Subjective and Objective Results of Radiofrequency ...
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Subjective and Objective Results of Radiofrequency ...
Subjective and Objective Results of Radiofrequency Ablation in Drug-Resistant Allergic Rhinitis Based on a 12-Month Follow-up Study Seon-Sook Han, MD1, Seung-Joon Lee, MD1, Jun Yeon Won, MD2, Hyun Kyung Choi2 and Eui-Cheol Nam, MD2 1
Department of Internal Medicine, Kangwon National University School of Medicine; 2 Otolaryngology, Kangwon National University Hospital, Chuncheon, Korea
ABSTRACT Background and Objectives:Allergic rhinitis is a common condition that has been treated using various methods. Nevertheless, it remains an intractable condition in some cases. We evaluated the long-term efficacy of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) therapy for drug-resistant allergic rhinitis. Materials and Methods:Eighteen patients with allergic rhinitis were enrolled in this prospective interventional study. Their subjective symptoms and objective findings were assessed using a visual analogue scale and acoustic rhinometry before and after RFA therapy. Postoperative follow-up was carried out at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. Results:Nasal obstruction and rhinorrhea were improved significantly (p