updated each year and will offer practice questions, explanations, practice tests
and strategies. • ExamKrackers => http://www.examkrackers.com/Store/Default.
Suggested Methods/Materials for MCAT Preparation Learn as much as you can about the MCAT (offered 28 dates each year) https://www.aamc.org/ => click on MCAT (Right side of page – orange type) Be sure to read everything and check out all the links – especially MCAT Essentials Be sure to purchase the Official Guide to the MCAT Exam www.kaptest.com => MCAT - Medical School (bottom of page) => read through the purple tabs MCAT Registration => https://www.aamc.org/ => click on MCAT => click on Registering for the MCAT Exam Opens in October for the January-May test dates Opens in February for the June-September test dates You will need a credit card – they only accept Visa or MasterCard Review Courses Kaplan: www.kaptest.com => See Mrs. Ruit for course number for UND course (offered every spring) Princeton Review: http://www.princetonreview.com/ Review Materials* AAMC (the folks who oversee medical schools and who developed the MCAT) => https://www.aamc.org/ Official Guide to the MCAT Exam => order online Official MCAT Self-Assessment Package => order online E-MCAT Practice Tests => 8 available to purchase and take online Kaplan MCAT Review Book => available at: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. Get the most current edition – usually updated each year and will offer practice questions, explanations, practice tests and strategies ExamKrackers => http://www.examkrackers.com/Store/Default.aspx Audio Osmosis CD’s MCAT Complete Study package Princeton Review => http://www.princetonreview.com/ Cracking the MCAT Destroyer by Orgoman => http://www.orgoman.com Offers subject review, problems and solutions for Organic Chemistry and Physics MCAT Flashcards by Mometrix => http://www.flashcardsecrets.com/mcat/ *If you take the UND Kaplan MCAT Review course, Kaplan will supply all the materials you will ever need - online and printed review materials, practice questions, practice tests and free access to all of the AAMC practice MCATs
Suggested Timeline for MCAT Preparation Fall semester Register in October for January-May test dates Learn as much as you can about the test Choose test date and make a study plan for spring semester Get review materials Spring Semester Register in February for June-September test dates Review and take practice tests Late May or Early June Take MCAT June Work on AAMCAS (try to submit by July 1st) July-August Retake MCAT if necessary
MCAT Study Plan Week
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
May - June
Topic Classes begin - Take Practice Test #1
Take Practice Test #2
Spring Break - Fill out WICHE forms (MT, WY residents)
Take Practice Test #3
Take Practice Test #4
Finals Week
Take Practice Tests #5 (and all 8 AAMC practice tests before your test date!) Take the real MCAT!!