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The overall comparison of two districts shows that in targeted area of ... In addition, the quality of construction is b
Technical Session on Door to Door Technical Assistance and its impacts on Reconstruction Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform, Nepal

Technical Session on “Door to Door Technical Assistance and its impacts on Reconstruction” DUDBC Conference Hall, 12th March, 2018 Participants: MOUD/CLPIU, HELVETAS, EFS/HELVETAS, Scott Wilson Nepal, IFRC/NRCS, JRCS, MEDAIR,PIN, CRS,UNDP, American Red cross, NSET-Nepal, SDC, DFID, OXFAM, EHRRP, TPIS-ERP, UNOPS, NRA,JICA The HRRP technical sessions are designed for people working on a particular topic to share their experiences and challenges, and for others to have a chance to know what is happening on that topic. The session on door to door technical assistance and its impact on reconstruction brought key actors together to discuss and disseminate experiences of organisations which are providing door to door technical assistance in reconstruction.

Dr. Youb Raj Paudyal, MoUD-CLPIU (Opening Remarks) This is the vital time for reconstruction because the rainy season is approaching very soon. Hence, combined effort of all stakeholders of reconstruction is required to a speedup of the reconstruction process. Coordination is key for ensuring the construction quality. For this HRRP and MOUD/CLPIU have recently started joint field visit in all 14 districts for the better coordination among house owner, Engineers, Local government bodies and NGO/INGO’s working at the field level. To speed up the reconstruction process and also for good construction quality, door to door technical assistance is one of the major assistance needed at field level. Experiences of mobile mason impact on reconstruction, Mr.Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet, JICA The mobile mason component of community mobilization program is in its implementation phase in Gorkha and Sindhupalchowk districts. In Gorkha, the project is covering sixteen VDCs in earlier structure and now concise in three rural municipalities in current structure. Similarly, in Sindhupalchowk, the project is covering 31 old VDCs. Since 2015,JICA has been supporting earthquake reconstruction program through various activities such as mason training, house owner training, public awareness campaigns, enrolment camp for participation agreement and so on. Though various activities were targeted for the reconstruction, report shows that the reconstruction rate was only 23.3% at the end of March 2017, which is very low. Therefore, a small sample survey was conducted to find out the reasons behind the low construction rate and it was found that the main causes were miss conception on construction cost, lack of trained masons and lack of follow up activities at the communities. As a result, a need for community mobilization program was identified & initiated. The community mobilization program has basically three components: orientation to community based reconstruction committee (CBRC), community meetings and dispatch of mobile masons. The mobile mason is one of the major activities which is accelerating the construction rate. The CBRC committees were formed and activated in all 47 working VDCs and started various activities under CBRC. In CBRC orientation programs, participants draw community map, perform SWOT analysis, and conduct information sharing sessions on the status of the community (many communities are there within VDCs depending upon the number of house or the settlement type). And at the end, with the help of social mobilizer participants make the action plans and present their plans. After CBRC orientation community meetings are organized. In the community meeting, people from different places take part and discuss in various issues, challenges, discuss on CBRC meeting minutes and also go to field visits for site checking, checking of ROW of the road etc. Another key part of the community mobilization program is mobile masons who are now available in each communities. For the selection of mobile masons each community select three already trained masons and three days orientation program is organized for selected masons. After training one mason is nominated for mobile mason and mobilized to the community, remaining two masons are kept in roaster. If nominated mobile mason left the job, those in the roaster replace the mobile mason. Out of 47 VDC’s, in the first phase 4 VDC’s were selected and 41 mobile masons were deployed as piloting. After three months the coverage was increased and 289 mobile masons were deployed to the different communities.

12th March 2018

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Technical Session on Door to Door Technical Assistance and its impacts on Reconstruction Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform, Nepal

According to the current status of 47 VDC’s, 95.7 % beneficiaries have received the first tranche, 56.1% have received second tranche, 8.8% have received the third tranche and the reconstruction completion rate is 31.5%. The average reconstruction start rate is 75% which is much more compared to the 21% construction rate of July 2017. At the beginning of the program, back in July 2017, the average reconstruction rate was 23.8 % in 4 VDCs which were selected for piloting and after 3 months of the program, the average construction rate was 43.4% and now the reconstruction rate is 87%. After piloting of 4 VDC’s, 21 more VDC’s were added in the community mobilization program from October 2017. The average construction rate of the 21 VDC’s at the beginning of the program was 30.2% and now the construction rate is 85.2%. The above data reflects that there is a huge impact of community mobilization program in reconstruction and from March the community mobilization program has been initiated in the remaining VDC’s of two districts. The overall comparison of two districts shows that in targeted area of Sindhupalchowk the average reconstruction rate is 72.3% compared to 60% of the non-target area. Similarly in Gorkha, the average reconstruction rate is 82.3% compared to 72 % of the non-target area and in comparison of 14 districts, the average reconstruction rates of both Sindhupalchowk and Gorkha are better than other districts except Okhaldhunga. In community mobilization program the mobile masons play a key role and are very effective to convince people. The reason behind the effectiveness of mobile mason is that the community people feel comfortable to share information with them. It is also easier to coordinate for technical assistance even for inspection for DLPIU engineers as they get directly involved in the construction process and motivate the house owners. Furthermore, they easily solve the social conflicts raised during construction and can easily convince the local/migrant masons because they belong to the same community. They are also working as a technical and social facilitator of community at the same time. Community has taken it positively also because of employment generation at local level. In Sindhupalchowk and Gorkha under ERP-TPIS and EHRP programs, 2 project manager, 10 senior engineers, 47 engineers, 47 social mobilizers and 553 masons are working at community level. Although there is improvement in reconstruction status, challenges are still there at field level. Some of the house owners haven’t started the reconstruction because they are migrant workers and also due to cultural reasons, such as family member’s death, which prevent them from construction for a year. The compliance rate with minimum requirement (MRS) is low in various parts due to interruption of reconstruction because of the delay of tranche, no inspection due to absence of DLPIU engineer, lost/pending of inspection file, problems in procedure of money transfer by bank and other challenging parts is quality control. Thus, the program is trying to solve the problem of construction start rate through community meetings. And monitoring the status of inspection and inspection file system by establishing a tracking mechanism. In addition, the quality of construction is being controlled by deploying one mobile mason for one community, one engineer and one social mobiliser for one VDC. Also, mobile masons are providing technical assistance to untrained masons. Experiences of mobile team impact on reconstruction, Mr. Ranjan Dhungel, NSET

The mobile team is one of the core components of Baliyo Ghar program as an implementation side to reach the beneficiaries. The Baliyo Ghar program is 5 years long project till September 2020, 3 years of the project being already completed. The scope of the program covers the centre level, district level, and local level. At the centre level, the program is providing technical support on curriculum development, guidelines, manual development & advocating various technical aspects. Similarly, in district level, district offices are the backup of the mobile teams and are providing TOT and conducting various field activities. In local level within a cluster of 5 VDC’s, there is LRTC (local reconstruction technology centre) which supports day to day activity of mobile teams. The program coverage is in three districts, namely Dhading, Dolakha and Nuwakot, and also is providing technical assistance in one municipality of Kathmandu. Under the program, 40 mobile teams are working in three districts and one municipality of Kathmandu, where one mobile team covers tentative 1000 houses and works based on former VDCs boundary. The mobile team supports on VDC level coordination, conducts mason training at local level, provide orientation to house owner to decide what technology is suitable for them. Furthermore, they provide mobile technical support during construction which is one of the key activities of mobile team, and through technical support centre with the construction of demonstration model house also provides technical assistance to the community. The mobile team consists of one engineer, one social mobilizer, and one construction technician. The engineer leads the mobile team and takes lead on technical aspects, social mobilizer encourages the homeowners to construct 12th March 2018

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Technical Session on Door to Door Technical Assistance and its impacts on Reconstruction Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform, Nepal

earthquake-resistant houses and construction technician practically solves the problems and provides suggestions to masons. The mobile team is closely working with VDCs (based on earlier governance structure). The mobile team conducts On the Job Training (OJT) for fresh masons and short mason training for already practicing mason in order to build capacities of local masons. The social mobilizer keeps the record of fresh mason as well as untrained mason so that training can be organised effectively. Similarly, the orientation program, information desk & door to door campaign are organised at local levels to create the awareness. To provide technical assistance to the homeowner of under constructing building or the one who is planning to construct, the mobile technical assistance is one of the key activities under mobile team and beneficiaries directly get benefits from this activity. There are lots of petty contractors in semi-urban and urban area of districts. The mobile team also provides training for petty contractors. The attractive part or strength of the mobile team is that they are available round the year, even during the monsoon. They are familiar to local people and community people feel easy to interact with them. Another strong aspects is mobile teams are aware of actual field problems so they can work for the prompt solution. For the costing of mobile team, one mobile team cost around 300 thousands NPR per month including all the cost of equipment, admin and HR. One mobile team covers about 1000 households and it costs 300 NPR per month to provide all technical assistance for each household which is very economical compared to other costs. Sharing of Monitoring and Evaluation Report, Dr .Diwat Kumar Shrestha, MoUD CL-PIU

The Monitoring and Evaluation report covers 14 highly earthquake affected districts and the report is based on past 2 months Paush and Magh 2074 B.S.The MoUD-ClPIU is looking on private housing, public buildings and settlement. The monitoring framework only covers activities conducted by the CLPIU / DLPIUs / Partner Organizations and owner driven housing constructions. The monitoring framework checklists has been developed for different stakeholders and according to checklists monitoring and evaluation consultants collect the information from the stakeholders. The monthly report is generated based on the information collected by consultants at the field level. The monthly report is shared on HRRP weekly bulletin and also in MoUD-CLPIU website. The main sources of data collection are the four thousand engineers who are working at field level. The MOUD-CLPIU are planning to organize joint field monitoring program in each districts in coordination with HRRP. In nutshell, the reconstruction activities geared up on Poush 2074 because of the favourable weather condition, appointments of new engineers, and the Poush 2074 B.S. deadline provided by NRA. Moreover, most of the reconstruction activities are being done following the governments norms and procedures. The details of the findings, conclusion & recommendation of two months(Paush & Magh) are shared in PPT(slide nos. 28-60), Click here.

Question and Answer Question.1: What about the planning for vulnerable groups (differentially able, poor economically etc.)Who are struggling for reconstruction in JICA & NSET working areas? Answer: In JICA working areas out of 55000 beneficiaries’ 1193 beneficiaries are from vulnerable groups. The reconstruction rate is 79%, 96% have received tranche, 34% received second tranche and 8% received third tranche. Except second tranche there is no big difference as comparison to other beneficiaries. Question.2: Before earthquake usually many people are lives in big houses. But after earthquake now people are construction new houses with 1 or 2 rooms. It’s not fulfil family requirements. If there is any provision to expandable rooms? 12th March 2018

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Technical Session on Door to Door Technical Assistance and its impacts on Reconstruction Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform, Nepal

Answer: There is no mandatory to build small room houses. People can construct according to Nepal National Building Code (NBC) as their requirements. Contact Details Contact details for the teams presenting at the technical session are provided below in order to facilitate follow up on any of the topics covered in the session. Name Diwat Kumar Shrestha Bhupendra Bahadur Basnet Ranjan Dhungel

12th March 2018

Organisation MoUD CL-PIU JICA NSET

Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Phone Number 9851196789 9851077927 9813306680

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