International Conference on “Crop Productivity and Sustainability - Shaping the Future” AP-42
CYTOLOGICAL STUDIES ON SOME GRASSES FROM RAJASTHAN (INDIA) Harbans Singh,R.C.Gupta and M.I.S. Saggoo Department of Botany,Punjabi University,Patiala-147002,Punjab Department of Botany,Govt.College for Girls,Patiala-147001(Pb)India Email:
[email protected]
Abstract Grasses,members of the family Poaceae constitute good part of vegetation of Earth.Theses are represented by 620 genera and 10,000 species(Airy Shaw 1973).From the Indian sub-continent 250 genera and 1,275 species have been recognized (Bor 1960). From the Rajasthan state 46 genera and 91 species have been recognized.These are cosmopolitan in distribution and are present from sea level to high alpine regions.Economically, the family provides 50% of the world’s calories .Cytogenetically, grasses form a very important group of plants as various phenomenon such as polyploidy,aneuploidy,h ybridization,apomixes etc. are well represented in the family.Chromosomal data is of paramount importance for any type of breeding program, Thus their improvement,exploitation and utilization in developing a good human society needs great attention.Very little work have been made on the cytology of grasses from Rajasthan. Due to this lacuna present study is Rajasthan.Leptochloa panicea shows the presence of 2n=20+1B chromosomes.Polypogon monspliensis 2n=14,28 gives 2x and 4x cytotype. Most of the species show meiotic abnormalities like presence of chromatin stickiness at Metaphaseviability. AP-43
SUITABILITY OF SYNTHETIC SEED TECHNOLOGY FOR STORAGE AND GERMPLASM DISTRIBUTION OF ARANDA DOLA MIAH, AN IMPORTANT ORCHID Saikat Gantait1,2, Roshan Yelne1*, Uma Rani Sinniah2 Department of Biotechnology, Instrumentation and Environmental Science, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, W.B. 741252, India 2Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang Selangor, Malaysia *E-mail:
[email protected] 1
Abstract Aranda Dola Miah, a monopodial orchid hybrid, forms the mainstay of orchid industry in the tropics. Being a vandaceous to conventional approach, tissue culture via somatic embryogenesis is the most accepted method for regeneration of large scale orchid propagules in short span. Furthermore, synthetic seed technology through encapsulation of somatic embryos offers an effective method for short-term storage, exchange of germplasms, and direct transfer to ex vitro conditions. The present study is thus concerned with the apposite encapsulation techniques for storage and distribution of Aranda Dola Miah. Prior to the production of synthetic seeds, the best developmental stage of somatic embryos for increased conversion to plantlet was determined. Somatic embryos at heart stage were employed, for encapsulation with sodium alginate to percentage, days taken for conversion, number and length of shoot and root, the performance of synthetic seeds was equivalent to that of the non-encapsulated somatic embryos. Synthetic seeds were stored under continuous dark exposure at 25°C and 8°C. Storage at 25°C, with viability of 88% even after 16 weeks, proved to be better than 8°C (24% viability), highly effective techniques for synthetic seed production, conversion and distribution of Aranda Dola Miah.