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E – MAIL: [email protected] 91 44 22493365

Res: PLOT NO.79, 6th STREET, KANNADHASAN NAGAR, RAMAPURAM, CHENNAI-600 089, INDIA. “NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations “

PSYCHO-ANALYSIS: 31 World Submit on the Information society and its Plan of Action via arousing unanimous fellow feelings around the World: [This statement is submitted before 15 Dec 2010 against the invitation received from Mr. Sha Zukang, UN UnderSecretary General for Economic and Social Affairs to convey the outcome at UN General Assembly to be held in 2011]

The source code in this statement of Analysis is how to implement Information and communications technology [ITCs] on reviewing the program and polices unanimously in Natural way at UN and implement around the world without planting ITCs via marketing strategies of profit makings to shun Global recession. INTERNET: The electronic and optical networking technologies are linked as internet where the 25% of the world human population is use it. The traditional communications such as telephone, music, film, and television took the advantage of internet to make huge money by pocketing the rest of the 75% human population around the world. The Internet is extremely heterogeneous and lacks uniformity and in Nature that the homogeneous is uniform in composition or character. Therefore, the internet and service providers around the world are to be brought under one uniform code by monitoring the self-similarity on magnifying ratio on data transfer rates and materials of e-wastes by UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) via ITCs program and policies to bring Natural homogeneous effect on social composition or human character to improve equity, efficiency and effectiveness on earth. The measure of magnifying ratio by (IGF) must begin from Land locked least developed countries like stone thrown on a pond where the magnifying wave lengths are spread equally all around unanimously till it reaches the destination of potency. These Natural Equitable Principles on pricing must be followed by UN trade & development (UNCTAD) to achieve potency around the world. Many Heads of the states may react against such program and policies in ITCS & UNCTAD to protect minority in which (IGF) & UN must undertake such minorities to protect for successful implementation of ITCs program and policies on Internet & UNCTAD around the world to expedite sustainability, globalization and transformation. Action Line С1:- The role of public governance authorities and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development – The human population around the world must experience the meaning of Information. Information is born out of Gender/Genetic Expression and Gender/Genetic response by processing via to & foe interactions to establish communication for transformation and diversification without remainder. Without remainder communication is complete and without information there is no communication. He who communicates without information is in insane or junk as human experience plenty on internet. Gender/genetic inequities generate ill communication without information via fictions or fraudulent act

with one extension of corruption or depression. Such communication is being executed in big volume for big money in day to day life via electronic medium which divide bipolar world into unipolar world to relay on collation partners for its survival and power. Decorations & Medals :( EX-INDIAN NAVY)

Poorvi Star Sangram Medal 25th Independence Anniversary Medal Long Service Medal -2-

Therefore, that the digital divide productions and repeating of sex and violence via printed or electronic or traditional communications need to be declared as crime via ITCs international program and policy. The Natural communications such as gender/genetic expression and response have two extensions to live and share power for transformation and diversification without remainder. The remainders in ICTs are found in e-waste, e-scrap, or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) which causes serious health and pollution problems in developing countries. It needs to be eliminated by clean technologies by encouraging the electronic waste recycling units/processors around the world. Issuing patent and copyright on unclean technologies must be stopped and should not be allowed under the cheap provisions of bribe or employment guarantees. Permanent employment schemes are depend upon the ITCs program, policy and clean technologies. The fraudulent ITC program and policies damage human resources. Adopting an International policy in this regards is very essential for Global social development and transformation to achieve sustainability. NGO, Childcare consortium is rightly mentioned in previous statement of analysis on Global social development that the world is submerged in emotions [EQ] due to prevailing volume of gender inequities which pushes [IQ} moral world at the backyard. The failure of moral value in public governance authorities and stakeholders are liable to comment/commit false and continue life with same old unclean ICTs with E-wastes. A UN Report warned that the earth’s 6.8 billion humans are effectively living 50% beyond the planets’ bio-capacity in 2007 and WWF adding that by 2030 human will effectively need the capacity of two Earths. Enough is enough that the ITCs must work to protect bio-capacity to improve Natural efficiency on land, water, air for fertility and potency in life forms to avoid mass extinction on earth rather than finding exploitation methodologies to acquire Natural deposits for profits. Therefore, that the National or Global e-strategies are to be endorsed at United Nations for publication and implementation. The E-strategies prepared by Public/Private Partnership (PPP) or Multi-Sector Partnership (MSP) needs to get endorsed with respective government under the guideline of Internet Governance Forum (IGF). The Import and export policy of the respective Government on Software need to be consulted with Internet Governance Forum (IGF) under the guideline of United Nations for implementation.

Now, the options are left with International policy makers on ITCs and those who review the comments to promote unanimous Natural way of communication where continuity is hidden or human made technological way of communication where connectivity is planted to achieve sustainability, Globalization and social transformation.

Action Line C7:-


The ITCs program and policies must be closely related to natural order with clean technologies. Such ITCs program, policies and tools will improve equity, efficiencies, and effectiveness of the population on e-governance for social sustainability, transformation and globalization. Look around the hall at UN HQ on 14 December 2010 and monitor the following three factors: 1] the equity ratio of Male, female and trans-gender assembled to consult or review comments on ITCs 2] Total volume of participant Nation's

Natural resources, 3] The available technical and communication facilities ratio of the participant Nation for reorientation on ITCs program and policies for successful implementation at General Assembly in 2011. In a Nation that the Gender equity, available Natural resources, prevailing technical and communication facilities are to be balanced to develop E-governance. The equity ratio, efficiencies and effectiveness are important to develop E-governance in respective languages as applicable. Any differences arise among these three factors in a Nation that the E-governance development index will vary among the Nations. The world is continuing with the help of Natural communication like breathing in and breathing out oxygen with two extensions by transforming and diversifying the carbon dioxide without remainders. The same world is trying to connect with one another by using human made Technology which leaves behind e-waste. The problem is in human decoding of unclean Technologies which relay on unclean economics encoded by humans. Because, the global social coding is remain unclean with vast gender inequity. Therefore, the ITCs are planted in Europe, Asia and America where the unclean economics are invested for huge profits and accountability of unaccounted values. It needs to be stopped by the ITCs program and policy makers during implementation at General Assembly in 2011 to develop Egovernance unanimously. -3E-Government should not be planted here and there via marketing strategies of profit, but continued on mutual benefits via ITCs program and policies where UN suppose to develop mutual-ism around the world without profitable notions. ITCs should be unanimously spread around the world via its program and polices by carefully viewing the comments at UN General Assembly to develop E-government, in order to enhance transparency, accountability and efficiency at all levels of government. Such initiatives will strengthen relations with global citizens. [Refer the Natural way of technique to arouse unanimous fellow feelings among the Nations hidden in 'Simple economic Theory' and in the implementation process given in Action Line C11 for reference]

Action Line C11 - International and regional cooperation: The International and regional level ITCs are planted here and there in Europe, Asia and America with flexible gender equity ratio and unclean Economic values. The International and regional level ITCs cooperation is based on unanimously agreed ITC program and policies towards Transfer of Technology and channelizing the clean economic values to access information by ordinary citizens around the world. The methodology, technique on arousal of unanimous state among Nations are mentioned in "SIMPLE ECONOMIC THEORY' sent by the NGO childcare consortium to UN NGLS team and UN NGO Section for adaptation. In ITCs program and policy the same can be adapt to transfer clean technology and invest clean economic values from Developed to Developing and to under developing, land locked least developing countries in a clockwise cycle until humans achieve sustainability. The 'SIMPLE ECONOMIC THEORY' allows transfer of Technology and investments step- by-step from developed to developing and to under developing and to land locked least developed countries in orderly form which fills the gap on left over sustainability and generate unanimous fellow feeling in a region, Nation which reflect in cooperation at International level for globalization. The 'SIMPLE ECONOMIC THEORY 'is applicable to Governments, Public/Private Partnership (PPP) or Multi-Sector Partnership (MSP) to maintain Global discipline on ITCs to develop cooperation. Before transferring Technology and investment from developed to developing and under developing and so on that the hosting nation must carefully analyze the gender equity ratio, efficiency and effectiveness of the nations to determine its nature of technological transfer, fund allocation with terms & conditions on receiving country by emphasizing the nature of Technological transfer and investment to be made with next lower level countries within specific duration. Such terms and conditions keep harmonic pressure like sea breeze from developed to developing and from developing to under developing and to

land locked least developed country until their sustainability is being achieved for simultaneous cooperation among the Nations, region and at International level for Peace and prosperity. It is unwise and unfair that the developed countries, World Bank group, IMF, Public/Private Partnership (PPP) and Multi-Sector Partnership (MSP) directly putting their hand into under developing and land locked leased developing countries without the concern of Developing countries with funny ITC projects. Such action is looking like that the Head of Nations directly putting his/her hands into the pocket of ordinary citizen without the concern of revenue authorities under the funny project of poverty eradication. This kind of looting and planting of ITC network around the world need be stopped by (IGF) via ITCs program and policies to develop cooperation among the Nations. Global or National problems can be resolved at the floor of United Nations or friendship gained via International or regional level. Looting and pocketing the ordinary citizens via digital divide need to be stopped around the world via ITCs program and polices to develop cooperation among the nature of each and as a whole on our Planet to achieve sustainability, globalization and transformation into next. These comments are not conflicting advice, but Natural way of (IGF) implementing ITCs program and policies to gain sustainability, unanimous state and reduce Global recession for globalization. NGO, Childcare Consortium is here by thank Mr. Sha Zukang, UN Under-Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs who gave this opportunity to submit statement in promotion of Information and communications technology [ITCs] to prepare note and convey at UN General Assembly to be held, 2011. Good luck! Regards A.Karunakaran, Author and Founder NGO, Childcare Consortium, Chennai, India.