Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology,. P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA, Delft, TheNetherlands;. 2.Department of Building ...
第 32 卷
第 17 期
Vo l. 32 N o. 17 Sept. 2010
2010 年 9 月
DOI: 10. 3963/ j. issn. 1671 4431. 2010. 17. 053
Study the Hydration and the Microstructure of Cement Blended with Rice Husk Ash in Comparison with Silica Fume N G UYEN V T 1 , Y E G 1 , V A N B K 1 , B UI D D 2 ( 1. Faculty of Civil Engineer ing and G eosciences, Delft U niversit y of T echnolog y, P . O. Box 5048, 2600 GA, Delft, T he N etherlands; 2. Department of Building M aterials, Hanoi U niversity of Civ il Eng ineering, Hanoi 700803, Vietnam)
R ice husk ask ( RHA) is not a ultra fine material as silica fume ( SF) , but possesses a very hig h specific surface
area because of its porous structure. W ith the similar chemical composition of RHA and SF, t he activ ity of RHA, t herefor e, is different from that of SF . T he objective of this w ork is to study the hy dration and the micr ostructur e of Por tland cement blend ed w ith RHA in compar ison w ith SF . T he test results show that SF r efined the pore structure of cement paste better than RHA . However, t he effect of RHA on cement hydration is more pronouned t han that of SF for the mixture w ith low w ater to binder r atio.
Key words: ash;
CLC number:
isothermal calo rimetry;
mer cury intrusio n porosimetr y ( M I P) ;
T U 52
Document code:
Article ID: 1671 4431( 2010) 17 0252 04
Introduction Silica F ume ( SF) and Rice Husk Ash ( RHA) are classified as highly active pozzolans
rice husk
silica fume
[ 2]
[ 1]
. Sim ilar to t he
, w hen RHA is incorporated in cement, it aff ect s the rat e and t he ext ent of heat generat ion[ 3] . Besides,
RHA has been used successfully replacing SF for production of hig h strengt h/ performance concret e[ 4, 5] . T he reactivity of RHA is att ribut ed t o it s high cont ent of amorphous silica, and to its very larg e surface area g overned by t he microporous structure of individual particles. Meanwhile, the react ivity of SF wit h the similar chemical composit ion comes most ly from t he surface area of t he very fine particles[ 6] . T herefore, RHA might be expect ed to behave dif ferent ly from SF as far as hy drat ion and microst ruct ure of cement are concerned. T he object ive of t his paper is to st udy t he effects of RHA and SF on t he hydration of Portland cement by means of isothermal calorimetry. Besides, the eff ect of RHA and SF on t he microst ruct ure of cement w as also e valuat ed by means of M ercury Inst rusion Porosimet ry ( M IP) .
2 2. 1
Experimental Materials T he materials used in this st udy w ere Port land cement , CEM I 52. 5N; condensed silica fume; rice husk
R eceived date: 2010 05 29. Biogr aphy : N GU YEN V T ( 1977 ) , P h D Candidate. E mail: T . vanNguyen@ tudelft. nl
第 32 卷
第 17 期
NGU Y EN V T , Y E G, VA N B K , et al: Study the Hy dration and the M icrostructur e % %
ash; and a polycarbox ilic acid based superplast icizer, Glenium 51, w ith 35% solid content by weig ht . T he SF possesses an amorphous SiO2 cont ent of 97. 2% and its mean part icle size about 0. 1~ 0. 15 m. Rice husk, an a g ricult ural waste material from Viet nam, w as burnt in a drum incinerat or. Det ails of the oven and rice husk combust ion process were described elsew here[ 7] . T he obtained ash w as ground in a vibrat ing ball mill for 90 min. T he ash cont ains 88. 0% amorphous SiO 2 , 3. 8% loss on ignit ion and its mean part icle size is 5. 6 m. 2. 2
Experiment description
T o study t he hydration of cement blended w it h RHA and SF , the isot hermal heat w as measured by T AM Air isothermal calorimet er. Experiment w as done on t he sam ples w ith w at er t o binder ( w / b) ratio of 0. 25, 0. 40 and 0. 60 at 20 ! . T he duration of all t est s w as 120 h. Bef ore mixing, all the m aterials were placed in an oven at least 24 h at the desired testing t em perat ure. T he weig ht of cement paste for the isot hermal measure ment s w as ( 10 ∀ 0. 01) g. A constant dosage of superplast icizer ( 0. 8% of the cement mass) w as employed for past es w ith w / b rat io of 0. 25. Table 1 Mixture proportions and abbreviation of
T he M IP measurements w ere carried out
samples used in the study
in a room w it h the t emperat ure of 16 ! . T he cont act angle of 139# and t he surf ace tension
M ix proportion Cement/ SF / RHA
of 0. 485 N/ m w ere used. T he int rusion pres sure goes from 0. 004 M Pa t o 210 M Pa. T he Washburn equat ion w as used t o calculate t he diameter of pores int ruded at each pressure st ep [ 8] . In t his w ay , t he pores in t he range of 350 m to 0. 007 m could be det ected. T he
Abbreviation w/ b = 0. 25 w/ b = 0. 40 w/ b = 0. 60
100/ 0/ 0
90/ 10/ 0
90/ 0/ 10
2SF 10
3SF 10
80/ 20/ 0
80/ 0/ 20
2SF 20
3SF 20
sample preparat ion and measurement procedure of M IP w ere described in detail in reference [ 9] . 2. 3
Mixture proportions T he mixt ure proportions and abbreviation of samples used in t his st udy are present ed in T able 1.
Results and Discussion
3. 1
Heat evolution Cement hydration is an ex othermal process. T he isothermal calorimeter records t he heat release or the t her
mal pow er. T he deg ree of hy drat ion at t ime t can be approx imated as t he heat released at t ime t divided by t he max imum heat[ 10] , viz. ( t ) = Q( t ) / Q max
( 1)
w here, Q( t ) is the heat librat ed at t ime t , Q m ax is t he maximum heat w hen all t he cement has hydrated. T he max imum heat of t he binder ( cement + SF or cement + RHA) is calculat ed as follow s Q m ax = P C em ∃ Q Cem + P Poz. Q Poz
( 2)
P Cem, P Poz is t he percentage of cement and pozzolan ( SF or RHA) , respect ively ; Q Cem is the max imum heat of cement hydrat ion calculated according to Bogue
[ 10]
; Q Poz is the maximum heat of SF or RHA calculated from t he
amount of amorphous SiO2 in SF or RHA, w here Q SiO 2 = 780 J/ g [ 11] . 3. 2
The effect of RHA and SF on the hydration process T he result s of heat evolution and t he hy drat ion deg ree for t he sam ples w it h w / b of 0. 25, 0. 40 and 0. 60 at
20 ! are show n in Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, respect ively. Each f igure show s t he heat evolution on the left and t he hydrat ion deg ree on t he right. T he result show s that , com pared t o t he control sample w it hout RHA and SF, a low er and a later accelera t ion peak of t he heat evolution curve of t he RH A sample is observed ( Fig. 1( a) , Fig. 2( a) , Fig. 3( a) ) . H owev er, in case of SF sample, t his peak is earlier and higher. At 20% replacement , t he ext ra peak is clear on t he
2010 年 9 月
heat evolut ion curve for the RHA sample and the SF sample at about 17 h and 12 h, respect ively ( Fig. 3( a) ) . T his indicat es that t he react ion of RHA and SF w it h cement hydration product att ributes t he ex tent of the heat g enerat ion of cement hydration.
F or cement blended w it h SF and RHA, t he hy drat ion deg ree of t he RHA sample is higher t han t hat of t he SF sam ple w it h w/ b rat io of 0. 25, especially f or 20% replacement percent age ( F ig. 1( b) ) . T his behavior changes gradually w ith an increase of w / b rat io. Wit h w / b ratio of 0. 40 and a given replacement percentage, the hydrat ion deg ree of both RHA and SF samples is similar ( Fig. 2( b) ) . How ever, t he hydrat ion degree of t he RHA sample is low er than t hat of the SF sample w ith w / b rat io of 0. 60 ( F ig. 3( b) ) . F rom t his result , it can be concluded t hat the eff ect of RHA on cem ent hydration is more pronounced than that of SF f or the mixt ures w it h low w / b rat ios. 3. 3
The effect of RHA and SF on the pore structure of cement paste In this part, only t he sam ples w it h w / b rat io of 0. 25 w as evaluated. F ig . 4 show s t he pore structure of t he
cont rol sample and samples incorporat ing RHA or SF at t he age of 28 d. Compared to t he cont rol sample wit hout RHA and SF, t he addit ion of both RHA and SF ref ines significant ly the pore structure of cement paste and reduces t he tot al porosit y in cement paste, in w hich the eff ect of SF is larger than t hat of RHA. T his is underst andable because the mean part icle size of SF is about 0. 1~ 0. 15 m,
第 32 卷
第 17 期
NGU Y EN V T , Y E G, VA N B K , et al: Study the Hy dration and the M icrostructur e % %
w hich is much sm aller than t hat of RHA, i. e. 5. 6 m. T heref ore, t he possibilit y of SF to ref ine t he pore struc t ure of the syst em is larger t han that of RHA. T his causes a low er t otal porosity of SF samples compared to RHA samples. 3. 4
Discussion T he higher hy drat ion degree of RHA blended cement w it h t he low w / b rat io can be att ribut ed t o several es
pect s. F irst , because of its porous st ruct ure, RHA has a large specific surface area. During m ix ing, RH A may also absorb a cert ain amount of free w at er into it s pores. T his water is released from t hese pores w hen t he rela t ive humidit y in the past e decreases w it h progress of cem ent hydrat ion process, and theref ore increases the hy drat ion degree of RHA sample at the lat er stage. T his eff ect is larger w hen t he w / b ratio of m ix ture is low er. T his mechanism is similar to that proposed by van Breugel[ 12] for int ernal curing of high strengt h concrete w ith the w ater sat urated light w eight aggreg at es. Second, a pozzolanic react ion corresponds to the second peak on t he exothermic curve. T his peak is clearer w it h an increase of RHA replacement percentages. Moreover, the RHA possesses a large specific surface area, w hich can improve the pozzolanic react ion. T herefore, the more the RHA is added, t he more t he heat w ill be produced. T his can give a higher hydration degree of RHA samples compared to that of SF samples.
Conclusions F rom above result s, some main conclusions can be drawn: a) T he RHA is a reactive pozzolan sim ilar to the SF . b) T he eff ect of RHA on cement hydration is more pronounced at t he lat er st age. c) T he eff ect of RHA on cement hydration is larg er than that of SF in pastes w it h a low w/ b rat io. T his
may be att ributed by int ernal curing of RHA and t he pozzolanic reaction of RHA and cement hydration product. d) Bot h RHA and SF not only refine the pore st ruct ure of cement past e but also reduce the t otal porosity, in w hich the ef fect of SF is larger than t hat of RHA. References [ 1]
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