study on radon concentration at the work places of ...

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Mar 29, 2016 - Bharat Gold Mine Limited is one of the major gold mines in India and is located at. 120571 N and 780161 E in Kolar district close to. Bengaluru.
Radiation Protection Dosimetry Advance Access published March 29, 2016 Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2016), pp. 1–4


STUDY ON RADON CONCENTRATION AT THE WORK PLACES OF MYSURU, BENGALURU AND KOLAR DISTRICTS OF KARNATAKA STATE, SOUTH INDIA C. Ningappa1, *, K. S. Hamsa2, K. Umesha Reddy3, R. S. Niranjan1, D. R. Rangaswamy4 and J. Sannappa4 1 Department of Physics and RC, Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mysuru 570028, India 2 Department of Physics, Christ University, Bengaluru, India 3 Department of Physics, Govt. First Grade College, Shidlaghatta, Kolar, India 4 Department of studies in Physics, Jnana Sahyadri, Kuvempu University, Shimoga, India *Corresponding author: [email protected]

INTRODUCTION Radon is a radioactive noble gas, and it is a decay product of 226Ra. When 226Ra decays, radon atom recoils from the mineral grain to pore space. Due to concentration gradient, it enters into indoor atmosphere through cracks crevices in walls, floors or around pipes. Radon and thoron concentrations depend on the activity of radionuclides in soil and rocks, workplaces, building materials, geology of the area, soil porosity, type of the building, and ventilation condition(1, 2). Several surveys on radon, thoron and their progeny have been reported on the effect of natural radiation exposure on health, particularly lung cancer(3 – 8). Thus, estimation of indoor concentration of radon, thoron and their progenies and inhalation dose to the general public and workers at work places are very important. In the present study, radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations have been measured in four colleges, seven industries and four offices of Mysuru, Bengaluru and Kolar districts of Karnataka state, India using Solid-State Nuclear Track Detectors (SSNTDs) technique. Due to the nature of the work, geology of the area and construction of the building, different areas are selected, and the results are discussed in the present study. Study area The geology of study area, part of southern India(9, 10), forms predominantly a granitic terrain with numerous varieties of granite and granitic gneiss, charnockite, alkaline rocks, etc. The Arehean rocks of peninsular gneiss in south India are best developed in Mysuru and Bengaluru (lies between 120 N, 760 E and 12081 N,

770371 E, respectively). They are made up of schist, dolerites, pegmatite, gneiss and granites of different colours observed like pink, grey granites and whitegrey in these regions. Bharat Gold Mine Limited is one of the major gold mines in India and is located at 120571 N and 780161 E in Kolar district close to Bengaluru. METHODOLOGY Radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations have been measured in the study area using the SSNTD technique. ‘Twin-cup dosemeter’, developed by Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), has been employed during the periods of November 2013 to January 2014 (winter), March 2014 to May 2014 (summer) and June 2014 to August 2014 (rainy). Poorly and good ventilated work places with the dimension of 301`  401 with two doors and four windows consisting of granite, marble, cement and vitrified tile floors in colleges are chosen for this study. Indoor ambient gamma radiations have been measured using scintillometer (Type SM141D). Twin-cup dosemeters used in the study consist of two chambers. This dosemeter employs three SSNTDs out of which two detectors were placed in each chamber and one was placed on outer surface of the dosemeter. One chamber was fitted with glass fibre filter so that both radon and thoron can diffuse into the chamber; a semipermeable membrane made of latex or cellulose nitrate having a thickness of 25 micron is used. The membrane mode measures the radon concentration alone as it can diffuse through the membrane but suppresses the thoron. The twin-cup dosemeter also has a provision for bare mode enabling it to register tracks

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Concentrations of radon, thoron and their progeny inside the working place depend on the activity of radionuclides in the soil, building materials, atmospheric conditions, construction of the building, type of work and ventilation condition. Radon is a radioactive noble gas, and it is emanated from 226Ra present in earth crest and building material. Based on the type of work, construction of the building and ventilation condition, concentrations of radon, thoron and their progeny have been measured in 60 workplaces at 10 locations of Mysuru, Bengaluru and Kolar districts of Karnataka state using Solid-State Nuclear Track Detector technique. From the study, variations of radon, thoron and their progeny have been observed with the nature of work.

Table 1. Concentrations of radon, thoron and their progeny at few work places of Mysuru, Bengaluru and Kolar districts, Karnataka state, India. SI. No.

Location with floor

Type of floorings

Type of work place

No. of work place

Concentration (Bq m23) 222

Granite Granite Granite Tiles Mosaic Red oxide Vitrified tiles Mosaic Red Oxide Cement Mud

Bengaluru district 7 Victoria Hospital, GF 8 HSR Layout, GF 9 Finance offices, Jigani, GF 10 Granite industries, Jigani, GF 11 Stone crushing industries, Jigani (GF) 12 Ply wood industries, Jigani, GF Kolar district 13 Stone carving area, Shivarpatna, Malur, GF 14 Offices near BGML, GF 15 Stone crushing, GF






Gamma rad. level (nGyh21)

Annual inhalation dose (mSv)



College College College Industry Industry

3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 3

52.4+6.3 51.2+3.4 45.7+4.6 24.1+3.2 20.7+2.6 32.3+4.1 36.4+3.8 32.2+2.2 36.3+4.1 56.2+3.4 48.2+3.8

38.4+4.6 33+2.6 29.4+3.2 20.1+6.4 14.2+1.6 19.2+2.8 28.3+3.4 20.2+4.6 19.8+3.8 42.2+5.2 39.2+2.8

7.6 6.8 7.3 3.4 2.8 4.1 4.6 3.8 2.7 7.8 9.2

6.2 5.4 6.1 4.2 2.1 3.2 4.2 4.8 2.4 8.7 8.8

200.9 191.4 179.3 147.4 138.2 190.6 160.4 237.2 164.6 275.8 247.6

0.65 0.6 0.54 0.31 0.25 0.37 0.46 0.38 0.40 0.70 0.62

Red oxide Granite Granite Mud Mud Cement

Hospital Office Office Industry Industry Industry

5 4 3 3 4 3

85.6+3.4 98.4+5.6 78.1+3.2 104.5+6.2 94.3+3.2 64.2+2.3

44.2+3.8 54.8+4.8 39.2+2.9 61.2+4.9 57.2+5.1 29.4+3.4

9.4 12.3 14.6 9.2 11.3 5.6

4.2 17.6 12.4 13.4 12.8 4.9

215.8 226.2 174.6 236.5 203.4 145.6

0.94 1.10 0.85 1.19 1.09 0.68

Cement Mosaic Cement Minimum Maximum Median Geometrical mean

Industry Office Industry

4 4 3

38.4+4.3 29.2+3.5 46.4+3.8 20.7+2.6 104.5+6.2 47.3+3.6 48.4+3.7

16+2.6 32+3.4 27.6+5.2 14.2+1.6 61.2+4.9 30.8+3.8 30.7+3.9

5.4 4.8 12.7 2.7 14.6 7.1 6.5

4.8 6.6 9.8 2.1 17.6 5.8 6.1

95.7 93.9 115.6 93.9 275.8 184.9 174.8

0.4 0.43 0.53 0.25 1.19 0.57 0.57

GF, ground floor; FF, first floor; SF, second floor; TF, third floor.


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Mysuru district 1 VVIET ground floor (GF, B block) First floor (FF, B block) Second floor (SF, B block) SF Third floor (TF, A block) GF (C block) 2 ATME, GF 3 GSSSIETW, FF 4 VVCE, FF 5 Granite industries, Hebbal industrial area, GF 6 Stone crushing industries, Hebbal, FG


Progeny concentration (mWL)


D ¼ ½ð0:17 þ 9FR ÞCR þ ð0:11 þ 32FT ÞCT   7000  106 ; where FR is the equilibrium factor for radon, CR is the concentration of radon, FT is the equilibrium factor for thoron and CT is the thoron concentration, and 2000 is the occupancy factor (20 % of 365`  24) in hours.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of concentrations of radon, thoron and their progeny, gamma radiation level at different work places located at different regions of Karnataka state are listed in Table 1. Average working hours of the employees in the educational institute in Mysuru is 45 h per week, and at other work places, it varies from 50 to 60 h per week. Concentrations of radon and thoron in the study area found to vary from 20.7+2.6 to 104.5+6.2 and 14.2+1.6 to 61.2+4.9 Bq m23 with geometrical mean values of 48.4+3.7 and 30.7+3.9 Bq m23, respectively. Ambient gamma radiation level varies from 93.9 to 275.8 nGy h21 with a geometrical mean value of 174.8 nGy h21. Inhalation dose due to radon, thoron and their progeny in the present studies is varied from 0.25 to 1.19 mSv y21 with a geometrical mean of 0.75 mSv y21. The concentrations of radon, thoron and their progeny at workplaces depend mainly on the activity of radionuclides present in soil, rocks, building materials, types of building, construction of building and ventilation rate(12, 14). The maximum concentration levels of radon, thoron and their progeny have been observed at workplaces in Hosur–Sarjapur Road layout (HSR layout), Victoria Hospital and granite industries of Bengaluru. Local geology of HSR layout, Victoria Hospital and Jigani industrial area consists of granite rocks. Granite breaks into fine grain

Figure 1. Variation in radon and thoron concentrations in different floors of VVIET, Mysuru.

size while cutting and crushing activity in granite and stone crushing industries. Activity level increases with surface area. Activity concentration of radionuclides is maximum in granite rocks(15). Radon, thorn and their progeny concentrations mainly depend on the activity of radionuclides(15, 16). Thus, the maximum concentrations have been observed at these workplaces. Slightly higherconcentrations of radon, thoron and their progeny have been observed at granite industries and Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering and Technology (VVIET). This is due to higher activity of radionuclide in granite, and the floor of VVIET consists of pink granite. Pink granite consists of higher activity concentrations of radionuclides(16). The minimum concentrations of radon, thoron and their progeny were found at work places having mosaic, tile floorings and good ventilation condition. VARIATIONS IN RADON AND THORON CONCENTRATIONS AT VVIET IN DIFFERENT FLOORS Variation in radon and thoron concentration in different floors of VVIET (a four-storied building), Mysuru, is shown in Figure 1. It consists of three blocks. A and C blocks consist of tile floors, and B block consists of granite floors. From the study, it is observed that the concentrations of radon, thorn and their progeny at granite floors are higher than that at tiles and redoxide floorings. Furthermore, concentrations of radon and thoron found to decrease with increase in the number of floors of the building. Generator room is poorly ventilated because its door and windows were closed during the time of study. So, slightly higher concentrations have been observed. CONCLUSION Concentration of radon at work places depends on local geology, ventilation conditions, design and types

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due to radon, thoron and their progeny in total. These dosemeters were suspended from the mid-point of the working place (at the center of workplace) at a height of 2 m from ground level. At the end of the stipulated period of exposure, the dosemeters were retrieved, and all the three SSNTDs were etched with 10 % NaOH solution for 1 h at a bath temperature of 608C. The measurement period was 90 d, and this exposure cycle had been extended in a time-integrated four quarterly cycles to cover all the four seasons of a calendar year to evaluate the seasonal variations in radon and its progeny levels. The track density of alphas in the film was determined using a spark counter. Radon and thoron progeny levels have also been calculated in mWL using indoor equilibrium factors of 0.4 for radon and 0.1 for thoron from UNSCEAR(1). Annual inhalation dose received by the workers in the workplaces under study in mSv y21 was estimated using the following relation (11 – 13):


of building materials. From the study, the maximum concentration levels of radon, thoron and their progeny have been in granite and stone crush industries of Jigani, Bengaluru. Workplaces consisting of granite floors show slightly higher concentration when compared with the other floorings. Workplaces having good ventilation condition and mosaic floorings show the minimum concentrations. Concentration levels of radon, thoron and their progeny decrease with increase in the number of floors of the building. REFERENCES

7. 8.



11. 12. 13.


15. 16.

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