creatures intention /in tenʃən/ noun zámer His intention is to make the company
the most successful in Europe. irrational /i r ʃənəl/ adj neracionálny, nerozumný.
1 Pronunciation symbols /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ / / /f/ /v/ /θ/ /ð/ /s/ /z/ /ʃ/ // /tʃ/ /d/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /h/ /l/ /r/ /j/
= pen = bad = tap = do = can = get = few = view = throw = though = see = zoo = shop = measure = cheese = join = man = not = ring = hot = let = rain = yet
/w/ /e/ // /i/ /i/ /ɑ/ /ɒ/ /ɔ/ /υ/ /u/ // / / /ə/ /ei/ /əυ/ /ai/ /aυ/ /ɔi/ /iə/ /eə/ /υə/ // / /
= way = let = add = teeth = bit = art = dog = form = put = do = cup = skirt = the = make = home = fly = now = enjoy = near = care = poor = main stress after /ɑftə/ = secondary stress afternoon / ɑftənun/
Abbreviations noun adj. verb adv. pron prep number
= podstatné meno = prídavné meno = sloveso = príslovka = zámeno = predložka = èíslovka
Pearson Longman
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Published 2009
3 MODULE 1 Join the club acceptance /əkseptəns/ noun prijatie, akceptovanie Young people look for values and acceptance from people of the same age. aggression /ə reʃən/ noun útok, agresia The bombing was an unprovoked act of aggression. baggy /b i/ adj neforemný, vo¾ný, a baggy T-shirt baseball cap /beisbɔl kp/ noun šiltovka, basebalová èiapka The boy wore a tracksuit and a baseball cap. be / into / /blənst/ verb by, existova, zaujíma sa I‘m into jazz and folk music. beige /bei/ noun béžová Beige is my favourite colour. belong /bilɒŋ/ verb patri The book belongs to Alan. blouse /blaυz/ noun blúzka a white satin blouse bracelet /breislət/ noun náramok a charity bracelet brand-new / brnd njυ/ adj úplne nové a brandnew car bright /brait/ adj jasný, žiarivý a bright red jumper bump into /bmp/ verb narazi do, stretnú niekoho Guess who I bumped into this morning? calm down /kɑm/ verb upokoji sa Calm down and tell me what happened. chain /tʃein/ noun reaz, retiazka a delicate gold chain charity /tʃrəti/ noun charita Several charities sent aid to the flood victims. childhood /tʃaildhυd/ noun detstvo Sara had a very happy childhood. clothes /kləυðz/ noun obleèenie Remember to bring some clean clothes. club /klb/ noun klub She‘s a member of a local drama club. coat /kəυt/ noun kabát a heavy winter coat combat trousers /kɒmbt traυzəz/ noun vojenské nohavice, s vojenským vzorom long, baggy combat trousers common / in / /kɒmən/ noun spoloèný, bežný The two computers have several features in common. controversial / kɒntrəv ʃəl/ adj kontroverzný, sporný the controversial issue of welfare reform cotton /kɒtn/ noun bavlna, bavlnený a cotton shirt crazy / about / /kreizi/ adj bláznivý, /blázon do/ Lee‘s crazy about cats. date /deit/ verb datova sa, pochádza z The cathedral dates from the 13th century. denim /denəm/ noun riflovina, denim a denim jacket drop /drɒp/ verb zhodi, pusti, spadnú He dropped his briefcase on a chair. earring /iəriŋ/ noun náušnica She was wearing a pair of beautiful diamond earrings. exclusive /iksklusiv/ adj exkluzívny an exclusive Manhattan hotel eyeliner /ai lainə/ noun oèná linka vytvorená kontúrovacou ceruzkou She was wearing thick, black eyeliner.
fan club /fn klb/ noun klub fanúšikov I‘m in the fan club of the Smiths. fashionable /fʃənəbəl/ adj moderný Long skirts are fashionable now. fool around /ful/ verb fláka sa, niè nerobi Stop fooling around, you two! footwear /fυtweə/ noun obuv outdoor footwear forum /fɔrəm/ noun fórum, miesto na diskusiu Internet discussion forums frank /frŋk/ adj úprimný, otvorený a frank exchange of opinions fun /fn/ noun zábava It‘s no fun being alone in a big city. gang / ŋ/ noun gang, banda The whole gang will be there next weekend. generalisation / denərəlaizeiʃən/ noun zovšeobecòovanie You‘re making too many generalisations. get on / et/ verb vychádza s niekým I‘ve always got on well with Henry. group / rup/ noun skupina a rock group hang around /hŋ/ verb bezcie¾ne sa prechádza We hung around for about an hour and then left. harmless /hɑmləs/ adj neškodný Their dog barks a lot but it‘s harmless. health and safety /helθ ən seifti/ noun zdravie a bezpeènos a health and safety inspector hood /hυd/ noun kapucòa a trendy baggy top with a hood impression /impreʃən/ noun dojem, pocit I got the impression that Rob didn‘t like me. jeans /dinz/ noun rifle blue jeans jewellery /duəlri/ noun šperky She wears a lot of gold jewellery. join /dɔin/ verb prida sa, sta sa èlenom When did you join the Labour Party? league /li / noun liga Our team finished second in the league. leather /leðə/ noun koža genuine leather lifestyle /laifstail/ noun životný štýl Starting a family causes a major change in your lifestyle. lipstick /lip stik/ noun rúž I never wear lipstick. luckily /lkəli/ adv našastie Luckily the museum was not damaged by the earthquake. make-up /meikp/ noun make up Ginny put on her make-up. mascara /mskɑrə/ noun maskara She‘s wearing eyeliner and mascara. meet /mit/ verb stretnú Let‘s meet up later. member /membə/ noun èlen Are you a member of the tennis club? nowadays /naυədeiz/ adv teraz, v terajšej dobe People tend to live longer nowadays. nylon /nailɒn/ noun nylón nylon stockings occasional /əkeiənəl/ adj príležitostný I get the occasional business trip abroad. old-fashioned / əυld fʃənd/ adj staromódny old-fashioned ideas
4 paintball /peintbɔl/ noun hra, pri ktorej strie¾aš do spoluhráèov loptièky naplnené farbou a game of paintball party /pɑti/ noun strana /politická / the Democratic Party patch /ptʃ/ noun záplata an old sweater with patches on the elbows pathetic /pəθetik/ adj patetický, dojímavý I know it sounds pathetic now, but at the time I was frightened. peer /piə/ noun vrstovník, osoba rovnakého stavu Teenagers usually prefer to spend their time with their peers. piercing /piəsiŋ/ noun piercing A couple of people in my class have piercing. political /pəlitikəl/ adj politický The US has two main political parties. professional /prəfeʃənəl/ adj profesionálny We‘d prefer to rent the house to a professional couple. professional /prəfeʃənəl/ noun odborník, profesionál a health care professional radical /rdikəl/ adj radikálny radical legal reforms renovate /renəveit/ verb obnovi The hotel has been renovated and redecorated. ripped /ript/ adj roztrhaný, otrhaný He wore ripped black jeans and a baggy T-shirt. role model /rəυl mɒdl/ noun vzor Young people look for role models in their lives. season /sizən/ noun sezóna, obdobie the end of the football season share /ʃeə/ verb deli sa o nieèo We haven‘t got enough books for everyone. Some of you will have to share. shirt /ʃ t/ noun trièko, koše¾a a cotton shirt shopper /ʃɒpə/ noun nakupujúci The streets were crowded with shoppers. shorts /ʃɔts/ noun krátke nohavice a pair of tennis shorts silk /silk/ noun hodváb a blouse made of silk society /səsaiəti/ noun spoloènos I joined the school film society. sociology / səυsiɒlədi/ noun sociológia She was late for her sociology lecture. striped /straipt/ adj pásikavý a blue and white striped shirt studded /stdəd/ adj vykladaný a bracelet studded with diamonds stylish /stailiʃ/ adj štýlový, elegantný a very stylish woman support /səpɔt/ verb podporova Which football team do you support? supporter /səpɔtə/ noun stúpenec, podporovate¾ Manchester United supporters sweater /swetə/ noun sveter a warm sweater team /tim/ noun tím, družstvo Which is your favourite baseball team? terrified /terəfaid/ adj vystrašený, vydesený a terrified little girl text /tekst/ verb napísa sms Text me when you get there. top /tɒp/ adj vrcholový the world‘s top tennis players top /tɒp/ noun top She was wearing a yellow top.
tracksuit /trksut/ noun športová súprava The boy wore a tracksuit, a baseball cap and white trainers. trainer /treinə/ noun teniska white trainers with black stripes trendy /trendi/ adj trendový, moderný a trendy bar T-shirt /ti ʃ t/ noun trièko s krátkymi rukávmi a stylish cotton T-shirt typical /tipikəl/ adj typický a typical Sunday afternoon typically /tipikli/ adv typicky Prices typically start at around $600. unique /junik/ adj jedineèný, ojedinelý The issues being discussed here are not unique to the US. values /vljuz/ noun hodnoty a return to traditional values violence /vaiələns/ noun násilie There‘s too much violence on TV these days. woollen /wυlən/ adj vlnený a woollen scarf
MODULE 2 Keeping up-to-date accept /əksept/ verb prija, akceptova Please accept this small gift. alert /əl t/ noun pohotovos, ostražitos With a vibrating alert you can receive calls without disturbing other people. answer /ɑnsə/ verb odpoveda, zdvihnú (telefón) I called, but nobody answered the phone. anyway /n ti səυʃəl/ adv v každom prípade, napriek tomu, rozhodne Anyway, where do you want to go for lunch? apparently /əprəntli/ adv zjavne, zrejme She apparently caught him in bed with another woman. attach /əttʃ/ verb priloži, pripoji It‘s easy to attach a photo to your email. bass /beis/ adj basový a bass guitarist battery /btəri/ noun batéria I need some new batteries for my Walkman. blog /blɒ / noun blog It‘s very easy to set up your personal blog. boot /but/ noun kufor /na aute/ The new model has a bigger boot. brick /brik/ noun, adj tehla, tehlový a brick wall button /btn/ noun gombík, tlaèidlo To record, just press the red button on the remote control. by the way /bai ðə wei/ adv mimochodom By the way, Cheryl called while you were out. call /kɔl/ verb zavola Okay, I‘ll call back around three. cellular phone / seljυlə fəυn/ noun mobilný telefón cellular phone users chat /tʃt/ verb èetova, klebeti cez internet a chat about the weather check /tʃek/ noun kontrola a security check click /klik/ verb klik, stlaèenie Double click on ‘‘OK‘‘. come /km/ verb prís, ís Wait until prices come down before you buy. communicate /kəmjunəkeit/ verb dorozumie sa, komunikova Anna has problems communicating in English.
5 connect /kənekt/ verb spoji, Please hold the line. I‘m trying to connect you. copyright /kɒpirait/ noun autorské právo, nakladate¾ské právo Who owns the copyright of this book? cover /kvə/ noun obálka, obal /èasopisu/ His picture was on the front cover of Newsweek. crystal ball / kristl bɔl/ noun krištá¾ová gu¾a Sometimes I wish I had a crystal ball to tell me the future. cursor /k sə/ noun kurzor You have to move the cursor onto the toolbar. dead /ded/ adj màtvy, minutý, vybitý Suddenly the battery went dead. deal /dil/ noun dohoda They‘ve just signed a new deal with their record company. delete /dilit/ verb zmaza, odstráni You should back up this file before deleting it. demo /deməυ/ noun demo a demo CD dial /daiəl/ verb vytoèi /tel. èíslo/ Sorry, I must have dialled the wrong number. disturb /dist b/ verb vyruši Josh told me not to disturb him before ten. document /dɒkjəmənt/ noun dokument Can you print a document for me? download / daυnləυd/ verb stiahnu do poèítaèa You must download another file to be able to run this program on your computer. drummer /drmə/ noun bubeník We‘re looking for a drummer for our school band. email /i meil/ noun email Jean hasn‘t answered my email yet. emotion /iməυtikɒn/ noun pocit, cit, emócia You use too many emoticons in your emails. fix /fiks/ verb opravi Do you know anyone who can fix the bicycle? folder /fəυldə/ noun súbor The file you want is in the folder My Documents. freeware /friweə/ noun softvér zdarma Some websites offer lots of freeware to download. gig / i / noun živé vystúpenie/naživo The band is playing a gig in Sheffield on Saturday. go / əυ/ verb ís The car was going too fast. icon /aikɒn/ noun ikona, malý obrázok To send a fax, click on the telephone icon. impersonal /imp sənəl/ adj neosobný an impersonal letter impressed /imprest/ adj zanecha dojem, ovplyvnený We were very impressed by the standard of work. install /instɔl/ verb inštalova We‘ve installed new anti-virus software. interact / intərkt/ verb navzájom sa ovplyvòova, spolupracova Lucy interacts well with other children in the class. Internet /intənet/ noun internet Are you on the Internet yet? invention /invenʃən/ noun vynález inventions such as fax machines and email
lift /lift/ verb zodvihnú To make a call, lift the receiver and put a coin in. link /liŋk/ noun prepojenie, linka To start your own blog, just click on this link. lyric /lirik/ noun text, slová k piesni He wrote some great music, but the lyrics weren‘t that good. make /meik/ verb urobi I need to make a quick phone call. manipulate /mənipjəleit/ verb manipulova He skilfully manipulated the media. manual /mnjuəl/ noun návod, manuál a computer manual microphone /maikrəfəυn/ noun mikrofón She spoke confidently into the microphone. mobile /məυbail/ adj mobilný, pohyblivý Professional people have become increasingly mobile in recent years. mobile /məυbail/ noun mobil Greg is away - you can call his mobile. mobile phone / məυbail fəυn/ noun mobilný telefón My mobile phone is out of order. online /ɒnlain/ adj, adv pripojený, cez internet online banking oral /ɔrəl/ adj ústny an oral report order / out of / /ɔdə/ noun nefungova, by pokazený The photocopier is out of order again. paperclip /peipəklip/ noun spinka na papiere Have we got any paperclips in the office? patent /peitnt/ verb patentova Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone in 1876. phone book /fəυn bυk/ noun telefónny zoznam You can look her number up in the phone book. phonecard /fəυnkɑd/ noun telefónna karta Most public telephones only take phone cards nowadays. pick / up / /pik/ verb vybra /zdvihnú/ Pick up the receiver and dial the number. plug /pl / noun zástrèka to put the plug in the socket portable /pɔtəbəl/ adj prenosný a portable television post /pəυst/ verb posla poštou I must post that letter to Clare today. press /pres/ verb stlaèi To send a fax, just press the red button. print /print/ verb vytlaèi The poster is printed on recycled paper. program /prəυ rm/ noun program a word processing program public /pblik/ adj verejný a public swimming pool public /pblik/ noun verejnos He was always very nice to her in public. publish /pbliʃ/ verb vyda, publikova a book that was first published in 1851 receive /risiv/ verb obdrža, dosta I received a call from my insurance company. receiver /risivə/ noun slúchadlo to lift the receiver recharge / ritʃɑð/ verb znova nabi I must recharge the batteries.
6 record /rekɔd/ noun nahrávka a record company register /redistə/ verb registrova The car is registered in my sister‘s name. ring /riŋ/ noun zvonenie The ring tone is what you hear when someone calls your mobile. rival /raivəl/ noun rival, protivník The two teams had always been rivals. save /seiv/ verb šetri I‘m saving up to buy a car. screen /skrin/ noun obrazovka The sunlight was reflecting off the screen. search engine /s tʃ endin/ noun internetový vyh¾adávaè You use a search engine to find what you want on the Internet. seriously /siəriəsli/ adv vážne, seriózne Seriously though, I think Toby likes you. set up /set/ verb založi In 1976, he set up his own importexport business. signal /si nəl/ noun signál signal strength site /sait/ noun dejisko, miesto a chat site socket /sɒkət/ noun zásuvka Put the plug in the socket. sore /sɔ/ adj bo¾avý, bolestivý I‘ve got a sore throat. spyware /spaiweə/ noun poèítaèový program, ktorý nahráva informácie o návštevnosti webových stránok, a tie potom využívajú reklamné spoloènosti na to, aby vám predali svoje produkty to remove aggressive spyware store /stɔ/ verb skladova All my old clothes are stored in the loft. strength /streŋθ/ noun sila I couldn‘t use my mobile because the signal strength was too low. subject /sbdikt/ noun predmet the subject of an email switch / on, off / /switʃ/ verb zapnú, vypnú Switch on the light, please. take of /teik/ verb vzlietnu I always feel excited when a plane is taking off. text message /tekst mesid/ noun sms The system will send a text message to your mobile phone. tone /təυn/ noun tón Please leave a message after the tone. toolbar /tulbɑ/ noun lišta s ikonkami nástrojov na poèítaèi Move the cursor onto the toolbar and click on Format‘. turn down /t n/ verb da tichšie Can you turn down your radio? I‘m trying to work. type /taip/ verb napísa na poèítaèi, nauka Type your password, then press ‘Return‘. vibrate /vaibreit/ verb vibrova The vocal chords vibrate as air passes over them. virus /vaiərəs/ noun vírus If you think an email has a virus, you must delete it immediately. voice mail /vɔis meil/ noun odkazová stránka Our telephone company offers free voice mail service. volume /vɒljum/ noun hlasitos Can you turn down the volume on the TV? website /websait/ noun webová stránka For more information on weight loss and healthy eating, visit our website.
weigh /wei/ verb váži, ma váhu The baby weighs 12 pounds. weight /weit/ noun váha weight lifting
MODULE 3 An eye for an eye? abuse /əbjus/ noun zneužívanie, týranie racial abuse accidental / ksədentl/ adj náhodný There was some accidental damage accused /əkjuzd/ noun obvinený The accused was calm and didn‘t show any emotions. admit /ədmit/ verb pripusti He was wrong, but he won‘t admit it. anguish /ŋ wiʃ/ noun sk¾úèenos, muka mental anguish antisocial /ntisəυʃəl/ adj antisociálny Kids as young as eight are turning to vandalism, petty crime, and other forms of antisocial behaviour. anxiety /ŋzaiəti/ noun úzkos She went to hospital suffering from anxiety. arrest /ərest/ verb uväzni The criminal was arrested. average /vərid/ adj priemerný The average temperature in July is around 35° C. ban /bn/ verb zakáza Charlie‘s been banned from driving for a year. barbaric /bɑbrik/ adj barbarský a barbaric act of terrorism bench /bentʃ/ noun lavica, súdna stolica Will the lawyers come up to the bench, please? blackmail /blkmeil/ noun vydieranie She was convicted for blackmail. blow up /bləυ/ verb vyhodi do vzduchu The bridge was blown up by terrorists. board game /bɔd eim/ noun stolová hra to play a board game break /breik/ noun prestávka I wanted a break from university life. break /breik/ verb zlomi, rozbi Sharon broke her leg skiing. bully /bυli/ verb šikanova A 15-year-old boy bullied other children and stole their money and valuables. burglar /b lə/ noun lupiè The police finally caught the burglar. burglary /b ləri/ noun lúpež Most burglaries happen at night. can /kn/ noun plechovka a beer can care /keə/ noun starostlivos Your father will need constant medical care. cause /kɔz/ noun príèina What was the cause of the fire? cereal /siəriəl/ noun obilnina a bowl of cereal citizen /sitəzən/ noun obèan a US citizen claim /kleim/ verb tvrdi Ask Louie; he claims to be an expert. commit /kəmit/ verb spácha Brady committed a series of brutal murders. community service /kə mjunəti s vəs/ noun verejnoprospešné práce The vandals have been sentenced to 100 hours community service.
7 compensation /kɒmpənseiʃən/ noun náhrada, kompenzácia Dr Hawkins received £15,000 in compensation. conclusion /kənkluən/ noun záver It is still too early to reach a conclusion on this point. confess /kənfes/ verb prizna sa It didn‘t take long for her to confess. cop /kɒp/ noun policajt the local cop court /kɔt/ noun súd, súdny dvor the European Court of Justice courtroom /kɔtrυm/ noun súdna sieò When the judge returned to the courtroom, everyone stood up. crime /kraim/ noun kriminalita There was very little crime when we moved here. crossing /krɒsiŋ/ noun prechod pre chodcov You must give way to any pedestrians on the crossing. crowd /kraυd/ noun zástup, dav A crowd gathered to watch the parade. damage /dmid/ noun škoda The court awarded him £15,000 in damages. death penalty /deθ penlti/ noun trest smrti Many people believe that the death penalty is justified in some cases. destroy /distrɔi/ verb znièi The building was completely destroyed by fire. deterrent /diterənt/ noun zastrašovací prostriedok an effective deterrent to car thieves donkey /dɒŋki/ noun somár When Mary visited Blackpool she went for a ride on the famous donkeys. dozen /dzən/ determiner, noun tucet - 12 two dozen eggs drink-driving /driŋk draiviŋ/ noun jazda pod vplyvom alkoholu The man has been found guilty of drink-driving. earnings / niŋz/ noun zárobky Average earnings in Europe have risen by 3%. electronic tagging / eliktrɒnik t iŋ/ noun sledovanie pomocou pripevnenia elektr. zariadenia na sledovanú osobu Electronic tagging is a form of punishment. evidence /evədəns/ noun svedectvo He refused to give evidence at the trial. fail /feil/ verb neuspie She failed to report an accident. fair /feə/ adj férový a fair trial false /fɔls/ adj nepravdivý, falošný He gave the police false information. fine /fain/ noun pokuta a parking fine fire station /faiə steisən/ noun požiarna stanica our local fire station firecracker /faiə krkə/ noun petarda The boy placed the firecracker on the grass and ran away quickly. free /fri/ adv zadarmo He offered to do the work for free. garage / rɑ/ noun garáž Has the house got a garage? get away / et/ verb dosta sa preè, odís The two men got away in a red Volkswagen. graffiti / rfiti/ noun graffiti colourful graffiti guard / ɑd/ noun strážnik security guards
guilt / ilt/ noun vina Her greatest punishment is the guilt she must be feeling. guilty / ilti/ adj vinný These men are guilty of murder. hesitate /hezəteit/ verb váha She hesitated before answering his question. homeowner /həυm əυnə/ noun vlastník domu How can I contact the homeowner? illegal /ili əl/ adj nelegálne It is illegal to park your car here. imprison /imprizən/ verb uväzni People used to be imprisoned in the Tower of London. injury /indəri/ noun zranenie serious head injuries instead of /insted/ adv namiesto nieèoho Why don‘t you do something, instead of just talking about it? insult /inslt/ verb urazi How dare you insult my wife like that! insurance /inʃυərəns/ noun poistenie an insurance company irresponsible / irispɒnsəbəl/ adj nezodpovedný What an irresponsible attitude! jail /deil/ noun väzenie The criminal was sentenced to 60 days in jail. judge /dd/ noun sudca Judge Hart gave Scott an 18month prison sentence. jury /dυəri/ noun porota - na súde members of the jury justice /dstəs/ noun spravodlivos Children have a strong sense of justice. justified /dstəfaid/ adj oprávnený Your complaints are certainly justified. kidnap /kidnp/ verb unies Police appealed for witnesses after a woman was kidnapped. killer /kilə/ noun vrah, zabijak The police are still looking for the girl‘s killer. knock /nɒk/ noun zaklopanie There was a loud knock at the door. knock /nɒk/ verb klopa I knocked and knocked but nobody answered the door. lawyer /lɔjə/ noun právnik Paul is studying to become a lawyer. legal /li əl/ adj legálne, zákonné What the company has done is perfectly legal. lenient /liniənt/ adj mierny, zhovievavý The judge was criticised for being too lenient. life /laif/ noun život He was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder. litter /litə/ noun odpadky Anyone caught dropping litter will be fined. mean /min/ verb znamena What does the word ‘Konbanwa‘ mean? medical /medikəl/ adj zdravotný She needs urgent medical treatment. mental /mentl/ adj mentálny a child‘s mental development miserable /mizərəbəl/ adj biedne, úboho Why are you looking so miserable?
8 mug /m / noun ve¾ká šálka a coffee mug naive /naiiv/ adj naivný I was young and naive. nap /np/ noun zdriemnutie, krátky spánok Dad usually takes a nap in the afternoon. noise /nɔiz/ noun hluk the noise of the traffic nuisance /njusəns/ noun nepríjemnos, obtiaž Sorry to be a nuisance, but could I use your phone? opponent /əpəυnənt/ noun oponent, protivník His opponent is twice as big as he is. order /ɔdə/ verb objedna He sat down and ordered a beer. panic /pnik/ noun panika His warning produced a wave of panic. panic /pnik/ verb panikári Stay where you are and don‘t panic penalty /penlti/ noun pokuta a penalty of £50 for not paying your bus fare pensioner /penʃənə/ noun penzista old age pensioners police /pəlis/ noun polícia Quick! Call the police! police officer /pəlis ɒfəsə/ noun policajný dôstojník His wife is a police officer. prison /prizən/ noun väzenie a prison sentence property /prɒpəti/ noun majetok Police recovered some of the stolen property. punishment /pniʃmənt/ noun trest, potrestanie tougher punishments for criminals racial /reiʃəl/ adj rasový, národnostný racial abuse reach /ritʃ/ verb dosiahnu It took four days for the letter to reach me. rehabilitation / rihəbiləteiʃən/ noun rehabilitácia a rehabilitation programme report /ripɔt/ noun správa a police report on the accident report /ripɔt/ verb ohlási, oznámi Who reported the fire? responsibility /ri spɒnsəbiləti/ noun zodpovednos a manager with responsibility over 100 staff rob /rɒb/ verb vykradnú, okradnú The two men were jailed for robbing a jeweller‘s. robbery /rɒbəri/ noun lúpež, krádež a train robbery security guard /sikjυərəti ɑd/ noun bezpeènostná služba bank security guards sentence /sentəns/ noun rozsudok a ten-year sentence for robbery sentence /sentəns/ verb odsúdi He was sentenced to six years in prison. serial killer /siəriəl kilə/ noun sériový vrah The police finally caught the serial killer. severe /səviə/ adj vážny, ažký, krutý severe head injuries shoplifting /ʃɒp liftiŋ/ noun krádež v obchode She was accused of shoplifting. sign /sain/ noun oznam, znaèka He ignored the ‘No Smoking‘ sign. siren /saiərən/ noun siréna a police siren
soft /sɒft/ adj mäkký The Governor does not want to seem soft on crime. speeding /spidiŋ/ noun prekroèenie rýchlosti I got a ticket for speeding. statue /sttʃu/ noun socha the Statue of Liberty steal /stil/ verb ukradnú Someone stole my passport. sue /sju/ verb žalova za, domáha sa The victim of the accident sued the insurance company for lost earnings. suffer /sfə/ verb trpie My mother still suffers a lot of pain in her leg. suspend /səspend/ verb zbavi funkcie, suspendova The boy who bullied other children was suspended for two weeks. suspended sentence /sə spendid sentəns/ noun podmieneèný rozsudok a two-year suspended sentence suspicious /səspiʃəs/ adj podozrivý Passengers should report any bags that seem suspicious. swear /sweə/ verb klia, škaredo nadáva She doesn‘t smoke, drink, or swear. trial /traiəl/ noun súdny proces, výsluch a murder trial unusual /njuuəl/ adj nezvyèajný It‘s very unusual to have snow in April. valuables /vljuəbəlz/ noun cennosti Please deposit your valuables in the hotel safe. vandalism /vndəlizəm/ noun vandalizmus The young boy was caught and accused of vandalism. victim /viktəm/ noun obe victims of the earthquake wig /wi / noun parochòa a blond wig wild /waild/ adv divo, divoko She lets her children run wild. witness /witnəs/ noun svedok There were no witnesses to the accident.
MODULE 4 S(he) ability /əbiləti/ noun schopnos a young girl with great musical ability adolescence / dəlesəns/ noun obdobie dospievania, adolescencia My daughter Julie doesn‘t think adolescence is the happiest time in one‘s life. aggressive /ə resiv/ adj agresívny After a few drinks he became very aggressive. appreciate /əpriʃieit/ verb váži si All the bad weather here makes me appreciate home. baby /beibi/ noun bato¾a A baby was crying upstairs. behave /biheiv/ verb správa sa You behaved bravely in a very difficult situation. behaviour /biheivjə/ noun správanie Can TV shows affect children‘s behaviour? big-headed /bi hedid/ adj domýš¾avý, povýšený Trisha is so big-headed! birth /b θ/ noun narodenie Henry has been blind from birth. challenging /tʃləndiŋ/ adj nároèný, podnetný We try to provide a challenging program for our students.
9 characteristic /krəktəristik/ noun charakteristika the characteristics of a good manager cheeky /tʃiki/ adj drzý a chubby little boy with a cheeky grin comforting /kmfətiŋ/ adj uk¾udòujúci It‘s comforting to know I can call my parents any time. complicated /kɒmpləkeitəd/ adj komplikovaný The instructions are much too complicated. concentrate /kɒnsəntreit/ verb zamera sa na, koncentrova I want to concentrate on my career for a while before I have kids. considerate /kənsidərət/ adj oh¾aduplný, pozorný He was always kind and considerate. convincing /kənvinsiŋ/ adj presvedèivý a convincing argument critic /kritik/ noun kritik critics of single-sex schools crucial /kruʃəl/ adj rozhodujúci, kritický crucial decisions involving millions of dollars cruel /kruəl/ adj krutý Her husband‘s death was a cruel blow. debate /dibeit/ noun debata a debate on crime and punishment decisive /disaisiv/ adj rozhodný a strong, decisive leader depend /dipend/ verb závisie patients who depend on regular blood transfusions detail /diteil/ noun malièkos, detail The documentary included a lot of historical detail. diplomatic / dipləmtik/ adj diplomatický They were always very diplomatic with clients. disgusting /dis stiŋ/ adj nechutný That‘s a disgusting thing to say. duty /djuti/ noun povinnos The government has a duty to provide education. emotional /iməυʃənəl/ adj citový, emocionálny emotional problems encourage /inkrid/ verb povzbudi, podpori Cheaper tickets might encourage people to use public transport. equipment /ikwipmənt/ noun vybavenie, zariadenie camping equipment female /fimeil/ adj ženský, žen. pohlavia Over half of the staff is female. female /fimeil/ noun žena As a group, females performed better on the test than males. fit in /fit/ verb zapadnú, zaèleni sa The new student had a hard time fitting in. forgetful /fə etfəl/ adj zábudlivý Grandpa‘s getting forgetful in his old age. gadget / dət/ noun malý prístroj, mašinka a useful little gadget for cutting tomatoes gender /dendə/ noun rod You can‘t be denied a job simply on the grounds of gender. get to know / et/ verb spozna As you get to know the city, I‘m sure you‘ll like it better. gloomy / lumi/ adj smutný, zádumèivý When I saw their gloomy faces, I knew something was wrong.
gossip / ɒsəp/ noun klebeta People love hearing gossip about film stars. greedy / ridi/ adj nenásytný, chamtivý He looked at the gold with greedy eyes. hobby /hɒbi/ noun zá¾uba, hoby Tricia‘s hobby is gardening. hormone /hɔməυn/ noun hormón male and female hormones host /həυst/ noun hostite¾ We thanked our host and left the party. hostess /həυstəs/ noun hostite¾ka We thanked our hostess and left the party. impractical /imprktikəl/ adj nepraktický Sandra was hopelessly impractical around the house. indecisive / indisaisiv/ adj nerozhodný a weak, indecisive leader influence /influəns/ noun vplyv Vince used his influence with the union to get his nephew a job. insensitive /insensətiv/ adj necitlivý insensitive questions about her divorce interest /intrəst/ noun záujem His main interests are reading and photography. intuition / intjuiʃən/ noun intuícia You should learn to trust your intuition. join /dɔin/ verb prida sa k Can I join you? laid-back / leid bk/ adj uvo¾nený She‘s easy to talk to, and very laid-back. male /meil/ adj mužský, mužského pohlavia Many women earn less than their male colleagues. male /meil/ noun muž Police described her attacker as a white male aged about 17. mechanical /miknikəl/ adj mechanický mechanical engineering military /milətəri/ adj vojenský military history military service /milətəri s vis/ noun vojenská služba More and more men are refusing to do military service. moralistic / mɒrəlistik/ adj moralizujúci It‘s difficult to talk to teenagers about drugs without sounding too moralistic. necessity /nəsesəti/ noun nevyhnutnos A car is a necessity for this job. nonsense /nɒnsəns/ noun nezmysel ‘This dress makes me look fat.‘ ‘Nonsense, you look great!‘ obligation / ɒblə eiʃən/ noun záväzok, povinnos People entering the shop are under no obligation to buy. permission /pəmiʃən/ noun povolenie You have to ask for permission if you want to leave early. personal /p sənəl/ adj osobný books, clothes, and other personal belongings personally /p sənəli/ adv osobne Personally, I think it‘s a bad idea. play /plei/ verb hra Genetic factors may also play a role. possibility / pɒsəbiləti/ noun možnos Beth decided that she wanted to start her own business, and began to explore the possibilities.
10 practical /prktikəl/ adj praktický She‘s a very practical person. predictable /pridiktəbəl/ adj predpovedate¾ný As the comedian got older his act became repetitive and his jokes predictable. printer /printə/ noun tlaèiareò a colour printer prohibition / prəυhəbiʃən/ noun zákaz, prohibícia a prohibition on Sunday trading quick-tempered / kwik tempəd/ adj prudký, výbušný Her father is stubborn and quick-tempered. rehearsal /rih səl/ noun skúška - divadelná She was late for the rehearsal again. relationship /rileiʃənʃip/ noun vzah My parents had a strong relationship. reputation / repjəteiʃən/ noun reputácia The neighbourhood used to have a very bad reputation. request /rikwest/ noun požiadavka Drinks are available on request. research /ris tʃ/ noun prieskum He is doing research for a book on the Middle Ages. research /ris tʃ/ verb skúma Conner spent eight years researching the history of the group. romantic /rəυmntik/ adj romantický ”Paul always sends me roses on my birthday.” ”How romantic!” rule /rul/ noun pravidlo Do you know the rules of the game? selfish /selfiʃ/ adj sebecký Why are you being so selfish? sensible /sensəbəl/ adj rozumný a sensible decision sensitive /sensətiv/ adj citlivý a sensitive and caring person separate /sepərət/ adj oddelený Always keep cooked and raw food separate. sex /seks/ noun pohlavie I don‘t care what sex the baby is. single /siŋ əl/ adj jediný, jednotlivý a single-sex school sociable /səυʃəbəl/ adj spoloèenský I‘m not a sociable person. socialise /səυʃəlaiz/ verb socializova sa, stretáva sa People don‘t socialise with their neighbours as much as they used to. spin /spin/ verb krúti sa, toèi sa skaters spinning on the ice stereotype /steriətaip, stiər / noun stereotyp racist stereotypes in the media strict /strikt/ adj prísny, striktný Her parents are very strict. stubborn /stbən/ adj tvrdohlavý a stubborn woman summary /sməri/ noun resumé, zhrnutie, struèný obsah Read the article and write a summary of it. superior /supiəriə/ adj nadradený, lepší Your computer is far superior to mine. supporter /səpɔtə/ noun podporovate¾ supporters of the idea sympathetic / simpəθetik/ adj súcitný, majúci porozumenie a sympathetic nurse sympathise /simpəθaiz/ verb sympatizova, ma súcit Not many people sympathise with his political views.
talkative /tɔkətiv/ adj zhovorèivý My kids are extremely talkative. toddler /tɒdlə/ noun bato¾a an active toddler tolerant /tɒlərənt/ adj tolerantný, oh¾aduplný My parents were very tolerant when I was a teenager. touch /ttʃ/ noun dotyk I keep in touch with my old school friends. treat /trit/ verb jedna s, zaobchádza Why do you always treat me like a child? unpredictable / npridiktəbəl/ adj nepredvídate¾ný unpredictable weather unsympathetic /nsimpəθetik/ adj bezcitný Her father was cold and unsympathetic. upbringing /p briŋiŋ/ noun výchova He had a strict upbringing. vain /vein/ adj pyšný, domýš¾avý Men are so vain. violent /vaiələnt/ adj násilný violent criminals weakness /wiknəs/ noun slabos The plan has strengths and weaknesses.
MODULE 5 The world ahead acid /səd/ noun kyselina sulphuric acid adaptable /ədptəbəl/ adj prispôsobivý, adaptabilný an adaptable animal species alien /eiliən/ noun mimozemšan a film about aliens from Mars alter /ɔltə/ verb zmeni, prerobi, upravi When she went back to her hometown, she found it had hardly altered. amount /əmaυnt/ noun množstvo vast amounts of litter arrangements /əreindmənt/ noun opatrenia, rozhodnutia travel arrangements ash /ʃ/ noun popol cigarette ash atmosphere /tməsfiə/ noun atmosféra There is no exact place where the atmosphere ends. attack /ətk/ noun útok a terrorist attack bank /bŋk/ noun breh /rieky/ trees lining the river bank biological / baiəlɒdikəl/ adj biologický a ban on chemical and biological weapons block /blɒk/ verb zablokova Thick smoke had completely blocked out the light. bomb /bɒm/ noun bomba bombs dropping on the city carry / on / /kri/ verb nies /pokraèova/ You‘ll make yourself ill if you carry on working like that. cause /kɔz/ verb spôsobi Heavy traffic is causing long delays on the freeway. celebrate /seləbreit/ verb oslavova You got the job? Let‘s celebrate! century /sentʃəri/ noun storoèie These trees have been here for several centuries. cheesecake /tʃizkeik/ noun druh koláèa I‘ll have the cheesecake, please. chemical /kemikəl/ adj chemický a chemical reaction
11 circle /s kəl/ verb krúži, robi okruh Our plane circled the airport several times. climate /klaimət/ noun podnebie a hot and humid climate cloud /klaυd/ noun mrak, mraèno A cloud of steam rose into the air. cockroach /kɒkrəυtʃ/ noun šváb There were cockroaches everywhere. colonise /kɒlənaiz/ verb kolonizova Australia was colonised in the 18th century. complex /kɒmpleks/ adj celistvý, komplexný the complex nature of the human mind consequence /kɒnsəkwəns/ noun dôsledok The safety procedure had been ignored, with tragic consequences. crater /kreitə/ noun kráter craters on the moon‘s surface diary /daiəri/ noun denník Did you put the meeting date in your diary? disaster /dizɑstə/ noun nešastie, pohroma an air disaster in which 329 people died double /dbəl/ verb zdvojnásobi They offered to double my salary if I would stay with the company. drought /draυt/ noun sucho The government is doing everything to beat the drought. dust /dst/ noun prach The truck drove off in a cloud of dust. earthquake / θkweik/ noun zemetrasenie a massive undersea earthquake engine /endən/ noun motor a car engine environment /invaiərənmənt/ noun životné prostredie laws to protect the environment epidemic / epədemik/ noun epidémia a flu epidemic erupt /irpt/ verb vybuchnú Pompeii was destroyed when the volcano erupted in 79AD. evolve /ivɒlv/ verb vyvíja sa, rozvíja sa a political system that has evolved over several centuries extinct /ikstiŋkt/ adj vyhynutý Pandas could become extinct in the wild. face /feis/ noun tvár, predná strana Put your tests face down on the desk. face /feis/ verb èeli He faced a lot of problems in his short life. fantasy /fntəsi/ noun fantázia, fantazírovanie I had fantasies about becoming a racing driver. fire /faiə/ noun oheò, požiar forest fires flight /flait/ noun let What time is the next flight to Miami? flood /fld/ noun povodeò homes washed away by floods flu /flu/ noun chrípka The whole team has got flu. give up / iv/ verb vzda sa She gave up smoking after 40 years. global / ləυbəl/ adj globálny, celosvetový global environmental issues greenhouse gas / rinhaυs s/ noun skleníkový plyn The quantity of greenhouse gases is still increasing. head /hed/ verb by v èele, postavi sa do èela, smerova Where are you heading?
hero /hiərəυ/ noun hrdina He became a local hero after saving a boy‘s life. HIV /eitʃ ai vi/ noun HIV vírus The HIV virus can develop into AIDS. humanity /hjumnəti/ noun ¾udstvo the danger to humanity of pollution hurricane /hrəkən/ noun hurikán Hurricanes move over water. ice /ais/ noun ¾ad Do you want some ice in your drink? impact /impkt/ noun náraz, úèinok The impact of the crash made her car turn over. increase /iŋkris/ noun rast, vzostup Crime in the city is on the increase. increase /inkris/ verb rás The population of this town has increased dramatically. influenza /influenzə/ noun chrípka In 1918 influenza killed 20 million people. intelligent /intelədənt/ adj inteligentný intelligent creatures intention /intenʃən/ noun zámer His intention is to make the company the most successful in Europe. irrational /irʃənəl/ adj neracionálny, nerozumný an irrational fear of spiders kill /kil/ verb zabi He‘s in jail for killing a policeman. land /lnd/ noun zem, pevnina After 21 days at sea, we saw land. lava /lɑvə/ noun láva a stream of molten lava lead /lid/ verb vies social problems that have led to an increase in the crime rate leisure /leə/ noun vo¾ná chví¾a, vo¾ný èas leisure activities such as sailing and swimming lifetime /laiftaim/ noun život We will probably discover intelligent life somewhere else in the universe in my lifetime. mass /ms/ adj hromadný mass migration massive /msiv/ adj masívny, impozantný a massive rock; massive support meteor /mitiə/ noun meteor What would happen if a very large meteor hit the Earth? meteorite /mitiərait/ noun meteorit a meteorite impact migration /mai reiʃən/ noun sahovanie, migrácia mass migration mind /maind/ noun pamä, rozum She has an excellent mind. mind /maind/ verb dba, namieta, všimnú si Do you mind waiting here a minute? molten /məυltən/ adj roztavený molten metal mud /md/ noun blato His clothes and shoes were covered in mud. nuclear /njukliə/ adj nukleárny a nuclear bomb optimist /ɒptəməst/ noun optimista You‘re a real optimist. optimistic / ɒptəmistik/ adj optimistický Let‘s be optimistic. pandemic /pndemik/ noun pandémia the AIDS pandemic
12 parliament /pɑləmənt/ noun parlament The party could lose its majority in parliament. petrol /petrəl/ noun benzín We‘re out of petrol. planet /plnət/ noun planéta Mercury is the smallest planet. power /paυə/ noun sila, moc nuclear power prediction /pridikʃən/ noun predpoveï The data can be used to make useful economic predictions. probability / prɒbəbiləti/ noun pravdepodobnos The probability of winning the lottery is really very low. probable /prɒbəbəl/ adj pravdepodobný The probable cause of the plane crash was ice on the wings. quantity /kwɒntəti/ noun množstvo It‘s quality that‘s important, not quantity. replace /ripleis/ verb nahradi The new software package replaces the old one. resolution / rezəluʃən/ noun rozhodnutie, predsavzatie I made a New Year‘s resolution to stop smoking. resource /rizɔs, sɔs/ noun zdroj a country rich in natural resources Richter scale /riktə skeil, rix/ noun Richterova stupnica a severe earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale rise /raiz/ verb stúpa Smoke rose from the chimney. risk /risk/ noun riziko risks involved in starting a small business robot /rəυbɒt/ noun robot industrial robots SARS /saz/ noun infekèná choroba spôsobená vírusom There was an outbreak of SARS to the east of the city. (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) scale /skeil/ noun stupnica What scale do they use for measuring wind speed? science fiction / saiəns fikʃən/ noun vedeckofantastický a science fiction film scientist /saiəntəst/ noun vedec Carl is a scientist at the Nuclear Institute. servant /s vənt/ noun sluha a royal servant shortage /ʃɔtid/ noun nedostatok food shortages solar /səυlə/ adj slneèný, solárny solar energy sort out /sɔt/ verb vytriedi, uprata This office is a mess - I must sort it out species /spiʃiz/ noun živoèíšny druh an endangered species spontaneous /spɒnteiniəs/ adj spontánny a spontaneous decision suicide /suəsaid/ noun samovražda There‘s been a rise in the number of suicides among young men. sulphuric acid /sl fjυərik sid/ noun kyselina sírová a cloud of sulphuric acid take / over / /teik/ verb vzia /prevzia/ His son will take over the business. technology /teknɒlədi/ noun technológia the achievements of modern technology temperature /temprətʃə/ noun teplota high temperatures terrorist /terərəst/ noun terorista a terrorist attack threat /θret/ noun hrozba the threat of famine
timetable /taim teibəl/ noun rozvrh, cestovný poriadok a train timetable tropics /trɒpiks/ noun trópy Would you like to live in the tropics? tsunami /tsυnɑmi/ noun tsunami the tsunami of 2004 universe /junəv s/ noun vesmír everything in the universe vast /vɑst/ adj roz¾ahlý, obrovský vast deserts volcano /vɒlkeinəυ/ noun sopka The island has several active volcanoes. war /wɔ/ noun vojna nuclear war wasteful /weistfəl/ adj nehospodárny, plytvajúci a wasteful use of resources wave /weiv/ noun vlna Huge waves were crashing into the sides of the boat. weapon /wepən/ noun zbraò The police are still looking for the murder weapon. whimper /wimpə/ verb kòuèa, fòuka The dog ran off whimpering. wind /wind/ noun vietor We walked home through the wind and the rain. wipe out /waip/ verb vyhladi, úplne znièi Whole towns were wiped out.
MODULE 6 Amazing animals above / all / /əbv/ prep nad /predovšetkým/ Above all, I would like to thank my parents. adore /ədɔ/ verb obdivova Tim absolutely adores his older brother. ape /eip/ noun op, opica Humans are descended from apes. appearance /əpiərəns/ noun vzh¾ad The Christmas lights gave the house a festive appearance. aquarium /əkweəriəm/ noun akvárium an aquarium with amazing tropical fish arrogant /rə ənt/ adj arogantný an arrogant, selfish man bat /bt/ noun netopier The bats came out at night. bee /bi/ noun vèela Honey is made by bees. beetle /bitl/ noun chrobák There are many different types of beetles. being /biiŋ/ noun bytos strange beings from outer space biologist /baiɒlədist/ noun biológ Biologists believe the dolphin is one of the most intelligent animals. body /bɒdi/ noun telo a strong body bookshelf /bυkʃelf/ noun polièka na knihy I found Jessie climbing a bookshelf in the living room the other day. brain /brein/ noun mozog Jorge suffered brain damage in the accident. breed /brid/ verb chova /dobytok/ He breeds cattle. butterfly /btəflai/ noun motý¾ the butterfly house cage /keid/ noun klietka a bird in a cage camel /kməl/ noun ava We rode a camel in Egypt. camouflage /kməflɑ/ verb maskova, zamaskova Hunters camouflage the traps with leaves and branches.
13 company /kmpəni/ noun spoloènos They obviously enjoy each other‘s company. connected /kənektəd/ adj spojený The two ideas are closely connected. copy /kɒpi/ verb skopírova, napodobni The system has been copied by other organisations, and has worked well. creature /kritʃə/ noun stvorenie We should respect all living creatures. crocodile /krɒkədail/ noun krokodíl Crocodiles have very sharp teeth. crow /krəυ/ noun vrana The crows of the Tower of London are very famous. dolphin /dɒlfən/ noun delfín Kostas swam with dolphins. drunk /drŋk/ adj opitý You‘re drunk. eagle /i əl/ noun orol Eagles are an endangered species. eel /il/ noun úhor the eel swam by elephant /eləfənt/ noun slon a herd of elephants endanger /indeində/ verb ohrozova Smoking seriously endangers your health. essential /isenʃəl/ adj podstatný, hlavný It is essential to check the oil level regularly. eventually /iventʃuəli/ adv nakoniec, koneène He worked so hard that eventually he made himself ill. extinction /ikstiŋkʃən/ noun vyhynutie Greenpeace believes that whales are in danger of extinction. feed /fid/ verb kàmi Have you fed the baby yet? flea /fli/ noun blcha The cat has fleas again. flexible /fleksəbəl/ adj poddajný, pružný shoes with flexible rubber soles fly /flai/ noun mucha There were flies all over the food. fox /fɒks/ noun líška Foxes can be found in many urban areas. freeze /friz/ verb mrznú, zamrznú The water pipes may freeze if you don‘t leave your heating on. frequent /frikwənt/ adj èastý, obvyklý Her teacher is worried about her frequent absences from class. fur /f / noun kožušina a fur coat furthermore /f ðəmɔ/ adv navyše, okrem toho He is old and unpopular. Furthermore, he has at best only two years of political life ahead of him. genetics /dənetiks/ noun genetika an article about genetics heart /hɑt/ noun srdce Tom could feel his heart beating faster. herd /h d/ noun stádo a herd of cattle horse /hɔs/ noun kôò Fred had to feed the horses. human /hjumən/ adj ¾udský the human voice human /hjumən/ noun èlovek Some animals are not easy for humans to understand. hunt /hnt/ verb lovi These dogs have been trained to hunt. ideal /aidiəl/ adj ideálny an ideal place for a picnic independent / indəpendənt/ adj nezávislý He had always been more independent than his other brothers. ink /iŋk/ noun atrament Please write in black ink. instinctive /instiŋktiv/ adj inštinktívny a mother‘s instinctive love
intriguing /intri iŋ/ adj pútavý, úchvatný The magazine carries an intriguing mixture of high fashion, gossip and racing. investigate /investə eit/ verb vyšetrova Detectives are investigating a brutal murder. laboratory /ləbɒrətri/ noun laboratórium a research laboratory limitation / liməteiʃən/ noun obmedzenie, limit It‘s a good little car, but it has its limitations. lion /laiən/ noun lev The lions lay under the tree. long /lɒŋ/ adv dlho You can go as long as you‘re back by four o‘clock. lovable /lvəbəl/ adj roztomilý, ¾úbezný a sweet loveable child loyal /lɔiəl/ adj lojálny a loyal friend mammal /mməl/ noun cicavec mammals such as horses and dogs man-made / mn meid/ adj vyrobený èlovekom man-made fabrics maturity /mətʃυərəti/ noun vyspelos, dospelos His lack of maturity makes him unsuitable for such a responsible job. memory /meməri/ noun pamä She‘s got a good memory for faces. mouse /maυs/ noun myš a small furry animal with a long tail and a pointed nose mouth /maυθ/ noun ústa, ústie, otvor the mouth of a river nervous system /n vəs sistəm/ noun nervový systém Octopuses have a very complex nervous system. obedient /əbidiənt/ adj poslušný, oddaný a quiet and obedient child observe /əbz v/ verb pozorova psychologists observing child behaviour octopus /ɒktəpəs/ noun chobotnica a sea creature with a soft body and eight tentacles opponent /əpəυnənt/ noun protivník, oponent Opponents of zoos say that they are cruel. ostrich /ɒstritʃ/ noun pštros a big African bird with long legs that cannot fly owl /aυl/ noun sova Owls are usually nocturnal birds. peacock /pikɒk/ noun kohút There were peacocks strutting in the courtyard penguin /peŋ wən/ noun tuèniak Penguins can survive in very cold conditions pest /pest/ noun škodlivý hmyz a chemical used in pest control pig /pi / noun prasa The farmer had seven pigs. pike /paik/ noun šuka The fisherman caught three pike fish in the lake. plankton /plŋktən/ noun planktón Plankton is made up of tiny plants. pointless /pɔintləs/ adj nezmyselný, neúèinný pointless violence on TV predator /predətə/ noun predátor Lions and tigers are predators.
14 profit /prɒfət/ noun výnos, profit They sold the company at a huge profit. provided /prəvaidəd/ conjunction za predpokladu The equipment is perfectly safe, provided (that) it is used in the right way. psychology /saikɒlədi/ noun psychológia a professor of psychology rare /reə/ adj ojedinelý a disease that is very rare among children rat /rt/ noun potkan There was a dead rat on the cellar steps. raven /reivən/ noun havran Ravens circled overhead. recreate / rikrieit/ verb znova vytvori We‘re trying to recreate the conditions of everyday life in Stone Age times. reindeer /reindiə/ noun sob We saw a herd of reindeers in the forest. research /ris tʃ/ noun výskum research into the causes of cancer rotten /rɒtn/ adj zhnitý rotten apples sacrifice /skrəfais/ noun obe the need for economic sacrifice salmon /smən/ noun losos smoked salmon scorpion /skɔpiən/ noun škorpión Jane has a pet scorpion. skin /skin/ noun koža, pokožka The sheets felt cool against her skin. solitary /sɒlətəri/ adj opustený, osamelý Are cats solitary creatures? soon /sun/ adv skoro /èasovo/ I came as soon as I heard the news. sophisticated /səfistəkeitəd/ adj sofistikovaný highly sophisticated weapons systems spider /spaidə/ noun pavúk a spider‘s web sponsor /spɒnsə/ verb sponzorova The tournament is sponsored by a tobacco company. spotted /spɒtəd/ adj bodkovaný a red and white spotted dress sprinter /sprintə/ noun šprintér Sarah is an excellent sprinter. stamp /stmp/ verb dupa She stood at the bus stop stamping her feet. stick /stik/ noun poleno, vetvièka They collected sticks to start the fire. stick / out / /stik/ verb vyplazi Don‘t stick your tongue out at me! sting /stiŋ/ verb pichnú, poštípa Jamie was stung by a bee. stork /stɔk/ noun bocian The children saw a stork fly by. stressful /stresfəl/ adj stresujúci a stressful meeting striking /straikiŋ/ adj nápadný, pozoruhodný There‘s a striking similarity between the two girls. survival /səvaivəl/ noun prežitie The operation will increase his chances of survival. survive /səvaiv/ verb preži Only one person survived the crash. trunk /trŋk/ noun chobot an elephant‘s trunk urban / bən/ adj mestský urban areas whine /wain/ verb kòuèa, vrèa The dog was whining next door.
wise /waiz/ adj múdry My grandfather was a very wise man. worm /w m/ noun èervík The early bird catches the worm. zebra /zibrə/ noun zebra The herd of zebras crossed the river. zoology /zuɒlədi/ noun zoológia Our knowledge of zoology is increasing.
MODULE 7 Success! achievement /ətʃivmənt/ noun úspech, výkon Winning the championship is quite an achievement. acquaintance /əkweintəns/ noun známos my new acquaintance addicted /ədiktəd/ adj závislý Jo‘s addicted to computer games. aim /eim/ noun cie¾, zámer The main aim of the course is to improve your spoken English. ambition /mbiʃən/ noun prianie, túžba Her ambition is to climb Mount Everest. application / plikeiʃən/ noun žiados an application form appointment /əpɔintmənt/ noun stretnutie I‘m sorry I missed our appointment. aristocrat /rəstəkrt/ noun aristokrat royal aristocrats attend /ətend/ verb navštevova, zúèastni sa More than 2000 people are expected to attend this year‘s conference. attention /ətenʃən/ noun pozornos Can I have your attention, please. audition /ɔdiʃən/ noun posluch an audition for the lead part autograph /ɔtə rɑf/ noun podpis Can I have your autograph? bodyguard /bɒdi ɑd/ noun osobný strážca The Senator arrived, surrounded by personal bodyguards. bravery /breivəri/ noun statoènos an act of great bravery career /kəriə/ noun kariéra Paul spent most of his career as a teacher. celebrity /səlebrəti/ noun celebrita interviewing celebrities on television challenge /tʃlənd/ noun výzva the challenge of a new job chance /tʃɑns/ noun šanca I don‘t have a chance of passing the test tomorrow. chauffeur /ʃəυfə/ noun šofér I‘ll send over my chauffeur to pick you up. coach /kəυtʃ/ noun tréner my personal coach comedian /kəmidiən/ noun komediant He‘s one of the top American comedians. complete /kəmplit/ adj úplný, kompletný Bart‘s a complete idiot! compliment /kɒmpləmənt/ noun kompliment, lichôtka to pay compliments concentrate /kɒnsəntreit/ verb sústredi sa, koncentrova sa With all this noise, it‘s hard to concentrate.
15 courage /krid/ noun odvaha She showed great courage throughout her long illness. cry /krai/ verb plaka When he finished, we sat and cried with laughter. date /deit/ noun schôdzka Mike‘s got a date tonight. determination /di t məneiʃən/ noun odhodlanos determination to succeed difficulty /difikəlti/ noun problém a country with economic difficulties diploma /dəpləυmə/ noun diplom a diploma in mechanical engineering do /du/ verb robi Neil has done much better at school this year. earn / n/ verb zarába She earns nearly £30,000 a year. effort /efət/ noun námaha, úsilie It takes a lot of time and effort to organise a concert. enthusiasm /inθjuzizəm/ noun nadšenie with a lot of enthusiasm failure /feiljə/ noun neúspech, prehra Winston is not someone who accepts failure easily. fame /feim/ noun sláva She won fame as a singer before she became an actress. familiar /fəmiliə/ adj dôverný, dobre známy a familiar face fault /fɔlt/ noun chyba It‘s not my fault we missed the bus. financial /finnʃəl, fai / adj peòažný, finanèný financial transactions flunk /flŋk/ verb prepadnú, vyletie zo skúšky Tony flunked Chemistry last semester. form /fɔm/ noun formulár an application form fulfil /fυlfil/ verb splni Bruce had finally fulfilled his dream of becoming a racing driver. graduate / rduət/ noun graduovaný absolvent univerzity a young graduate graduate / rdueit/ verb promova I graduated in 2004. grand / rnd/ adj ve¾kolepý, vznešený a grand ceremony at the Palace inherit /inherət/ verb zdedi I inherited the house from my uncle. inspire /inspaiə/ verb inšpirova We need someone who can inspire the team. instructor /instrktə/ noun inštruktor a ski instructor interview /intəvju/ noun pohovor We would like to invite you to attend an interview on Tuesday. keep on /kip ɒn/ verb pokraèova Why do you keep on going there? lack /lk/ verb nema, postráda The only thing she lacks is experience. least /list/ determiner najmenej At least 150 people were killed in the earthquake. lively /laivli/ adj živý, plný života a lively debate lonely /ləυnli/ adj osamelý Don‘t you feel lonely living on your own? medal /medl/ noun medaila an Olympic gold medal memorise /meməraiz/ verb zapamäta si, nauèi sa naspamä Try to memorise this poem.
mess /mes/ verb splies, spacka ‘How did you do on the test?‘ ‘Oh, I really messed up.‘ millionaire / miljəneə/ noun milionár an American millionaire monk /mŋk/ noun mních to become a monk mysterious /mistiəriəs/ adj záhadný a mysterious illness narrator /nəreitə/ noun rozprávaè The narrator is a young graduate. nod /nɒd/ verb prikývnu ‘Are you Jill?‘ he asked. She smiled and nodded. obstacle /ɒbstəkəl/ noun prekážka Women still have to overcome many obstacles to gain equality. odd /ɒd/ adj prebytoèný, nepárny an odd sock overcome / əυvəkm/ verb prekona I‘m trying to overcome my fear of flying. own /əυn/ adj, pron vlastný It‘s your own fault that you failed. pass / exam / /pɑs/ verb urobi skúšku Gino‘s worried he‘s not going to pass his English exam. patience /peiʃəns/ noun trpezlivos After waiting for half an hour I ran out of patience. pay /pei/ verb plati The shop assistant told me I could only pay (in) cash. Pope /pəυp/ noun pápež Several thousand people came to hear the Pope speak. prejudice /predədəs/ noun predsudok the problem of racial prejudice in the police force pressure /preʃə/ noun tlak the pressures of modern life privacy /privəsi/ noun súkromie Joan read the letter in the privacy of her own room. quality /kwɒləti/ noun kvalita, vlastnos a job that demands the qualities of honesty and integrity respectful /rispektfəl/ adj úctivý They listened in respectful silence. revise /rivaiz/ verb opakova si I‘ve got to revise my Geography. self-confidence / self kɒnfidəns/ noun sebadôvera Her problem is that she lacks self-confidence. smooth /smuð/ adj hladký smooth skin social /səυʃəl/ adj spoloèenský, sociálny social life spill /spil/ verb vylia I spilled coffee on my shirt. spy /spai/ noun vyzvedaè, špeh a German spy succeed /səksid/ verb uspie a woman who succeeded in politics talented /tləntəd/ adj talentovaný talented young players task /tɑsk/ noun úloha, zadanie Finding the killer is not going to be an easy task. tear /teə/ verb trha, roztrha She tore her dress on a chair. up / to be up / /p/ adv vyzna sa I‘m afraid Tim just isn‘t up to the job. up-to-date / p tə deit/ adj súèasný, moderný You need to make more of an effort to keep up-to-date with what‘s going on. wealthy /welθi/ adj bohatý wealthy landowners win /win/ verb vyhra Who do you think will win the gold medal? worth /be/ /w θ/ noun cenný, stojaci za It‘s worth checking the details of the contract before you sign it.
16 MODULE 8 Taking a break abandon /əbndən/ verb opusti, zanecha The baby had been abandoned outside a hospital in Liverpool. activity /ktivəti/ noun èinnos, aktivita after-school activities adopt /ədɒpt/ verb prija, zavies The police are adopting more forceful methods. adrenalin /ədrenələn/ noun adrenalín There‘s nothing like a good horror film to get the adrenalin going. airport /eəpɔt/ noun letisko Will you arrange transport from the airport to the hotel? aisle /ail/ noun ulièka /v lietadle/ Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat? ancient /einʃənt/ adj staroveký ancient Rome announce /ənaυns/ verb oznámi The winner of the competition will be announced shortly. announcement /ənaυnsmənt/ noun oznam Dillon made the announcement at a news conference. board /bɔd/ verb nastúpi /na palubu/ Passengers in rows 25 to 15 may now board the plane. boarding card /bɔdiŋ kɑd/ noun palubý lístok Check in your luggage and get your boarding card. book /bυk/ verb zajedna, objedna I booked a table for two. boot /but/ noun vysoké topánky hiking boots brake /breik/ noun brzda Test your brakes after driving through water. brochure /brəυʃə/ noun leták, brožúra a travel brochure bungee jumping /bndi dmpiŋ/ noun skok na vo¾nom lane Do you fancy bungee jumping? cabin /kbən/ noun kajuta, kabína the cabin crew cancel /knsəl/ verb zruši, odvola My flight was cancelled. capital /kpətl/ noun hlavné mesto What‘s the capital of Poland? chart /tʃɑt/ noun tabu¾ka, diagram a weather chart check-in /tʃek in/ noun zapísa sa, zaregistrova sa the check-in desk cliff /klif/ noun útes She was standing near the edge of the cliff. climbing /klaimiŋ/ noun lezenie, šplhanie rock climbing coast /kəυst/ noun pobrežie the Pacific coast control /kəntrəυl/ noun doh¾ad, dozor, kontrolné zariadenie the volume control on the television countryside /kntrisaid/ noun vidiek the beauty of the English countryside courtyard /kɔtjɑd/ noun dvor, dvorèek The children were playing in the courtyard. crew /kru/ noun posádka members of the cabin crew. dedicate /dedəkeit/ verb venova The book is dedicated to his mother. defeat /difit/ verb porazi, zvíazi Michigan defeated USC in Saturday‘s game.
delay /dilei/ noun meškanie The passengers were told that there was a delay of 30 minutes with this flight. delay /dilei/ verb meška, odloži We‘ve decided to delay the trip until next month. departure /dipɑtʃə/ noun odlet, odchod Check in at the airport an hour before departure. departure lounge /dipɑtʃə laυnd/ noun odletový priestor, v ktorom èakáte po registrácii While you wait in the departure lounge, you can do some shopping at the duty-free shop. departures board /dipɑtʃəz bɔd/ noun tabu¾a odletov Look at the departures board. desk /desk/ noun pult, prepážka, recepcia the check-in desk destination / destəneiʃən/ noun miesto urèenia Allow plenty of time to get to your destination. direction /dərekʃən/ noun smer A very helpful woman gave me directions to the police station. district /distrikt/ noun okres, obvod a pleasant suburban district diving /daiviŋ/ noun potápanie We went diving on the coral reef. due /dju/ adj by naplánovaný na, ma odletie The flight from Munich was due at 7:48 pm. duty-free / djuti fri/ adj bez cla a duty-free shop elbow /elbəυ/ noun lake He fell over and hurt his elbow. experience /ikspiəriəns/ noun skúsenos, zážitok No previous experience is required. experience /ikspiəriəns/ verb zaži, skúsi si The company is experiencing problems with its computer system. extraordinary /ikstrɔdənəri/ adj neobyèajný, pozoruhodný Ellington had an extraordinary musical talent. extreme /ikstrim/ adj extrémny Have you ever done any extreme sports? fall /fɔl/ verb spadnú, padnú Temperatures may fall below zero tonight. fasten /fɑsən/ verb pripúta Fasten your seat belts. freak /frik/ noun rozmar, nadšenec Carrot juice is a favourite with health freaks. gallery / ləri/ noun galéria the Uffizzi gallery in Florence gate / eit/ noun brána Passengers are requested to proceed to gate number 6. go / əυ/ noun pokus Can I have a go on your guitar? graph / rf/ noun graf a graph showing population growth over 50 years guide / aid/ noun sprievodca a tour guide hand luggage /hnd l id/ noun príruèná batožina How much hand luggage have you got? hang-gliding /hŋ laidiŋ/ noun plachtenie na rogale I did some hang-gliding last summer. haunt /hɔnt/ verb straši, prenasledova a ship haunted by ghosts of sea captains helmet /helmət/ noun prilba a motorcycle helmet
17 hi-tech /hai tek/ adj technicky vyspelý a new hightech camera holidaymaker /hɒlədi meikə/ noun dovolenkár, dovolenkujúci Crete offers just about everything a holidaymaker can wish for. include /inklud/ verb zahàòa Service is included in the bill. industry /indəstri/ noun priemysel Italy‘s thriving tourist industry inflatable /infleitəbəl/ adj nafukovací an inflatable mattress inhabitant /inhbətənt/ noun obyvate¾ the inhabitants of our village inland /inlənd/ adj vnútrozemský an inland sea Jet Ski /det ski/ noun vodný skúter Have you ever piloted a Jet Ski? journey /d ni/ noun cesta a long car journey kayak /kaik/ noun kajak Let‘s rent a kayak. life jacket /laif dkət/ noun záchranná vesta Your life jacket is under your seat. locker /lɒkə/ noun uzamykate¾ná skrinka Put your hand luggage in the overhead locker. luggage /l id/ noun batožina They searched his luggage for illegal drugs. luxury /lkʃəri/ noun luxus, luxusný a luxury hotel mountain /maυntən/ noun hora, pohorie the Swiss mountains museum /mjuziəm/ noun múzeum an art museum nightlife /naitlaif/ noun noèný život Las Vegas is famous for its nightlife. outdoor / aυtdɔ/ adj vonkajší an outdoor swimming pool outskirts /aυtsk ts/ noun periféria, okraj mesta a residential district on the outskirts of the city overhead / əυvəhed/ adj horný, visutý, nad hlavou an overhead locker pad /pd/ noun záplata elbow pads palace /pləs/ noun palác Buckingham Palace passenger /psində/ noun pasažier Neither the driver nor the passengers were hurt. passport /pɑspɔt/ noun pas passport control percentage /pəsentid/ noun percento, percentuálne zastúpenie The percentage of school leavers that go to university is about five per cent. pie chart /pai tʃɑt/ noun graf v tvare koláèa the information in the pie chart pilot /pailət/ noun pilot an airline pilot platform /pltfɔm/ noun nástupište Which platform does the train leave from? previous /priviəs/ adj predchádzajúci previous experience project /prədekt/ verb plánova, navrhnú They projected sales for next year. provide /prəvaid/ verb poskytnú The project is designed to provide young people with work. raft /rɑft/ noun raft, pramica to build a raft
rebuild / ribild/ verb znova postavi The entire city centre had to be rebuilt. recommend / rekəmend/ verb odporuèi Can you recommend a local restaurant? reservation / rezəveiʃən/ noun rezervácia a dinner reservation resident /rezədənt/ noun obyvate¾, usadlík UK residents residential / rezədenʃəl/ adj obytný a residential area resort /rizɔt/ noun letovisko, rekreaèné stredisko a beach resort restore /ristɔ/ verb renovova, obnovi He likes restoring old cars. return /rit n/ adj spiatoèný a return ticket to Leeds return /rit n/ noun návrat a return to Harlow roll /rəυl/ verb gú¾a sa The ball rolled across the lawn. rope /rəυp/ noun povraz They tied a rope around the dog‘s neck. safety /seifti/ noun bezpeèie Hundreds of people were led to safety after the explosion. seat belt /sit belt/ noun bezpeènostný pás v aute to fasten your seat belt security /sikjυərəti/ noun bezpeènos airport security checks sensation /senseiʃən/ noun senzácia The announcement caused a sensation. single /siŋ əl/ noun jeden, jedným smerom a single to Liverpool situated /sitʃueitəd/ adj nachádza sa, by situovaný The hotel is situated on the lakeside. skating /skeitiŋ/ noun korèu¾ovanie We went skating in Central Park. ski /ski/ verb lyžova Can you ski? sleeping bag /slipiŋ b / noun spací vak, spacák a warm sleeping bag slide /slaid/ verb kåza sa He slid down the mountain. snowboarding /snəυ bɔdiŋ/ noun snowbording to go snowboarding sphere /sfiə/ noun gu¾a, hviezda The earth is a sphere. statistics /stətistiks/ noun štatistika the latest crime statistics steep /stip/ adj prudký, prudko stúpajúci a steep hill steering /stiəriŋ/ noun riadenie power steering suburb /sb b/ noun okrajová štvr I live in the suburbs. surrounding /səraυndiŋ/ adj okolitý We decided to explore the surrounding countryside. take /teik/ verb vzia I‘ll take the subway home. tartan /tɑtn/ noun vlnená kockovaná látka a tartan scarf technique /teknik/ noun technika, spôsob pencil drawing techniques thrill /θril/ noun vzrušenie the thrill of driving a fast car thrilling /θriliŋ/ adj vzrušujúci a thrilling end to the game tour /tυə/ noun výlet, prehliadka We had a guided tour of the museum. transparent /trnsprənt/ adj prieh¾adný transparent plastic
18 transport /trnspɔt/ noun preprava Buses are the main form of public transport. travel agent /trvəl eidənt/ noun zástupca cestovnej kancelárie The travel agent recommended the trip to Luxemburg. traveller /trvələ/ noun cestovatelia frequent travellers to France tunnel /tnl/ noun tunel the Channel Tunnel undersea /ndəsi/ adj podmorský undersea life view /vju/ noun výh¾ad There was a beautiful view of the mountains from our hotel room. water sports /wɔtə spɔts/ noun vodné športy Have you ever done any water sports? wet suit /wet sut/ noun potápaèská kombinéza You will be provided with a wet suit, a helmet and special gloves. whitewater /wait wɔtə/ noun pereje whitewater rafting winter sports / wintə spɔts/ noun zimné športy Are you fond of winter sports?
MODULE 9 To err is human accelerator /əkseləreitə/ noun urých¾ovaè, akcelerátor, plyn na aute the accelerator pedal accident /ksədənt/ noun nehoda Her parents were killed in a car accident. according to /əkɔdiŋ/ prep pod¾a..., na základe... According to our records she never paid her bill. actress /ktrəs/ noun hereèka I‘ve always wanted to become an actress. add /d/ verb prida, doda ‘And I don‘t care what you think,‘ she added. admit /ədmit/ verb pripusti ‘Okay, so maybe I was a little bit scared,‘ Jenny admitted. adviser /ədvaizə/ noun poradca a financial adviser agree /ə ri/ verb súhlasi The boss would never agree to such a plan. airfield /eəfild/ noun letecká plocha, letisko This airfield hasn‘t been used since World War II. apply /əplai/ verb požiada, uchádza sa Perhaps I really should apply for this job. armament /ɑməmənt/ noun výzbroj, vyzbrojenie nuclear armaments astronomer /əstrɒnəmə/ noun astronóm the famous astronomer attribute /trəbjut/ noun vlastnos What attributes should a good manager possess? babysitter /beibi sitə/ noun opatrovate¾ka detí I earn some extra money from babysitting. banker /bŋkə/ noun bankár the British Bankers Association benefit /benəfit/ noun výhoda There are obvious benefits for computer users. blue-collar /blu kɒlə/ adj manuálne pracujúci Blue-collar workers receive their wages weekly.
brake /breik/ noun brzda Test your brakes after driving through water. charge /to be in/ /tʃɑd/ noun by zodpovedný Rodriguez is in charge of the LA office. class /klɑs/ noun trieda We were in the same class at school. clock /klɒk/ verb štiknú si /oznaèi príchod a odchod z práce/ I clock in at 8:30. complain /kəmplein/ verb sažova sa Local kids complained that there was nowhere for them to play. degree /di ri/ noun diplom, hodnos a law degree depressed /diprest/ adj deprimovaný She felt lonely and depressed. employment /implɔimənt/ noun zamestnanie Students start looking for employment when they leave college. enrol /inrəυl/ zapísa sa 30 students have enrolled on the cookery course. err / / verb robi chyby To err is human. error /erə/ noun chyba a computer error expel /ikspel/ verb vylúèi, vyhodi odniekia¾ James was expelled from university for taking drugs. experienced /ikspiəriənst/ adj skúsený a very experienced pilot explain /iksplein/ verb vysvetli Wait! I can explain everything. extract /ekstrkt/ noun úryvok, èas an extract from A Midsummer Night‘s Dream fireman /faiəmən/ noun požiarnik Two firemen died in the fire. fisherman /fiʃəmən/ noun rybár offshore fishermen fork-lift /fɔk lift/ noun vysokozdvižný vozík a forklift driver frightened /fraitnd/ adj vystrašený Don‘t be frightened. No one‘s going to hurt you. full-time / fυl taim/ adv na plný úväzok a full-time job further /f ðə/ adj ïalší Are there any further questions? further education / f ðə ejυkeiʃən/ noun ïalšie vzdelanie Most school-leavers go on to further and higher education. glad / ld/ adj rád, potešený I‘m glad to hear you‘re feeling better. guidance / aidəns/ noun rada, vedenie, smernica careers guidance hairdresser /heə dresə/ noun kaderník The hairdresser dyed my hair. headline /hedlain/ noun titulok a newspaper headline higher education / haiə edjυkeiʃən/ noun vysokoškolské vzdelanie Most school-leavers go on to further and higher education. homework /həυmw k/ noun domáca úloha Fiona was lying on the floor doing her homework. honours degree /ɒnəz di ri/ noun diplom z dvoch a viacerých predmetov, oznaèujúci lepšie ako len základné znalosti Fiona graduated with an honours degree. hour /aυə/ noun hodina the long hours worked by hospital doctors
19 incident /insədənt/ noun prípad, udalos Anyone who saw the incident should contact the police. inexperienced / inikspiəriənst/ adj neskúsený an inexperienced driver inspector /inspektə/ noun inšpektor a health and safety inspector job /dɒb/ noun práca, zamestnanie What‘s your job? job centre /dɒb sentə/ noun úrad práce When I saw the jobs on offer at the job centre, I was disappointed. key /ki/ noun k¾úè Preparation is the key to success. living /liviŋ/ noun živobytie My son is proud to be earning his living. load /ləυd/ verb naloži It took an hour to load the van. mechanic /miknik/ noun mechanik, opravár a car mechanic miss /mis/ verb zmeška The professor failed Tracy because she had missed too many classes. missile /misail/ noun strela, raketa nuclear missiles misspell / misspel/ verb zle vyhláskova I misspelled the word ‘protruding‘. overqualified /əυvəkwɒləfaid/ adj ma vyššiu kvalifikáciu ako je potrebná I‘m having trouble finding another job - everyone says I‘m overqualified. overtime /əυvətaim/ noun nadèas He‘s been doing a lot of overtime recently. part-time / pɑt tɑim/ adj, adv èiastoèný úväzok a part-time job pay /pei/ noun plat, platba workers striking for higher pay permanent /p mənənt/ adj stály a permanent job pile /pail/ noun kopa, hromada a pile of books play /plei/ noun hra We went to see a new play by Tom Stoppard at the National Theatre. point /pɔint/ verb ukáza I could see him pointing at me and telling the other guests what I had said. pot /pɒt/ noun zavárací pohár, hrniec a pot of honey presenter /prizentə/ noun moderátor a TV presenter pride /praid/ noun pýcha It hurt his pride when his wife left him. promise /prɒməs/ verb s¾úbi Dad‘s promised to take us to Disneyland. protest /prətest/ verb protestova ‘That‘s not true!‘ she protested angrily. prove /pruv/ verb dokáza They have evidence to prove that she is guilty. reply /riplai/ verb odpoveda ‘Of course,‘ she replied. reporter /ripɔtə/ noun reportér a TV reporter reputable /repjətəbəl/ adj vážený, ctený, majúci dobrú reputáciu a reputable company resign /rizain/ verb rezignova, odstúpi He resigned before he was sacked. responsible /rispɒnsəbəl/ adj zodpovedný He is responsible for loading boxes onto supermarket lorries. row /rəυ/ noun rada, zástup a row of houses runway /rnwei/ noun rozjazdová dráha the airport runway
sack /sk/ verb vyhodi niekoho z práce Campbell was sacked for coming in drunk. salary /sləri/ noun výplata, mzda She earns a good salary. satisfaction / stəsfkʃən/ noun uspokojenie What is more important for you - money or job satisfaction? scheme /skim/ noun schéma a government training scheme for young people school-leaver /skul livə/ noun ten, èo práve dokonèil školu a shortage of jobs for school-leavers shop assistant /ʃɒp əsistənt/ noun predavaèka Let‘s ask the shop assistant for help. sit /sit/ verb sklada skúšku to sit an exam skip /skip/ verb preskoèi Let‘s skip the next question. soldier /səυldə/ noun vojak an enemy soldier stopwatch /stɒpwɒtʃ/ noun stopky She set her stopwatch and ran as fast as she could. take /teik/ verb vzia I rang my boss and arranged to take some time off. tearoom /tirυm, rum/ noun èajovòa We met in a tearoom nearby. temporary /tempərəri/ adj doèasný temporary accommodation threaten /θretn/ verb hrozi, vyhráža sa I was threatened with jail if I published the story. training /treiniŋ/ noun tréning a training course tray /trei/ noun tácka The waiter dropped his tray and broke a couple of glasses. truant /truənt/ noun záškolák Nick played truant seven times this month. unemployed / nimplɔid/ adj nezamestnaný an unemployed teacher wage /weid/ noun mzda He earns a good wage. white-collar / wait kɒlə/ adj pracujúci hlavou, nie manuálne Fraud is often a white-collar crime. window cleaner /windəυ klinə/ noun umývaè okien The window cleaner is coming next Tuesday. work /w k/ noun práca, zamestnanie I‘ve been out of work for seven months. worker /w kə/ noun robotník Fifty workers lost their jobs. workmate /w kmeit/ noun spolupracovník My workmates like me.
MODULE 10 Mysteries apartment /əpɑtmənt/ noun byt, apartmán a luxurious apartment armchair /ɑmtʃeə/ noun kreslo a comfortable armchair balcony /blkəni/ noun balkón a nice flat with a small balcony bedsit / bedsit/ noun prenajatá izba urèená na pobyt aj spanie I found a bedsit not far from my office. block /blɒk/ noun blok, zástavba, panelák a block of flats born /bɔn/ adj narodený One-third of all children are born into single-parent families.
20 breathe /brið/ verb dýcha The doctor made me breathe in while he listened to my chest. castle /kɑsəl/ noun hrad an old castle cemetery /semətri/ noun cintorín The general is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. chalet /ʃlei/ noun chatka a mountain chalet charming /tʃɑmiŋ/ adj pôvabný, okúz¾ujúci What a charming house! city centre /siti sentə/ noun centrum mesta Their office is in the city centre. coatstand /kəυtstnd/ noun vešiak I placed my coat on the coatstand. cosy /kəυzi/ adj útulný a cosy room cottage /kɒtid/ noun chata a charming cottage country /kntri/ adj vidiecky country people country /kntri/ noun vidiek I‘ve always lived in the country. cramped /krmpt/ adj prepchatý, tesný The kitchen was small and cramped. dash /dʃ/ verb vrúti sa Olive dashed into the room, grabbed her bag, and ran out again. depressing /dipresiŋ/ adj depresívny It‘s a depressing thought. deserted /diz təd/ adj opustený At night the streets are deserted. detached /dittʃt/ adj objektívny Try to take a more detached view. drown /draυn/ verb utopi, potopi Over a hundred people were drowned when the ferry sank. estate /isteit/ noun nehnute¾nos a housing estate exaggerate /i zdəreit/ verb preháòa Charlie says that everyone in New York has a gun, but I‘m sure he‘s exaggerating. exterior /ikstiəriə/ noun exteriér, vonkajšia èas repairs to the exterior of the building fed up / fed p/ adj ma dos nieèoho She was fed up with being treated like a servant. filthy /filθi/ adj špinavý Doesn‘t he ever wash that jacket? It‘s filthy. front /frnt/ adj predný the front door frown /fraυn/ verb mraèi sa Mel frowned and pretended to ignore me. gasp / ɑsp/ verb lapa po dychu As the flames reached the roof, the crowd gasped in alarm. gaze / eiz/ verb èumie Nell was still gazing out of the window. giggle / i əl/ verb chichota sa Jackie giggled nervously. glance / lɑns/ verb letmo pozrie, mrknú sa He didn‘t even glance at her. gorgeous / ɔdəs/ adj úžasný, nádherný What a gorgeous sunny day! grin / rin/ noun úšk¾abok I‘m getting married,‘ said Clare, with a big grin. grin / rin/ verb šk¾abi sa She grinned at me, her eyes sparkling. hall /hɔl/ noun chodba, hala The bathroom‘s just down the hall on the right. hardly /hɑdli/ adv sotva Hardly anyone writes to me these days.
honeymoon /hnimun/ noun medové týždne Jen and Dave are going to Alaska on their honeymoon. hooligan /hulə ən/ noun chuligán football hooligans immigrant /imə rənt/ noun prisahovalec immigrant workers impress /impres/ verb urobi dojem She dresses like that to impress people. land /lnd/ verb pristá Has her flight landed yet? line /lain/ verb stá pozdåž Crowds lined the route to the palace. lose /luz/ verb strati Danny‘s always losing his keys. luxurious /l zjυəriəs/ adj luxusný They stayed in a luxurious hotel. magical /mdikəl/ adj kúzelný, magický a magical evening beneath the stars magnificent /m nifəsənt/ adj ve¾kolepý, pozoruhodný a magnificent painting mansion /mnʃən/ noun sídlo a mansion in a large park masculine /mskjələn/ adj mužský a masculine voice mention /menʃən/ verb spomenú, zmieni sa o.. Cooper wasn‘t mentioned in the article. mirror /mirə/ noun zrkadlo He glanced at his reflection in the mirror. multimillionaire /mlti miljəneə/ noun multimilionár an American multimillionaire niece /nis/ noun neter On Saturday my niece had a birthday party. notice /nəυtəs/ verb všimnú si, postrehnú I said ‘hello‘, but she didn‘t notice. parcel /pɑsəl/ noun balík The parcel arrived today. patio /ptiəυ/ noun terasa, vnútorný dvor, nádvorie An architect designed our patio. patio door /ptiəυ dɔ/ noun presklené dvere na terasu We want to install a patio door to the backyard in our living room. pattern /ptən/ noun vzor a pattern of small red and white squares peaceful /pisfəl/ adv k¾udný a peaceful day in the country pleasant /plezənt/ adj príjemný a pleasant surprise put up /pυt/ verb vysporiada sa I don‘t know how you put up with all this noise. remote /riməυt/ adj vzdialený, od¾ahlý a remote planet renovate /renəveit/ verb renovova, obnovi The building has just been renovated. ruin /ruin/ noun ruiny the ruins of a bombed-out office block run out of /rn/ verb minú všetko They ran out of money and had to abandon the project. semi-detached / semi dittʃt/ adj dvojdom, dom so spoloènou jednou stenou We bought a nice semidetached house in the suburbs. shabby /ʃbi/ adj otrhaný, ošumelý a shabby old jacket shake /ʃeik/ verb trias His hands were shaking. shudder /ʃdə/ verb zachvie sa hrôzou Gwen shuddered as she described the man who had attacked her.
21 sigh /sai/ verb vzdychnú The police inspector sighed and shook his head. soaking /səυkiŋ/ adj premoèený You‘re soaking! Come in and dry off. social worker /səυʃəl w kə/ noun sociálny pracovník A social worker visits them regularly. sofa bed /səυfə bed/ noun rozkladacia pohovka We bought some new furniture - a table, four chairs and a sofa bed. spacious /speiʃəs/ adj priestranný a spacious room stare /steə/ verb èumie, zíza Stop staring at me! storey /stɔri/ noun poschodie a five-storey house stroll /strəυl/ verb prechádza sa, potulova sa We strolled along the beach. suburb /sb b/ noun okrajová èas mesta a semidetached house in the suburbs sunburn /snb n/ noun spálenie, prílišné opálenie a sunburned face superb /sjup b/ adj jedineèný, vynikajúci a superb cook tacky /tki/ adj ošúchaný, lacno vyzerajúci, nemoderný tacky furniture tasteless /teistləs/ adj bez chuti, nevkusný tasteless ornaments townhouse /taυnhaυs/ noun dom v centre mesta townhouses from the nineteenth century tranquil /trŋkwəl/ adj k¾udný, pokojný a tranquil little town tremble /trembəl/ verb chvie sa His voice trembled as he spoke. unfurnished /nf niʃt/ adj nezariadený nábytkom an unfurnished bedsit to let uninhabited / ninhbətəd/ adj neobývaný an uninhabited island unmistakable / nməsteikəbəl/ adj neklamný, jasný, zrejmý the unmistakable taste of garlic upstairs / psteəz/ adv na hornom poschodí Her office is upstairs on your right. vain /vein/ adj zbytoèný, márny Doctors tried in vain to save his life. wet /wet/ adj mokrý wet clothes whisper /wispə/ verb šepka She whispered something in my ear. yawn /jɔn/ verb zíva He looked at his watch and yawned.
MODULE11 Beauty and health appetite /pətait/ noun chu na, apetít Don‘t eat now, you‘ll spoil your appetite. attractive /ətrktiv/ adj príažlivý an attractive young woman bald /bɔld/ adj plešatý My brother‘s started going bald. barber /bɑbə/ noun holiè The barber shaved my head. beard /biəd/ noun brada My English teacher has got a goatee beard. bleach /blitʃ/ verb odfarbený bleached hair
body building /bɒdi bildiŋ/ noun posilòovanie Have you ever done any body building? boneless /bəυnləs/ adj bez kosti a slice of boneless bacon bow tie / bəυ tai/ noun motýlik ku obleku a smart suit with a red bow tie build /bild/ noun stavba tela, kostra Maggie is tall with a slim build. casual /kuəl/ adj neformálny I usually wear casual clothes. chemical /kemikəl/ noun chemikália dangerous chemicals chest /tʃest/ noun hruï the chest muscles clean-shaven / klin ʃeivən/ adj bez brady alebo fúzov, oholený a suntanned, clean-shaven man complexion /kəmplekʃən/ noun ple, vzh¾ad a pale complexion cosmetic /kɒzmetik/ noun kozmetika a new range of cosmetics crop /krɒp/ verb skráti, ostriha nakrátko He cropped his hair short. dark /dɑk/ adj tmavý dark hair delicate /delikət/ adj jemný, citlivý The sun can easily damage a child‘s delicate skin. deodorant /diəυdərənt/ noun dezodorant an effective deodorant designer /dizainə/ noun návrhár a fashion designer dimple /dimpəl/ noun jamka na lícach, brade My brother‘s got dimples and a goatee beard. dreadlocks /dredlɒks/ noun dredy I used to wear dreadlocks when I was younger. dye /dai/ verb farbi (vlasy) Sam‘s dyed his hair green. elderly /eldəli/ adj starší, postarší an elderly woman with white hair eyebrow /aibraυ/ noun oboèie bushy eyebrows fashion /fʃən/ noun móda Shoes like that went out of fashion years ago. feminine /femənən/ adj ženský feminine clothes fitness /fitnəs/ noun zdravie, kondícia exercises to improve physical fitness flared /fleəd/ adj rozšírené, zvonovitého strihu flared trousers flatter /fltə/ verb zoštíhli, lichoti She wore a dress that flattered her plump figure. foot /fυt/ noun noha tiny feet fringe /frind/ noun ofina a tall girl with straight brown hair and a fringe goatee / əυti/ noun kozia briadka He‘s got dimples and a goatee beard. good-looking / υd lυkŋ/ adj dobre vyzerajúci a really good-looking guy hairstyle /heəstail/ noun strih vlasov a punk hairstyle handsome /hnsəm/ adj poh¾adný, pekný a tall, handsome young officer health /helθ/ noun zdravie Smoking can damage your health. highlight /hailait/ noun zosvetlenie vlasov, svetlý melír Highlights can improve the appearance of your hair.
22 kilt /kilt/ noun kilt, škótska sukòa Men in Scotland sometimes wear kilts. length /leŋθ/ noun dåžka What‘s the length of the room? lip /lip/ noun pera a kiss on the lips look /lυk/ verb vyzera She looks a little plump. manicurist /mnikjυərist/ noun manikér, -ka Emily is going to the manicurist‘s this afternoon. masculinity / mskjəlinəti/ noun mužnos boys trying to prove their masculinity middle-aged / midl eidd/ adj v stredných rokoch a middle-aged man Mohican /məυhikən/ noun úèes /èíro/ I wore a Mohican when I was young. mousse /mus/ noun penové tužidlo do vlasov hair styling mousse moustache /məstɑʃ/ noun fúzy He‘s shaved off his moustache. mullet /mlət/ noun úèes, kde vrch a boky sú zostrihané nakrátko a vzadu sú vlasy dlhé Mel Gibson wore a mullet in some of his films. muscle /msəl/ noun sval Weight lifting will strengthen your arm muscles. muscular /mskjələ/ adj svalnatý strong, muscular arms neck /nek/ noun krk a long, slender neck ordinary /ɔdənəri/ adj obyèajný, bežný It looks like an ordinary car, but it has a very special type of engine. overweight / əυvəweit/ adj ma nadváhu, obézny I‘m ten pounds overweight. pain /pein/ noun boles I woke up in the night with terrible stomach pains. painful /peinfəl/ adj bolestivý Her ankle was swollen and painful. pale /peil/ adj bledý Jan looked tired and pale. parting /pɑtiŋ/ noun cestièka vo vlasoch hair with a parting patient /peiʃənt/ noun pacient The doctors were unable to save the patient‘s life. perm /p m/ noun trvalá /na vlasoch/ I‘ve decided to have a perm. physique /fəzik/ noun vzh¾ad, telesná konštitúcia a man with a powerful physique plait /plt/ noun vrkoè Jenny wore her hair in plaits. playful /pleifəl/ adj hravý a playful little kitten plump /plmp/ adj buc¾atý, kyprý a sweet, plump little girl ponytail /pəυniteil/ noun konský chvost a little girl with a ponytail poor /pɔ/ adj chudobný, slabý poor appetite posh /pɒʃ/ adj snobský a posh restaurant pretty /priti/ adj pekný What a pretty little girl! razor /reizə/ noun žiletka an electric razor refresh /rifreʃ/ verb osvieži A shower will refresh you. remedy /remədi/ noun liek, prostriedok herbal remedies result /rizlt/ verb ma za následok a fire that resulted in the death of two children scruffy /skrfi/ adj ufú¾aný, otrhaný, špinavý a scruffy kid
shampoo /ʃmpu/ noun šampón a delicate shampoo shave /ʃeiv/ verb holi sa I cut myself while I was shaving. shiny /ʃaini/ adj lesklý, svietiaci shiny leather boots shoulder /ʃəυldə/ noun rameno shoulder-length hair skinny /skini/ adj vychudnutý, vyziabnutý Some supermodels are far too skinny. slim /slim/ adj štíhly You‘re looking a lot slimmer - have you lost weight? smart /smɑt/ adj elegantný, vkusný You look smart. Are you going anywhere special? spiky /spaiki/ adj pich¾avý short black spiky hair status symbol /steitəs simbəl/ noun symbol postavenia v spoloènosti A Rolls Royce is seen as a status symbol. stockings /stɒkiŋz/ noun panèuchy a pair of silk stockings straight /streit/ adj rovný, priamy a straight line stubble /stbəl/ noun strnisko, neoholená brada a good-looking guy with stubble stunning /stniŋ/ adj ohromujúci You look stunning in that dress. suitable /sutəbəl/ adj vhodný Is this salad suitable for vegetarians? suntan /sntn/ noun opálenie od slnka Where did you get your suntan? tanned /tnd/ adj opálený He had a tanned face and clear eyes. tattoo /tətu/ noun tetovanie He has a tattoo of a snake on his left arm. teens /tinz/ noun tínedžerský vek She got married when she was still in her teens. thigh /θai/ noun stehno muscular thighs throat /θrəυt/ noun hrdlo I have a sore throat. tights /taits/ noun panèuchy I never wear tights. trim /trim/ verb upravi My hair needs trimming. trousers /traυzəz/ noun nohavice flared trousers twenty /twenti/ number dvadsa She was in her early twenties when I met her. ugly / li/ adj škaredý ugly modern buildings unattractive /nətrktiv/ adj nepríažlivý, neatraktívny an unattractive man uncool /nkul/ adj nemoderný, neprijate¾ný Have you seen his shorts? They are just so uncool! unfashionable /nfʃənəbəl/ adj nemoderný Smoking has become very unfashionable within the last ten years. unhygienic /nhaidinik/ adj nehygienický unhygienic conditions unshaven /nʃeivən/ adj neoholený an unshaven man of about sixty untidy /ntaidi/ adj neporiadny My son is so untidy. wavy /weivi/ adj vlnitý wavy hair wealth /welθ/ noun bohatstvo a family of great wealth weird /wiəd/ adj zvláštny, èudný I‘ve just had a really weird phone call from Michael.
23 well-built / wel bilt/ adj dobre stavaný, silný For well-built men like him, air travel can be uncomfortable. well-dressed / wel drest/ adj dobre obleèený an attractive, well-dressed young woman wimp /wimp/ noun slaboch, neschopný èlovek Don‘t be such a wimp! wrinkle /riŋkəl/ noun vráska He had grey hair and wrinkles in his face.
MODULE 12 It‘s show time absolutely /bsəlutli/ adv úplne Are you absolutely sure? acting /ktiŋ/ noun hranie The acting was quite good, but the plot was a bit silly. animated /nəmeitəd/ adj animovaný an animated comedy series annual /njuəl/ adj každoroèný, výroèný the annual conference archaeology / ɑkiɒlədi/ noun archeológia Archaeology is my passion. art /ɑt/ noun umenie Do you prefer modern art or traditional art? art gallery /ɑt ləri/ noun umelecká galéria a modern art gallery artist /ɑtəst/ noun umelec an exhibition of paintings by local artists attendant /ətendənt/ noun vrátnik, obsluhujúci a parking lot attendant audience /ɔdiəns/ noun publikum The audience began clapping and cheering. band /bnd/ noun skupina a jazz band bit /bit/ noun trocha Can you turn the radio down a little bit? bother /bɒðə/ verb obažova ‘Why didn‘t you ask me for help?‘ ‘I didn‘t want to bother you.‘ brainy /breini/ adj inteligentný Wallace and his brainy dog Gromit brilliant /briljənt/ adj úžasný, brilantný ‘How was your holiday?‘ ‘It was brilliant!‘ change /tʃeind/ noun drobné Excuse me, can you give me change for a £20 note? character /krəktə/ noun postava The book‘s main character is a young student. cinema /sinəmə/ noun kino I haven‘t been to the cinema for ages. clarify /klrəfai/ verb vyjasni, objasni The discussion helped us to clarify our aims and ideas. classical /klsikəl/ adj klasický classical music clown /klaυn/ noun klaun a clown costume comedy /kɒmədi/ noun komédia We saw the new Robin Williams comedy last night. completely /kəmplitli/ adv úplne I completely forgot about your birthday. concert /kɒnsət/ noun koncert I‘ve managed to get tickets for the Oasis concert.
confusing /kənfjuziŋ/ adj mätúci, nejasný This map is really confusing. costume /kɒstjυm/ noun kostým He designed the costumes for Swan Lake. country music /kntri mjuzik/ noun country hudba Bo‘s favourite type of music is country music. culmination / klməneiʃən/ noun vyvrcholenie That discovery was the culmination of his life‘s work. curse /k s/ noun kliatba a witch‘s curse desperate /despərət/ adj zúfalý He was desperate to get a job. devastate /devəsteit/ verb znièi, zdevastova Bombing raids devastated the city of Dresden. direct /dərekt/ verb režírova Barbra Streisand both starred in and directed the movie. director /dərektə/ noun režisér film director Ken Russell discount /diskaυnt/ noun z¾ava Sales start Monday, with discounts of up to 50 drama /drɑmə/ noun dráma the award-winning TV drama ‘Prime Suspect‘ drawing /drɔiŋ/ noun kresba, náèrt She showed us a drawing of the house. dreadful /dredfəl/ adj hrozný, strašný What dreadful weather! enthusiastic /in θjuzistik/ adj nadšený An enthusiastic crowd cheered the winners. exhibition / eksəbiʃən/ noun výstava an art exhibition express /ikspres/ verb vyjadri, vyslovi She doesn‘t express her emotions as much as he does. extremely /ikstrimli/ adv ve¾mi, extrémne I‘m extremely sorry. fascinating /fsəneitiŋ/ adj fascinujúci a fascinating subject feature film /fitʃə film/ noun celoveèerný film a full-length feature film festival /festəvəl/ noun festival the Cannes film festival festivity /festivəti/ noun slávnos wedding festivities final /fainl/ adj posledný the final scene of the film flee /fli/ verb opusti, utiec z... The president was forced to flee the country after the revolution. float /fləυt/ noun ve¾ký ozdobený dopravný prostriedok používaný na karnevaloch We stood and watched the Carnival floats drive past. found /faυnd/ verb založi The Academy was founded in 1666. frame /freim/ noun rám a picture frame funk /fŋk/ noun hudobný štýl James Brown is the king of funk. generation / denəreiʃən/ noun generácia Three generations of Monroes have lived in this house. genre /ɒnrə/ noun žáner the science fiction genre grocery store / rəυsəri stɔ/ noun potraviny, obchod On my way back I did some shopping in the grocery store. guitar / itɑ/ noun gitara to play the guitar hilarious /hileəriəs/ adj veselý, zábavný She thinks his jokes are hilarious.
24 hip hop /hip hɒp/ noun hip hop My son often listens to hip hop. hold / on / /həυld/ verb drža /poèka/ Yeah, hold on, Mike is right here. humour /hjumə/ noun humor I don‘t like her - she‘s got no sense of humour. instant /instənt/ adj okamžitý The movie was an instant success. interactive / intərktiv/ adj interaktívny an interactive software program for children interpretation /in t prəteiʃən/ noun výklad, interpretácia Andy‘s interpretation of ‘As You Like It‘ interrupt / intərpt/ verb preruši ‘What exactly do you mean?‘ Barker interrupted. jazz /dz/ noun džez modern jazz joke /dəυk/ noun vtip Don‘t get mad - it‘s only a joke. joy /dɔi/ noun rados She cried with joy when she heard the news. levee /levi/ noun násyp, záplavová hrádza The levees protecting New Orleans broke and the waters of Lake Pontchartrain were pouring through the streets. main /mein/ adj hlavný The main character of the novel is an elderly university professor. mask /mɑsk/ noun maska The doctor wore a mask over her mouth and nose. modern /mɒdn/ adj moderný a modern apartment block musical /mjuzikəl/ noun muzikál Some people find it strange that people sing to each other in operas and musicals. musician /mjuziʃən/ noun muzikant, hudobník a rock musician opera /ɒpərə/ noun opera Some people find it strange that people sing to each other in operas and musicals. palm /pɑm/ noun dlaò She looked at the coins in her palm. parade /pəreid/ noun prehliadka, sprievod, promenáda a May Day parade perform /pəfɔm/ verb vystupova She‘s performing at the National Theatre. performance /pəfɔməns/ noun výkon, prevedenie, predstavenie a brilliant performance of Beethoven‘s Fifth Symphony Plasticine /plstisin/ noun modelovacia hmota podobná plastelíne Wallace and Gromit are made of Plasticine. playwright /pleirait/ noun autor divadelných hier Tennessee Williams, the famous playwright plot /plɒt/ noun dej, zápletka I didn‘t really understand the plot. portrait /pɔtrət/ noun portrét a portrait of the queen pour /pɔ/ verb lia The levees protecting New Orleans broke and the waters of Lake Pontchartrain were pouring through the streets. programme /prəυ rm/ noun program Could I have a look at your programme? quarter /kwɔtə/ noun mestská štvr the student quarter
quite /kwait/ adv, quantifier dos She‘s quite tall for her age. rather /rɑðə/ adv, predeterminer dos, pomerne I think she was rather upset last night. recover /rikvə/ verb zotavi sa, oživi The economy will take at least three years to recover. refrigerator /rifridəreitə/ noun chladnièka We bought a new refrigerator. refugee / refjυdi/ noun uteèenec a refugee camp reggae /re ei/ noun hudobný štýl I love listening to reggae. Renaissance /rineisəns/ noun renesancia Renaissance architecture rescue /reskju/ verb zachráni He rescued two people from the fire. rhythm and blues / riðəm ən bluz/ noun hudobný štýl He collects rhythm and blues records. ridiculous /ridikjələs/ adj smiešny She looks ridiculous in those tight trousers. rot /rɒt/ verb hni The vegetables were left to rot. ruined /ruənd/ noun rozpadnutý a ruined castle scene /sin/ noun scéna She comes on in Act 2, Scene 3. screenplay /skrinplei/ noun scenár The screenplay is witty and absolutely hilarious.t sculptor /sklptə/ noun sochár Michelangelo, the brilliant sculptor and painter sculpture /sklptʃə/ noun socha a bronze sculpture by Peter Helzer season ticket /sizən tikət/ noun sezónny lístok an annual season ticket seller /selə/ noun predavaè Let‘s ask the ticket seller about the finishing time of the film. sense /sens/ noun zmysel Do these instructions make any sense to you? shed /ʃed/ noun kôlòa, prístrešok a tool shed show /ʃəυ/ noun šou a new show opening on Broadway silly /sili/ adj hlúpy Don‘t be silly; we can‘t afford a new car. singer /siŋə/ noun spevák an opera singer songwriter /sɒŋ raitə/ noun skladate¾ pesnièiek It‘s commonly known that John Lennon and Paul McCartney were also songwriters. soundtrack /saυndtrk/ noun pieseò k filmu, zvukový záznam the soundtrack to ‘Top Gun‘ special effects / speʃəl ifektz/ noun špeciálne efekty The special effects were absolutely amazing. spectacular /spektkjələ/ adj nápadný, efektný a spectacular view of the Grand Canyon stage /steid/ noun scéna, divadelné dosky Larry‘s always wanted to go on the stage. star /stɑ/ verb úèinkova, hra Clint Eastwood will star in a new thriller. streetcar /stritkɑ/ noun trolejbus Tom takes a streetcar to work every day. survivor /səvaivə/ noun ten, kto prežil No survivors of the plane crash were found. totally /təυtl i/ adv úplne, totálne I totally agree with you.
25 traditional /trədiʃənəl/ adj tradièný traditional Irish music venue /venju/ noun miesto konania a popular jazz venue visual /viuəl/ adj vizuálny, oèný The movie has a strong visual impact. walking stick /wɔkiŋ stik/ noun vychádzková palica an old man with a walking stick warehouse /weəhaυs/ noun sklad chemical warehouses witty /witi/ adj vtipný a witty response wonder /wndə/ verb žasnú, divi sa I sometimes wonder why I married her. wreck /rek/ verb poškodi, rozbi, roztriešti The Opera House was wrecked by a huge explosion.
MODULE 13 Sports and games addiction /ədikʃən/ noun závislos I‘m trying to beat my television addiction. addictive /ədiktiv/ adj závislý It started as a hobby, but it got so addictive I had to keep on doing it. aerobics /eərəυbiks/ noun aerobik Are you going to aerobics tonight? ankle /ŋkəl/ noun èlenok My dad twisted his ankle jogging. athletics /θletiks/ noun atletika an athletics stadium awesome /ɔsəm/ adj desivý, hrôzyplný an awesome responsibility backache /bkeik/ noun boles chrbta When I got over my backache, I took up jogging. badminton /bdmintən/ noun bedminton My sister and I often play badminton. battlefield /btlfild/ noun bojisko Isn‘t it better to have wars in athletics stadiums rather than on battlefields? blister /blistə/ noun otlak I had terrible blisters on my feet. boxing /bɒksiŋ/ noun boxovanie a boxing match captain /kptən/ noun kapitán The Blackhawk‘s team captain was the first to score. card /kɑd/ noun karta a card game champion /tʃmpiən/ noun víaz, šampión this year‘s champions chase /tʃeis/ verb prenasledova a kitten chasing a ball of wool chess /tʃes/ noun šach They meet fairly often to play chess. cold /kəυld/ noun nachladnutie, prechladnutie Keep your feet dry so you don‘t catch a cold. console /kɒnsəυl/ noun konzola, ovládací panel Which of these consoles do you like? coordination /kəυ ɔdəneiʃən/ noun koordinácia Computer games can help develop hand-to-eye coordination. corner /kɔnə/ noun roh Pearce came forward to take the corner kick. cough /kɒf/ verb kašla He was awake coughing all night. count /kaυnt/ verb poèíta First impressions count for a lot. cricket /krikət/ noun kriket I sometimes watch cricket on TV. crossword /krɒsw d/ noun krížovka I like to sit down and do the crossword.
cup /kp/ noun pohár The president of the club came to present the cup to the winners. cut down /kt daυn/ verb zníži, obmedzi I‘m trying to cut down on my drinking. decent /disənt/ adj slušný a decent salary desert /dezət/ noun púš the Sahara desert diet /daiət/ noun diéta My doctor advised me to go on a diet. distinguish /distiŋ wiʃ/ verb rozlíši Are we still able to distinguish reality from virtual reality? dizzy /dizi/ adj majúci / spôsobujúci závrat She feels dizzy when she stands up. downside /daυnsaid/ noun nevýhoda The downside of the plan is the cost. draughts /drɑfts/ noun dáma (hra) Let‘s play draughts. drug /dr / noun droga She looks as though she‘s on drugs. educational / edjυkeiʃənəl/ adj vzdelávací, pouèný an educational experience event /ivent/ noun udalos a major sporting event exercise /eksəsaiz/ noun cvièenie The doctor said I need to take more exercise. exercise /eksəsaiz/ verb cvièi It is important to exercise regularly. gain / ein/ verb získa, pribra Bea has gained a lot of weight since Christmas. gamer / eimə/ noun hráè Most gamers enjoy shoot ‚em up games. get over / et/ verb ma za sebou, ujasni si, dosta sa cez The doctor said it will take a couple of weeks to get over the infection. goalkeeper / əυl kipə/ noun brankár We lost the match although the goalkeeper did very well. golf / ɒlf/ noun golf a round of golf golf course / ɒlf kɔs/ noun golfové ihrisko Is there a golf course in the neighbourhood? graphics / rfiks/ noun grafika The graphics in this game are awesome. gym /dim/ noun telocvièòa I go to the gym as often as I can. gymnastics /dimnstiks/ noun gymnastika We don‘t do gymnastics at school. half /hɑf/ noun, determiner polovica France played very well in the first half. handball /hndbɔl/ noun hádzaná a handball match healthy /helθi/ adj zdravý a healthy baby girl hill walking /hil wɔkiŋ/ noun vysokohorská turistika Always get professional advice before going hill walking. historical /histɒrikəl/ adj historický historical research hurt /h t/ verb porani, rani She hurt her shoulder playing baseball. ice hockey /ais hɒki/ noun ¾adový hokej an ice hockey match ice-skate /ais skeit/ verb korèu¾ova na ¾ade When did you learn to ice-skate? imprecise / imprisais/ adj nepresný The directions were imprecise and confusing.
26 individual / indəviduəl/ adj individuálny individual sports indoor /indɔ/ adj vnútorný an indoor swimming pool jigsaw /di sɔ/ noun skladaèka electronic jigsaws for use on your desktop jogging /dɒ iŋ/ noun behanie I‘m thinking of taking up jogging. kick /kik/ noun kopnutie If the gate won‘t open, just give it a good kick. level /levəl/ noun úroveò A low fat diet will help cut your cholesterol level. long jump /lɒŋ dmp/ noun skok do dia¾ky Hawkins won the long jump competition. machine /məʃin/ noun stroj, prístroj an exercise machine marathon /mrəθən/ noun maratón Garcia ran the marathon in just under three hours. multi-player / mlti pleiə/ hra pre viacerých hráèov We played multi-player computer games with other people over the internet. option /ɒpʃən/ noun možnos It‘s the only option we have left. original /əridinəl/ adj pôvodný, originálny a highly original design originate /əridəneit/ verb ma pôvod, pochádza z The custom of having a Christmas tree originated in Germany. part /take part/ /pɑt/ noun, verb èas /zúèastni sa/ Ten runners took part in the race. participant /pɑtisəpənt/ noun úèastník an active participant in the negotiations penalty /penlti/ noun penalta, pokutový kop Dawson missed a penalty. pitch /pitʃ/ noun ihrisko a football pitch practise /prktəs/ verb cvièi How often do you practise tennis? puzzle /pzəl/ noun skladaèka, hádanka a Sudoku puzzle racing /reisiŋ/ noun preteky, súaž car racing games recover /rikvə/ verb uzdravi sa, zotavi sa He‘s in hospital, recovering from a heart attack. referee / refəri/ noun rozhodca What‘s the referee‘s decision? ring /riŋ/ noun ring a boxing ring rink /riŋk/ noun klzisko a skating rink rowing machine /rəυiŋ mə ʃin/ noun stroj na precvièovanie veslovania Scott was using the rowing machine in the gym. rugby /r bi/ noun rugby Where was the first game of rugby played? sailing /seiliŋ/ noun plachtenie na lodi Julie‘s passion is sailing. score /skɔ/ noun výsledok, skóre The final score was 35 to 17. score /skɔ/ verb da gól, skórova Dallas scored in the final minute of the game. shape /ʃeip/ noun forma What do you do to stay in shape? shoot ‚em up /ʃut əm p/ noun bojové hry Most gamers enjoy shoot ‘em up games. shot /ʃɒt/ noun výstrel, zásah Good shot!
ski lift /ski lift/ noun lyžiarsky vlek Is this ski lift really safe? ski slope /ski sləυp/ noun lyžiarsky svah, zjazdovka There is a ski slope right next to the hotel. sneeze /sniz/ verb kýcha The dust is making me sneeze! snowboarding /snəυ bɔdiŋ/ noun snowbording I prefer snowboarding to skiing. solitaire / sɒləteə/ noun pasians, kartová hra pre jednu osobu My grandmother is absolutely addicted to solitaire. spectator /spekteitə/ noun divák Over 50,000 spectators saw the final game. sporting /spɔtiŋ/ adj športový sporting events squash /skwɒʃ/ noun squash Do you play squash? stadium /steidiəm/ noun štadión a football stadium strategy /strtədi/ adj strategický strategy games substitute /sbstətjut/ noun náhrada a sugar substitute swollen /swəυlən/ adj opuchnutý a swollen knee take / part / /teik/ verb vzia /zúèastni sa/ How many people took part in the competition? tennis /tenəs/ noun tenis Do you play tennis? twist /twist/ verb vyvrtnú Harriet slipped on the stairs and twisted her ankle. value /vlju/ noun hodnota The value of the house has gone up. version /v ʃən/ noun podoba, verzia the original version of the film ‘Gone with the Wind‘ virtual reality /v tʃuəl riləti/ noun virtuálna realita Are we still able to distinguish reality from virtual reality? volleyball /vɒlibɔl/ noun volejbal I play in a volleyball team. vomit /vɒmət/ verb zvraca The child was sick and couldn‘t stop vomiting. vote /vəυt/ noun hlas pri vo¾bách The Communist Party came third with 421,775 votes. waste /weist/ noun plytvanie, mrhanie Computer games are a waste of time. water skiing /wɔtə skiiŋ/ noun vodné lyžovanie I did some water skiing this summer. wind-surfing /wind s fiŋ/ noun windsurfing Matt won the windsurfing competition. winner /winə/ noun víaz the winner of the poetry contest work /w k/ verb pracova Sue works out in the gym twice a week.
MODULE 14 Who cares? ad /d/ noun inzerát The Sunday papers are full of car ads. advert /dv t/ noun reklama, inzerát The organisers of the concert had taken out a full page advert in The New York Times. advertisement /ədv tismənt/ noun reklama, inzerát She saw an advertisement for a ski vacation in Vermont. advertising /dvətaiziŋ/ adj reklamný Tricia works for an advertising agency.
27 agency /eidənsi/ noun agentúra an advertising agency apologise /əpɒlədaiz/ verb ospravedlni sa He later apologised for his behaviour. apology /əpɒlədi/ noun ospravedlnenie I hope you will accept my apology for any trouble I may have caused. appetising /pətaiziŋ/ adj chutný The food wasn‘t particularly appetising. artificial / ɑtəfiʃəl/ adj umelý, neprirodzený artificial sweeteners baker /beikə/ noun pekár Brad went to the baker‘s to get some fresh bread. billboard /bilbɔd/ noun reklamný panel a huge billboard blackcurrant / blkkrənt/ noun èierna ríbez¾a We drank blackcurrant juice. blame /bleim/ verb obviòova, zva¾ova vinu It‘s not fair to blame Charlie. He didn‘t know anything. bottle /bɒtl/ noun f¾aša a wine bottle broken /brəυkən/ adj pokazený, nefungujúci, rozbitý a broken clock butcher /bυtʃə/ noun mäsiar I bought some veal at the butcher‘s. capture /kptʃə/ verb zauja Ads often capture our imagination. carton /kɑtn/ noun papierová krabica a milk carton cash /kʃ/ noun hotovos I‘m terribly sorry, but you can only pay in cash. cash dispenser /kʃ di spensə/ noun bankomat Excuse me, where can I find a cash dispenser? cash register /kʃ redəstə/ noun registraèná pokladòa Many taxi drivers use cash registers. chain store /tʃein stɔ/ noun obchodný reazec Many people don‘t go to chain stores. changing room /tʃeindiŋ rum, rυm/ noun kabínka, šatòa Excuse me, where are the changing rooms? chemist /keməst/ noun lekáreò I‘ve got to find a chemist‘s and get some Aspirin. cliché /kliʃei/ noun klišé, otrepaná fráza advertising clichés coincidence /kəυinsədəns/ noun náhoda What a coincidence! I hadn‘t expected to meet you here. commercial /kəm ʃəl/ noun reklama soft drinks commercials complaint /kəmpleint/ noun sažnos complaints against police officers convenience food /kənviniəns fud/ noun sterilizované a inak upravené jedlo We eat too little fresh food, relying instead on convenience foods. convenient /kənviniənt/ adj vhodný, vyhovujúci a convenient place to shop cook /kυk/ noun kuchár I‘m not a very good cook. creamy /krimi/ adj hebký, jemný, krémový The sauce was smooth and creamy. delicious /diliʃəs/ adj chutný a delicious meal department store /dipɑtmənt stɔ/ noun obchodný dom We did some shopping in a department store. dish /diʃ/ noun jedlo a wonderful pasta dish
disruption /disrpʃən/ noun trhlina, zlom, prerušenie The strike caused widespread disruption. earphones /iəfəυnz/ noun slúchadlá I must buy new earphones for my MP3 player. eat /it/ verb jes I don‘t feel like cooking - let‘s eat out tonight. exchange /ikstʃeind/ verb navzájom si vymeni The two armies exchanged prisoners. fancy /fnsi/ verb ma chu na nieèo Do you fancy eating out, Les? faulty /fɔlti/ adj chybný faulty wiring fresh /freʃ/ adj èerstvý fresh orange juice frozen /frəυzən/ adj zamrznutý frozen peas greengrocer / rin rəυsə/ noun obchod so zeleninou a ovocím Let‘s go to the greengrocer‘s and get some vegetables. grocer / rəυsə/ noun potraviny - obchod I bought this yoghurt at the local grocer‘s. heat /hit/ verb zohria Heat the milk until it boils. horrific /hɒrifik/ adj hrozný, strašný a horrific accident income /iŋkm/ noun príjem people on a low income informative /infɔmətiv/ adj plný informácií, informatívny a very informative book ingredient /in ridiənt/ noun suroviny, zložky Flour, water, and eggs are the most important ingredients. juice /dus/ noun šava, džús orange juice juicy /dusi/ adj šavnatý a juicy peach junk food /dŋk fud/ noun nezdravé jedlo You eat too much junk food. junk mail /dŋk meil/ noun nevyžiadaná pošta, väèšinou reklamná I get loads of junk mail. lean /lin/ adj chudé mäso, nie mastné lean meat mall /mɔl/ noun obchodné centrum a shopping mall marvel /mɑvəl/ noun zázrak Laser surgery is one of the marvels of modern medicine. meat /mit/ noun mäso I don‘t eat much meat. microwave /maikrəweiv/ verb mikrovlnná rúra You can heat it up under the grill or microwave it. missing /misiŋ/ adj chýbajúci There‘s a button missing from your shirt. natural /ntʃərəl/ adj prirodzený natural ingredients newsagent /njuz eidənt/ noun novinový stánok Rosie went to the newsagent‘s to get some sweets. nutritious /njutriʃəs/ adj výživný nutritious and cheap recipe ideas offer /ɒfə/ noun ponuka Activities on offer include windsurfing and water-skiing. offer /ɒfə/ verb ponúknu My dad has offered to pick us up. official /əfiʃəl/ adj oficiálny an official complaint oven /vən/ noun rúra na peèenie Turn the oven on, please. packed lunch / pkt lntʃ/ noun pripravená a zabalená desiata - obed My mum made me a packed lunch. peel /pil/ verb oškraba, olúpa, oèisti Will you peel the potatoes, please? pet /pet/ noun domáci miláèik He was bitten by his pet dog. plate /pleit/ noun tanier a china plate
28 polish /pɒliʃ/ noun leštidlo boot polish precooked /prikυkt/ adj predvarené I often buy precooked frozen food. refund /rifnd/ noun náhrada Would you like a refund? replace /ripleis/ verb nahradi I‘m terribly sorry, Madam. We‘ll replace your Walkman straight away. replacement /ripleismənt/ noun nahradenie Our old car is badly in need of replacement. revolutionary / revəluʃənəri/ adj revoluèný a revolutionary new treatment for cancer sale /seil/ noun výpredaj Don‘s found a really good CD player on sale. salt /sɔlt/ noun so¾ Add a pinch of salt to the mixture. saucepan /sɔspən/ noun panvica Heat the sauce in the saucepan before serving. sensational /senseiʃənəl/ adj senzaèný a sensational finish to the race serve /s v/ verb podáva, servírova Dinner is served at eight. shake /ʃeik/ verb trias Shake before opening. shoe /ʃu/ noun topánka a shoe shop shopping centre /ʃɒpiŋ sentə/ noun obchodné centrum Let‘s go shopping at the shopping centre. shopping mall /ʃɒpiŋ mɔl/ noun obchodné centrum a huge new shopping mall shopping trolley /ʃɒpiŋ trɒli/ noun nákupný košík When I got to the checkout, my shopping trolley was full of shopping. shrink /ʃriŋk/ verb zrazi sa, zbehnú sa My sweater shrank in the wash. slice /slais/ verb nakrája na plátky Could you slice the bread? slogan /sləυ ən/ noun slogan A good slogan is the key to success. soup /sup/ noun polievka chicken noodle soup spam /spm/ noun nevyžiadaná reklama You can filter out spam with special software. special /speʃəl/ adj špeciálny I want to go somewhere special for our anniversary. stale /steil/ adj nie èerstvý, zvetraný stale bread stationery /steiʃənəri/ noun písacie potreby / pero, papier,../ Our office needs to reduce stationery costs. stew /stju/ noun šava , omáèka a pot of stew stock /stɒk/ noun zásoby Hurry - buy now while stocks last! supermarket /supə mɑkət/ noun supermarket I usually do my shopping in the local supermarket. sweat /swet/ verb poti sa As he approached the customs post, he began to sweat. takeaway /teikəwei/ noun jedlo so sebou Let‘s have a takeaway tonight. tasty /teisti/ adj chutný Is the soup tasty? teabag /tib / noun vrecúško èaju a box of teabags tinned /tind/ adj konzervovaný tinned tomatoes tough /tf/ adj tvrdý, tuhý The meat was tough and hard to chew.
underwear /ndəweə/ noun spodná bielizeò You just need to take a change of underwear. variety /vəraiəti/ noun rôznorodos different varieties of lettuce vegetarian / vedəteəriən/ noun vegetarián Jerry is a vegetarian.