in the program. This year's themes for collaborative programming include: ... sider the amazing location of Denver and e
Submit Your Work to the APA Convention in Denver! Tara Behrend 2016 APA Program Chair Division 14 of the APA just had a successful program at APA’s Annual Convention in Toronto, thanks to past program chair Ann Huffman and her excellent committee. Highlights of the program included invited talks from Gary Latham on the setting of implicit goals; Amy Adler on the well-being of soldiers deployed to Ebola outbreaks; and Jim Sales on running North America’s fifth-largest fire department. On top of these amazing talks we enjoyed a wide range of symposia and posters that dealt with critical, timely topics that spanned I-O and other areas of psychology. The program also featured a fantastic social event at the Steamwhistle Brewery, set in a historic railroad building and museum. If you weren’t there, you missed out! Luckily, you’ll have your chance at next year’s convention in Denver. There are two types of submissions you should consider: Collaborative Programming: Due October 15 This type of submission is meant to focus on integrative topics that bridge two or more divisions. Many of you may belong to multiple divisions, or have colleagues in other divisions. These sessions go through a special review process and are featured in the program. This year’s themes for collaborative programming include: • Social Justice in a Multicultural Society • The Circle of Science: Integrating Science, Practice, and Policy The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
• Advancing the Ethics of Psychology: Issues and Solutions • Cannabis: Concerns, Considerations, and Controversies Think about submitting a session with a colleague from Div 5 (Measurement); 19 (Military); 15 (Education); 21 (Human Factors); 8 (Personality); 35 (Women); 17 (Counseling), or another division you love! If you’d like to discuss an idea with the program committee, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to brainstorm with you. You can also submit your work the regular way, as a poster, presentation, or symposium, through the open call, due December 1. More information about submission requirements can be found on the APA web site at The American Psychological Association has had a difficult year, in the face of serious ethical challenges that affect all psychologists. These issues were the focus of a number of sessions at this year’s convention and will no doubt continue to be a topic of ongoing conversation. Please consider joining this conversation and demonstrating how I-O psychology can contribute to the field of psychology as a whole. If this isn’t compelling enough for you, consider the amazing location of Denver and everything it has to offer (visit to start daydreaming!) The 2016 program promises to be an important and exciting one, and I hope you will consider joining. 193