Subspaces without locally distinguishable orthonormal bases

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Mar 24, 2009 - In this paper, we find subspaces that have no locally distinguishable orthonormal ... rank-3 maximally entangled state is such a subspace.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 032330 共2009兲

Subspaces without locally distinguishable orthonormal bases Wei Jiang,1,* Xi-Jun Ren,2 Xingxiang Zhou,1 Zheng-Wei Zhou,1,† and Guang-Can Guo1


Laboratory of Quantum Information, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, People’s Republic of China 2 School of Physics and Electronics, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, People’s Republic of China 共Received 20 October 2008; published 24 March 2009兲 In this paper, we find subspaces that have no locally distinguishable orthonormal bases. For a Cm 丢 Cn 共m , n ⱖ 3兲 bipartite tensor system, we show that the orthogonal complement of the space spanned by a Schmidt rank-3 maximally entangled state is such a subspace. We further demonstrate that, when both parties’ dimensions are greater than three, the orthogonal complement of the space spanned by any entangled state whose Schmidt rank is greater than three has no locally distinguishable orthonormal bases. Although derived using a scheme simpler than previous methods, our results are much more general than known before. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.79.032330

PACS number共s兲: 03.67.Mn, 03.65.Ud

Local distinguishability of orthogonal quantum states has attracted much attention in quantum information science 关1–15兴. It is the basis for the study of many important quantum information problems. For instance, by using a set of unextendible product basis states 关1兴 which are necessarily locally indistinguishable, states with bound entanglement that cannot be distilled can be constructed 关1兴. Local distinguishability of quantum states also proves essential in the research of classical capacity of quantum channels 关2兴. Although a set of pure multipartite orthogonal quantum states can always be perfectly distinguished by global projective measurement, the distinguishability of multipartite quantum states is a difficult and nontrivial problem when allowed operations are limited to local operations and classical communications 共LOCC兲. This was recognized when Bennett et al. 关3兴 showed counterintuitively that there exist nine orthogonal product states in a 3 丢 3 system which cannot be distinguished by LOCC protocols. Nevertheless, there has been much progress in the research on this problem 关1–15兴. Lately, Watrous 关2兴 showed that, for a bipartite Cn 丢 Cn system, there are subspaces in which no orthonormal bases can be perfectly distinguished by LOCC. These are the orthogonal complement of the space spanned by a maximally rank-n 关16兴 entangled state. Watrous’ work 关2兴 is an important result because the existence of subspaces without locally distinguishable bases indicates that there are quantum channels with only suboptimal classical capacity even when the receiver may communicate classically with a third party representing the channel’s environment. However, the method used to prove the existence of such subspaces is rather complicated mathematically and is difficult to be applied in the investigation in more general settings. Also, the conclusion of 关2兴 is rather confined in the sense that the two parties must have the same dimension n 共n ⱖ 3兲 and the reference subspace must be spanned by a maximally entangled state whose Schmidt rank should be equal to the dimension of the two parties. In this paper, we are looking to find more general subspaces which have no locally distinguishable bases. For a

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Cm 丢 Cn system 共m , n ⱖ 3, m and n not necessarily equal兲, these are the orthogonal complement of the space spanned by Schmidt rank-3 maximally entangled states. Further, when the dimensions of both parties are greater than 3 共m , n ⬎ 3兲, we demonstrate that the orthogonal complement of the space spanned by any entangled state with a Schmidt rank greater than three is a subspace without locally distinguishable orthonormal bases. Our results are much more general than known before 关2兴 and are thus a significant progress in understanding local distinguishability of quantum states. However, although our conclusions incorporate previous results 关2兴 as a special case, we did not derive them by generalizing earlier results using previously known methods. Instead, we followed an approach that is based on an easily understandable idea and much simpler mathematics. Therefore, both our results and methods are valuable for the study of local distinguishability of quantum states. Our idea is as follows. As the set of LOCC operators is a subset of separable operators, if we can prove that all protocols discriminating a set of states must involve some inseparable operators, then we can conclude that this set of states cannot be perfectly distinguished locally. To exploit this idea, we need the following key Lemma: Lemma 1. For a Cm 丢 Cn 共m , n ⱖ 3兲 system, if a Schmidt rank-3 maximally entangled state 兩⌿典 is orthogonal to a Schmidt rank-2 entangled state 兩⌽典, the superposition of these two states cannot be a product state. We prove this by, as a start, assuming that Alice and Bob own the m-dimensional and n-dimensional parts of a Cm 丢 Cn system. We denote the quantum state of a Cm 丢 Cn system 兩␺典AB. We define span关␳A共兩␺典具␺兩兲兴 as the subspace spanned by the eigenstates of ␳A共兩␺典具␺兩兲 with nonzero eigenvalues, where ␳A共兩␺典具␺兩兲 is the reduced density matrix of Alice. We consider three different situations. When span关␳A共兩⌽典具⌽兩兲兴 ⬜ span关␳A共兩⌿典具⌿兩兲兴, without loss of generality, 兩⌿典 and 兩⌽典 can be denoted as 兩⌿典 = 兩0典兩␾0典 + 兩1典兩␾1典 + 兩2典兩␾2典,


兩⌽典 = 兩3典兩␸0典 + 兩4典兩␸1典,


where span兵兩0典 , 兩1典 , 兩2典其 = span关␳A共兩⌿典具⌿兩兲兴 and span兵兩3典 , 兩4典其 = span关␳A共兩⌽典具⌽兩兲兴, and Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲 are 032330-1

©2009 The American Physical Society

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 032330 共2009兲

JIANG et al.

Schmidt decompositions of 兩⌿典 and 兩⌽典. It can be directly seen that the superposition of 兩⌽典 and 兩⌿典 is not a product state. When span关␳A共兩⌽典具⌽兩兲兴 傺 span关␳A共兩⌿典具⌿兩兲兴, without loss of generality, 兩⌿典 and 兩⌽典 can be denoted as 兩⌿典 = 兩0典兩␾0典 + 兩1典兩␾1典 + 兩2典兩␾2典,


兩⌽典 = 兩0典兩␸0典 + 兩1典兩␸1典,


where span兵兩0典 , 兩1典 , 兩2典其 = span关␳A共兩⌿典具⌿兩兲兴 and span兵兩0典 , 兩1典其 = span关␳A共兩⌽典具⌽兩兲兴. The proof is by contradiction. Suppose a linear combination x兩⌿典 + y兩⌽典 共xy ⫽ 0兲 is a product state, we can write it as x兩⌿典 + y兩⌽典 = 兩0典共x兩␾0典 + y兩␸0典兲 + 兩1典共x兩␾1典 + y兩␸1典兲 + 兩2典共x兩␾2典兲.


Since x兩␾0典 + y兩␸0典, x兩␾1典 + y兩␸1典, and 兩␾2典 must be proportional, 兩␸0典 can be expressed as the linear superposition of 兩␾0典 and 兩␾2典, and 兩␸1典 can be expressed as the linear superposition of 兩␾1典 and 兩␾2典: 兩␸0典 = a0兩␾0典 + b0兩␾2典,


兩␸1典 = a1兩␾1典 + b1兩␾2典.


x兩␾0典 + y兩␸0典 = 共x + a0y兲兩␾0典 + b0y兩␾2典 ⬀ 兩␾2典,


x兩␾1典 + y兩␸1典 = 共x + a1y兲兩␾1典 + b1y兩␾2典 ⬀ 兩␾2典,



which leads to

where span兵兩␣典 , 兩␤典 , 兩␥典其 ⬜ span兵兩0典 , 兩1典其. Then, the superposition of 兩⌽典 and 兩⌿典 could be written as 共xy ⫽ 0兲: x兩⌽典 + y兩⌿典 = x关兩0⬘典兩␾0典 + 兩1⬘典兩␾1典 + 兩2⬘典兩␾2典兴 + y关兩0典兩␸0典 + 兩1典兩␸1典兴 = 兩0典关xa0兩␾0典 + xa1兩␾1典 + xa2兩␾2典 + y兩␸0典兴 + 兩1典关xb0兩␾0典 + xb1兩␾1典 + xb2兩␾2典 + y兩␸1典兴 + 兩␣典共xc0兲兩␾0典 + 兩␤典共xc1兲兩␾1典 + 兩␥典 ⫻共xc2兲兩␾2典.


If x兩⌽典 + y兩⌿典 was a product state, c0兩␣典 , c1兩␤典 and c2兩␥典 共at least one of c0, c1, and c2 is nonzero; should be proportional. This suppose c0 ⫽ 0兲 implies that span兵兩0⬘典 , 兩1⬘典 , 兩2⬘典 兩 其 = span兵兩0典 , 兩1典 , 兩␣典其, thus span兵兩0典 , 兩1典其 = span关␳A共兩⌽典具⌽兩兲兴 傺 span关␳A共兩⌿典具⌿兩兲兴 = span兵兩0典 , 兩1典 , 兩␣典其. This contradicts the fact that span关␳A共兩⌽典具⌽兩兲兴 is not the subspace of span关␳A共兩⌿典具⌿兩兲兴. This completes the proof of Lemma 1. We need to introduce the following two more lemmas. Lemma 2. For a Cm 丢 Cn共m , n ⱖ 4兲 system, the superposition of any entangled state 兩⌿典 with a Schmidt rank ⱖ4 and any Schmidt rank-2 entangled state 兩⌽典 is not a product state. We prove this Lemma by examining the situation where the Schmidt rank of 兩⌿典 is four. The same argument applies to situations where the Schmidt rank of 兩⌿典 is greater than four. When span关␳A共兩⌽典具⌽兩兲兴 ⬜ span关␳A共兩⌿典具⌿兩兲兴, the superposition of 兩⌽典 and 兩⌿典 is not a product state. When span关␳A共兩⌽典具⌽兩兲兴 傺 span关␳A共兩⌿典具⌿兩兲兴, without loss of generality and by using the Schmidt decomposition, 兩⌿典 and 兩⌽典 can be denoted as

x + a0y = 0,


兩⌿典 = 兩0典兩␾0典 + 兩1典兩␾1典 + 兩2典兩␾2典 + 兩3典兩␾3典,


x + a1y = 0.


兩⌽典 = 兩0⬘典兩␸0典 + 兩1⬘典兩␸1典,



where span兵兩0典 , 兩1典 , 兩2典 , 兩3典其 = span关␳A共兩⌿典具⌿兩兲兴; span兵兩0⬘典 , 兩1⬘典其 = span关␳A共兩⌽典具⌽兩兲兴; 兩0⬘典 = a0兩0典 + b0兩1典 + c0兩2典 + d0兩3典 and 兩1⬘典 = a1兩0典 + b1兩1典 + c1兩2典 + d1兩3典. Then, the superposition of 兩⌽典 and 兩⌿典 could be written as 共xy ⫽ 0兲:


x兩⌿典 + y兩⌽典 = x关兩0典兩␾0典 + 兩1典兩␾1典 + 兩2典兩␾2典 + 兩3典兩␾3典兴 + y关兩0⬘典

Therefore 2x + 共a0 + a1兲y = 0. From the orthogonality of 兩⌿典 and 兩⌽典, we get 具␾0兩␸0典 + 具␾1兩␸1典 = 0.

⫻兩␸0典 + 兩1⬘典兩␸1典兴 = 兩0典关x兩␾0典 + ya0兩␸0典

This implies that 1 a0具␾0兩␾0典 + a1具␾1兩␾1典 = 共a0 + a1兲 = 0, 3

+ ya1兩␸1典兴 + 兩1典关x兩␾1典 + yb0兩␸0典 + yb1兩␸1典兴


which means a0 + a1 = 0. Thus, we get x = 0 from Eq. 共12兲. This contradicts the condition xy ⫽ 0. When span关␳A共兩⌽典具⌽兩兲兴 is neither orthogonal to span关␳A共兩⌿典具⌿兩兲兴 nor the subspace of span关␳A共兩⌿典具⌿兩兲兴, without loss of generality, 兩⌿典 and 兩⌽典 can be denoted as 兩⌿典 = 兩0⬘典兩␾0典 + 兩1⬘典兩␾1典 + 兩2⬘典兩␾2典,


兩⌽典 = 兩0典兩␸0典 + 兩1典兩␸1典,


+ 兩2典关x兩␾2典 + yc0兩␸0典 + yc1兩␸1典兴 + 兩3典关x兩␾3典 + yd0兩␸0典 + yd1兩␸1典兴.


If x兩⌿典 + y兩⌽典 was a product state, then x兩␾0典 + ya0兩␸0典 + ya1兩␸1典, x兩␾1典 + yb0兩␸0典 + yb1兩␸1典, x兩␾2典 + yc0兩␸0典 + yc1兩␸1典, and x兩␾3典 + yd0兩␸0典 + yd1兩␸1典 should be proportional. Thus, we obtain

where span兵兩0⬘典 , 兩1⬘典 , 兩2⬘典其 = span关␳A共兩⌿典具⌿兩兲兴; span兵兩0典 , 兩1典其 = span关␳A共兩⌽典具⌽兩兲兴. Generally, 兩0⬘典 = a0兩0典 + b0兩1典 + c0兩␣典, 兩1⬘典 = a1兩0典 + b1兩1典 + c1兩␤典, and 兩2⬘典 = a2兩0典 + b2兩1典 + c2兩␥典, 032330-2

兩␾0典 = ␭0兩␩0典 + 共␨0兩␸0典 + ␰0兩␸1典兲,


兩␾1典 = ␭1兩␩0典 + 共␨1兩␸0典 + ␰1兩␸1典兲,


兩␾2典 = ␭2兩␩0典 + 共␨2兩␸0典 + ␰2兩␸1典兲,


PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 032330 共2009兲


兩␾3典 = ␭3兩␩0典 + 共␨3兩␸0典 + ␰3兩␸1典兲.


It is impossible that span兵兩␸0典 , 兩␸1典 , 兩␩0典其 = span兵兩␾0典 , 兩␾1典 , 兩␾2典 , 兩␾3典其. When span关␳A共兩⌽典具⌽兩兲兴 is neither orthogonal to span关␳A共兩⌿典具⌿兩兲兴 nor the subspace of span关␳A共兩⌿典具⌿兩兲兴, we can use the same method as in the proof of Lemma 1 to prove that the superposition of 兩⌽典 and 兩⌿典 is not a product state. This completes the proof. Lemma 3. If a set of orthogonal states 兵兩␺i典其 can be distinguished by some LOCC protocol, every state in 兵兩␺i典其 共say 兩␺k典兲 can be written as 兩 ␺ k典 =

兩␾1k 典


兩␾2k 典


兩␾3k 典

+ ... ,


where 兩␾lk典’s are all product states, and every 兩␾lk典 is orthogonal to the states in 兵兩␺i典其i⫽k. Lemma 3 is actually the main conclusion of Ref. 关4兴 and will be used in the following proof. Before we proceed to prove our main results, we review how a LOCC protocol works in local distinguishability 关2,15兴. In order to distinguish states in the set ␧ = 兵兩␺i典其, Alice and Bob perform successive rounds of local measurement and classical communication. Suppose Alice is the first to perform a positive operator-valued measurement 共POVM兲 兵A†j A j1其 j1. If the outcome is j1, 兵兩␺i典其 becomes 兵A j1兩␺i典其i, up 1 to normalization. Following this, Alice communicates her result to Bob who performs his POVM. Notice that Bob’s choice of measurement is dependent on Alice’s result 关15兴. His POVM operators must be nontrivial, meaning they are not proportional to the identity operator, and they must preserve the orthogonality between the states already measured by Alice. Designate Bob’s first-round POVM operators satisfying these constraints 兵Bk† 共j1兲Bk1共j1兲其k1. Assume Bob’s 1 outcome is k1, states 兵A j1兩␺i典其i become 兵A j1 丢 Bk1共j1兲兩␺i典其i .


Alice and Bob then repeat this process. After N0 rounds of measurement and communication, there are many possible outcomes corresponding to measurement operators acting on Alice and Bob’s Hilbert space, each of which is a product of the N0 operators, that is, 关A jN 共j1 , k1 , . . . , jN0−1 , kN0−1兲 0 丢 Bk 共j 1 , k1 , . . . , j N 兲兴 . . . 关A j 丢 Bk 共j 1兲兴. We denote these opN0 0 1 1 erators 兵Ai 丢 Bi其. They satisfy

兺i A†i 丢 B†i Ai 丢 Bi = 兺i M i = I,


where M i = A†i Ai 丢 B†i Bi. We now introduce our main results summarized in the following theorems. Theorem 1. For a Cm 丢 Cn 共m , n ⱖ 3兲 system, in the orthogonal complement of the space spanned by any Schmidt rank-3 maximally entangled state 兩⌿典, there do not exist orthonormal bases that can be perfectly distinguished by LOCC protocols. mn−1 be a set of orthonormal To prove this, let ␧ = 兵兩␺i典其i=1 basis of the subspace. Suppose elements in ␧ can be distinguished by some LOCC protocol 兵M i其, then for every 兩␺i典

there exists at least one measurement operator M i that satisfies the conditions: M i兩␺ j典 = 0,

all j ⫽ i,

M i兩␺i典 ⫽ 0,

共28兲 共29兲

and we say M i identifies 兩␺i典. We sum all the operators identifying 兩␺i典 and define the sum as M i共s兲. Thus, 兵M i共s兲其i is a set of Hermitian positive separable operators satisfying 兺iM i共s兲 = I. As M i共s兲 is separable, and its support is orthogonal to 兵兩␺1典 , . . . , 兩␺i−1典 , 兩␺i+1典 , . . . , 兩␺mn−1典其, M i共s兲 can be written as M i共s兲 = 兺 y ki 兩␪ki 典具兩␪ki 兩 丢 兩␩ki 典具␩ki 兩,



where 兵y ki 其’s are positive constant coefficients, and every element in 兵兩␪ki 典兩␩ki 典其 is a linear superposition of 兩⌿典 and 兩␺i典. When there exists in ␧ an entangled state whose Schmidt rank is greater than or equal to three 共say 兩␺i典兲, if elements in ␧ can be distinguished by some LOCC protocol, then according to Lemma 3, 兩␺i典 can be written as the superposition of at least three linearly independent product states, each of which is orthogonal to other elements in ␧. This implies that there exist at least mn + 1 linearly independent states in a m 丢 n system. When there exists a Schmidt rank-2 entangled state in ␧ 共say 兩␺i典兲, then M i共s兲, the sum of all operators identifying 兩␺i典, is inseparable, as the superposition of 兩⌿典 and 兩␺i典 is inseparable according to Lemma 1. When all 兩␺i典’s are product states, then every M i共s兲 should be expressed as 兩␺i典具␺i兩. In order to keep the completeness of the LOCC protocol, we need to add measurement operators, the sum of which can be denoted as M 0 = I − 兺 兩␺i典具␺i兩 = 兩⌿典具⌿兩.



M 0 is inseparable and cannot be realized locally. Therefore, elements in 兵兩␺i典其 cannot be distinguished by LOCC. This completes the proof of Theorem 1. Theorem 2. For a Cm 丢 Cn 共m , n ⬎ 3兲 system, in the orthogonal compliment of the space spanned by any entangled state whose Schmidt rank is greater than or equal to four, there do not exist orthonormal bases that can be perfectly distinguished by LOCC protocols. mn−1 be a set of orthonormal To prove this, let ␧ = 兵兩␺i典其i=1 basis of the subspace. When there exists in ␧ an entangled state with a Schmidt rank greater than or equal to three, states in ␧ cannot be distinguished by LOCC protocols according to Lemma 3. When there exists a Schmidt rank-2 entangled state in ␧ 共say 兩␺i典兲, then M i共s兲, the sum of all operators identifying 兩␺i典, is inseparable, as the superposition of 兩⌿典 and 兩␺i典 is inseparable according to Lemma 2. When all 兩␺i典’s are product states, the same corresponding method as that used in the proof of Theorem 1 can be used to prove the local indistinguishability of states in ␧. This completes the proof. In comparison with Watrous’ results in 关2兴, the subspaces we find that have no locally distinguishable orthonormal bases are more general. In Watrous’ subspaces, the dimen-


PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 032330 共2009兲

JIANG et al.

sions of Alice and Bob’s systems must be the same. The one-dimensional space is spanned by a maximally entangled state whose Schmidt rank must be the same with the dimensions of the systems of Alice and Bob. In our case, as proved in Theorem 1, the one dimensional space is spanned by a maximally entangled rank-3 state 兩⌿典 in a Cm 丢 Cn 共m , n ⱖ 3兲 system, and the Schmidt rank of the state is irrelevant to m and n. In Theorem 2, the one-dimensional space is spanned by any entangled state whose Schmidt rank is greater than three. Obviously, Watrous’ subspaces are a special case of our results. The advantage of our method is, by making use of the separability of LOCC operators and Lemmas 1–3, our conclusions can be derived without complicated mathematics and the idea can be comprehended easily.

In conclusion, we find subspaces without locally distinguishable orthonormal bases that are more general than known before. Our results are useful in studying important quantum information problems such as the classical capacity of quantum channels where local distinguishability of quantum states plays an essential role.

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We thank Xiang-Fa Zhou for helpful discussions and suggestions. This work was funded by National Fundamental Research Program No. 2006CB921900, the Innovation funds from Chinese Academy of Sciences, and National Natural Science Foundation of China 共Grants No. 60621064, No. 10574126, No. 10875110, and No. 60836001兲.
