For more information about the LHCF or the Bass Tournament, visit: www. or Bass Tournament. Funds
A publication of Cross Roads House, Inc., an emergency and transitional shelter. Portsmouth, NH
Summer 2010
RAPID RE-HOUSING PROGRAM PROVIDES NEW OPPORTUNITIES “I’m grateful that Cross Roads House was there when my family needed a place to go." Sitting in their new apartment, Danielle and John both expressed appreciation for the help they received from Cross Roads House. “I’m grateful that Cross Roads House was there when my family needed a place to go. The Rapid Re-Housing Program helped us a lot. It’s a great program,” explained Danielle. John added, “Cross Roads House is a place for new beginnings; a place to start over.” As first reported in our last newsletter, we have launched a new pilot program for homeless families and individuals. Our Rapid Re-Housing program began in early 2010 and subsidizes rent in private apartments rather than place people in a shelter for several months. We have hired a Case Manager, Nancy West, who provides crucial support and services by visiting program participants in their homes. Nancy helps people secure an apartment, get moved in, and prepares them for self-sufficiency after their rental subsidies end. This program, funded by federal stimulus funds, is only available to a small number of people who have become homeless for
primarily financial reasons, and who will be able to support themselves after the brief subsidy. To date, ten families have been placed in apartments. For Danielle, John, Victoria (2 years old), and D.J. (10 months old) it’s the first time -ever- they’ve had their own apartment. Previously, housing for the family had been unstable and this program has provided an opportunity to improve their situation. They are very appreciative of the support of their Case Manager who keeps in regular contact with them. Danielle and John are making efforts to save money now in preparation for when their rental subsidy ends. They are learning to budget their resources and Danielle is pursuing job training and employment opportunities. The lack of privacy was tough for the family while they lived at the shelter. Now they are enjoying the peace and quiet of their own home. Danielle noted, “I’m happy now and contented.”
Bass Tournament Funds Childcare and Career Training The Little Harbor Charitable Foundation (LHCF) has selected Cross Roads House as one of its 2010 beneficiaries. The foundation, chaired by Paul Holloway, supports programs and projects that benefit children and youth in the New Hampshire Seacoast Region. The fundraising vehicle for the LHCF is the Wentworth Marina Striped Bass Tournament for Kids. The event, chaired by Anna Grace Holloway, was held on June 13th and two of our resident kids were invited to participate. The proceeds from the tournament will address the needs of resident children by providing funding for safe, appropriate childcare services. In addition it will fund career training opportunities and tuition for parents in order to move the family more quickly toward independent, sustainable living. For more information about the LHCF or the Bass Tournament, visit: or
Paul & Anna Grace Holloway with Kaylin, a tournament participant.
Summer 2010
Mission Statement At Cross Roads House:
From The Executive Director Dear Friends,
We protect men, women and children of the Greater Seacoast area experiencing homelessness from exposure and hunger.
It’s hard to believe that eight months have already passed since we moved into our new shelter building. We are still “breaking it We provide secure, transitional shelter in,” but thus far it’s doing everything that for those seeking to break the cycle of we had hoped. Our beds are still full, but homelessness. residents enjoy safer, healthier and more We support individuals and families by dignified living spaces. Volunteers love providing them with the opportunity to move with dignity and purpose to stable and working in the new kitchen. As noted on the back page, numerous program improvedecent housing. ments are already taking place. Overall, Board of Directors the atmosphere is more healthy and positive than ever before, thanks to our new Lex Scourby, President surroundings. David Van Patten, Vice President If you’ve driven by recently you may have Joe St. Martin, Treasurer noticed the new paving and landscaping. Suzanne Bresette, Secretary These represent the end of Phase I of our Michael Adams overall campaign. The project will finish Michael Bean under budget, and received PlanNH’s Award Denis Dillon of Merit for Excellence, as a “dignified and Kathryn Drew supportive environment for people in need Wes Gardner Richard Hayden Vivan Martindale Jim McCarthy Jose Roy Dedicated, compassionate, and generous; Partner Agencies these words best describe volunteers Kristen Sturgeon and Mary Shortridge who have Offering On-Site been volunteering at Cross Roads House for Services many years. Both women became involved through a partnership between the shelter Alcoholics Anonymous and The Timberland Children’s Center Child and Family Services (Bright Horizons). They provide child care Exeter Adult Education for children at the shelter while their parFamilies First's Health & Support Center ents attend mandatory meetings with their & Health Care for the Homeless case manager once or twice a month. In Narcotics Anonymous addition, they help out during the holidays Operation Frontline by organizing our children’s Christmas party Seacoast Mental Health Center and gift drives.
[and an] excellent example of community collaboration.” Phase II is the renovation of the remaining white building, which is now nearly vacant in preparation for the project. Renovations will create additional transitional shelter units for families, and improve the safety and efficiency of the building. Design work is underway, and we hope to begin the work later this year. We have secured most, but not all, of the funding required, thanks to generous Community Development Block Grants from the cities of Portsmouth, Dover, and Rochester, and the State of New Hampshire. If you haven’t already, please come by for a tour, and see what your support is doing for the homeless families and individuals in our community. Chris Sterndale Executive Director
Volunteer Spotlight
Kristen explains, “I love working with the children. It's so rewarding knowing that I
am helping children and families who need it the most. I feel honored how parents seem to really appreciate what we do. The best part for me is the look on their faces as they are genuinely excited to see me and to be able to play in the children's room.” Mary adds, “Taking care of and playing with the children at Cross Roads House gives me a sense of being able to give back a little to the community - really I wish I could do more for them!"
Summer 2010
Thank you for your support! On May 8, 2010 Cross Roads House raised $150,000 at its annual Benefit by the Sea fundraiser. While we are still working on the final stages of our capital campaign, these funds will provide critical operating revenue for the shelter. We are very grateful to all the sponsors and donors listed below who attended our event and made pledges of support.
2010 Sponsors Platinum
Cross Roads House would like to extend a very special thank you to the following contributors to this event.
The Flower Kiosk
Please visit visit our to view more event photos or learn more about Cross Please our website to view more event photos or learn more Roads about House. Crossroads.
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 161 Portsmouth, NH 03801 Cross Roads House, Inc. 600 Lafayette Road Portsmouth, NH 03801-5435 603.436.2218
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New Programs at Cross Roads House
Our new facility is providing space to offer a series of new programs in collaboration with other agencies:
• Southern NH Services, Inc., Community Action in Hillsborough County and Cross Roads House will be serving breakfast and lunch to the children residing at the shelter during the summer months. The Summer Food Service Program is a USDA federally funded program that provides healthy meals to low-income children.
• Operation Frontline (OFL) is a national cooking-based nutrition and financial planning program created by Share Our Strength. The program targets families who are at risk of hunger and malnutrition because of inadequate income.
• One Sky, Families First, Ritchie McFarland Children’s Center and Cross Roads House will be joining together to offer parent-child playtime sessions and parent education and support groups at the shelter.
• CAMPS! Our resident children are attending the following camps this summer: Camp Gundalow, New Heights and the Mayhew Program.
•More healthcare visits to the shelter. A nurse from Families First’s Health & Support Center’s Healthcare for the Homeless program will be on site three days a week.
• New Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings have been added to the Cross Roads House line up.