Success and Failure of Technical Success and Failure of ... - Description

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Sep 20, 2000 - Keywords: technical trading strategies, commodity futures, exchange rate. Acknowledgments. During the preparation of this paper we have ...
TI 2001-016/1 Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper

Success and Failure of Technical Trading Strategies in the Cocoa Futures Market

Peter Boswijk Gerwin Griffioen Cars Hommes

Tinbergen Institute The Tinbergen Institute is the institute for economic research of the Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam Keizersgracht 482 1017 EG Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel.: +31.(0)20.5513500 Fax:


Tinbergen Institute Rotterdam Burg. Oudlaan 50 3062 PA Rotterdam The Netherlands Tel.: +31.(0)10.4088900 Fax:


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At T@Tih t @? @||i4T| |L @?tih ^it|L?t h@ti_ M) @ €?@?U@* Th@U||L?ihc B_L Vii?t|h@c i4T*L)i_ @| |i *i@_?} _|U ULUL@ |h@_?} €h4c N?UL4 W?|ih?@|L?@* V @| ~@@?_@4 N?UL4 t T@h| Lu @ M}}ih UL?tLh|4 |@| M)t UhLTt Lu ULUL@ @| |i WLh) L@t|c ihi | @t @ T*@?| |L 4@!i tL4i €ht| hi€?i4i?|t Lu |i h@ ULUL@ Ai ULUL@ Mi@?t @hi tTTi_ |L ,hLTi ihi |i) @hi |h@?tuLh4i_ |L ULUL@M||ihc ULUL@ TL_ih @?_ ULUL@4@tt ? T*@?|t ? 6h@?Ui @?_ 5T@? Aiti h@ ULUL@ ThL_U|t tihi @t ThL_U|L? u@U|Lht ? |i ULUL*@|i ?_t|h) Ai €ht| }L@* Lu N?UL4 t |L ti** |i h@ ULUL@ Mi@?t @t i** @t |i h@ ULUL@ ThL_U|t |L ULUL*@|i 4@?u@U|hiht  tiUL?_ 4TLh|@?| |@t! Lu N?UL4 t |L UL?|hL* |i €?@?U@* ht!t Lu |i L*i UL?tLh|4 Ai UL?tLh|4 u@Uit Uhhi?U) ht! @t i** @t ULUL@ ThUi ht! N?UL4 4L?|Lht |i ThL_U| t|hi@4t @?_ tit ULUL@ u|hit UL?|h@U|tc 4@?*) |Lti |h@_i_ @| |i wL?_L? W?|ih?@|L?@* 6?@?U@* 6|hit , U@?}i EwW66,c |L i_}i |i ThUi ht! N?UL4 |h@_it ULUL@ u|hit |hL} MhL!iht OLiihc |i UL44ttL? uiit }i |i MhL!iht @? ?Ui?|i |L UL?|@U| |ih U*i?|t uhi^i?|*) @?_ |L }i |i4 tL4i|4it ?**?} @_Ui |L |h@_i @t 4U @t TLttM*i hL!iht< @_Uit @hi T@h|*) M@ti_ L? |iU?U@* @?@*)tt W? @__|L? |L ULUL@ ThL_Uihtc 4Lhi @?_ 4Lhi tTiU*@|Lht tii4 |L Mi |h@_?} L? |i ULUL@ u|hit 4@h!i|t L ti |iU?U@* @?@*)tt @t @ uLhiU@t|?} |LL* Wu @ *L| Lu tTiU*@|Lht | @ *@h}i @4L?| Lu 4L?i) @hi |h@_?} ? @ 4@h!i|c |i) 4@) @giU| hi@*3i_ u|hit ThUit |hL} |ih Mi@Lh Ai ^it|L? U@? ULUL@ u|hit ThUit Mi Thi_U|i_ M) |iU?U@* @?@*)ttq< |t MiUL4it 4TLh|@?| uhL4 @ Th@U||L?iht iTL?| At ^it|L? t ?L| L?*) 4TLh|@?| |L ULUL@ ThL_Uihtc M| ? }i?ih@* |L ThL_Uiht Lu @?) UL44L_|) i_}?} ThUi ht! Wu |iU?U@* @?@*)tt @t uLhiU@t|?} TLih @?_ tTiU*@|Lht |@!i TLt|L?t ? |i 4@h!i| L? |i M@tt Lu |iU?U@* @?@*)ttc |iti tTiU*@|Lht U@? @giU| 4@h!i| ThUit `) tL*_ @ EULUL@ ThL_Uih }L tLh| ? |i u|hit 4@h!i| |L i_}i t ThUi ht! i TLthi u i !?Lt |@| @ *L| Lu tTiU*@|Lht ? |i 4@h!i| @hi M)?} *L?} TLt|L?t _h?} T |i ThUiq k?L*i_}i Lu |i Mi@Lh Lu tTiU*@|Lht ? |i 4@h!i| 4@) Mi tiu* |L @_@T| @ ThL_Uiht< ThUi i_}?} t|h@|i}) N?|* u@h*) hiUi?|*)c |i @U@_i4U *|ih@|hi @t T@_ *||*i @||i?|L? |L |iU?U@* |h@_?} t|h@|i}it N?|* |i i}|it |i iUi?| 4@h!i| )TL|itt E,O @t |i _L4?@|?} T@h@_}4 ? €?@?Uic i} 6@4@ Eb.f @?_ 5@4i*tL? EbSD UULh_?} |L @ t|hL?} uLh4 Lu |i ,O €?@?U@* |4i tihit uL**L @ h@?_L4 @*! @?_ @hi |t ?ihi?|*) ?Thi_U|@M*i ** ?uLh4@|L? t _tUL?|i_ ? |i ThUit @*hi@_) @?_ ThUit ** L?*) @_@T| u ?i ?uLh4@|L? MiUL4it @@*@M*i iU@ti ?it @hhit h@?_L4*)c ThUit ** 4Li h@?_L4*) UULh_?} |L |i ,O €?@?U@* |4i tihit @hi ?Thi_U|@M*i @?_ |iU?U@* @?@*)tt t ti*itt @?_ U@? ?L| *i@_ |L t|@|t|U@**) t}?€U@?| Thi_U|L? Lh iUL?L4U@**) t}?€U@?| ThL€|t W? |i *@t| _iU@_i Liihc |iU?U@* @?@*)tt @t hi}@?i_ |i ?|ihit| Lu 4@?) iUL?L4U hiti@hUiht 5iih@* @|Lht @i tL? |@| €?@?U@* ThUit @?_ hi|h?t @hi uLhiU@t|@M*i |L tL4i i |i?|c i|ih uhL4 |ih L? T@t| Lh uhL4 tL4i L|ih TM*U@**) @@*@M*i ?uLh 4@|L?c i} 6@4@ @?_ 6hi?U EbHHc wL @?_ @Uk?*i) EbHHc bb.c bbb @?_ it@h@? 

@?_ A44ih4@? EbbDc 2fff W? T@h|U*@hc | @t Mii? tL? |@| t4T*i |iU?U@* |h@_?} h*it ti_ ? €?@?U@* Th@U|Ui U@? }i?ih@|i TLt|i ThL€|t @?_ U@? @i t|@|t |U@**) t}?€U@?| uLhiU@t|?} TLih 6Lh i @4T*i hLU!c w@!L?tL! @?_ wi@hL? Ebb2 Eww ihi@u|ih |it| 2S t4T*i |iU?U@* |h@_?} h*it L? _@*) _@|@ Lu |i #L aL?it W?_t|h@* ih@}i E#aW ? |i TihL_ Hb.bHS ,@U Lu |i |h@_?} h*it ww |it| }i?ih@|it }ih hi|h?t _h?} M) _@)t |@? _h?} ti** _@)t 6h|ih |i) €?_ |@| hi|h?t uL**L?} M) t}?@*t @hi *itt L*@|*i |@? hi|h?t uL**L?} ti** t}?@*t ) @T T*)?} MLL|t|h@T |iU?^it |i) tL |@| |ih hit*|t @hi ?L| UL?tt|i?| | tL4i TLT*@h ?** 4L_i*t *!i |i +@?_L4 `@*!c |i +Ec |i B+O ? i@? @?_ |i , TL?i?|@* B+O 4L_i* wi@hL? Ebbb TihuLh4t |i t@4i @?@*)tt @t ww uLh |i TihL_ bHHbbb @?_ €?_t |@| |h@_?} h*it TihuLh4 4U Lhti ? |t TihL_c M| |@| L*@|*|) hi4@?t _gihi?| Mi|ii? M) @?_ ti** TihL_t wiU @?_ AL4@t Ebb  |it| €*|ih @?_ 4L?} @ih@}i |h@_?} h*it L? uLhi}? Uhhi?U) u|hi ThUit ? |i TihL_ b.Sbbf TT*)?} MLL|t|h@T |iU?^it |i) UL?U*_i |@| |i ThL€|t Lu |i |iU?U@* |h@_?} t|h@|i}it U@? ?L| Mi i T*@?i_ M) @ h@?_L4 @*! 4L_i* ?Lh M) @|LULhhi*@|L?t ? |i _@|@ wi@hL? Ebb  @TT*it |h@_?} h*it |L i U@?}i h@|it M@ti_ L? ?|ihit| h@|i _gihi?|@*tc 4L?} @ih@}it @?_ L*@|*|) UL4T@htL? @?_ UL?U*_it |@| |i |h@_?} h*it |it|i_ @i uLhiU@t|?} TLih Lt| T@Tiht h||i? L? |i ThL€|@M*|) Lu |iU?U@* |h@_?} h*it ti _@*) _@|@ | |ihi t @*tL tL4i *|ih@|hi |it|?} |i t|h@|i}it L? ?|h@_@) _@|@ +i@_) Ebb. tLt |@| ThL€|t Lu |iU?U@* |h@_?} h*itc @TT*i_ |L |i *@h}it| 2fI t|LU!t Lu |i v5, ? |i TihL_ b.fbbDc _t@TTi@h @t ThUi t*TT@}i @?_ |h@?t@U|L? ULt|t @hi |@!i? ?|L @UUL?| 6h|ih i @*tL €?_t |@| |h@_?} h*it TihuLh4 4U Lhti ? |i TihL_ bbf bbD hULc BLL_@h|c B**@4i @?_ @)?i Ebb. @TT*) |iU?U@* |h@_?} h*itc M@ti_ L? tTTLh| @?_ hitt|@?Ui *ii*tc |L ?|h@ _@*) _@|@ Lu uLhi}? i U@?}i 4@h!i|t Ai) €?_ |@| ?L ThL€|t U@? Mi 4@_i L? @ih@}i i? |h@?t@U|L? ULt|tc _i |L M_ @t! tThi@_tc @hi |@!i? ?|L @UUL?| hUi t*TT@}i @?_ |h@?t@U|L? ULt|t @hi 4TLh|@?| |i4itc MiU@ti |i) U@? @i @ ?i}@|i ?i?Ui L? |i ThL€|@M*|) Lu |h@_?} h*it hiTLh|i_ ? 4@?) t|_it 5iih@* @|Lht @i i4T@t3i_ |i _@?}ih Lu _@|@ t?LLT?}c 4i@??} |@| u L?i ti@hUit *L?} i?L} ? @ _@|@ti|c |ihi ** @*@)t @TTi@h L?i |h@_?} t|h@|i}) |@| tii4t |L Lh! At ThLM*i4 t 4|}@|i_ M) 4@?) @|Lht M) t?} L?*) |h@_?} h*it |@| @hi i@*) ti_ ? €?@?U@* Th@U|Ui Lh M) hiTLh|?} |i hLMt|?itt Lu |ih hit*|t @UhLtt _gihi?| tMTihL_t OLiihc 5**@?c A44ih4@?? @?_ `|i EbbH E5A` ihi@u|ih ?L|i_ |@| tU |h@_?} t|h@|i}it UL*_ Mi |i hit*| Lu thLhtT M@tc t?Ui |i Uhhi?|*) ti_ |h@_?} h*it ? Th@U|Ui U@? Mi |i hit*| Lu @ UL?|?Lt ti@hU uLh |i Mit| t|h@|i}) AihiuLhi |i) ThLTLti |L ti `|it crit (10% ) Period Full 3 2 1 53.63 7.91 2.64 31.50 43.14 5.36 4.13 21.30 31.61 18.50 3.52 21.90 47.46 8.27 3.26 26.70

Rule ma trb filter all

R ule ma trb filter all

B uy and Sell Period 1 12.40 6.69 5.94 9.95

R ule ma trb filter all

B uy and Sell Period 1 17.93 12.34 5.54 14.57

R ule ma trb filter all

2 5.55 4.02 2.09 4.67

2 0.48 0.28 1.66 0.55

2 0 0.05 0 0.02

3 0 0.28 0 0.09

3 0.07 0.22 0.36 0.16

3 0 0 0.17 0.02

Full 8.89 7.85 0.87 7.59

Full 2.74 1.53 3.50 2.39

Full 0.07 0 0.17 0.06

B uy and Sell Period 1 0.07 0 0 0.04

LIFFE M ean B uy: % t-ratio's>t crit (10% ) Period Full 3 2 1 24.46 0.66 2.20 4.25 26.61 0.56 8.04 6.95 20.36 2.67 5.19 13.40 24.77 0.86 4.58 6.25

M ean Sell: % t-ratio'st crit (10% ) Period Full 3 2 1 1.25 0.07 0.52 0.15 1.62 1.15 0.52 1.25 2.09 0.67 3.97 1.05 1.49 5.23 0.92 0.65

R ule ma trb filter all

A@M*i WVG A@M*it Lu t}?€U@?Ui @u|ih ULhhiU|L? uLh _iTi?_i?Ui @ At |@M*i tLt uLh @** ti|t Lu |h@_?} h*it @TT*i_ |L |i wW66, ULUL@ tihit ? |i TihL_ H GH.G2 |i TihUi?|@}i Lu |h@_?} h*it uLh U |i it|4@|i_ M) Eti** _44) ? |i hi}hittL? u?U|L? Lu |i ,B+O 4L_i* t t}?€U@?|*) TLt|i E?i}@|i @| @ fI t}?€U@?Ui *ii* EtiUL?_ @?_ |h_ UL*4? Ai uLh| UL*4? tLt |i TihUi?|@}i Lu |h@_?} h*it uLh U |i _44) uLh M) _@)t t t}?€U@?|*) TLt|i @?_ |i _44) Lu ti** _@)t t t}?€U@?|*) ?i}@|i

R ule B u y D um m y

M At |@M*i tLt uLh @** ti|t Lu |h@_?} h*it @TT*i_ |L |i L?_#L**@h i U@?}i h@|i ? |i TihL_ H GH.G2 |i TihUi?|@}i Lu |h@_?} h*it uLh U |i it|4@|i_ M) Eti** _44) ? |i hi}hittL? u?U|L? Lu |i B+O ? 4i@? 4L_i* t t}?€U@?|*) TLt|i E?i}@|i @| @ fI t}?€U@?Ui *ii* EtiUL?_ @?_ |h_ UL*4? Ai uLh| UL*4? tLt |i TihUi?|@}i Lu |h@_?} h*it uLh U |i _44) uLh M) _@)t t t}?€U@?|*) TLt|i @?_ |i _44) Lu ti** _@)t t t}?€U@?|*) ?i}@|i

R ule B u y D um m y

A@M*i VG hLttULhhi*@|L?t Ai |@M*it tL |i UhLttULhhi*@|L? Mi|ii? |i wW66, @?_ 5, UL?|?@|L? ULUL@ tihitc @?_ |i L?_#L**@h i U@?}i h@|i uLh |i TihL_t H GH.G2c HHGb2G2 @?_ b Gb.GS

8 3 :1 - 9 7 :6 Co rr L IFF E CS C E B P DO

8 3 :1 - 8 7 :1 2 L IF FE 1.0 0 0.9 8 0.6 6



1.0 0 0.5 1

1.0 0

L IF FE 1.0 0 0.9 7 0.0 8



1.0 0 -0.1 3

1.0 0

8 8 :1 -9 2 :1 2 Co rr L IFF E CS C E B P DO


L IF FE 1.0 0 0.8 7 0.8 8



1.0 0 0.5 8

1.0 0

L IF FE 1.0 0 0.9 3 0.2 6



1.0 0 0.1 6

1.0 0

9 3 :1 -9 7 :6 C orr L IFF E CS C E BPDO

A@M*i VWG 5}?€U@?Ui ?_ih _ hi|h?tc ULUL@ tihit ? L|ih Uhhi?U)

The table shows for all periods (1, 2, 3, full) the percentage of strategies (ma, trb, filter, all) for which the LIFFE cocoa series expressed in Dollars and the CSCE cocoa series expressed in Pounds have a significant positive (negative) mean return during buy (sell) days. The table also shows the percentage of strategies for which the difference in mean return of the dataseries during buy and sell days is significant positive. Further is shown the percentage of strategies for which the dataseries has a significant positive mean return during buy days and a significant negative mean return during sell days. The table summarizes the results of one sided tests with a 10% significance level. This table should be compared with table III.

R ule ma trb filter all

R u le ma trb filter all

M ean B uy -S ell: % t-ratio's> t crit (10% ) P erio d F ull 3 2 1 1.76 14.86 2.27 5.47 2.45 13.82 2.17 3.32 3.24 23.17 6.13 9.83 2.17 15.48 2.66 5.22

R u le ma trb filter all

R ule ma trb filter all

B uy and S ell P eriod 1 0.15 0 0.36 0.12

R ule ma trb filter all

2 0.0 7 2.0 8 0.8 3 0.8 6

2 0.11 0.0 6 0 0.0 8

3 0.18 0 0.72 0.18

3 0.04 0 0.55 0.08

F ull 0 .2 2 0 .2 7 1 .1 7 0 .3 5

F ull 0 .11 0 .0 5 0 .1 7 0 .1 0

B uy and S ell P eriod 1 1.00 0.23 0.18 0.64

M ean S ell: % t-ratio 's< -t crit (1 0% ) P eriod F ull 3 2 1 1.0 7 81.23 0.73 3 2.74 1.3 1 55.00 0.11 2 1.21 2.1 6 46.67 1.08 1 8.83 1.2 7 68.13 0.56 2 7.04

M ean B uy -S ell: % t-ratio's> t crit (10% ) P erio d F ull 3 2 1 27.90 3.00 0.77 2.85 13.80 2.51 0.27 1.63 12.50 6.00 5.89 6.17 21.28 3.18 1.13 2.78

R ule ma trb filter all

R ule ma trb filter all

M ean S ell: % t-ratio 's< -t crit (1 0% ) P eriod F ull 3 2 1 29.04 20.80 1.14 1 8.45 12.60 16.00 0.27 8 .72 4.8 2 19.83 2.66 1 3.17 20.62 19.00 0.99 1 4.30

L IF F E in D ollars M ean B uy: % t-ratio's> t crit (10% ) P eriod F ull 3 2 1 1.3 6 0.47 2 .82 0 .84 1.8 3 3.31 5 .25 1 .36 1.8 0 4.67 8 .47 4 .83 1.5 7 1.94 4 .29 1 .49

C SC E in P ou n d s M ean B uy: % t-ratio's> t crit (10% ) P eriod F ull 3 2 1 5.8 2 0.62 0 .37 0 .62 6.9 9 0.50 0 .44 0 .53 12 .32 1.00 3 .23 5 .67 6.9 5 0.62 0 .69 1 .16

R ule ma trb filter all