Arthropod fauna of the UAE, 5: ±
Date of publication: xx.xx.2013
Subclass Collembola, order Symphypleona Hans-Jürgen Schulz and Antonius van Harten INTRODUCTION The first contribution about the subclass Collembola (‘springtails’) of the United Arab Emirates was published by Barra & van Harten in 2009 (order Entomobryomorpha). They listed nine species; two species were new to science. Furthermore, the authors emphasized the importance of papers on the springtail fauna of the Arabian Peninsula by Bretfeld (2000) and Barra (2004), both concerning continental Yemen, and by Bretfeld (2005), concerning Socotra Island. In this second note about the Collembola of the UAE nine species are listed, including one species new to science that is described here: Denisiella bretfeldi nov. spec. Now 10 species of the genus Denisiella Folsom & Mills, 1938, have been described worldwide. All below recorded species are new to the UAE. MATERIALS AND METHODS During 2004 and 2007, twenty-eight samples of Collembola were collected mostly at Sharjah Desert Park (eight samples) and Wadi Maidaq (also eight samples) in the United Arab Emirates. Those collections were largely made by Antonius van Harten. He mainly used water-traps. All identified and the majority of listed specimens are mounted on microscopic slides (preparation method after Bretfeld, 1991). In some cases lactic acid slides were also used for determination. The whole material is deposited in the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz, Department of Soil Zoology, Section Apterygota, Germany (on slides or in alcohol tubes). Abbreviations: Ant. I–IV = antennal segments I–IV. Taxonomy of Symphypleona as in Betsch (1980), Bretfeld (1999), and internet website: (Frans Janssens). SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT (alphabetical order of the main groups according to Bretfeld, 1999) Bourletiellida Bretfeld, 1986 Genus Bourletiella Banks, 1899, sensu Linnaniemi, 1912 Bourletiella (Bourletiella) cf. arvalis (Fitch, 1863) sensu Stach, 1956 Specimens examined: Wadi Maidaq, 2♀, 1.xii.2005–26.xii.2005, yellow and white water traps.
Distribution: Holarctic. Bourletiella (Cassagnaudiella) cf. canigouensis (Nayrolles, 1995)
Plate 1
Specimens examined: Sharjah Desert Park, 9♀, 6.xii-28.xii.2006. Wadi Shawkah, 2♂, 2♀, 31.x.2006– 27.xi.2006, water traps.
Distribution: France, Pyrénées-Orientales (Bretfeld, 1999). Bourletiella (Cassagnaudiella) coeruleovernalis (Nayrolles, 1995)
Plate 2
Specimens examined: Jebel Jibir, 1♂, 1♀, 27.iii.2007, hand-collected. Wadi Maidaq, 1♀, 28.xi.2005– 1.xii.2005, in yellow and white water traps; 1♂, 5♀, 5.iii.2005, hand collected and in yellow water
H.-J. Schulz & A. van Harten
Plates 1–2. 1: Bourletiella (Cassagnaudiella) cf. canigouensis (Nayrolles); 2: Bourletiella (Cassagnaudiella) coeruleovernalis (Nayrolles).
Subclass Collembola, order Symphypleona ϭϱ
traps; 6♀, 26.xii.2005–2.i.2006, in yellow and white water traps; 1♂, 5♀, 26.x.2006–9.xi.2011, water traps; 1♂, 4♀, 29.iii.2006–10.iv.2006, water traps; 4.ii.2006–15.ii.2006, 4♀, yellow and white water traps. Wadi Wurayah, 2♀, 10.xii–26.xii.2006, water traps;
Distribution: France, Ariège (Bretfeld, 1999). Bourletiella (Cassagnaudiella) cruciata Haybach, 1971, sensu Bretfeld, 1999
Plate 3
Specimens examined: Wadi Maidaq, 8♀, 10.iv-26.x.2006, water traps.
Distribution: France, Spain, Germany (Bretfeld, 1999). Bourletiella (Cassagnaudiella) cf. luteovernalis (Nayrolles, 1995) Specimens examined: Near ad-Dhaid, 2♀, 16–19.iii.2007, water traps. Wadi Maidaq, 24.ix–22.x.2006, 2♀, water traps. Wadi Shawkah, 6♀, 25.x–15.xi.2007, water traps. Wadi Wurayah, 4♀, 24.ii.2005, hand-collected.
Distribution: France, N Spain (Bretfeld, 1999). Katiannida Bretfeld, 1986 Genus Stenognathellus Stach, 1956 Stenognathellus cassagnaui Yosii, 1966
Plate 4
Specimens examined: Wadi Maidaq, 4♀, 5.iii.2005, hand-collected and in yellow water traps. Wadi Wurayah, 2♀, 10-26.xii.2006, water traps.
Distribution: Within the Palaearctic only found in Greece (Bretfeld, 1999), recorded from Yemen (Bretfeld, 2000, 2005). Sminthuridida Bretfeld, 1986 Genus Denisiella Folsom & Mills, 1938 Denisiella bretfeldi Schulz & van Harten nov. spec.
Plates 5–6, Figures 1–7
Specimens examined: Holotype: ♂ (on 4 slides). Paratypes: 11♂, 4♀ (on slides), 4♂, 1♀ (lactic acid slides, now in alcohol tubes). All specimens from Wadi Maidaq (25o19'N 56o08'E, 410 m), 5.iii.2005, in yellow water traps and hand-collected.
Description: Males. Length 758 µm (n=16). Body violet with legs, antennae and furcula yellowish (Plate 5), 6 + 6 ommatidia with black pigmentation. Antennal segments II + III modified (clasping organ). Ratio of antennal segments 2.6 : 2.0: 1.0 : 1.6. Ant. I with 7 setae (comprising two microsetae), Ant. II with two trichobothria, 18 normal setae, 3 microsetae, the modified setae b1 – 6 and lamella b7. Ant. III with 13 setae and a pair oval microsensillae; Ant. IV with about 40 setae and two olfactory setae. Head with two spine-like setae in the middle line and four setae in the same alveolus (nasal organ, Palacios-Vargas 2007, Figs. 1 & 2). Leg I: Coxa with one seta; trochanter with three setae; femur with 11 setae; tibiotarsus basally on the outer side with four bladder-like organs (diameter 10–12 µm), thick-walled and elevated (Figs. 3, 4), about 30 setae and one oval organ. Leg II: Coxa with 1 seta; trochanter with 3 setae; femur with 11 setae; tibiotarsus with about 30 setae. Leg III: Coxa (25 µm) with two setae, one microseta and one small spine; trochanter (32 µm) with two setae and one microseta; femur (55 µm) with 10 setae and one microseta; tibiotarsus (138 µm) with26 setae, two oval organs and without serrated setae (only slightly rough seta, Fig. 5). Unguis (48 µm) without tunica and with one normal large inner tooth (in nearly two-thirds of the inner edge); unguiculus (31
H.-J. Schulz & A. van Harten
Plates 3–4. 3: Bourletiella (Cassagnaudiella) cruciata Haybach; 4: Stenognathellus cassagnaui Yosii.
Subclass Collembola, order Symphypleo
Plates 5–6. Denisiella bretfeldi Schulz & van Harten nov. spec. 5: Females; 6: Male.
H.-J. Schulz & A. van Harten
Figures 1–7. Denisiella bretfeldi Schulz & van Harten nov. spec. 1: Chaetotaxy of the head with the socalled nasal organ in the middle line (paratype, male A2, slide A, scale bare 50µm). 2: Nasal organ (paratype, male A10, slide 11, scale bare 20µm). 3: Tibiotarsus I basally on the outer side with four bladder-like organs (lateral view, only the setae on this side are drawn, paratype, male A2, slide B, scale bare 50µm). 4: Bladder-like organ on tibiotarsus I (paratype, male A3, slide 9, scale bare 20µm). 5: Tibiotarsus III with only apical slightly rough setae (paratype, male A2, slide B, scale bare 50µm).6: 6 ommatidia with black pigmentation (paratype, female A 11, slide 12, scale bare 50µm) 7: Lateral view of abdominal segment VI (one seta with two branches, paratype, female A8, slide 14, scale bare 50µm).
Subclass Collembola, order Symphypleona
µm) with filament not surpassing unguis tip. Tenaculum with three teeth and none to three setae. Manubrium posterior with seven pairs of setae. Dens posterior with about 30 setae (two very long and three to 8 internal setae rather thick), anterior surface with the formula 3, 3, 3 (2), 2 (1), 2 (1), 1, 1, 1, 1. Mucro with two lamellae, the inner serrate, with 20–25 serrations, outer lamella smooth, one strong mucronal outer seta. Length of manubrium 76 µm, dens 108 µm, and mucro 40 µm, ratio as 1.9 : 2.7 : 1.0. Females. Length 882 µm (n=5). Body with broad violet edges, middle region yellowish. Legs, antennae and furcula only slightly violet (Plate 6). 6+6 ommatidia with black pigmentation (Fig. 6). Ratio of antennal segments 1.0: 1.3: 1.5: 2.0. Ant. I with 5 setae. Ant. II with 12 setae. Ant. III with 13 setae (comprising two microsetae) and with a pair of oval organs. Ant. IV with more than 40 setae. Head in the middle line with slightly thickened setae. Leg I: Coxa with one seta; trochanter with three; femur with 11; tibiotarsus with about 30 setae and two oval organs. Leg II: Coxa with one seta and one small spine, trochanter with three setae; femur with 11 setae; tibiotarsus with about 30 setae and a pair of oval organs. Leg III: Coxa (71 µm) with two setae, one microseta and one small spine; trochanter (75 µm) with 3 setae; femur (112 µm) with 11 setae; tibiotarsus (271 µm) with 30 setae (including two oval organs), but no coarsely serrate spine-like setae. Unguis III (42 µm) without tunica and with one normal large inner tooth (in nearly two-thirds of the inner edge); unguiculus (22 µm) with filament not surpassing unguis tip. Small abdomen with 1+1 setae with two to three small branches (none serrations, Fig. 7)). Ventral tube with 1+1 setae. Tenaculum with three teeth and none to two setae. Dens with 30 posterior setae, three of them very long, 15 of them rather thick (it could be seen in only one female), anterior surface with the formula 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (it could be seen in only one female). Mucro with two lamellae (inner lamella serrate, with 20–30 serrations, outer lamella smooth) and one strong outer seta. Length of manubrium 83 µm, dens 103 µm, mucro 36 µm, their ratio 2.3 : 2.9 : 1.0. Differential diagnosis: The genus Denisiella Folsom & Mills, 1938, according to Massoud & Betsch (1972) has the following characters: Without tibiotarsal organ, the male antennae highly modified (clasping organ), two trichobothria on Ant II and one trichobothria on Ant III, modified setae on Ant II (b1 to b6, b7 as lamella) and on Ant III one lamella (C1), one small spine (C2) and one strong spine (C3, figure 8 C, Massoud & Betsch, 1972). The spines on tibiotarsus III and on abdominal segment VI have serrations (in males and females). Only in males the tibiotarsus I has basally four bladder-like organs on the outer edge (Figs. 3 & 4). Mucro with small lamellae. Denisiella bretfeldi nov. spec. possesses all the listed characters with one exception: none serrated setae on tibiotarsus III (males and females). Also, in Denisiella serroseta this character does not exist (Börner, 1908, Figs. 5 and 6). In addition to Denisiella bretfeldi nov. spec. of this genus only Denisiella diomedesi Palacios-Vargas, 2007, has a so-called nasal organ (middle line of head with two strong spines and four setae in the same alveolus, exclusively in males of both species, Figs. 1 & 2). But in contrast to the new described species D. diomedesi has serrated setae on tibiotarsus III and the two spines of the nasal organ are of equal size (in D. bretfeldi 14 of 16 studied males had spine ratios as shown in Figure 2, nearly 3/4 : 1). This mentioned combination of characters separates the new species from all other worldwide described 9 Denisiella species. Distribution: Only known from the UAE. Etymology: This new species is dedicated to Dr. Gerhard Bretfeld (Kiel, Germany), the outstanding Symphypleona specialist. Denisiella serroseta (Börner, 1908) Specimens examined: Wadi Wurayah, 19♀, 10–26.xii.2006, water traps.
Distribution: South Africa (Ospina & Palacios-Vargas, 2009).
Plate 7
H.-J. Schulz & A. van Harten
Plate 7: Denisiella serroseta (Börner).
Genus Sphaeridia Linnaniemi, 1912 Sphaeridia pumilis (Krausbauer, 1898) sensu Bretfeld, 1995 Specimens examined: Near al-Hayer, 3♀, 30.i.2005, Berlese funnels.
Distribution: Holarctic and Australia (Bretfeld, 1999). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many thanks to Cyrille D`Haese (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France) for loaning syntypes and further specimens of Cassagnaudiella and to José Palacios-Vargas (Laboratorio de Ecología y Sistemática de Microartrópodos, Departamento de Ecología y Recursos Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias, México) for information about his described Denisiella species. REFERENCES Barra, J.-A. & A. van Harten (2009): Subclass Collembola, Order Entomobryomorpha. Arthropod fauna of the UAE, 2: 43–48.
Subclass Collembola, order Symphypleon
Barra, J.-A. (2004): Le genre Seira (Collembola, Entomobryidae) du Yémen continental. Zoosystema, 26: 291–306. Betsch, J.-M. (1980): Éléments pour une monographie des Collemboles Symphypléones (Hexapodes, Aptérygotes). Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Nouvelle Série, Série A. Zoologie, 116, 1–227. Börner, C. (1908): Collembolen aus Südafrika nebst einer Studie über die 1. Maxille der Collembolen. In: L. Schultze Forschungsreise im westlichen und zentralen Südafrika. Denkschriften medicinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena, 13: 53–68. Bretfeld, G. (1991): A preparation method for Symphypleona (Insecta, Collembola) with some comments on the history of this method. Revue d'Ecologie et de Biologie du Sol, 28, 2: 21–219. Bretfeld, G. (1999): Synopses on Palaearctic Collembola: Symphypleona. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz, 71: 1–318. Bretfeld, G. (2000): Collembola Symphypleona (Insecta) from the Republic of Yemen. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz, 72: 153–176. Bretfeld, G. (2005): Collembola Symphypleona (Insecta) from the Republic of Yemen. Part2: Samples from the Isle Socotra. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz, 77: 1–56. Janssens, F. (2013): Massoud, Z. & J.-M. Betsch (1972): Étude sur les Insectes Collemboles II. – Les caractères sexuels secondaires des antennes des Symphypléones. Revue d'Ecologie et de Biologie du Sol, 9, 1: 55–97. Ospina, M. & J.G. Palacios-Vargas (2009): A new Denisiella Folsom and Mills, 1938 (Collembola: Sminthurididae) from Colombia. Zootaxa, 2168: 63-68. Palacios-Vargas, J.G. (2007): A new species of Denisiella (Collembola: Sminthurididae) from Panama and new records for D. sexpinnata (Denis, 1938). Zootaxa, 1637: 63–68.
Authors’ addresses: Dr. H.-J. Schulz, Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz, Department Soil Zoology, Section Apterygota, P.O. Box 300154, 02806 Görlitz, Germany; e-mail:
[email protected] A. van Harten, Rua Claudio José de Moura 26, 7450 270 Vaiamonte, Portugal; e-mail:
[email protected]