells.72 The notion that AGA exhibits an alteration of vitamin biosynthesis was supported by the decreased expression of CYP27B1 in 86% of the patients with AGA (Table 5, P < 002). Indeed, expression of CYP27B1 is involved in the synthesis of calcitriol, which elicits a protective role in radiation-induced alopecia.73 Such reduced expression of CYP27B1 in AGA can be related to the underexpression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) that we observed (Table 5, P < 005). Known as a transcriptional target of vitamin D3,74 TH is involved in the first step of L-DOPA synthesis, with activation of tyrosinase leading to melanogenesis.75 Thus, in addition to the roles of POMC and ASIP in hair differentiation and melanogenesis towards their respective impacts on CTNNB1, a decrease of TH might explain the progressive replacement of terminal hairs by smaller hairs with less pigmentation observed in AGA. British Journal of Dermatology (2017) 177, pp1322–1336

Discussion Although RNAs were extracted from the whole follicle and not specific follicular compartments, the resulting expression data might reflect the combined amount of distinct RNA populations extracted from different cell types. However, integrating genes within functional networks indicates that the different events observed in our study recapitulate what is known in AGA, and therefore ensures the consistency of our results. The present transcriptomic analysis allows us to highlight several specific molecular pathways discriminating individuals with AGA from controls, as schematized in Figure 6, and to add two new genes – POMC and VGF – as markers of AGA. It is presently unclear how these events are related to inflammation, mast cell activation, leucocyte recruitment and dysregulation of the immune system. Nevertheless, the activation of these processes in AGA is illustrated by the © 2017 British Association of Dermatologists

Gene regulation in male androgenetic alopecia, L. Michel et al. 1333

Upregulated in the outer root sheath during early hair regeneration Hair follicle regeneration


Protective role in radiation induced alopecia

CYP27B1 DKK1 SFRP2**/***


calcitriol DHT




TGFB Androgen receptor


ID3**/**** MSX2*/** ALAD BAMBI**

Wnt signalling



CTNNB1 stabilization CTNNB1 ubiquitinylation

Hair follicle regeneration



TGF signalling





ACTH Hair growth

α-MSH Eumelanin synthesis α-MSH receptor

SMAD4 DSG4****


KRT16*** DLX3****

Hair keratin genes

GATA3 HOXC13*/***/****

Hair follicle differentiation

Hair formation and regeneration Hair follicle integrity and hair shaft differentiation

Markedly increases during anagen and decreases during catagen and telogen

Fig 6. Schematic representation of signalling pathways and functional networks in AGA. Functional correlation between the modulated genes was designed with the help of the text-mining software PredictSearch. Modulated genes in androgenetic alopecia (AGA) are indicated in blue when overexpressed or in red when underexpressed in patients with AGA vs. healthy controls. Asterisks indicate in which compartment(s) of the hair follicle the gene expression was reported to be detected (*hair matrix, **dermal papilla, ***outer root sheath or ****inner root sheath), with respective references as following: ASIP,76 BAMBI,77 BMP2,77 CORIN,76 CTNNB1,46,50 DLX3,63 DSG4,78 HOXC13,79 ID3,80 ITGB6,81 KRT16,82 LEF1,83 LGR5,84 MSX2,85 POMC,86,87 SFRP2,35 SRD5A2,88 TGFB2,56,89 TH.82

overexpression of genes encoding chemokines, immunoglobulins, mast cell markers and MHC class II molecules. Our results also provide evidence of the crucial role of the Wnt/b-catenin signalling pathway in hair physiology, indicating that its inhibition in patients with AGA can be triggered by increased expression of SFRP2, as well as to some extent by decreased CTNNB1 and LEF1 expression. Reduced b-catenin activity should indeed impair HF integrity and regeneration. Moreover, the alteration of b-catenin stabilization might be linked to the decreased expression of POMC at both the RNA and protein levels through loss of the inhibitory effect of a-MSH on glycogen synthase kinase-3b. Inhibition of b-catenin activity can be also achieved by an increase in production of DHT in the AGA group as a consequence of the higher expression of SRD5A2. In addition, we showed that other components might contribute to this inhibition. Indeed, reduced expression of BMP2 and ITGB6 should impact negatively TGF-b transcriptional activity and TGF-b activation of Wnt/b-catenin signalling, respectively. Although the upstream mechanisms by © 2017 British Association of Dermatologists

which modulation of these genes is achieved in AGA remain to be determined, the increased SFRP2 expression might result in part from altered metabolism of vitamin D3. The underexpression of CYP27B1, leading to reduced production of calcitriol, known to inhibit DKK1 and SFRP2 expression, might contribute to reduce b-catenin activity. Altogether, these data bring new evidence that distinct altered mechanisms converging to inhibit Wnt/b-catenin signalling account for AGA in young men. They also evidence B- and T-cell involvement, suggesting an underlying autoimmune-related mechanism that remains to be further highlighted.

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Supporting Information Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher’s website: Appendix S1. Supplementary materials and methods. Table S1. List of primer sequences. Table S2. List of genes with the label ‘biological process’ from gene sets of patients vs. controls. Fig S1. Transcriptomic analysis of scalp biopsies from patients with androgenetic alopecia and controls.

© 2017 British Association of Dermatologists