on your company letterhead along with business cards to be presented to ... Let us know and attach your name, company, c
SUBExcel Silent Auction Denver, Colorado 2017 We are requesting donated items for the Silent Auction that will be held in conjunction with SUBExcel 2017. The auction will add an extra dimension of excitement to the event. Auction items will be available for viewing and bidding beginning on Thursday, March 16, 2017 at the EXPO event from 4:30 p.m.– 6:30 p.m. and will continue to be on display through Friday, March 17, 2017 at 11:00 am. Winners will be announced at the Lunch followed by Dessert with the Exhibitors event on Friday, March 17, 2017. Please consider participating this year. The auction benefits the Scholarship Fund, which gives chapters with limited financial resources an opportunity to send representatives to national meetings. Your contributions are needed and are very much appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support! Please note: If you wish to donate event tickets such as fishing, hunting, golfing, sporting events, etc., please provide tickets, a certificate or letter on your company letterhead along with business cards to be presented to the winner. Event tickets must be for events at least 2-4 weeks after the auction date. Also please remember that these items will have to be transported home with the auction winners. For extra large items that cannot be taken to and from the event, please provide a picture along with your contact information, as shipping will have to be coordinated between the donor and the winner.
I will donate the following item (s) to the Silent Auction. Please give a description for each item: 1. _________________________________________________________________ Fair Market Value $ ___________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ Fair Market Value $ ___________________________ Or you may make a monetary donation via CC to the Scholarship Fund. $____________________________________________________ CC# __________________________________________________________ Exp Date: _______________________________________ Name: ______________________________________________ Billing Address: ______________________________________________ Contact Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (_____) ____________________
Fax (_____) _____________________
Cell Phone (_____) ____________________
Email __________________________________________________ ASA Chapter: ___________________________________________
All donated items must be delivered to the Denver Marriott City Center in Denver no later than 2:00 pm on Thursday, March 16th
If you drop off any items at the registration desk, you must remember to: Let us know and attach your name, company, cell phone number and ASA Chapter *Please do not leave items without letting us know and without your contact information! Please complete this form and email it to one of the following: Questions? Contact one of the following: Loni Warholic (717) 232-2222 or
[email protected] (ASA of Central PA) Francie Dix (830) 220-2474 or
[email protected] (ASA of Oklahoma) Carol Floco - (602) 274-8979 or
[email protected] (ASA of Arizona) Susan Winkelmann (314) 845-0855 or
[email protected] (ASA Midwest Council) Ashley Nichols (601) 540-6431 or
[email protected] (ASA of Mississippi)
Thank you for helping us to make this a successful and fun event!