Submerged Landscapes in a geo-archaeological context. Friday 15 June 2018. Pangea, Dept of Geology (lecture room 229). Everybody is welcome! 20 min.
Mini-symposium on
Submerged Landscapes in a geo-archaeological context Friday 15 June 2018 Pangea, Dept of Geology (lecture room 229)
Everybody is welcome! 20 min. presentations followed by questions and discussion: 09.30
Jørn Bo Jensen, GEUS, Aarhus: The downscaling concept used for geo-archaeological mapping: the SASMAP project
Kärstin Malmberg-Persson, SGU, Lund: Sensitivity to coastal erosion based on geological mapping along the coast of Skåne
Alar Rosentau, Dept of Geology, Tartu University: Holocene shoreline displacement, Stone Age archaeology and submerged landscapes in the Pärnu Bay area
Morten Fischer Mortensen, Nat. Museum, Copenhagen: Femern Bælt – submerged prehistory from dry land
PhD dissertation Anton Hansson:
Submerged landscapes in the Hanö Bay Early Holocene shoreline displacement and human environments in the southern Baltic Basin Opponent: Dr. Jørn Bo Jensen, GEUS, Aarhus