subject programs in metamorphic testing

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Anomaly-based instrusion detection system .... Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN) scheduler simulator. [101] ... MetaTrader ... Online trading software platform ... Normal distribution probability computation ... Currency converter web service.








Onboard aircraft conflict detection (Siemens suite)




Machine learning application

Grep Replace Print tokens Print tokens2 Schedule Schedule2 Tot info TriSquareJ Boyer FaMa GCC GeoStoch Google JJ2000 library MartiRank PAYL SeqMap ShortestPath SpMatMult Trityp ATM C4.5 CommonsMath1 Bsearch Jboolexpr Jsim Knapsack LiveSearch Melax Quadric QuadricTri Sine SPLAR TxnTableSorter Yahoo 2D-MatrixSearch 35Math 3DCell Apache Mahout Arhant-II Aspcudf Baidu Bank Bash BigInt Bing BSP-TreeVS Cabot Chinese Bing Clasp ClosestPair Colt project CommonsMath2 ConnectedC8 CpWiki CriticalPath Cudf-check Decider DecodingWays Determinant1 Determinant2 Determinant3 DistinctSubsequence Dnapars Editing distance Edmonds-Karp FindKNN FirstMissingPositive FLAME Gaffitter

C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java C/C++ Java Online Java C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java C/C++ C/C++ Java C/C++ Java C/C++ Java Java Java Online Java Java Java C/C++ Java Java Online Java Java Fortran90 Java C/C++ C/C++ NR C# C/C++ C/C++ NR C/C++ Java NR NR Java Java Java Java C/C++ NR C/C++ Java Java Java Java Java Java NR Java Java Java Java Prolog C/C++

1006 563 342 355 292 262 273 30 241 NR NR NR N/A NR NR NR 1783 271 35 30 136 NR 1626 43 231 NR 180 N/A NR NR NR 99 NR 281 N/A 34 7–45 5600 NR NR

Command-line tool for pattern matching Regular expression matching and substitutions (Siemens suite) Lexical analyzer (Siemens suite) Lexical analyzer (Siemens suite) Priority scheduler (Siemens suite) Priority scheduler (Siemens suite) Information measure (Siemens suite) Returns the type and square of a triangle Returns the index of the first occurrence of a pattern within a text Feature model analysis tool C compiler Matrix determinant computation Online search engine jpeg2000 image encoder/decoder Ranking algorithm Anomaly-based instrusion detection system Tool for mapping short sequence reads to a reference genome Mesh simplification algorithm Sparse matrix multiplication (JASPA benchmark) Triangle classification program Automatic teller machine web service Algorithm for building decision trees Apache Mathematical library Binary search within a sorted array Boolean string expressions evaluation Discrete even simulator Knapsack optimization algorithm Online search engine Polygon reduction algorithm Mesh simplification algorithm Mesh simplification algorithm Sine calculation Feature model analysis tool Personal accounting software Online search engine Searches for a value in an m x n matrix 35 mathematical functions 3D cell structure reconstruction Machine learning library Real-time mathematical C project CUDF document analyser Online search engine Banking system application Command-line interpreter Calculator for very large integers Online search engine Surface visibility using Binary Space Partitioning (BSP) tree LANDMARC RFID-based location sensing algorithm Online search engine Conflict-driven answer SAT solver Princeton algorithm for finding the closest pair Scientific and technical computing library Matrix determinant computation Labeling of connected components in binary images Return the longest path in a graph and its length Return the longest path in a graph and its length CUDF document analyser Decision support system Return the number of ways to decode an encoded message Matrix determinant computation (Michael Flanagan’s implementation) Matrix determinant computation (Jon Squire’s implementation) Matrix determinant computation Count the distinct subsequences of an string in another string Phylogenetic program Enhanced edit distance algorithm Maximum flow algorithm Finding the k nearest neighbors of a sample point Find the first missing positive integer in an unsorted integer array Feature model analysis tool Arranges an input list of items into volumes of a certain capacity

[35], [46], [124], [126], [136], [137], [139], [141] [31], [51], [64], [75], [78], [81], [109], [111] [47], [136], [137], [139], [141] [30], [136], [137], [139], [141] [136], [137], [139], [141] [136], [137], [139], [141] [136], [137], [139], [141] [136], [137], [139], [141] [136], [137], [139], [141] [42], [44], [71], [135] [29], [36], [145] [69], [72], [73] [118], [119] [38], [91], [92] [20], [89], [90] [49], [50], [95] [58], [75], [81] [58], [81], [117] [40], [136], [137] [27], [93], [129] [55], [68], [70] [41], [55], [67] [34], [85] [75], [81] [59], [60] [28], [67] [29], [36] [75], [76] [46], [64] [20], [89] [93], [94] [93], [94] [93], [94] [28], [35] [69], [73] [29], [36] [20], [89] [145] [56] [43] [59] [117] [73] [90] [127] [47] [47] [90] [33] [52] [90] [73] [145] [59] [38] [92] [47] [27] [73] [45] [145] [38] [38] [135] [145] [54] [145] [145] [4] [145] [73] [75] continued on next page

NR NR 5984 500 NR NR NR NR 370 NR NR 215 125 NR 12795 78 NR NR 30 32 NR 73 229 153 40 NR






GBT GCS GetMid GNLab Grade GraphStream Guava HeapSort HillCipher HRRN1 HRRN2 ImageDilation InterleavingString InvCum JAMA JMT Joda-Time Jscience Kcnfs KLP LargestRectangle Lingeling Lipschitz LLVM Lucene March ks March rw MaxRectangle MaxSUB MaxTreePathSum MetaTrader MinimizeDFA MinInRot Minisat MinSpanTree MonteCarlo Multi-MAXSUM MultipleKnapscack NASADAT NormDist OMNeT++ P2cudf PartialDiff PCC Picosat Prim QuickSort RapidMiner RF-Soft RMB converter service RSA Rsat Sat4j SCAR SearchInRot Sed Seismic web service Servcalc SetCover Shortest SimAnnealing SMOS SparseMatrixMultiply SpStudent SpWiki Superstring SurroundedRegion SVM SVM-Light TCC Triangle TrisquareC UCC

C/C++ MATLAB C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java C/C++ NR NR C/C++ Java Java Java Java Java Java C/C++ Java Java C/C++ Java C/C++ Java C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java C/C++ Java Java C/C++ NR Fortran91 Java Java NR NR C/C++ Java NR C/C++ C/C++ Java Java Java C/C++ NR C/C++ C/C++ Java NR Java C/C++ Java C/C++ Java Java Java NR Java C/C++ C/C++ NR Java C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ NR C/C++ C/C++

NR NR 17 NR 2035 NR NR 66 74 NR NR NR 73 90 NR NR NR NR

Real-time mathematical C project Loop insulin titration simulator Compute the median of three integers Analysis and simulation of gene regulatory networks Grade computation module Modeling and analysis of graphs Google utility library Heap sort algorithm Hill cipher encryption program Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN) scheduler simulator Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN) scheduler simulator Binary image dilation Find whether an string is formed by the interleaving of other two strings Inverse cumulative distribution function of the normal distribution Linear algebra package Calculate the major outputs of the queuing network systems Date and time utilities Scientific calculations and visualizations SAT Solver Key-lock problem algorithm Find the area of the largest rectangle in a histogram SAT Solver Computation of the Lipschitz cover C compiler Text search engine library SAT Solver SAT Solver Find the largest rectangle in a 2D binary matrix Kadane’s MAXSUB algorithm Given a binary tree, find the maximum path sum Online trading software platform Minimize a deterministic finite automation Find the minimum element in a sorted and rotated array SAT Solver Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the minimal spanning tree Monte Carlo modelling program Multi-segment MAXSUM algorithm Solve the multiple knapsack problem NASA database of telemetry data and query interface Normal distribution probability computation Network simulator CUDF document analyser Partial differential equation calculation C compiler SAT Solver Compute a minimum spanning forest using Prim’s MST algorithm Quick sort algorithm Analytic platform application Wireless metering program Currency converter web service RSA encryption program SAT solver SAT Solver Company car and expense claim system Find a target value in a sorted rotated array Stream editor that perform text transformations on an input stream Seismic data query web service Service-oriented calculator Solve the set coverage problem using a greedy algorithm Mesh simplification algorithm Simulated annealing search Meal ordering system Mutiply two sparse matrices Find the two shortest paths between two vertices in a graph Shortest path between between two vertices in a graph Find the shortest common string Capture all regions of a board surrounded by a symbol Real-time mathematical C project Vector Machine learning application C compiler Calculate triangle area (Heron’s formula) Calculate triangle area C compiler

[117] [76] [67] [40] [35] [61] [61] [145] [128] [101] [101] [96] [145] [74] [38] [37] [61] [38] [73] [32] [145] [73] [92] [119] [75] [73] [73] [145] [145] [145] [121] [4] [145] [73] [129] [105] [145] [4] [130] [44] [103] [73] [116] [116] [73] [145] [145] [78] [100] [85] [128] [73] [73] [65] [145] [47] [85] [84] [4] [93] [123] [65] [4] [47] [47] [64] [145] [117] [58] [118] [125] [35] [118]

36 77 320 NR NR 113 25 74 NR 929 34 NR 1600 61 808 NR 36 NR NR NR 765 49 NR NR NR 28 NR NR 53 1442 551 2480 211 NR 25 NR 259 200 95 NR 78 NR NR NR 12 168 NR