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of analysis of the novel «The Helmet of Horror» by ictor Pelevin. The author ocuses attention on in tertextuality as one o the basic rinci les o  ...

SUMMARY APPOEV A. K. Verbalization of Life Experience оf Society in Paremien. Tthe article features paremiological statements that constitute a relatively independent stratum of linguistic expressions. The proverbial can get into the mindset of other people, to understand to some extent the originality of his thought, to understand his character in the historical development. Keywords: Karachay-Balkar language, linguistics, paremi, the national language picture of the world. BAYMANOV Kh. A. Classification of German Desubstantive Adjectives with the Meaning of a Person’s Characteristics. German desubstantive adjective with the meaning of a person’s characteristics was researched in the article. The method of word forming means used for forming desubstantive adjectives characterizing a per� son was determined, a person, lexical and semantic groups characteristics (LSG) of basis were also distinguished. It was noted that main specific peculiarities of adjectives are not only in sphere of syntax but also in sphere of semantics and pragmatics. Keywords: adjective, adjectives with the meaning for a person’s characteristics, desubstantive ad� jectives, specific peculiarities of adjectives. BENT M. M. The Metaphoric Embodiment of the Death and Immortality Theme in T. S. Eliot’s ‘Poems’. The article dwells upon two of T. S. Eliot’s poems ‘Gerontion’ and ‘Whispers of Immortality’. The metaphors in these poems are linked to the death and immortality theme, reflect the ‘dissociation of sensibility’ and are based on literary allusions from other ages. Keywords: metaphor, literary allusions, death and immortality theme, problem of growing old, ‘dis� sociation of sensibility’. BORISOVA V. V. The Еmblematic Сode of Вrief Рrose by F. M. Dostoevsky. In this article the interpretation code of brief prose from «Writer`diary» by Dostoevsky F.M. is pre� sented by means of reconstruction of emblematic structure, thus the address to it helps to comprehension of author’s idea. This code concluded elements such as: the title-emblem` name, which is expressed by means of any key-word, word’s image and an interpretation as final. Keywords: Dostoevsky, Writer’s diary, brief prose, interpretation, ekphasis, emblem. CHEREMNYH K. G. Investigation of the Рroperties of Еveryday Мetalinguistic Аwareness as a Schoolboy Methodological Device in the Study of Discourse Semantics of Lexical Items (for example, the study of the semantics of the lexeme «сам «). This paper is devoted to the study of everyday metalinguistic awareness of the student as a method study the semantics of discourse elements. Summarizing the findings, it must be said that an appeal to metalinguistic consciousness of students at secondary level in the study of lexical semantics, discourse elements can be quite productive. As an effective technique metologicheskim, it allows you to see some of the psychological characteristics of students, while highlighting a number of issues related to the se� mantics of the lexical elements of discourse, in this case, the token “very”. First of all, so it is possible to identify the nuclear value of the token, and secondly, to determine the degree of connectedness with the context of a token value, thirdly, allows you to see the degree of awareness of the choice of language in high school instrumentals, which he actively uses in his verbal practice. Keywords: method, semantics, discourse elements. CONFEDERAT O. V. Cinemagraph: Aesthetic Prospects. Article investigates the esthetic bases of cinemagraph as a new digital technology of creation of visual images. Possibilities of the analysis and an estimation of this phenomenon are considered in conformity of rules, accepted in a classical aesthetics. On the basis of definition of own esthetic nature

172 of cinemagraph the author defines the possible rules of the art criticism analysis considering this nature. Keywords: gif-animation, cinemagraph, movement, statics, photo, cinema, dialectic unity of an ar� tistic image. DANILENKO N. B. Structural Features of Concept. The article is aimed to study the structural features of concept. In order to analyze the peculiarities deeper such notions as concept, scientific concept and word meaning are considered in the article. In addition, different points of view on the subject are presented here. Keywords: scientific concept, concept, word meaning, image, information content, interpretation field, denotative component. DENISOVA V. L. Linguistic Situation оf Chinese Diaspora in Australia Based on the Results of Sociolinguistic Research. The article describes the results of sociolinguistic research with purpose to determine special features of the linguistic situation of the Chinese Diaspora in Australia, and identify the dominant idiom used by Chinese immigrants during the process of communication. Keywords: linguistic situation, Chinese Diaspora, idioms. FANAKOVA L. V. Familiar Style ���������������������������������������������������� о��������������������������������������������������� f Communication а���������������������������������� ����������������������������������� s а������������������������������� �������������������������������� Specific Communicative Phenomenon. The specific peculiarities of the familiar style of communication, the factors that influence its func� tioning, the relevant pragmatic characteristics of the communicants are presented and considered in the article. Keywords: familiarity, style of communication, speech etiquette, pragmatic components of the com� municative process, pragmatically relevant characteristics of the communicants. FATEEVA I. A. Journalism and Mass Communications in the Light of the Problems of Media Safety of Personality. The article raises the problem of modern media safety of children, including those in the Chelyabinsk region, and lists the attempts to solve both theoretical and practical terms. The article is relevant in con� nection with the imminent entry into force of the Federal Law “On protection of children from informa� tion harmful to their health and development.” Keywords: media safety, journalism, media, education, media education, media enlightment. GAZIZULINA L. R. The Symmetry and Asymmetry of the Basal Layer of the Variants of Concepts НАСИЛИЕ and VIOLENCE. The article is based on the results of the associative experiment carried out with the participation of Russian and American informants as native speakers. The aim of the work is to synthesize the basal lay� ers of the variants of concepts НАСИЛИЕ and VIOLENCE in Russian and American conceptospheres, to compare and analyze them and reveal the symmetry and asymmetry in them. Keywords: concept, associative experiment, basal layer, symmetry, asymmetry. GOLOVANOVA E. I., POTAPCHUK M. A. “For Myself а�������������������������������� ��������������������������������� nd for the Guy…”: Mental Projection of the Great Patriotic War in Winged Words and Expressions. Article is devoted to the peculiarities of representation of the great patriotic war in winged words and expressions, ascending to the song texts of the war years and post-war era. Cruise units are combined into three groups based on the reflection of the base for the Russian mentality ideas actualized in the war years. Keywords: winged words and expressions, song text, the great patriotic war, mental image, associa� tive number. GURINA N. E. Music as «Тuning Fork» of the Novel «Passing Shadow» by I. Polyanskaya. The article presents music as a characteristic feature of the novel «Passing Shadow» by I.Polyanskaya. Keywords: music, novel, intertextual links, «female» prose, history, art.

173 IVANASHKO Y. P. The Dependence of Stressed Vowels on the Stress Type and the Position in Syntagma. The article presents the results of instrumental analysis of British stressed vowels. The vowels con� cerned have syntagmatic and word stress. The results show the dependence of vowels’ length on stress type and the position in syntagma. Keywords: prosodic stress, syntagma, word stress, syntagmatic stress, emphatic stress, accentual type of the word, inherent vowel length, speed of utterance, melody. KABAKOVA S. A. M. A. Bulgakov and V. M. Shukshin: Dialogue about Truth in the Russian Literature of the middle of the XX-th century. The article is devoted to V.M. Shukshin, M.A. Bulgakov’s dialogue about truth in Russian literature of the middle of the twentieth century. Two writers show in their works as deception rapidly absorbs people and becomes the norm of their life. The Masters of speech defend truth as one of the highest values in the world. Keywords: V. M. Shukshin, M. A. Bulgakov, truth, «Тhe Master and Margarita», «I came to give you will», «Red Snowball Tree», lie. KAMENEVA V. A. English Inclusions in the Chinese and Thai Texts, Accompanying Foodstuffs and Manufactured Goods, Their Functional Features. The classification of the information, coded in English and presented in the Chinese and Thai texts, accompanying foodstuffs and manufactured goods, is given in this article. The functions of the English inclusions are viewed and analyzed. Keywords: advertisement, English inclusions, globalization. MEDVEDEVA I. A. Ways to Сreation of Image of «I» in Virtual Discourse. The research work is devoted to verbal self-presentation in a virtual discourse on the example of blogs and social networks. The paper detected and described a scenario and typical speech formulas of self-serve users. Keywords: virtual discourse, self-presentation, verbal formula. MELNIK N. V. Derivational Interpretation оf the Different Types of Secondary Texts. The article presents derivational interpretation of the different types of secondary texts and an at� tempt to typify them in accordance with three language sign types: formal, semantic and functional. Keywords: derivation, text derivatology, secondary text. MUSTAFINA A. R. Illocutionary Types of English Proverbs with Syntactic Compression Representing Model X A, Y A. The article deals with the analysis of illocutionary types of English proverbs with syntactic compres� sion representing the model x a, y a. The author considers notions connected with language compres� sion, reveals various illocutionary types of the proverbs depending on the context and positive or nega� tive evaluation, points out implicit condition in such proverbs and divides the illocutionary types into those expressed by logical notions and speech acts of ethic and evaluative nature Keywords: speech economy, syntactic compression, illocutionary types, the role of context and posi� tive or negative evaluation, implicit condition. OMELCHENKO E. V. Fascinating Means of Speech Influence in Socratic Dialogue. The author describes fascinating means of speech influence, extracted and proved by practice in the course of linguistics of university. Fascinating means are compared with means of Socratic dialogues. The universality of these means in different types of discourses and communication is justified. Keywords: Socratic dialogues, fascinating means and methods, dialogue, independent creative search of the truth.

174 PALVANOVA M. P. Compound Nominatives on the Base of Personal Nouns in Literary Texts of N. S. Leskov. The given article deals with determining structure, semantics and function of compound nomination on base of personal nouns, their role of usage in literary texts of Leskov, N. S. Keywords: Literary text, noun, onomasiological category, compound nomination, derivative analy� sis, nominative list. PETRUNINA  S.  P. The Word To аs а Structural Element оf Equipotent аnd Dominational Conjunctions in Siberian Dialects. The paper deals with the analysis of the word to in siberian dialects. The analysed word is considered as a structural element of the various types of equipotent and dominational conjunctions: single / recur� rent / conjoint, simple / compound, semantic / asemantic. Keywords: siberian dialects, equipotent and dominational conjunctions, single / recurrent / conjoint conjunctions, simple / compound conjunctions, semantic / asemantic conjunctions. RAMAZANOVA G. G. A Literary Dialog of a «Black» and a «White» Man (on One Publication of the «The Moscow Observer» Magazine). Fiction works of three authors, who worked in the thirties of the XIX century, – N. V.  Gogol, N. F. Pavlov and P. I. Sumarokov, are observed in the article. The author proves that these works are closely related and distinct reminiscences, general methods of the text construction and irony that is encoded in the subtext demonstrate that. Keywords: a fiction story, Gogol’s, Pavlov’s, Sumarokov’s work, Russian prose of the thirties of the XIX century. RASPOPOVA S. S. Author оf Multimedia Text. The article reveals new aspects of the character and the author of the journalistic texts (media texts) in the active transformation of modern multimedia space. Keywords: media, mass communications, mediatext, author, creative thinking, visualization, per� sonalization, communication. SERDOBINTSEVA E. A. Revealing of the Аuthor‘s Interpretation of an Antique Myth at the Analysis of «The Helmet of Horror» by Victor Pelevin. The article is devoted to the revealing of author’s interpretation of an antique myth in the process of analysis of the novel «The Helmet of Horror» by Victor Pelevin. The author focuses attention on in� tertextuality as one of the basic principles of postmodernism in works of contemporary Russian writer Victor Pelevin. Keywords: myth, interpretation, intertextuality, postmodernist product, text, analysis, postmodern� ism. SHAFIKOV S. G., VARUKHA I. V. Semantic Structure of Predicates Denoting “Fear” in the English, Russian and French Languages. The article deals with the semantic analysis of the predicates denoting “fear” in the English, Russian and French languages using the component method. The typological comparison of the obtained results is conducted to establish isomorphic and allomorphic features of the lexico-semantic structures of the languages compared. Keywords: semantic field, seme, semantic component, method of component analysis. SHAPOVALOVA T. A. Behind the Positive Image of Tolerance. The article reviews negative characteristics of tolerance which contribute to its manipulative potential. Despite its overall positive image, tolerance can be described as having ambiguous and paradoxical nature. Therefore, the author analyses the extent to which tolerance correlates with such notions as manipulation, disinformation, hidden aggression, indifference, doublespeak, insincerity, illusory solution to a problem. Keywords: tolerance, manipulation, hidden aggression, doublespeak, disinformation, political cor� rectness.

175 SHVAIKO I. V. Semantic а������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������� nd Syntactic Principle о������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� f Classification �������������������������� о������������������������� f Negative Sentences (Typological Aspect). This article deals with the semantic and syntactic approach to the classification of negative sentences. It presents a critical analysis of the traditional theory of the so-called “general and special,” negation. It studies a more general classification of negative sentences, based on formal and semantic criteria. Furthermore it investigates the degree of applicability of the above mentioned typology to the modern English system of syntax. Keywords: negation category, negative element (Neg-element), generally / specially negative sen� tence (negation comprises the whole meaning of a sentence / negation refers to certain constituents of a sentence), generalizing negation, negative / positive generalizing sentence member, generalized / non� generalized negation, verbal / nominal negation, semantic and syntactic classification. SINYOV A. D. The Notion of a Prosodic Determinant in the Framework of the System and Structure Approach. There it notes the basic role of the principle of integrity defined as a prosodic system integrity which is one of the most important theses used in any linguistic research conducted in the framework of the system and structure approach. There is also studied the evolution of the notion of a prosodic determi� nant which is considered from the viewpoint of the system approach. The discussed notion is regarded as a common synthesizing principle of a language substance and a decisive parameter of a language system. Keywords: system approach, principle of integrity, prosodic determinant, minimum prosodeme, lan� guage prosodic level. TAYUPOVA O. I., ZHABBAROVA F. U. Lexical and Grammatical Means ������������������� о������������������ f Cohesion in Popular Scientific Texts. The article examines and analyses lexical and morphological means of modern German language employed in popular scientific texts to embody the category of cohesion. The mentioned language means are grouped into the normative chains with components possessing both left-side and right-side directivity. The article differentiates the notions of cohesion and coherence in the discourse of popular science. It proves necessity to study the use of cohesion in relation to a specific type of text. Keywords: category of cohesion, scientific discourse, popular science article, cohesion, coherence, nominative chains. TIKHOMIROVА L. S. Formation оf Illusory Consciousness in the Scientific Text. In the article intrinsic characteristics of a phenomenon of illusory consciousness in the scientific text are defined. The integrative approach to illusiveness of knowledge in the scientific text reflects all complexity of the lexic-semantic analysis of language units. There are analyzed intertextual ways of expression of illusory knowledge in the scientific text. Keywords: the scientific text, intertextuality, illusory consciousness. TOIROVA N.I. The Symbol of the Mirror in Uzbek Folklore and Alisher Navoi`s Works. This article is devoted to the problem of such symbol as mirror. I������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� n this article the symbol of the mir� ror was considered with ideological and aesthetic meaning. Also the article deals with the usage of the mirror in Uzbek folk songs and its influence on Alisher Navoi`s works. The author confirmed that using symbols of mirror helped Navoi to strengthen inner world description of his characters and it is used to add depth to his stories and theme. The symbol of the mirror was used by Navoi as a psychological symbol which represented national and religious attitudes of his age. Keywords: symbol, mirror, inner world, reflection of the soul, Navoi, ritual, magic powers. URAZMETOVA A. V. Image of London in Р������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� hraseological Units, Proverbs, Sayings and Quotations. This article is devoted to the investigation of the image of London, depicted in phraseological units and quotations of the English language. The following peculiarities of the city are reflected in the ana� lyzed units: physiographic (climatic, natural, demographic), historical facts of its development and par�

176 ticular qualities of the Londoner’s character. We carry out semantic, liguocultural and statistic analysis of the units concerned. Keywords: London, phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, quotations, Englishmen. Londoners. VALEEV G. К., SHESTAKOVA К. S. The Сode of Russian Сulture and the Рroblem of Lexical Loan Process in the Languge. The principle of the cultural orientation of the ethnos is proposed to serve the basic criteria of the lexical loan process. These criteria are more effective in the period of the written language. The cultural orientation of the Russian people is formed with the acceptance of Christianity, with the origin and de� velopment of writing. The code of Russian culture defines the only possibility for the language to make lexical loans from the paradigm of the languages of those peoples who profess Christianity. The choice of the “cultural” peoples is determined by the history and it is dynamic. All other lexical loans have a shade of being “alien” and are being constantly reversed. Keywords: lexical loan, criteria of lexical loan, written and oral loans, code of Russian culture. YAKOVLEVA A. R. The Processes оf Allophronization in the Language оf Russian аnd English Press. The article deals with the description procedure of language contradictions in terms of the notion “al� lophrony”. This procedure allows resolving contradictions that take place in the language of Russian and English press. Under this approach a logical contradiction in a language is regarded not as a deviation but as a basic linguistic category that reveals a language in the new aspect. Keywords: logical contradiction, allophrony, functional description of a language, linguistic and extralinguistic bases of contradictions. YUNUSOVA F. B. The Variety of the Compositions of the Character Sketches. The article deals with the means the authors use to build up a composition of the character sketch in order to achieve a certain aim. The sketches by R. Sultangareeva, G. Davletov, M. Kutlugalyamov, Z. Biisheva, and other writers are analyzed as an example. Keywords: the Bashkir literature, publicism, genre, sketch, composition. ZYKHOVSKAJA N. L. Evolution оf Olfaction оf “Paradise’ World” in Russian Fiction of 18th Century. The article is devoted to poetics of olfaction in 18th century. The author finds the main change of this topic from its appearance to the end of the 18th century. Keywords: olfaction, description of paradise in a literature, Russian fiction of 18th century.