evolutionary scales? Maximum likelihood analysis for the full data (RAxML (2)) and a subset of virulent isolates (PhyML. (3)). Bayesian MCMC analysis. (BEAST).
Study He et al. 2010 (1)
Evolutionary rate Phylogenetic tree construction estimation Maximum likelihood analysis for How does Clostridium the full data (RAxML (2)) and a Bayesian MCMC analysis difficle adapt over different subset of virulent isolates (PhyML (BEAST) evolutionary scales? (3)) Research question
Lieberman How does Burkholderia and Michel et dolosa adapt within patients al. 2011 (5) over time? What are the evolutionary Mutreja et al. dynamics of Vibrio cholera 2011 (7) pandemics? How does the host immune Lie et al. system respond to 2012 (11) Streptococcus pneumoniae infection?
Genome annotation
Selection detection
Additional comments
Artemis (4)
Per-gene dN/dS estimates
Recombination detection (ClonalFrame)
Manual dN/dS estimation for genes annotation of independently mutated once, genes under twice or at least three times positive selection
Maximum likelihood analysis (DNAML (PHYLIP) (6))
Linear regression
Maximum likelihood analysis in RAxML.
Linear regression (PathO-Gen (8)) and Bayesian MCMC analysis (BEAST)
Glimmer3 (12)
Per-gene dN/dS estimates, dN/dS estimation per codon using method (13)
Which sites in Maximum parsimony, maximum Fahrat et al. Mycobacterium tuberculosis likelihood (PhyML) and Bayesian 2013 (14) are under positive analysis (MrBayes (15)) selection? Pepperell et al. 2013 (16)
How does natural selection act on Mycobacterium tuberculosis species?
Baysian analysis (BEAST)
Cornejo et al. 2013 (20)
How has selection acted on the genome of Streptococcus mutans?
Maximum likelihood analysis
Maximum likehood analysis for How does Staphylococcus within host data, Bayesian analysis Golubchik et aureus evolve during for between host analysis, al. 2014 (25) asymptomatic carriage? accounting for recombination (ClonalFrame (26)) What are the transmission Grad et al. Maximum likelihood analysis dynamics of a Neisseria 2014 (28) (RAxML) gonorrhoeae epidemic? What mutations allow Marvig et al. Maximum parsimony phylogenetic Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2014 (29) tree construction (PAUP (30)) adapt in human hosts? How much bacterial genetic Paterson et diversity is transmitted Maximum likelihood (RAxML) and al. 2015 (31) between individuals during Bayesian analysis (MrBayes) an MRSA outbreak?
Genome-wide association study to test for SNPs associated with drug resistance and virulence Recombination detection using method by (9) (similar to Gubbins(10))
Per-gene dN/dS estimates (PAML), test for elevated NA NA density of substitutions in genes and convergent evolution across the tree McDonald-Kreitman Test Bayesian MCMC analysis Kodon v 3.62 Recombination detection (18), relative rates of dN/dS (BEAST) (17) (SplitsTree (19)) estimates per site (PAML) NCBI Prokaryotic Analysis of the site frequency Recombination detection Genomes spectrum (PrFreq (22)), (GeneConv (24)), estimation Use published estimate Automatic extension of the McDonald- of the relative contribution of Annotation Kreitman Test for each gene recombination to mutation Pipeline (21) (SnIPRE (23)) (ClonalFrame)
Use published estimate
xBASE (27)
Test for elevated substitution rates, McDonald-Kreitman Test
Linear regression (PathO-Gen) and Bayesian MCMC analysis (BEAST)
Use published estimate
Test for convergent evolution across the tree
Linear regression (PathO-Gen) and Bayesian MCMC analysis (BEAST)
Recombination detection (omegaMap (13))
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