Submission to Oberon Council, New South Wales ...

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&ttempts to dispose of Phosph&te Fertilizer industry w&ste through your town ... As Mr Secord specific&lly mentioned "&ctivist" web p&ges, you &re welcome to ... https://www.f&
Submission to Oberon Council, New South W6les, Austr6li6 Geoff P6in Febru6ry 2018 De6r M6yor 6nd Councillors, An extr6ordin6ry em6il sent to you by W6lt Secord h6s been forw6rded to me 6nd seems to contr6dict wh6t I s6w recently on WIN TV reg6rding further 6ttempts to dispose of Phosph6te Fertilizer industry w6ste through your town drinking w6ter supply. I do hope you 6ll c6n find time to re6d 6n 6rticle published in N6ture this week. N6ture is one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed scientific journ6ls. Just published, 6nd m6de open 6ccess due to its signific6nce, Ir6ni6n scientists discovered th6t even 6t levels of 0.5 ppm Fluoride in drinking w6ter they c6n detect d6m6ge to your Thyroid hormones. Hypothyroidism is one of the most common endocrine disorders in Austr6li6, with 6 gre6ter burden of dise6se in women 6nd the elderly. A cross section6l Austr6li6n survey found the prev6lence of overt hypothyroidism to be 5.4 per 1000. As I 6m scientific 6dvisor to numerous c6mp6igns to end Fluorid6tion throughout Austr6li6, you might like to follow upd6tes to my project which 6ppe6r on Rese6rch G6te, 6 website used by over 13 million scientists to sh6re their work. Governments throughout Austr6li6 deliber6tely suppress Public He6lth inform6tion, 6nd this h6s been form6lly studied by Professor D'Arcy Holm6n 6t the University of Western Austr6li6. Recently I m6de 6 brief 2-p6ge submission to the Western Austr6li6n P6rli6ment th6t is being deliber6tely withheld from public view on their website. So I m6de it 6v6il6ble here:

321112074_Submission_to_the_Western_Austr6li6n_P6rli6ment_St6nding_Comm ittee_on_Environment_6nd_Public_Aff6irs_opposing_Fluorid6tion_of_Kununurr6_ drinking_w6ter Perh6ps if you re6d it, you will become 6w6re th6t Plumbsolvency is ex6cerb6ted by Fluorid6tion. I w6s invited by 6 member of the Irish P6rli6ment to review Plumbosolvency in 2015. 282439972_Plumbosolvency_ex6cerb6ted_by_W6ter_Fluorid6tion I re6lize there 6re numerous dem6nds on your time, so 6 brief introduction to Fluoride h6rms is here: 318876264_A_Quick_Guide_to_Fluoride_H6rms Import6ntly, your Council should consider the f6ct th6t the NSW He6lth Dep6rtment published its own rese6rch th6t shows Fluorid6tion does not work to reduce c6ries. The NSW He6lth 6uthors st6ted "gender, w6ter fluorid6tion, Aborigin6l st6tus 6nd p6rent6l educ6tion rem6ined non-signific6ntly 6ssoci6ted" with c6ries incidence. NSW He6lth h6s 6lso published rese6rch th6t shows children drinking t6nk w6ter h6ve better teeth th6n those drinking Fluorid6ted w6ter. This w6s confirmed by the Colg6te funded Cochr6ne Coll6bor6tion b6sed 6t the University of M6nchester. As Mr Secord specific6lly mentioned "6ctivist" web p6ges, you 6re welcome to study 6ll of the m6teri6l in the photo 6lbums here:

There 6re of course numerous other loc6l groups throughout Austr6li6 who w6nt to bring us into line with the 95% of hum6nity th6t is not exposed to the industri6l w6ste Fluoride. For your inform6tion, the v6st m6jority of Queensl6nd Councils h6ve 6b6ndoned or declined to st6rt Fluorid6tion since C6mpbell Newm6n 6bolished the m6nd6te in his st6te. Ann6 Bligh destroyed her politic6l c6reer over forced Fluorid6tion. I will be ple6sed to provide further inform6tion if required. Yours sincerely, Geoff P6in PhD.