Study on Multi-View Model for Cloud Manufacturing

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application service of provider (ASP). [7] ... management for software resources, it also includes the platform of the resource and information sharing, however ...
Advanced Materials Research Vols. 201-203 (2011) pp 685-688 © (2011) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/

Study on Multi-View Model for Cloud Manufacturing Yongliang Luoa, Lin Zhang b, Dongjing He c, Lei Ren, Fei Tao School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China a



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Keywords: Cloud Manufacturing; Multi-View Model; Cloud Service; Manufacturing Capability; Cloud Computing

Abstract. Cloud manufacturing (CMfg) is a new service-oriented, highly efficient, lowly consumption knowledge based, and intelligent networked manufacturing model. It aims to provide theoretical and technical supports for the transformation from production-oriented manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing [1]. In order to further analyze the connotation and characteristics of CMfg, multi-view models for CMfg are investigated based on [1] and [2] in this paper. The first is the network view model, which describes four kinds of network involved in the running process of CMfg system; the second is the function view model, which describes the functional subsystems of CMfg; the third is the running view model, which represents the running process after a requirement is submitted to CMfg system. Introduction Service, environment protection, and knowledge innovation are the main factors in manufacturing competition and they are the main issued to be faced and solved for any manufacturing enterprise. Existing advanced manufacturing models, such as agile manufacturing (AM) [5], networked manufacturing (NM) [6], application service of provider (ASP) [7] and manufacturing grid (Mgrid) [8], are incapable of satisfying the current manufacturing requirements on different aspects. AM is a model with flexible organization structure, which has the ability of fast response to requirements through constituting dynamic enterprise alliances, but it lacks of platform that supports for resource sharing. The main function of networked manufacturing model based on ASP is realize leasing and management for software resources, it also includes the platform of the resource and information sharing, however, the sharing of hard resources and manufacturing capability is not included. Mgrid is a combination of grid technology and advanced manufacturing technology to achieve the sharing of distributed resources, but it is short of effective operating commercial patterns. Therefore, as a possible solution, cloud manufacturing (CMfg) is proposed [1], aiming to provide theoretical and technical supports for the transformation from product-oriented manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing. It is a new network manufacturing model based on knowledge, service-oriented possessing characteristics, high efficiency, and low consumption. CMfg is combined with advanced manufacturing and information technologies organically, such as cloud computing [4], the internet of things, semantic web, and information system integration. In order to achieve virtualization and servilization of manufacturing resources and capability, CMfg provides users with application services which are on-demand using, safe and reliable in the whole life-cycle of products through network. CMfg was firstly proposed in paper [1], and the proposition background, definition and architecture was analyzed in details. In paper [2], the constructing process of manufacturing cloud was introduced, and some key technologies involved in constructing process were summarized as well. In this paper, the concept of CMfg is introduced briefly, and then the analysis of CMfg from different views is proposed. The multi-view models including function view model, network view

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Advanced Manufacturing Systems

model, and running view model are built. Then the conclusion is given, which is helpful for understanding the theory of the multi-view model of CMfg on a deeper level.

Network view model The internal constitution of the network view model for CMfg is shown in figure 1, which primarily consists of four parts:

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Fig.1. Cloud manufacturing network view model

1) Resources network. It connects all kinds of manufacturing resources during the whole life cycle of products, including manufacturing resources and capability. Manufacturing resources contain two basic classes, soft resources and hard resources. The former one mainly consists of software, data and knowledge, while the later one mainly includes devices of manufacturing, computing and logistics. Manufacturing capability is the abilities that expressed by the combination of manufacturing resources and elements during the manufacturing process, such as company’s ability of design, simulation, experiment and production. 2) Sensor network. It is the fundamental component of intelligent perception system in CMfg, and it is composed of 2D code label, RFID, readers, GPS, sensors and so on. It can cluster the data from many sensors to the center of information processing, and then realize the analysis and mixture of the data. 3) Communication network. It refers to different nets and protocols in the cloud service platform, such as Internet, broadcasting & television net, and telecommunication net. 4) Application network. It is the network of terminator applications, such as 3G and 4G standard. Here, terminators are the devices that can supply service applications during the whole life cycle of product and interact with manufacturing cloud. Function view model The function requirements of CMfg are described in this view model as shown in Figure 2, CMfg system can be divided into the following five subsystems. 1) Intelligent perception system (IPS). It includes physical resources perception and information analysis. Its main functions include resources perception, interface adapter, information collection, and data analysis etc. 2) Virtualization support system (VSS). The main function of this subsystem is to realize the virtualization accessing and dynamic resources management using virtualization technologies, its functionality includes virtual accessing, fault detection, and resources monitoring etc. 3) Cloud service center (CSC). It is the basic part of CMfg system, mainly because cloud service is the composition elements of CMfg. CSC provides the function of service registration, service publication and deployment etc.

Advanced Materials Research Vols. 201-203


4) Knowledge base management system (KBMS). It mainly provides knowledge extraction, knowledge description and knowledge storage. It contains several specialized knowledge bases, i.e. ontology base, case base, model base and algorithm base. 5) Cloud service management system (CSMS). It is the core component of CMfg system, which provides all kinds of application service against product life-cycle for user, including requirements analysis service, flow modeling service, service matching, and transaction evaluation.

Fig.2. CMfg function view model

Running view model In CMfg running view model (Figure 3), the operation mode of CMfg system, which is composed of core service engine, virtual supporting environment and cloud service center, is described from the points of product demand. The service platform can supply all kinds of application services to resource requester during the whole life cycle of product, which starts from design and simulation to the end of assembly. Here, an example about the whole running process of cloud manufacturing platform is as follows:

Fig.3. CMfg running view model

1) Demand publishing. Resource requester submits a product demand, which would be published in the platform.


Advanced Manufacturing Systems

2) Requirements analysis. After the demand has been published, the requirement should be analyzed in detail and a set of qualified cloud services would be created, discovered and composed to complete the task. 3) Resources allocation. Before the execution of cloud services, manufacturing resources need to be allocated properly and optimally, which is helpful to improve the efficiency of resource utilizing and decrease the time of product development. 4) Fault-tolerant control. In order to increase the reliability and correctness of executable services, the platform offers fault-tolerant mechanism during the period of service execution. 5) Transaction evaluation. When the results of service execution have been delivered to resource requester, one should not only pay for the work done by the platform and resource provider but also give some evaluation for improving the quality of service in the future. Step 2) to step 5) are completed with the support of core service engine and the virtual environment. If service provider cannot finish the task by himself, he can become another resource requester and submit his demand to cloud platform for another running process, which is called outsourcing in the above model. Conclusions A multi-view model, which views the theory of cloud manufacturing in the angles of network, function and running process, has been presented in this paper. CMfg is a paradigm for the future manufacturing. It is a novel contemporary manufacturing mode with the purpose of providing technical and theoretical supports for transformation of manufacturing. Based on the analysis of three views, a deeper insight into the concept and operation procedures of CMfg has been presented. The differences and ascendancies of CMfg to other advanced manufacturing models such as AM, NM, ASP and Mgrid, can also be compared more clearly. This work is the research basis for the following studies of CMfg in future. The relationships among these view models will be analyzed profoundly and the cloud manufacturing platform will be implemented in next step of research. Acknowledgement This work was financially supported by NSFC Projects (No.61074144 and NO.51005012) in China. References [1] Bohu Li, Lin Zhang, et al. Cloud manufacturing: a new service-oriented manufacturing model [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol.16 (2010), p.1 [2] Lin Zhang, Yongiang Luo, et al. Study on the key technologies for the construction of manufacturing cloud [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol.16(2010) [3] Bohu Li, Lin Zhang, Xudong Chai. Cloud manufacturing: cloud computing in manufacturing [R]. China Cloud Computing Conference, Beijng, May 21-22,2010 [4] Rajkumar Buyya, Chee Shin Yeo, Srikumar Venugopal, et al. Cloud Computing and Emerging IT Platforms: Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering Computing as the 5th Utility [ J ]Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.25 (2009), p.599 [5] Y.Y Yusuf, M. Sarhadi, A.Gunasekaran. Agile manufacturing: The drivers, concepts, and attributes [J]. International journal of production economics.1999(62), p.33 [6] Yushun Fan. Connotation and key technologies of networked manufacturing[J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol.9(2003), p576 [7] Alexander L, Factor. Analyzing application service providers [M]. Beijing: Publishing house of electronics industry, 2003. [8] Fei TAO, Yefa Hu , Lin Zhang. Theory and Practice: Optimal Resource Service Allocation in Manufacturing Grid [M]. China Machine Press, Beijing , 2010.4