Summary This study was conducted in Al-zuber and ...

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water in non – magnetized treatment 0.886 , 0.855 and 0.812 mmpoise to ... compared to the treatment of non- magnetized water , which amounted to.
Summary This study was conducted in Al-zuber and AL-Brjassia Regions , and ensures ( following-up) study the monthly changing that occurring in the wells water quality in two regions , 30 samples were taken every month from a chosen wells water ,distributed into is wells for each region from 6/5/2011 until 4/2/2012, .some chemical properties were estimated (pH ,SAR, EC TDS, Ca+2 ,Mg+2 ,Na+ , K+ ,Cl-,B,CO3,CaCO3 ) and physical qualities of the water level and the density and viscosity of water per month for the purpose of assessing the quality of well water in two experiments. 1-The results showed that the average monthly values of wells salinity water in the Zubair was 18.16 dS m-1. While the monthly average at 9.10 Albrjsuh site dS m-1. The results for the classification of wells water in my Zubair and Albrjsuh on the basis of salinity, according to the classification system of laboratory salinity U.S. Richards (1954) that all the wells are located water within the product last C 4 the water salinity is very high, either classification wells according to the classification system Ayers and West cot, (1985 ) , all wells water selected where a severe problem when used in irrigation , either rating determinants Iraqi water conservation (1986) , All wells water unfit for irrigation. The results of chemical analysis for wells water showed decrease in consecration of value (,SAR, EC TDS, Ca+2 ,Mg+2 ,Na+ , K+ ,Cl,B,CaCO3 ) during September and October , while the pH values its recorded a increase in May until the end of February . 2- Generally boron values it recorded higher concentration in most of the wells selected in both signatories as it above from a critical limit , especially in Zubair site . This is applicable on TDS values , in addition to the presence of toxic chloride element in all Zubair and Albrjsuh wells , a

the nature of the problem ranged from water wells for ion bicarbonates by user rating of no problem to small and medium . That all the selected wells and most of the months there are a severe problem when used for agriculture , especially for tomato crop . Wells levels remained volatile during the months of the year as it ranged between 8 m to 15 m at the Zubair site and 25 to 30 m in Albrjsuh site . 3- The tested of magnetization devices on ( water density and water viscosity ,water evaporates ,water freezing and property capillary water ) on some properties of water to three types of water ( distilled water 0.2 dS m-1and tap water 1.4 dS m-1and wells water 9.3 dS m-1). Found that the magnetic field led to a change in the values of the water density of water magnetic, which amounted to 0.978,0.989 and 0.853 Mcgm m-3 for samples of distilled water , tap water and well water , respectively , compared to the values 0.989,0.982 and 0.898 Mcgm m-3 for the three types of water is magnetized , respectively . reached the viscosity of water in non – magnetized treatment 0.886 , 0.855 and 0.812 mmpoise to water quality is non magnetic compare with values 0.867 , 0.834 , and 0.761 mmpoise in the magnetization water samples , respectively. The results of the experiment measuring the evaporation of water to that the evaporation ratio increase rate 33% in the treatment of magnetized water compared to the treatment of non- magnetized water , which amounted to 83% evaporation rate . The results showed that the speed of water freezing that the water magnetized transactions qualities of three water were faster than the speed of treatment of magnetized water. In an experiment measuring the height of the water in the capillary tube the results showed that the rate of water high in magnetic treatment it reached 11.2 mm compared with a rate of 4.0 mm of non magnetized water for the same




4-The results of the study based on evidence of saturation SI that the minerals phosphorus compounds original in two soils study was calcium phosphate Ca (PO4) 2 (C), and the results indicate also to the presence of metals phosphorus deposited in the form of a metal DCP and DCPD in soils transactions experiment field ( the level of irrigation, magnetization of water , organic fertilizers and phosphate ) and all appointments ( first, second , third and fourth ), while not exist and all transactions Picture metal OCP and HA. the treatment influenced of the level of irrigation and magnetization of water and fertilizer level of phosphate (60 and 120 kg P ha -1 ) increase in values saturation guide SI . Either organic fertilization treatment (cows residues and Humic acid ) it showed variation in the difference









5- The results showed that the wells water salinity site at Brjsuh / 2 led to a decline Ready phosphorus in the soil , which amounted to (1.3 , 14.3 and 16.4 ) mg kg -1 for phosphate levels fertilizer (zero , 60 and 120 kg P ha


) , respectively , compared with concentration of available

phosphorous ( 3.3 , 15.3 , 17.9 ) mg kg


site at Brjsuh / 1 , while the

magnetic water treatment increased the concentration of available phosphorus in the soil , which amounted to (2.3 , 13.8 and 17.2 ) mg kg -1 for phosphate levels fertilizer (zero , 60 and 120 kg P ha -1 ), respectively, compared to concentration of available phosphorous and which amounted to ( 1.5 , 11.8 and 16.8 ) mg kg


for the treatment comparison ( non -

magnetic ) in site Albrjsuh . It has affected the level of transactions 100% irrigation and magnetization and Humic acid fertilizer and phosphate level fertilizer 120 P ha -1 increase in available phosphorus concentration in the soil compared to the rest of the experiment transactions . In parts of the plant affected the treatment of magnetization in increasing the concentration of phosphorus in the root and did not affect significantly in other parts of the plant ( the vegetative and fruit ), and led all of the c

treated manure Humic acid and the level of phosphate fertilizer 120 kg P ha


to increase the concentration of phosphorus in the root and





6- The results of the experiment showed no significant difference to the experience in transactions increase the concentration of boron in parts of the plant . 7- The results indicate that treatment of magnetization and Humic acid fertilizer and irrigation level of 100 % led to a reduction in the concentration of salts in the soil as it significantly outperformed compared to the treatment of non - magnetized remnants of cattle manure and irrigation level of 75%. 8- Showed values of winning transactions experience as the best quantitative holds a record in the level of irrigation 100% and that the rate of output 21.163 tons ha


compared to the level of irrigation 75% ,

which amounted to a contagious output 18.938 tons ha -1 , and reached the highest rate of production in the treatment of Humic acid 21.129 tons ha 1

for two analogy rate of 19.971 tons ha


of cows reused and two

locations, and the results showed that the best rate of production at the treatment of 120 kg P ha


, which amounted to 24.925 tons. ha

compared with a rate of 13.469 and 21.756 tons ha



for the treatment of

the level of phosphate fertilizer (zero and 60 kg P ha -1) , respectively. The results indicate the existence of moral superiority for the treatment of magnetization and Humic acid fertilizer to increase the efficiency of water consumption values and both sites compared to the treatment of non - magnetized and remnants of cows and manure , respectively.
